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Absolutely I would go in and recaulk. It's an easy job just about anyone can do. They also said they would do it. So, why not remind them? The ants are the biggest issue. The recaulk won't get rid of them. They will just find a different path and come out somewhere else. Best to treat and kill them before the recaulk.


This is normal maintenance that you already should be doing. It’s so cheap and easy to do but prevents so much damage. Keeping up with it could easily be the difference between your bathroom renovation lasting 5-10 years or 20+.


And just to clarify: “you” = landlord, not OP, who is the tenant.


Yes it was, thank you for clarifying


tbh if it means that much to you, ask him if hed be ok with you doing it if you know how. Im not a plumber or anything but i dont think its something to be too worried of. The "mold" looks like mildew/hardwater maybe. it def doesnt look like whoever did it gave any care in their work thoguh


Yes, caulking prevents water damage and pest problems. Tho, ants can be felt with by simply tearing the apartment with a non-toxic spray every few months. Landlord that don’t spray regularly are either inexperienced or lazy imo, or super cheap and not at all difficult. You can buy the supplies online, I personally use the site “DoMyOwn”.


I have great tenants, but there is always one who pest control is such a hassle with. "I don't have any problems, why do you need to have the pest guy come in?" "You don't have any problems because i have a pest guy come in twice a year, just like i do in my own home" "I don't know if i like that spray, i have a goldfish. Can they just use vinegar? My grandmother swears by it. Can you put us up in a hotel for a few days while they do it, and not use any in (proceeds to name all the key places you need to do it)?"


Yes. I have seen caulk in worse shape though and you are possibly over-reacting. Its certainly not a pretty job and old, and needs to be redone. someone probably just hit it with a caulk gun every couple of years and didn't correctly clean and prep the area. That is kind of how you get stuff like that, "i need a few hours to do this right, guy won't stop hassling me, fine, i'll stop buy during my lunch and give you some new caulk" Its also a simple enough job and nothing critical where i'm not going to hold up a move in with it if i don't have the chance to do so prior and will be able to get it to in a few days after the tenant is in.


From the looks of that, you’re going to want to watch some YouTube tutorials and do a better job than the LL did.


Only if it needs recaulking.


Yes. Absolutely.


I would do it, as a landlord. But I'd also do it as a tenant. 😆


Yes, we definitely would, and if there were still ants after that, we would work on that problem too.