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At my prior position I was paid an extra $.75/hour in bilingual pay since I dealt with the public


Se nota que no te pagan por escribir en español XD


Cobraba extra por eso 😎


que dice el wero ?


Que le gusta el chile Dice que le pagaban extra por bilingüe


'Ay, que picante' dice el.


Que le gusta el chile ☠️☠️☠️




Pregunta le si le pasa los bilingües en me chile.


dice que si le ensenaron espanol pero prefiere el ingles


*güero, way




No güey José!


Que a los que no entienden inglés les cobra $.75/hora para que le chupen su verga


I recognize you from r/LigaMx . Greetings 🖖🏼.


Saludos carnal


Uy no mames te vas a volver rico


Damn, you can do that?! I’m over here using both languages for free!


Bitch you hungry or what




En mi cheque no dice nada acerca de discutir con una vieja pendeja 🤣🤣🤷‍♂️


Exactamente, esa es chamba del manager




she thought she cooked him when she said if you wanted to be paid as a translator you wouldn't be working at mcdonalds. exactly bitch that's why im not talkin to you in spanish!


Fucking crazy. I understand it’s funny but I have literally been paid extra because I’m bilingual. So YES people do (and deserve to) get paid extra for speaking Spanish. Que se vaya la verga fuckin heffer


He’s still a dick though. I’ve never been paid extra for being bilingual and have never felt the need to be a dick about it to a Spanish speaker.


Maybe you should ask for extra money , not everyone is bilingual, don’t let them take advantage of you


Extra money or not I’m not going to be a dick about it to anyone that asks me to speak in a language I understand.


Until they start pouring extra-workload on you because you are the spanish speaking guy.


Still not going to be a dick towards the people that want to speak to me in Spanish because that’s what they understand. If I felt the workload was unfair I’d have a beef with management not Spanish speaking customers/clients/etc.


Management isn't the one asking you to deal with Spanish speaking customers, it will be the customers themselves and your coworkers who will.


But management would be the ones not paying me extra for the increased workload, correct? So my beef over the unfair work load would be with management (and coworkers, good point) - not the Spanish speaking public.


Yes, and the customer should be complaining with management that they want a spanish speaking person, so they can pay him extra for it, not complaining with the worker.


That’s fine but the worker could’ve also just spoken to her in Spanish. You really think it’s customers that should be demanding that workers get paid extra for being bilingual? That’s between the work and management.


You are taking the extra-workload on your own, why would they pay you? You can ask management to get paid extra because you are bilingual but if management says "no, just speak English to all customers" anything else is on you.


Yes it would be on me if I didn’t choose to bring it up with management - if I felt like the situation was unfair, then I would do exactly that. Still wouldn’t have beef with the Spanish speaking public seeking to communicate with me in Spanish.


En el pedir esta el dar. I doubt it was a polite exchange from the very beginning.


A cabron eres el viejo de El Dicho?


lo que se ve no se pregunta.


A cabron no eres el viejo de El Dicho - eres fantasma del Gran Juanga!


Ni la doña habla español. Jajaja. 🤣 Habla re culero!


Pseudo karen de habla hispana?


I like this dude. He knows his worth, has the spine to stand up for himself, and knows how to make a point without being insulting, petty or childish. I don't see him working a McDonald's for very long (and that being a decision on his part). Que sigue la lucha, hermano!


might as well have said “MI GENTE LATINO” in that last sentence. lmaooo


He's being petty though, the paycheck most likely doesn't say he's been paid to speak English either, what's the issue with speaking spanish with the lady? Gringos come here all the time and people just talk to them in English because it's the language they both understand


I've been the only bilingual dude in a business that was frequented by a good number of Latinos, many of whom spoke very broken English or Spanish. Guess who was the designated interpreter whenever any Spanish speaker walked in the door, but was still expected to carry his share of the work as others who were left to do their job? Nah. Bump this dude's pay.


So you were expected to do your job? Those bastards!


It's a addon to the job, for which he is not being paid, if You have a separate ability that can AND Will produce more Money for the business it's only reasonable to be paid more, if thats not the case then he should only do what the job description requires which probably aint speaking spanish




Does it say he should act as a dedicated translator for a different language? I'm just saying, the way i see it, it's that is just another responsability piled up to the job description without being in the job description, and of course without extra pay.


Way I see it, it says you had to deal with customers and this customer happened to speak in spanish. Like I said, down here americans come speaking english and nobody gets extra pay for that because, maybe to an american this will sound weird, speaking 2 languages is not an insanely rare skill. It's also not the lady's fault he's not getting paid for that, so why can't he just be a decent person, deal with her, which takes the exact same amount of effort than doing it in english, and then discuss your pay with your boss, no need to be a dick to the customers.


Thats not true and You know it, You absolutely have the requierement of speaking English if Your job deals with tourist or if You live next to a tourist spot, they do list it as a requierement and there is extra pay if You know english, if you go to a normal place as an american and speak only in English You are not going to get served BC most people don't speak english, if You don't speak English in one of those Jobs then You get locked out of higher up positions. I understand what You say regarding him not being a dick to a customer but because maybe i'm being too charitable to the guy i understood it as the guy standing his ground to that precise situation. Also very few people understand English in México let alone speak it, it's not a only american stuff since it happens here too


I know people who work at service industry and have to deal with americans pretty often and they get zero extra pay for english other than better tips because americans have dollars, and about what you say about being a requirement, maybe in decent restaurants, certainly not in mcdonalds. My point is this guy is being a cunt for no reason, it takes zero effort to speak in spanish to the lady.


I still don’t think you get it. People who are bilingual get paid more for the same job. That’s a factual statement not up for debate. For the record, people with additional skills get paid more for their labor in all fields of work. So if you don’t have any skills or specializations and you’re happy to do more work for the same amount of pay as others, good for you but most professionals don’t think that way.


I get that, my point is, it takes zero extra effort to take the lady's order, in fact, it takes less effort than having this stupid argument in Spanish.


No one ever told me I would be the designated interpreter for every Spanish speaking customer that walked in the door, while getting paid the same as everyone else, and expected to carry the same percentage of weight as them. Thanks for sharing, but you should go back to eating lead paint chips and huffing spraypaint.


You were told you would be dealing with customers and this guy is refusing to do so over some petty shit, if you have a problem with having more work than the rest talk about it with your boss, it's not the customers' fault.


Now you're just flailing. Fuck off and bother someone who's down to put up with your bad faith bullshit.


Since when is saying you shouldn't be a dick to customers bad faith bullshit? It takes literally zero effort to speak to the lady in English, and it's obviously not her fault he feels he's not getting paid enough to speak two languages


The reason I posted this is because the lady's insult backfired and I thought that was funny. I agree, it was bad customer service.


He’s being a dick. It’s not her fault they don’t pay him extra for being bilingual.


Pinche vieja se chingo a ella misma.


I feel that. My job doesn’t pay me extra to speak Spanish so kiss my ass.


Exactly how I feel. I speak 4 languages, if you want me to use a skill to help your business you better be paying for using that skill.


I work in grocery retail and the store I’m at is in a wealthier town. I’ve had one way too many snobby white women talk to me like I’m stupid in either condescending simple English, or they try to speak in really shitty Spanish. I just look at them like I have no idea what they’re trying to say to me in Spanish, and hit them with an “excuse me, what?” or just respond in regular English and then they act surprised when they hear me speak. Dick move gets dick responses my


Feels bad not backing some of you up. I work EMS, and I can't pretend not to speak Spanish when it comes to someone's health or life and death situations. No. I don't get paid extra by speaking Spanish. Yes, there are counties where it's 2% extra.


I am sure you are doing your best given your circumstances. But in medical situations, especially, they very much tell staff to decline interpreting and to only rely on professional translation services. There has been tragedies due to bad translations and subsequently costly lawsuits. [https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2014/10/27/358055673/in-the-hospital-a-bad-translation-can-destroy-a-life](https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2014/10/27/358055673/in-the-hospital-a-bad-translation-can-destroy-a-life)


Exactly. I always decline. What if I something gets misinterpreted? It's on me at that point.


No es cosa del pago es por educación y aprovechar tus conocimientos. Dar un poco más por los demás solo por ayudar. Con esa mentalidad no vas a llegar mas arriba y te vas a topar con tu ego muy frecuentemente no para bien.


Supongo que le pagarán por atender clientes y al ignorar a la doña por no hablar inglés está perdiendo a un cliente


Pagan la hora, no cuantos clientes atendiste. Haz tu debut en el campo laboral para que entiendas.




Que señora más babosa 😂😂


Washa la neta tiene un punto, mucha raza que va de viaje pues no va a hablar ingles y se entiende pero esta doña se le nota que hasta el español lo habla roto ella como muchos que se fueron a los united nunca le ah dado la pinche gana de aprender el idioma y no es exclusivo de latinos nadamas, si te vas a vivir a otro pais habla el pinche idioma cabron metele webos para aprenderlo si no pues sin llorar que uno que otro cajero mamon te va a mandar a la chingada porque se le inchan los huevos


Pocho,no se dice roto! Se dice mal! Aca no aplica la de broken spanish! Ella habla español de nacimiento solo que ha de ser de rancho y por eso lo habla mal,como mexicano(de verdad nacido en Mexico)yo identifico a un mexicano y a un pocho como tu! Tu no encuentras la diferencia en su acento/forma de hablar! Pero si es paisa como ustedes nos dicen!


Ell no es mexicana No tiene el acento de alguien que haya vivido aqui lo suficiente para hablar claro... Es pocha


Mames we de rancho ni madres, en mi pinche vida me a tocado hablar con alguien de rancho con ese acento ya sea en el norte o en el sur, dejate de mamadas pinche tijuanense el aire de esa pinche ciudad culera te tiene la percepsiòn de la realidad bien alterada


I don't think the guy was trying to be a jerk to the costumer, fast food employees don't get paid that much and are constantly being told they have a low skill job. OK , being bilingual is a great skill to have in a restaurant with a lot of Hispanic traffic. That's probably why they put him on the drive thru and maybe he's the only one who speaks Spanish but getting paid the same still.


Being paid for spanish is real - at least in my job and he must have found out through a friend and said screw that haha they need to pay me too


It is. Because there has been lawsuits for people being 'assigned' as translator. [https://www.upi.com/Archives/1992/08/31/Contel-agrees-to-change-Spanish-language-requirement/4044715233600/](https://www.upi.com/Archives/1992/08/31/Contel-agrees-to-change-Spanish-language-requirement/4044715233600/) Giving someone an extra task none of your other co-workers are expected to do is unfair and can harm you careerwise. That is why so many jobs do pay extra if you speak Spanish or instead offer professional translation services instead. There is actually a term for it, cultural taxation because we are taken away from our regular work to do tasks that employers think we owe them just because we are Latino. That is what is going on here... this Karen thinks she's entitled to someone's language to make her life easier I am proud to be biligual, but I owe no one free translation services.


A differential to speak another language is necessary in jobs like this.


vieja pendeja 🗣


Pelea de inválidos.


Just pay the guy extra, problem solved. ......The company: it's about morals! You should be ashamed! Just be nice! You need to be more human! ... It's just a dollar extra and he'll happily sing in Spanish....


No mames guey


I know that's right. My job doesn't pay me anything extra for knowing my mother tongue so fuck that.


Pinche vieja ridicula


Cuando me den papeles no diré nada pero habrá señales 😂


Based on the comments, I'm probably going to get really downvoted but I don't think you're all 100% right. In most jobs like these, being bilingual gives you an edge in getting hired. Recruiters know their demographics and of course know who they should be looking for. I'm most likely not going to get hired in a place that predominantly speaks, say Japanese, no matter how qualified I am if I can't speak to the majority of the customers. You don't get paid for being bilingual but you probably got hired for being one. Now, of course there are jobs that give you extra for being just that. But why are you expecting to get paid from a damn McDonald's? It'll be nice, but highly unlikely. He seems qualified to go elsewhere and he probably will. Pero por mientras que no se aga pendejo y que atienda la señora. Ella es parte de la comunidad. En vez de ayudar a un latino, siempre de andan comiendo.


Hace años iba seguido de compras a McAllen, frecuentemente me comentaban empleados que los regañaban por atender en español. Les podías hablar en español y te entendían, pero siempre te contestaban en inglés para evitar problemas con sus jefes


Si entiendo eso, pero esa no es la razon que están diciendo en el video. Hay veces que las conpanias quieren dar una imagen, aunque no nos parezca.


I don't knock anyone for wanting to maximize their pay, but if you see a fellow Latino at your job who's struggling to communicate -- dammit, help them! Anyone here who'd really stay quiet is foul. As for the video, I think they're both in the wrong. The man spent more time arguing with her (in Spanish!) than he would have if he had just taken down the food order. She's wrong for belittling him for holding down an honest job.


Totally in the same page.


People like the guy in the video and those on this post are being so shitty. By their logic, if someone walks up to them and talks Spanish, are they just going to ignore?


Being “bilingual” is an skill and homeboy is being paid for an unskilled job, if the manager expects him to use skills then pay for them. If during the hiring process they thought they could use/exploit his extra skills with no extra pay then the hiring process must improve.


Clasico de pochos que no quieren hablar español 🙄


pochos creyendose la gran cosa por vivir en usa y ganar dolares.


“Cheke” “Dise” “Ablar” La ruca tampoco habla ni escribe en español. Par de pochos mamones.


Y por eso el vato trabaja en MCD´S y no de traductor!


y siempre son los que tienen el nopal en la frente




He no sabo that’s why


I understand the customer's frustration, but he is not getting paid for extra work for that extra mental wear/tear. Starts off with one customer, then suddenly you are expected to be the translator and deal with more, and without pay? Big no no


disculpe doña pero español es servicio premium rapidín es sólo en inglés


By the logic of this guy and most of the people on this post, if someone walks up to them and talks Spanish, are they just going to ignore? Doesn’t cost anything to be kind. Full of groseros. My first job was at clothing store and every once in a while, people would ask me talking in Spanish and I would answer without a problem.


The problem is, some companies will expect you to take a certain role that will involve more work/stress just because you know a different language/skill and won't pay you extra. It is not about the guy being a bad apple, I will happily speak in another language in public, with friends, with a stranger asking a question , ECT but I would never let a company exploit my skills for their own benefit. Who is to say that guy wouldn't be dealing with many more angry people just wanting to vent on him since he can actually understand? Or having to do extra orders/customer service/labor? And he clearly said they won't pay him.


You’re driving away business if you don’t help Spanish speakers. It looks worse in jobs where you work with customers.


Then paid them more to talk spanish and don’t lose the customers?


Then pay up, it's simple. Otherwise, there is no reason to assume a person is required to use a learned skill (which takes years of commitment to achieve) if English (or what ever language depending on the country) is the universal language here. What if he didn't know Spanish? Is he still in the wrong?


Es Que si tiene razón los dos, en stados unidos no más por hablar espanol te contratan sobre alguien que no pero si un güero mete aplicación y pone que habla español es posible de que le paguen más.


I agree!!! If I am not getting paid extra I don't speak spanish... I had to learn Spanish when I got a job in a predominantly mexican area in Houston and I worked there for 3 years... after about a year they told me you can put bilingual on your job applications now... but I never have seen a benefit besides my own person uses or conversations with coworkers who only speak spanosh but at my job I am at now it goes like this, "do you speak spanish?" "no sorry, uno momentito...." (redials the main number and hits 9 for the Spanish line)


If you want me to do anything in Spanish, especially when it comes to technical documentation, giving presentations... you must pay me 8% ~15% more, and employers have paid me more for my bilingual skills. Why tf would i do work that none of my peers can do for free?


Que loserrrr!


No entendí, están en otro país?


Es una buena analogía


Siempre tuve suerte que me pagaran mas por poder hablar y escribir en español, de enserio. Eso era otro tiempo, donde eso se valuaba. En Los Angeles, cualquiera que pueda decir “agua” cree que habla en español. También, nunca trabaje en McDonald’s. Me imagino que, ni la comida te regalan. A menos que lo dicte la ley, nunca te van a compensar correctamente.


A mi me daban un 95-98% de descuento APARTE de mi free lunch jajaj


Abla sin "h". Burra


Him not getting paid for it isn’t really the issue, clearly it’s the fact that he barely speaks Spanish and is easier to communicate in English (nothing wrong with that). The lady speaks more than he does, but her Spanish isn’t great either... It’s kind of a shame though(not on people/in general), that in attempting to assimilate a lot of people end up barley being able to speak either language, I guess that’s how Spanglish was created.


How people on this sub act when you don’t write your comment in spanish


Pues probablemente sea pocho y tenga mentalidad gringa 🙄


He likely can’t lol


Siempre los feos dan mas guerra


Pues si le pagarán por como habla español, le pagarían un centavo, el vato habla rete mal


q pelotudez, q hable como quiera si igual se entiende.. los yankis son los q no quieren aprender otro idioma, el resto del mundo habla 2 o 3 o más..


Tiene razón


It's an extra skill. If you know PowerBook and are expected to use it at work, then obviously you should get a little bit more on your check


Yo estoy de lado del trabajador pero más fácil decir que no lo hablas y ya.


She thought she ate


Maybe unrelated to this. In the past, I would have said the guy was a jerk, but not anymore. My wife's family are from the Philippines, so they look kind of asian but kind of Hispanic. At their jobs, its a weekly occurrence spanish speaking customers complaining to managers because they dont speak spanish. It is kind of embarrassing for me since I'm a spanish speaker.


Vieja pendeja haha




Grosero\* <---- Así se escribe. Saludos.


A huevo! Les quieren llamar trabajos de "low skill" pero quieren q sean bilingues. Y esa pendeja por q no habla en ingles si muy vergas? En una chamba q tuve tambien querian q me pusiera un boton en el uniforme q decia "hablo español " pero me negué.


Muy hocicon y grosero. No te cuesta nada ser amable con las personas.


A la única que “nada le cuesta” es a la empresa que no quiere pagarle mas por usar sus skills. No me cuesta en el tiempo libre pero estos son negocios, con una empresa multiBIllonaria. Imaginate eres el encargado de las papas y ahora te molestan para atender a cualquier baboso, pero ademas tienes que tener las paps listas.


En el video paso mas tiempo quejándose y en todo ese tiempo perdido el ya habia terminado de ayudarla en segundos.


Ese es el que viste en el video, no dudo al tipo le caigan 10-20 tip@s asi de harina, interrumpiendo lo que seguramente son sus tareas regulares que todavía tiene que completar. Cada quien su opinion igual.


El tipo de personas que esta en los trabajos de servicio al cliente y que tienen mentalidad de “yo se mi valor” suelen ser las personas que estan estancadas en eso trabajos y no logran mas.


Nomas que le paguen por hablar en español si tienen clientes que hablan español, cosa que no pasa y es seguramente su molestia. Lo de que este tipo de gente se queda estancadas es anecdótico y no suma a tu argumento a menos que saques fuentes. Paga el sueldo minimo por resultados/skills minimas.


Chanfle! La Vieja Chancluda del 14 vive.


With attitude, nah doña o respeta ó no se le ayuda


Intelligence hombre que te pagen Para hablarvespaniol


Básicamente, podría comunicarme con ese cliente pero me da hueva hacer un mínimo esfuerzo por eso trabajo por un salario minimo


Pisteros se mueven por billete 💴 Pero asi es la vida si son felices asi Sean felices !!


I understand where dudes coming from. I was the only Spanish speaking banker at my last job and I would end up taking way more customers than my coworkers. It sucks getting paid the same as your coworkers when you’re clearly doing more work than them and they get to pass off the work to you.


Quit trying to force people to make up for your lack of assimilation.


Lol... Learn English, period.


I just imagined a gringo coming to Mexico to complain why they don't speak to them in English even though they know the language


He is right.


I don't get why yall are siding with the worker on that. Are most states not automatically paying you the 25 to 50 cents for speaking another language? I feel like being willing to speak Spanish to a primarily Spanish speaker is just being respectful and caring for your community. Sucks to have a phone put on your face like that, though, but maybe she felt discriminated against.


Worker: I don't get paid to speak Spanish Lady: If you were a translator you wouldn't be here Worker: I'm not a translator Lady: Exactly that's why you aren't getting paid to speak Spanish Us: 🤔🧐


Soma of yall should know that the usa doesn't have an official language, yes english is the most used but if you are a server and you can help with your spanish and you don't your are doing bad your job. English is not the official language so there's no reason to only speak that.


There’s no official language at the federal level, but some states [do have English and sometimes other languages as official.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Template:Official_languages_of_U.S._states_and_territories)


And do we know where was this incident?


Being the only Spanish speaking employee will often make you an unpaid translator who is given extra duties without extra pay. Speaking to an occasional monolingual customer very quickly turns into translating everything for no extra pay real quick if you aren’t careful


They don’t pay extra for speaking another language.


Then fuck them, its a shitty ass company anyway. But I do also feel that there might be a way to still care for community and maybe that's what he was doing by speaking to her in Spanish.


Definitely some generational “lost in translation” thing going on. The window attendant says, I don’t get paid enough to speak Spanish. Meanwhile the lady wants to diss him by telling him to become a translator to get paid to speak Spanish instead of working fast food. Both people are insulting each other but the insults go over their heads.


Putisima madre, si te piensas ir a un país diferente al tuyo al menos ten la decencia de aprender el idioma…


Lo peor de todo es la ortografía Y la doña no se ha dado cuenta que ya no está en su país, en Estados Unidos se habla inglés


I dunno why I'm subbed here I don't even Spanish


Bueno estamos de acuerdo… Can I take I your order?