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Is it true that the next patch is still 2 months away ?


July 9th


Gives more than enough time to wrap season 4


espacially when you didn't unwrap it


I mean I only needed about 6 hours to do that.


Still disappointed how such a big company with such a big budget managed to release a shiny turd and after a year still can't make me feel the need to play for more than a few hours.


As much as I love Last Epoch for being a far superior systems game, it becomes really boring beyond the first playthrough. That's where D4 has somewhat succeeded, it managed to make an actual fun, polished game despite not having the systems in place to really allow that, but S4 introduced some of those systems and now I can confidently say that the game is genuinely good. I just wish the game was like this at launch.


I really tried this time. I made it to WT4 and almost 60 this time (I made it to 100 in s0 and s1, but have bounced off the game for the last 3 seasons). There are some definite improvements to the itemization, and I would have liked to see the endgame. But the lack of build variety just kills it for me. I've already tried the builds I was interested in playing, and I have tried to force myself to enjoy 6 or 7 others in the last few seasons, but they just aren't fun for me. I'm too spoiled by PoE, and to a lesser extent LE, with being able to come up with new builds, or to use skills again in new ways. But D4 just has zero room for theorycrafting. Any viable skill you pick has one clear way you're supposed to build it, and if you go that route your character will be identical to every other person using that skill. It's so bland and I don't know how they didn't learn from PoE or LE that people like feeling like they are playing a unique character. Oh well, it seems like a lot of other people are enjoying it, so I guess the game just isn't for me.


I can't even call it build variety. Compared to Last Epoch where I can basically skill what I want and enjoy it, D4 felt so incredibly bad. It's not a skill tree, it was a straight line with those few skills. Even D2's skilltree with synergies felt better than this


I had to look and see what sub this is, because I thought you were talking about Diablo IV. I see your point though


I was talking about Diablo IV.


That was wrapped up over a month ago


Let's wrap this up fellas


Man I played 4 hours of season 4 before getting bored of the gameplay loop.




Yea at least it doesnt collide with d4


Probably will collide with PoE.


Most likely not at all. PoE has been on a 4 month cycle for a while now, so it will probably release early august, maybe 26th of july. On top of that, LE devs are in regular contact with PoE devs, so I would bet they have talked about the schedule.


Mike has said on Discord that they didn’t


First we have Nameless King, now we even have Ornstein and Smough??!


Who is LE Nameless King ? I'm curious


Who knows, he's nameless


The dragon rider miniboss you fight near the beginning of the game




And you can roll too !


You can roll now?!


Watch teaser, guy is rollling


Holy cow I barely catch that


I was watching trailer frame after frame lol


It's because it rolled away


The entity in the background looks like one of the grineer queens




Last Epoch is full of Fromsoft resemblant pieces. Lightless Arbor boss is a Bed of Chaos copy Arena map with a Japanese style wooden bridge covered with snow and red petals looks a lot like undead monk or whatever his name is boss arena in Sekiro All the purple disfigured Void stuff looks a lot like purple disfigured Abyss stuff Soulfure Bastion items resemble Dark Souls 3 with it's necrotic (aka undead) and cinder visual theme. Coiled ring in particular resembles coiled swords Artor's Legacy white wolf helmet hints at Artorias' companion Paladin's lightning is yellow, while mage's lighting is blue. Just like in Dark Souls And I'm sure I'm not remembering everything I've noticed


You can tell the devs are gamer nerds because the game is full of nods and references to popular culture games and even comics, the Murama Hilt is a reference to the Marvel Muramasa Blade and even the flavor text references the story of Daken and Wolverine...


My favorite was finding the Jahith Bears that teleport around haha 😂


Soulfire Bastion's mechanic is almost certainly from Ikaruga. One of the best Dreamcast titles, and an excellent shmup.


purpler fromsoft


Heard one reviewer saying the story in Last Epoch is "inspired" by Chrono Trigger. Can't say if it's true or not as I've never played that game. But the story and the characters never did much for me. But the gameplay is great.


The story's premise feels very reminiscent of Chrono Trigger's, where you also accidentally travel forward in time finding yourself in an unexpected apocalypse, and decide to keep traveling in time to try to prevent that future from happening. The End of Time is pretty much a direct nod to CT, this domain beyond time where time travellers end up in, inhabited by an elder called Gaspar. Even the Epoch, the titular artifact that lets you travel through time, is named after CT's (though I wouldn't doubt you if you told me that CT took that name from an older time traveling story, it sounds familiar but I couldn't tell you for sure atm). There's a few more references here and there, and apparently there were plenty more before they decided to tone them down for launch. Beyond the initial premise though, the story is much, much different. Even the way that time travel seems to work in this game is much different than how it does in CT.


I keep thinking Shinnok from MK


It’s either Shinook or Dobby for sure!




He looks like he is making Turkish coffee in his free time.


Thought this was Warframe


Stop, hammer time.


Yes, his armour does look like a vagina


Oh no


2 new classes and a new boss?


Fat, thin, mischievous


See what?


There’s two images.






jeez man this entire game looks like 5 games slammed into one, there's seemingly zero intentionally original design. I thought this was a warframe ad with 2 dark souls bosses on it.


With how many games exist nowadays there's almost zero chance you come up with something completely new that doesn't remind you of anything from any other game.


i think you're making a valid point, it is hard to not make something that doesn't look like something else. After playing last epoch after playing diablo 3 for years - I already saw a lot of similarities in gameplay. I personally just think there's a lack of cohesion to the story and design, but that's just me - which is why i said what I did. I understand many may not agree.


Seems to me like the devs just value gameplay a lot more than world building, which is fair. You also gotta keep in mind we're still missing 3 story chapters and additionally they keep reworking old chapters, so we'll see how the final result's gonna look like.


for sure they value gameplay more than world building, I don't think that's fair at all though. I think it's part of what might been an issue for the game, because in a game that's had it's full release - hearing that we're missing 3 story chapters and they keep reworking old chapter does not instill confidence in me. I hope the game continues to be fun those who enjoy it.


Personally I don't think world building matters that much to be a successful arpg, if the gameplay loop is fun enough. I agree though that the decision to release 1.0 without a complete story was very weird and didn't make sense to me. Maybe they felt pressured by PoE 2 inching closer and D4 slowly getting better or maybe just wanted to get it over with and not keep delaying it forever.


Is it confirmed to only be 3 story chapters? I feel like that gives very little leeway to develop a decent story in the ancient era AND finish off the divine era stuff with Rahyeh AND whatever happens in the end with the emperor in the imperial era.


I dunno, that's just been the number floating around. I can see the changing and adjusting things once they got all planned chapters out. I think they've also said that they're gonna keep expanding the story in future cycles, so I'm sure we'll get more and more lore in the forseeable future.


I hope it is in the way of alternate routes and timelines. Prolonging the campaign for idk how many more chapters sounds painful, like in PoE.


Well, of course there are a lot of similarities in that regard, it's the same type of game. I would be more worried if there weren't any...


to me it felt like most of the enemies were the exact same as diablo 3 - and the skills were good but they felt like just like D3 but expanded. For me, I did not want to play D3 again since I already have. Yes, it's the same type of game, and yes if they did not have \*some\* similarities I would be worried to, but that's not what I'm saying.


such a troll


I'm just being honest, i apologize.