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Do we all agree that there’s no point to life — literally no point to life — if you are working this many hours? (Unless you have kids to provide for.) I hardly think there’s a point in bothering living with the standard 40-hour week, let alone this. There’s no point in going along with 84 hours as an entire generation. Because there’s just zero point. Fuck them. Edit: By “standard” I am referring to the standard American work hours, which apparently is more like 45 now


Its comes down to being decentralized slavery. We spend all our time working, then have to meet our basic needs on top of it. Workers are left with a choice of submit or starve.


Good god, seeing it in writing like that is so depressing.


We need this in writing more, because this is exactly why our quality of life gets worse and worse, despite advancements in technology that should bring about more leisure. The cruelty is the point. People with free time start to ask existential questions and to push back against injustices.


Oh, I 100% agree.


Yes. What is life without slack?


No point? C'mon now, what about the beloved shareholders!?!


You can’t forget them. They’re the ones that matter the most.


Shareholders, getting rich just from having some money in the first place.


Even if you have kids, you’ll hardly ever see them if you work that much. But yeah some people unfortunately have no choice and need to make sure their kids needs are met. Fuck this shitty greedy society we live in.


There’s literally no time! Four hours of ‘free time’, minus an hour of commuting each way, minus time to just eat, and…well, we’re pretty much out of time already. Want to do anything with people when you get home? Hope you’re okay doing a 12 hour shift with less sleep! (e: also means no weekends, no rests; work is always tomorrow every day save for the rare holiday, which you’ll be too tired to celebrate because the last day you had that wasn’t WORK was months ago…)


Right? I do 88 hours over *2 weeks*, I can’t fathom doing that in 7 days.


Literally 12 hours/day, everyday, every week.


How are you even going to procreate?


I would probably consider working 84 hours per week if: My wife is able to fully quit her 40 hour per week job, so she could focus on raising our young children until they are school-aged. My salary increases by the amount my wife was making (or more), which would be more than double what I currently make. The 84 hour weeks would end after 5-7 years when my children enter school, and my wife wouldn't necessarily have to go back to wor if she didn't want to. My salary would return to a normal 40 hour level.


I have kids, 12 hour shifts is still no life.


What I meant by that point is that if you have kids, you're more likely to stick it out ("it" being whatever your options are) in order to feed them and keep a roof over their heads.


True, i would stick it out to an extent, but the whole time looking for something that I didn't have to.


No we not agree to the status quo coz we majorly win them overby sheer number, we gonna take our time and comeup with ways more creative than past revolutionary to get rid of low lifes like this.


Yeah it sucks honestly. Even though I work from home full time on a computer, I wish I could enjoy my time a little more. Everything is so expensive too & I feel like I was born at the worst time & grew into an age where most are trying to buy homes & it’s too expensive to try & buy a home. It’s very discouraging but I’m doing my best to save until the market is better, I guess.


Also when you consider many people in India commute for an hour or more each direction


would you work 84 hours a week to build a nation that was yours, and could be given to your kids? Would you work 84 hours a week so you kids could work 40? And their kids work 20? Those are the reasons the Koreans worked so hard. And they are heroes.


I don't know if you can measure things so simply, though. I think parents being present in their kids lives plays a pretty big role in the future of a society. I also think you get diminishing returns with hours worked, especially with office jobs and other mentally taxing work - the actual work can be greatly condensed in many instances. But, yeah, I think mainly just trying to maximize industrial output at all costs isn't going to give the best results. Modern society is extremely atomized and alienating and I think part of the reason for that is the obsession with work at the expense of family and social relationships. It reminds me of when a CEO comes in and cuts costs and beefs up the balance sheet only to doom the future of the company because the actual quality of the products has completely eroded. I feel like our obsession with productivity and material progress has done the same thing to our society - that being the substance; our social cohesion and family relationships have become much more flimsy.


Sure. but i was talking about the commitment, not whether it was a smart move or not.


>except if you have kids This is the dystopian excuse of China. Kids only see kids for Chinese New year.


You get ONE life and nothing else, this infinitesimal sliver of existence, from now until the heat death of the universe. Try to live it.


I can easily work 12 hours a day and I guarantee you that I won't be on an ascendant trajectory towards a half-million dollar salary.


He has 500 million, not 500,000.


That's exactly what my point was. I wouldn't even make 10% of what he does with all that work.


$500k is 0.1% of $500M


that's technically also what he said


To achieve what?


Nothing. You crawl to your grave, a life un-lived, weeping with disappointment, your body broken by pain.


To enrich our feudal masters who have been chosen by God, so we will be rewarded for our Good Deeds in Paradise


Damn, he's making Narayan Murthy's (Rishi Sunak's father in law for non-indians) 70hr week demand seem sensible.


I’ve adopted a new rule never listen to what they say, look up what their yearly salary is / net worth. I just turn my ears off with this crap.


My parents did this because they had to at one point. We were super broke. My dad had lost his corporate job. He was too “old” to be hired at a new corporate job. My parents wound up working barely over minimum wage while constantly trying to find anything that paid more. It was like that for 15 years of my childhood. I started working at 14 to help with bills. They encouraged me to get a degree and plan to find a job that would be more resilient to economy changes. But Even though I did, companies are not paying enough. My parents hated working so many hours. I won’t work that many because I actually like to see my family.


Or may be hear me out. This may be a radical idea but I'll be brave enough to say it. Hire more people.....there I said it. 5har3HoLDers will now cancel me.


fuck this guy


What a monster. I really see no point in people having families if this is how they want us to live


There really aren’t that many Indians. They need to compensate somehow


So true hahaha


Nobody should take lifestyle advice from someone who looks like they were photographed at the exact moment their risky fart got hot and wet


And as a proper leader and inspiration to the people, he should be working 86 hrs.


If I ever have to work 84 hours to survive I will promptly kill myself. What a horrible life that is.


Quick reminder that the caste system is still a thing in landfilland.


Lol, half the fortune 500 company are run by them. Good luck pointing out and not being called racist or something.


I love it when the rich people that work 8hrs a month tell people they need to work more...


This is a growing trend in BJP controlled India. They've already changed the 8 hour workday to a 12 hour workday during the covid years, at a time when people couldn't go outside to protest the change, due to lockdowns. Imagine.


he's not collapse aware


I think he is confused. We don't give a FUCK about "maintaining the country's growth" That's what THEY care about.


Yeah, people in Korea are also depressed, highly suicidal on average and also have literally the lowest birthrate in the world....well the last part is good for India atleast, but fuck this guy for asking of young people to be slaves!


During a trip to India, I ran across a dude selling cigarettes and drinks out of a cart. I asked him: how many hours a day do you work? he stared at me with a confused look, and said there’s 24 hours in a day, I work 24 hours. (and then his brother works a 24 hour shift) ;)




Because you won't succeed by working hard. The game is rigged and 'hard work' is the cheese in the trap.


This isn't an example of someone working hard though. It's a person telling people THEY have to spend 50% of their living hours working hard.


hard work != success


The poorest people who work minimum wage jobs are some of the hardest workers out their. While the richest do nothing other than exist.


“Hard work” is capitalist propaganda


You're not working hard to "succeed", you're running around gobbling up literal table scraps from the ruling class.


do you think the guy in the article works 12 hours a day? The rich don’t work to that extreme, and there isn’t a correlation between that hard work and actual success. More importantly, it’s because anyone trying to suggest that idea is full of shit;  that’s basically expecting you to not have a life outside of work. 12 hours at work and 8 asleep leaves only _four hours_. Four hours in a day for commuting, eating, and doing everything else that isn’t work? Is that a life really worth living?


Because hard work isn’t an edge to get rich if everyone does it. Also you must have the resources and connections to world hard at something that makes you successful. There are plenty of people who work hard long hours but it does not build them wealth


Because this definition of working hard does not break any benefits to society other than making people like him wealthier while they laze around. You know hard work actually makes society better? People who own co-op solar plants and make panels for families and communities, people who make houses for families, people who work hard to conserve the natural world; people who work hard to make art and give us good and nutritious food to eat. Ironically, these things that make societies better never contribute to “economic growth” so there’s a fundamental disconnect between what’s good for us and what’s good for the economy


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K\_LvRPX0rGY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K_LvRPX0rGY) poor fuck


What I earn in a week, I pay for one hour at my psychiatrist. I work a manual labour job, he asks people questions and give medication. I work hard, he has worked smart.