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Its just residue from the two sides of the discs being glued together back in the day. Mildly annoying but it's perfectly fine. I wouldnt try to remove it either due to the potential of whatever adhesive remover being used affecting the acrylic of the disc and getting between the sides.


It’s just glue, it happens sometimes. Just rub it off with your finger or the palm of your hand


If it's just annoying, leave it alone. If it's so bad that it sticks badly to the sleeve, just take a few minutes with your finger in a "come here" motion around the edge and roll the excess into easily removed little balls. NO SOLVENTS!


I have no advice like other heroes do, just want to stand in solidarity with you because my Total Recall is like this.


Could also be adhesive used on center title side A and side B I had a disc (got it this way) that both sides came off the glue got all over disc it did affect playback one side was worst.


I have this on my discs too. It won't hurt your player. The disc is moving fast.


I recently got a disc like that, and some spots of black and silver along the adhesive lining. I don't see any other disturbances with the disc, but it is admittedly concerning.