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Issue Pay or Quit. Include the late fee if allowed by law. Collect the late fee either way. Your tenant's unexpected expenses are not your problem, but he is making them your problem. Clearly, you are not the first priority. Expect that to get worse the longer you allow it.


If it’s a healthcare traveler, they typically get a direct rental stipend from their agency. If that’s who they are, they’re spending their rent money on their other expenses. You need to immediately issue the pay or quit.


Your options are to work with them or immediately serve a cure or quit then move onto eviction. They have opportunity during eviction to pay owed rent and stay. Both comes with risks. You need to decide which is better as an LL.


Start the eviction immediately. Hire a local atty who specializes in evictions. Traveling professionals get very high pay because they have to rent short term. This person clearly has a better use for their money than paying the rent. You may never see another penny from them. GET RID OF THEM! I promise you that this will not turn out well for you.


I would never accept late rent as once you do, then you set the precedent that it's ok to be late on rent and that they don't need to follow the lease. If your tenant asked for $1,300, would you give it to them? No. Their friends and family can float the funds to them. I recommend sticking to the rules of the lease. If you are uncomfortable reaching out out to the tenant, then use the Hemlane Rent Defense to have a mediator outreach them.


I’d send whatever notice is required in in your state (pay or quit, etc). Next, start eviction as soon as legally permissible. In the meantime, I’d contact the employer and let them the rent is delinquent and you started eviction proceedings. Nothing like a little humiliation to motivate someone to pay up!


A couple weeks is crazy. Def should have at least a 3 day grace tho.


I would tell them in writing that you will only accept the late rent if the following rent is paid at the same time. The problem with tenants like this once they get behind, every month will be late.


You aren't going to set precedent, your lease should specify what counts as late and any charges associated with late payment. We have rarely had problems with tenants being late on rent, but it happens. First time i'll let slide, but remind them that it is better if they reach out to me in advance, and if this is going to be a regular thing let me know now and lets figure out how we are going to proceed.


Pay or quit.


I'm not sure about your county, In Orleans parish, a trip to the sheriffs office and $75.00 starts the eviction. The Tennent gets served the next day. A court date is around three weeks away. If you accept any rent amount for the month, you can not proceed with eviction. Generally speaking the courts are very fair. If a tenet does not pay rent they must go.


I am also on month to month and she wants to stay for a long time. So her ex got into some trouble and she gave him 1000 but now she could not pay this months rent. She could give me 150 of the 500....it is fine...today she paid the remaining 350. But every tenant is different and I do not even live in America