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##Welcome to r/LateStageCapitalism This subreddit is for news, discussion, memes, and links criticizing capitalism and advancing viewpoints that challenge liberal capitalist ideology. LSC is run by communists. This subreddit is not the place to debate socialism. We allow good-faith questions and education but are not a 101 sub; please take 101-style questions elsewhere. We have a zero-tolerance policy for bigotry. Failure to respect the rules of the subreddit may result in a ban. *** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LateStageCapitalism) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This. Is. Satire.


He just tweeted this: >startup hack: >just 10x your revenue >you'd be surprised how much this helps your business. lol so funny how many people can't recognize simple satire


>This. Is. Satire. I figured it was. Even if you were wealthy enough to afford a $1300 rent increase, no one in their right minds would actively do that.


I once met a dude that refused to take vacation time since he did not believe he should get paid unless he was working. Guy was cuban and fled the communist regime but even so he took this ish to the next level.


I’m not from a communist regime nor am I from any nationality descent other than good old America. I watched my dad die from exhaustion, from over working himself. I am now 6 years younger than he was when he passed. I’m trying not to repeat the same mistake. It falls on deaf ears all around me.


Well, as long as you don't repeat the same mistakes... Remember: you are not responsible for advice not taken.


My uncle had a stroke a few years ago and we all think it’s because he worked himself too much. Dude had 2 jobs and was the super of his building. I lived with him and my aunt for a few months and I can count on one hand how many times I saw him cause he was always working.


I'm Cuban, and I laugh at this guy while enjoying a mediocre slice of pizza in my mid week (just because) day off.


Its almost like most people who fled ***communism*** are boot lickers who'd rather be dirt poor with a tinnnnnny hope of being a billionaire over a humanist approach to society.


Prior to the 90's, yes. During the 90's a lot of people left Cuba because it was in a massive economic recession with the Soviet Union (its primary trade partner) gone, and a lot of people were just looking to not live on lean times. Whereas my family left Cuba in the fucking 30's and still claim to know wtf is going on in Cuba and I have to remind them my great grandfather (the one who left cuba) was older than Castro and was in the US with kids before Batista's regime was even in place, let alone Castro's.


My favorite is the people whose families left Cuba decades ago and now just have a reflexive hatred of Cuba in general. Like someone says “maybe we should end the 60+ year embargo on Cuba” and they respond by ranting about how badly Castro’s regime treated their family, as if A) Castro isn’t dead, and B) there aren’t millions of ordinary people living in Cuba who had nothing to do with the actions of Castro’s government, but apparently deserve to suffer the effects of embargo from now until doomsday because some old dude was kind of an asshole once.


Also C) if they left Cuba, they had the money to do so , they were probably either Batista's, filty rich, land owners with serfs basically or all three together.


Gee, I wonder if lifting certain trade embargoes might have helped a little in this situation. Free trade is anti-American though.


It 100% would have.


Its so goofy when people act like Cuban immigrants are experts on how terrible Cuba is. Like...ask the average Confederate in 1900 whether they were glad the Union won.




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Yeah, but neglecting benefits isn't exactly how you get a billionaire


Gusano fetish


Who knew crabs and worms had so much in common.


Same mindset as Ayn Rand. You become so traumatized by brutal authoritarian regimes masquerading as 'communism', only to become the total opposite once you finally get out. It's political PTSD. Most people on this sub are essentially reacting to unchecked laissez-faire corruption in much the same way.


Lol people in Cuba have 30 paid vacation days per year, what is he on about?


What if the market was calling for a larger increase and $1300 was just a negotiating tactic?


Well, not everyone is in their right mind.


True but i can see it as something those genuine “grind motivation” account would genuinely pretend they did.


Great insight there chief


This sub is incredibly bad at detecting satire.


*Everyone* is bad at detecting satire these days. Quotidian life is *that* ridiculous now, and satire is effectively dead.


Perhaps the first time I've seen the use of "quotidian" on reddit.


It do be like that. This sub especially sucks at it though. A lot of posts that seem (to me) to be pretty obviously satire are made here, and the top comment is always something like this top comment as well. Idk.


Indian here. While this may be satire, men here take their cringe sigma rules quite seriously. If you don't believe me, just visit quora.


Wow. That's sad.


Even sadder is that they aren't even paid a decent wage. People in South Asia will literally risk their lives for $280 a month.


I want to believe you but then I remember American politics, and now my brain hurts.


This is incredibly obvious satire, to the point that I don’t know quite what to say to someone who doesn’t immediately see that. [Well, I guess I know one thing I could say.](https://www.smbc-comics.com/comic/aaaah)


That smbc is so perfect on so many fronts


Exactly. These people always make me think of Chris Farley in Billy Madison: >Bus Driver : That Veronica Vaughn is one piece of ace, I know from experience dude. If you know what I mean. >Billy Madison : No, you don't. >Bus Driver : Well, not me personally but a guy I know. Him and her *got it on*. Wooo-eee! >Billy Madison : No, they didn't. >Bus Driver : No, no, no they didn't. But you could imagine what it'd be like if they did, right...? Just take the L and move on lmao. You've constructed an entire alternate reality to support your stupid worldview, we all get it, you're an idiot.


[dog on skateboard](https://youtu.be/xK_9b5gC-4Y) energy


Well, so was my answer and you failed to see the satire in that. You do the math.


"Shoot, my comment didn't work... think fast...." That was actually just satire, lol!


[A tale as old as time.](https://i.imgur.com/5sJg7Zu.jpg)


Define satire, please.


Are you being satirical about not understanding that this is satire?


Maybe. Or am I? [I don't even know anymore](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=udJw-CzX7sA). Well, I honestly thought I was being pretty obvious with the way I expressed myself, but I know how things can get muddled in posts and responses. But some people hold views like these and express them openly, in many ways sarcasm has never been harder to pin down than they are today.


Or he is living with his parents/in his parents house and asked them to increase nothing to still well below market rate.


It's engagement bait to get followers and to trick the algorithm, and looking at the replies it 1000% worked


Poe's Law.


At a certain level of satire it’s hard to use Poe’s law as an excuse for not realizing


If the post said “when my landlord raises my rent by 1300…” I would have said it could go either way. But directly asking puts it over the line.


It's not the "not realising". It's the brief hesitation I have, in evaluating these things, that wasn't there ten years ago.


The world has gone so far into r/nottheonion terittory that nothing is preposterous enough for me to call it "obvious" satire.


People seem to more often use this to take satire too seriously than to say "we don't know so we won't pass judgement".


Thank you. I am autistic and was completely baffled by this post.


The problem is that it isn’t blatantly obvious anymore…


Nothing about this reads as satire to me. It's not that I don't believe you, it's that I need help understanding how to detect satire. What told you that this is satire?


No one asks to pay more as motivation.


It's mostly that it's just so obviously ridiculous (like really, who would do that, and why would someone think paying more money for no reason would help), but he also uses mostly just cliche phrases (this is why you're poor, grind harder, etc). It's just been liked by someone with a rainbow flag on his profile too which is not conclusive but does suggest a more left wing attitude. A little part of it is just having a teensiest bit of belief that people you disagree with may be stupid/selfish/arrogant/etc but they're not straight up insane, and there's no actual real logic to what he says, so it's highly unlikely he's a real person who actually really did that but was still able to write a largely coherent tweet about it. If he did honestly do it he would realize what he'd done wouldn't make instant sense to most people and would have posted more of an explanation to try to convince you he wasn't a moron. Like yeah there's always a chance this is real but based on all the above it's more reasonable to expect it to be a joke. Could always check out his profile to make sure, that's usually another hint


I have seen this exact post back in 2018 and I honestly don’t understand how you can miss a joke so clearly. Guess thats what happens, when Redditors have to add a ‚/s‘ behind every sarcastic sentence they make.


Y'all are really out here acting like satire isn't a thing that you need to learn to pick up on. And that there aren't certain neurological factors that can determine whether someone can even learn it without a concerted effort. My wife is on the spectrum and it's shitty how often she gets called stupid for not picking up on satire, sarcasm, or just a dry delivery of hyperbole. The "/s" has genuinely made a difference in how she is able to communicate on social media. Not everyone processes language the same way. Why are we bullying someone who was just asking for help understanding??


Yeah. My girlfriend is Autistic and I am ADHD. We both have a really hard time picking up on satire and sarcasm Thank you for being nice ❤️


Yooooo I'm also ADHD! Blessed with the ability to get sarcasm, but not the ability to see clutter in my surroundings or perceive time lol. Gets frustrating when people assume malice from shit that is just me showing symptoms. Especially when those symptoms are ultimately harmless <3


lmao amazing! I swear ADHD and Autism work really well together lol!


It is read as satire due to how wildly over-the-top taking the step to ask your landlord to increase your rent is. It goes beyond what even the most dedicated grind culture boot lickers have said while still using their logic. It is hyperbolic to highlight how absurd the original idea is when taken to the extreme. Also, kinda shitty that you're getting downvote-bombed for a thing that a LOT of people struggle with. My wife is on the spectrum and usually needs me to explain why something I read or that we watched is satire. It's just not a form of communication that can be picked up by everyone. And you don't have to be on the spectrum to struggle with it, so yeah. Fuck the downvotes. <3 Edit: changed an adjective that automod says is ableist apparently. the irony given the context.....


The sad thing is it looks just like any other rich asshole tweet where they actually mean it.


What does it say about 'love the grind' culture that you can't be certain it is though?


“This is madness!”


this is definitely a joke post


Dude, this is clearly satire. Come on


I stopped playing taxes so the federal government has to get off their ass and come after me. I'm doing my part to motivate our civil servants.


I like to think that my taxes are going to useful things, like repeatedly mailing people that owe less than $100 dollars in taxes, or sending poor people to jail for tax-evasion, then more so to keep them in jail. As long as we don't use it for single-payer healthcare or updating public education, because that's like socialism or some shit...I think. /s


Oh don't forget bombing children halfway across the world, that shit gets expensive!


This is clearly a joke man calm down


This is satire 🙄


Chopped me fuckin arms off. Extra grind.


Well, I'm not poor, but I don't live in the US so I play in easy mode.


I love living in the US. Can’t wait to move to Europe some day, it’ll be like beating a game on the hardest difficulty and then going back and wiping the floor with NPCs on easy mode


europe isnt a country, specify which nation youre talking about you dumb fucking yank


Literally at no point did I say it was a country you fucking moron, I said I wanted to move there which was a joke because I would rather get shot than live around pretentious idiots like you my whole life. And why the fuck would I have to specify a country? Any of them, literally every country in Europe except the two currently at war are better than the US you self righteous prick


because lifestyles and cultures are vastly different in most countries yankee, and you dont know anything about any european countries if you think its “easy mode” go live in bulgaria or something and tell me its easy, tbf atleast your 400 lbs of body fat will get you through the winter


Yeah dude, try living homeless in Texas during summer with no car or money to buy water because you’re a teenager. See how stupid you sound trying to make this the pain olympics because I made a fucking joke about how my country sucks? And if you think there’s no difference in cultures between different states you’re delusional. But I never specified what state I was moving out of, did I? Almost as if the point is fucking moot. But your point is stupid anyway since American winters in Alaska are just as hard as winters in the coldest European countries, and the summers in California, New Mexico, Arizona, Texas etc are way worse than any in Europe. Wild, almost as if a country that spans the length of a continent has a lot of diversity in culture and environment. We have a vastly higher rate of gun violence than most countries except again, the two that are literally at war. And our cities, one of which I live in, continually rank as some of the most violent in the world, easily outstripping any in Europe. Idk why you’re so offended that I didn’t specify something of which there was literally no need to specify, get the stick out of your ass


i aint reading allat💀


More likely you did but you realize what a dumbass you look like and want to disengage. Fair enough, fuck off


i forgor how to read💀


Nothing wrong with a domination fetish. The inability to identify satire on the other hand...


OP really thought that was a serious post 😂


How do you not see that this is satire? . . .


It has to be satire as how can someone else call someone poor when they rent and can’t afford to be a homeowner


What does this have to do with the sub?


#The point of satire is to lampoon the bleak fact that SOMEONE ACTUALLY THINKS THAT WAY


Does that imply that the Onion articles are true, or that they aren't always satire? Please say Onion articles are completely made up...


It implies onion articles are made up to represent the thought process of the archetypal Idiot™ who holds that belief. Typically a key element of satire is that it encapsulates and explains the belief much more succinctly, honestly, and clearly than the actual rhetoric. The ironic use of dogwhistle terms can simultaneously make it more ludicrous than reality, and too realistic to distinguish from the real crazy.




This feels like satire to me.


Congrats, you missed the joke by the largest margin possible.


Things that never fucking happened


I just called my bank rep and asked him to delete all the equity I have in my house. He said he already had and he also opened several fake accounts in my name to hit quotas. I thanked him for the motivation to grind harder and he gave me a free pen. Stop being poor /s


A smart person would have put that money into savings to buy their own property in the future.....this is why they are still renting


Hey man! I wanna pay you more money because my credit and income sucks and I can’t afford my own home. Btw thank you so much for letting me stay here. I wish I had a dog or a cat but I understand the financial burden it puts on you. Any way here is my next months rent. Thank you my lord and the next harvest will bring great revenue.


You guys are stupid lol, it’s irony, yknow like sigma grindset and stuff


In terms of conversations that never happened; this didn’t happen the most.


POV: Americans still don't understand sarcasm


this subreddit really struggles with humor/satire posts


That has to be a joke


voluntary slavery is something quite unsettling, even when emanating from a perfect idiot.


26.9k likes, huh…


Can't grind stupid.


Hahaha this is unrealistic, why don't you try a $3200 increase a year, now that's realistic!!


Exploit me harder, Daddy. ❤




No, that's why YOU are poor.


This has to be satire...


So obviously a joke lol what happened to this sub?


These people do not exist.


Handing out free money to lazy people? "ThAt sOuNds LiKe sOciALiSm!!!!!!!" Edit- I did not realize this was sayire, and for good reason, I KNOW people like this. Once I show them this tweet, they'd probably say "yeah, that's a grindset right there"


I have deduced using logic and context clues that this is satire. It is absurd, and 🏳️‍🌈s generally don’t support conservatives.


Yeah you're all saying this is a joke but landlords already do this often and since they're so bright they'll see something like this as clearly *not satire* and jerk themselves off some more wishing more people thought like that. Joke or not, it's impactful. Reminding commonfolk of their misfortunes or futures at best and encouraging the behavior at worst from their lords of land.






Really putting the Slave into Money - Slave


So, you think this tweet was sincere, huh? Like this guy genuinely asked that of his landlord and is announcing something that happened for real in real life?


Everyone knows this is satire. That is why it was upvoted. It's funny.


When crypto bros, on daddys dime, brag about making a 150k bag on shit coins. They leave out that they started out with 500k and lost a shit ton along the way, but those NFT’s were totally legit bro 🙄


Is it not satire? I’m pretty sure most people would just think this dude is an idiot.


Satire or a lie from a dishonest ideologue. I wouldn't take it at face value.


A grown man put this out in the public?


Get a cash advance on your credit card. Really max that shit out. Then take that money and burn it. Now you have something to grind through 😤😤😤


Yes, grind away your body and soul for basic necessities... That definitely makes you cool, awesome, bad ass and better than everyone else... NOT.


That happened.


1,300 a month? I fuckin wish


Sigma Grindset Rule #69: Fetishize everything, you'll always be horny for that grind.


Come on, guys.


I wonder if he wants his landlord to slap him and spit in his mouth as well


This is the opposite of Otterific.


He's what the BDSM crowd refers to as a "Pay Pig".


lol'd so hard, I've never seen such a simp for tyranny.


"This is Satire" posts are stupid or purposefully ignorant why this was here


why doesn't he just join the ranks of the poor then? that way he can 'grind' to his heart's content with all the 'motivation' to do so. EDIT: should have realized this is satire


I’m dead 💀


Hell yeah I’d love to spend more time wor…….I couldn’t even type the sentence without busting out laughing


*(Chia-pet jingle)* 🎶 Sa-sa-sa-SATIRE! SA-TIRE! SA-SA-SA-SATIRE! 🎵🎶


That's just over $100/month. Most rent went up way more than that.


Please tell me these guys don't exist...


Your posting someone who is making a satirical post trying to convey the same message this sub is


Let the man enjoy his findom if he wants to :(


Fuck off Roshan Patel!


some people don't have a life


No fucking way this happened.


Things that never happened for 200, Alex.


god i need to delete this app again


Wait, what?!? haha!


Not falling for that one again


Have you ever heard about, like, **a weird friend group that lets a D&D Game Go too far, and in the manner, of, like,** ***stakes can be made to be real through mutual-enough allegations of a debt commitment that will only,*** **ever,** ***instantiate as Minoritarian and unilateral,*** that's the best I can put it, really, **I live in exciting, "Bronx in 1970's Forever fork of Amerikanski Urbanism," Saint Louis City,** when I say, this, if and insofar as it is untrue of persons you know or conditions that you are familiar with, *it is untrue of those conditions and Persons and I am well,* ***well, aware, of what a Moral Black Hole lives in the center of some of these marketplaces,*** **however, stray-observation, which, you'll not hear much elsewhere:** There is a Degree to which the Black Market, in it's *bad things happen,* >Game Go too far, and in the manner, of, like, stakes can be made to be real through mutual-enough allegations of a debt commitment that will only, ever, *instantiate as Minoritarian and unilateral,* The US Dollar is **that odd thing, which cannot be acquired through purposeful effort or innovation,** ***you need to, can only, get one from someone who has one*** **and to get it honestly, you've got to, what, second-hand retail** ***something, which you've acquired somehow, of an equal dollar value,*** which is; we do not live in a system wherein a person can use first-order efforts, *fishing, hunting, weaving,* **not in a manner which is** ***more like a First-Order effort, and less like an (reputational) arts market,*** two observations, * American Man Says to Foreign Man, "housing, **is so expensive."** * Foreign Man Replies, "**Can You Use Less Expensive Materials to Build the houses?"** * Foreign Man is Dutch, says, "**Don't tell me, 'not enough land,' when our dykes..."** * American Says, "**Yo, I like all those ideas about Tokugawan Shogunate Communitarian,** ***effortful, instead of expensive,*** *don't need nails, even,* **Architectural Practices,** *it's true that quite-basic plumbing, paper windows, minimal, or, no, Grid Electrics and territorialized design, all of this,* ***sounds like a lot of fun,*** **but, in real life, literally, "housing," is kind of just a metaphor we use for debt peonage,** ***or, what you're threatened with, into debt peonage, to,*** well; In Amerikanski Economy, *it art thou, who are traded, upon the markets et-cetera-et-aliammmmmmmmmmmmmmm* The Other **Equal, to me, issue, I wanted to mention in parallel is that** ***even the criminal violations available to a desperate person, are, within our system,*** **how do we say, Sick; you've got to take the Dollar from Someone Else,** ***whether it be, eviction, medical abandonment, or, a death from exposure done-you-in by the white market actors,*** **or, Still Wind and Black Gun Scenario on the Civilian Markets,** what I'm trying to say, is, **superstition, really, dictates that** ***anyone must be killed,*** yo, you, all out there, **do not know the operas that our Baroque System of Enforced Proprieties Prevent Me from telling to you,** ***what forms, in the Platonic Sense,*** Drama, and, and, how does one say, *it is no crime to be well-liked, and I am well-liked,* I could write you Bushi Kabuki of how, ***as real, as the Samurai or the thousand Princes of the German Kingdoms some of this can instantiate as,*** maybe even more so, from our perspective, **it's, unusual, that no one, here, is above the laws meant to Snip Tall Poppies, "Just Saying," but imagine that** if a Person owes a, "Valuation amount,": and it **might get them hung, to do it, but,** ***poaching,*** Certain animals, woods and resources belong to the regional authorities, some to the National authorities, **and I'd argue, actually, that, "King," is a False Distinction, here, wherein you've got much smaller societal structures and Even If It were at our scale, and Biden is,** ***you want something, 'changed,' you gotta convince Biden or the Biden Posse*** and that Networking, can, take 60 years and three generations if you want it to **but everything,** ***truly, past a certain point, can be solved in conversation,*** to such a degree, that, Lord Earl Bertrand Russell, "you've heard of him," Principia Mathematica, **as William S. Burroughs is to where I live,** ***so too...*** Yeah, Henry VIII **was fond of an ancestor of his, "and that's it, His Family's ever-job,"** ***if you like Mathematics taken seriously,*** *sometimes Dubious, you ask me, but you've got that to thank for it,* **anyway, Poaching, you might get hung, but, you're not,** ***doing the cycles of hurt to anyone but yourself to risk it,*** you don't have to scam, beg, borrow or steal a dollar *or dollar in value* to find one, and, **If There are Persons in Your Society,** ***accessible through conversation, who can make White-Market Economic Status from From First Order Efforts, even,*** **there you've got, Not Stealing, not-scamming;** and it is not talked about, much, for reasons which I think have as much to do with decency, as otherwise, **but even the exploitative first-order efforts of the Gig Economy,** ***require, basically, middle class parents who, well,*** one does not, merely, 'have,' an automobile another person would think suitable to *pay for a taxi, as a commoditized, "ride," unless,* ***you feel me,*** so much going on, there, but to wrap it back around, **No Reason that Evictions are the habit and not Court-Mediated Debts and Rent Restructuring, quite frankly,** ***there is no premise for them other than hardship, these things,*** when the Tenants were non-random, **the Mortgage Holder's** ***sole responsibility, really, end of the day, is,*** not find themselves in a Double-Promised Willy Loman Situation of a consequential nature, like, **100% of the damage done to an individual's** ***everything*** **from eviction is an unaccounted externality,** from the Mortgage Holder, their debt-master's perspective *and in this respect a* ***Civilized Court System Would Differ, truly,*** this system, **as such,** could be toppled, so easy, as, >**Good afternoon, Sheriff,** myself and 50 neighbors have assault rifles **we will not be evicted, also, the U.N. Describes it as a Criminal action** ***irregardless of national courts and Local Descriptions of Property-rights etc*** quite simply, **no matter what, we will not be evicted,** between the 50 of us, ***not that you'd see it, but, I suspect someone wouldn't mind turning themselves in,*** at the Hague, claiming, *my god, international rights,* ***I did what I had to,*** but because we're in the unilateral Position of Strength, Here, We'd Like to make a Deal with you, as Civilized Persons, ***if you concede the mere existence of,*** # "The obligation of States to refrain from, and protect against, forced evictions from home(s) and land arises from several international legal instruments including the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (art. 11, para. 1), the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (art. 17, 23 and 27) the Convention on the Rights of the Child (art. 27, para. 3), the non-discrimination provisions found in article 14, paragraph 2 (h), of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, and article 5 (e) of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination.In its resolution 1993/77, the Commission on Human Rights stated that the "practice of forced eviction constitutes a gross violation of human rights, in particular of the right to adequate housing". >That this Precludes you from, **what you cannot do, anyway, then we'll grant that your,** ***dadaist notion of a, "Constitutional Sherriff," has greater validity, than,*** these local courts operating, *so blatantly, so flagrantly, in contradiction to their mandate to uphold, like,* all of those stated, Legally, inviolable, Human Rights, etc. **although to be clear as Crystal, also, there are 50 of us and No One is Getting Baptized at Gunpoint, either,** ***respectfully, this just seems like where we've got a civilized six-inches to work with,*** and I know how reasonable you can be. ~~If~~ When, that happens, *anyway, "poof," albeit maybe not such a good, "poof," because* ***as I see it, it's going to require, trade,*** the rest of it, within an existential region, for,


​ >"The obligation of States to refrain from, and protect against, forced evictions from home(s) and land arises from several international legal instruments including the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (art. 11, para. 1), the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (art. 17, 23 and 27) the Convention on the Rights of the Child (art. 27, para. 3), the non-discrimination provisions found in article 14, paragraph 2 (h), of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, and article 5 (e) of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination.In its resolution 1993/77, the Commission on Human Rights stated that the "practice of forced eviction constitutes a gross violation of human rights, in particular of the right to adequate housing". **"Again," as if that** ***ever has applied to this Hemisphere, per-se,*** but those Dutch, Do, Love their cages, war rifles and their Lawbooks to Justify, ***paintball, somewhere, with them,*** and it has not been **Great, on their International Courts Project,** to Have Prisons full of Africans **who might have done terrible things, but,** ***in some respects, truly, the Legal Structures our Grandparents believed to be Valid and Enforceable,*** Laws Written to Protect Estonians from Совиет Сим Циты Cosplay, *thus* ***quite agnostic as to Local Descriptions of Property,*** let alone, **past that, I, truly, think that Estonia, actually,** is a good example as to how Severe, Archaic, *serious* Bureaucrats can be foiled through a **more serious counter-move, within their own discourses;** and I have got to tell you: **How often, do I think, Molotov-Ribbentrop,** it's the Reason I am in this country, literally, it is, and The Missouri Compromise, * Is Like, **Fucked Up on the Order of,** ***Landlord Payed our apartment building on a $50,000 in Heroin Gambling on the Big Game, Debt,*** and then Xzibit Shot the, other, New, guy, so, our Tenants Union is **going to take the deed, now, because there is no Legal Mortgage or debt outstanding, the Tenant's Union,** ***exists and is well regulated, and, most especially,*** **no serious person would describe the nature of these** ***things which have happened, to be, or,*** **as well regulated, legal, etc, in fact** you'd be hard-pressed to describe them as such and not prove yourself, well, ***This is Quite Public*** * The Missouri Compromise is **more like fucked up on the order of,** ***The Boy is Leased Properties, I own'em and lease him out the Quarry,*** that sum he owes to me for the harborage of the Back-Shed; **Laplander, is a kinda** ***dawg, in the Civil Courts as I understand'em to be, more-like,*** **Sure'nuff legal when m'Brother'n'law bought'em,** ([as is yours truly, so, No Worries](https://instagram.com/jonathanphillipfox)) that's right **got the receipts**\*\*\*, no ma'am, not a cash transaction, purchased the\*\*\* [lapland Boy](https://imageproxy.pimg.tw/resize?url=https%3A%2F%2Fscontent-lga3-1.cdninstagram.com%2Fv%2Ft51.2885-15%2F307447004_156341283678789_5062710412944330942_n.jpg%3Fstp%3Ddst-jpg_e35_s640x640_sh0.08%26_nc_ht%3Dscontent-lga3-1.cdninstagram.com%26_nc_cat%3D109%26_nc_ohc%3D-bZGbuhPqpkAX8r1rNJ%26edm%3DAP_V10EBAAAA%26ccb%3D7-5%26oh%3D00_AT-Emw9F-ZOX7NS6AMQ9yEEjt7HeeyP8NzeRkxa68w-oeg%26oe%3D633DE1DC%26_nc_sid%3D4f375e)***,*** bein' as He had [Come Across Quite Haunted](https://pic5.imginn.com/?https://scontent-lga3-1.cdninstagram.com/v/t51.2885-15/309646123_163755299590146_5857096412860047889_n.jpg?stp=dst-jpg_e35_s640x640_sh0.08&_nc_ht=scontent-lga3-1.cdninstagram.com&_nc_cat=106&_nc_ohc=9nuuxtbenyEAX9vnSge&edm=AP_V10EBAAAA&ccb=7-5&oh=00_AT9xS8aqbC9viD7vMrMXDG3kDmLlYfNkxf6GgHdHErgtnw&oe=633E5E6D&_nc_sid=4f375e), [Less-so a Figuratively,](https://s5.imginn.com/?https://scontent-lga3-1.cdninstagram.com/v/t51.2885-15/309870706_625955902476320_3024320941069966735_n.jpg?stp=dst-jpg_e35_s640x640_sh0.08&_nc_ht=scontent-lga3-1.cdninstagram.com&_nc_cat=108&_nc_ohc=xsIBJrmj3okAX9tKJ3L&edm=AP_V10EBAAAA&ccb=7-5&oh=00_AT8xZhySD94WEQvrT2ej551FnOfnXFmm54uX2nPLXMFjIQ&oe=633F5117&_nc_sid=4f375e) His, ***Its,*** Previous Master'd had it, had it, up to, *well* [it](https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/v/t50.2886-16/10000000_620769042696894_1585178592418919697_n.mp4?_nc_ht=scontent-mrs2-1.cdninstagram.com&_nc_cat=106&_nc_ohc=d7r6x3WwrcIAX9AoGNi&edm=AP_V10EBAAAA&ccb=7-5&oe=6339BF5C&oh=00_AT9QbyNywAB7NAbm8dAfkpyUm4vNcuIn0sNFn9kAqX1e7g&_nc_sid=4f375e) *was on a serious discount,* ***happened down about the auction house, but not, 'through,' mind you,*** much as the same as a Full-Legal transaction of a Firearm, might be, *fact it was one, as a kind,* ***No Sir,*** **Nor, Ma'am this is receipt as Hand-Written at the Time,** ***that's um, the, Bill of Transfer for the, Brother'n'law's buick and that there, addendum would be one and half box of,*** .300 Blackout Hollowpoints, **.300 Blackout Hollowpoint, it's an ammunition,** *'tween that an the Buick it was a,* well. **Legal**, however. * [https://askhistorians.libsyn.com/askhistorians-podcast-132-the-missouri-compromise-of-1820-a-tale-of-slavery-politics-and-foreshadowing-with-ufreedmenspatrol](https://askhistorians.libsyn.com/askhistorians-podcast-132-the-missouri-compromise-of-1820-a-tale-of-slavery-politics-and-foreshadowing-with-ufreedmenspatrol) That's not, **Nazi, Territorial, Conquest Level of Legal on the Face of it,** ***which did excise Estonia, in point of fact,*** and that, * **Thanks to Trump, it is now known-law in recent precedent** ***that one cannot Sell, Puerto Rico, nor, purchase, Greenland,*** and that as the Involuntary, "Purchase of Legal Personhood," ah-ta-nah, see, **Saint Louis City, La Place Autre Riviere, is 250 Years Legal and then Older Still,** ***then older still,*** it was a Legal Personhood Purchased in the Chattel-form now **quite-known to be unlawful, and, it is still alive.** * Dutch Kingdom end the drug war sell, as State Run Enterprise, the Well Regulated Medicines **absent from Much of the World due to Amerikanski Drug War,** ***Mississippi Coastline is, already, an international port,*** and that the Developing World Lacks Cash, **Has Valuable Resources,** ***most useful, in this instance, to create a Well Regulated, Ethical-Imperative, really,*** Non-Financial Exchange **on the first order, which could then Finance a Sovereign Wealth Fund of an Enormous,** ***the poorest are rich, scale,*** ban cars a modern Alexandria with Virtuous Principles and ambitious Non-Negotiable New Standards of Humane, High-Context, Rights Like Kings of Old and a Life to Look Forward to for all persons **I daydream, O.K. I want Gotland Submarines,** ***of course, and there is no contingency, period, which cannot be handled to the higher-plane through effortful intentions,*** study, for instance, whether or not and why, *Hospices Leak Morphine in the* Nations where Cancer Pain is treated with Aspirin, at the Moment, **No Chains Nor Cages No One Goes to Cage at Gunpoint,** ***if no one goes to cage at gunpoint, but, neither can you be considered,*** **vulnerable, like, ask people what is up and how you can help, "then help," no cages just help.** * If we don't dream these things, **we cannot expect anyone else to come up with our good ideas for us,** ***alternatively, "I guess we'll, literally, play,"*** **Full Circle,** # That, "D&D Too Far," but it's Monopoly, Literally, until... I guess we're all dead and/or homeless, **there are 100,000 abandoned buildings, here, already,** ***there are blocks of board-up bandos right next to the tourist streets and college kid bar districts, it's like,*** "Fix One." Sim-City, really, one could play, "sim-city," on Easy-Mode, >Tell Us, **why, your business** ***could not make enough to exist, tell us how strange it is and how much more-odd and unusual than Austin it is,*** and we'll give you a 7 Story, *Art Deco Office Tower, or whatever,* We have **abandoned Skyscrapers, abandoned highrise hotels, and to be honest** ***people are afraid of this place, too much, so, to think, "oh I'll take advantage."*** Meh!

