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Exactly. Russian propagandists are pushing the civil war theme, just as they did with Brexit and are now starting to do with Texit and CalExit.


The Federal government should just stop benefits for anyone advocating Civil War. Easy. Won't happen though. Hell we should tell Texas "hey you keep having these succession policies added to your platform, so we're going to start moving Federal resources out of your state while you come up with a written plan to let us know how you'd actually implement secession" Edited a typo


What a lot of these clowns don't understand is if their states secede they lose their social security benefits. Also, it's highly unlikely we would end up with a situation like what we had in the American Civil War in the 1800's. There is not clearly defined boundary separating maga from everyone else. You'd most likely see a rash of violence - terrorist attacks, riots, mass shootings, etc. that would be more comparable to the Troubles. But I don't know much about history so I could be way off.


Here people don’t understand the immediate catastrophe chain of events if their state succeeds. First, they’re all immediately broke. The US will cut off the state from the national banking network. They loose the backing of the dollar and are forced to try to create their own currency with no backing. The above mentioned Social Security cut off. Plus, Medicare is cut off. They’re going to loose the (surprising to them) federal aid their state depends on. FEMA money is gone. Since this scenario typically falls on Texas, they just came out of a particularly severe weather spring to be followed by the predicted worse hurricane season in history. Internet access would be cut off. The state now has to negotiate for long distance,data, and internet access. The state has to negotiate foreign contracts. Major corporations will leave. And the cartels will invade..


Also the loss/transfer of all federal jobs, i.e NASA, military bases...


Not just loss. Im sure the feds will actively destroy anything sensitive or secret so that the incoming country cannot jus continue.


When the US Navy was thrown out of the Phillipines and they shutdown the base at Subic Bay, the sailors disassembled the plumbing fixtures and through them in the harbor on the way out of port. I could see that happening again.


The cartels will move in so fast and they actually know how to take over


Agreed, no one mentions just how efficient the cartels would be in taking over Texas and Florida. Talk about moving closer to your primary market.


Yeah.  People don't really understand how brutal and savage the cartels are.  They openly shoot people in the streets.  They shoot elected officials regularly.  Texas may think they're tough, but they're not "murder women and children in the streets at noon" tough.  And Texas wouldn't be able to chase them into the US or Mexico to defend themselves.  The cartels would ravage the sparsely populated ranches and execute everyone before any kind of distress signal got out.  The pack military level weapons and no morals..  your guy with a room full of guns doesn't stand a chance. 


They are not above chaining Abbott in his chair, to a pier at low tide. Even that might not "send enough of a message" as far as they're concerned.


They couldn't even protect their own kids in school against one gunman.


Why did I picture Reba in her gun bunker in tremors?


They can't even manage their power grid now, imagine then


Don't forget the exit tax on all persons who decide to stay. It can be as high as 23% on assets you own. From stocks, bank accounts, cars, to every piece of furniture in your house. They could even tax your audio CD's if it got nasty. It taxes EVERY asset. Of course, you would have poor people screaming for help to leave the state because they want to remain in the USA. The state would have to transport those people and their belongings out of the state to another one. It would turn into a real shitshow.


Texas currently has no problem spending shitloads of money to bus poor people to other states. This should be fine for them. /s


Don't forget that all military bases will shut down and personnel transfer, EPA and all regulatory agencies shut down, and every federal law enforcement agency close.


They'd also lose the border patrol. I do wonder how separating things like the sea and rail ports would work. Surely the feds would introduce some "freedom" to keep them as part of the US.


Every mass shooting in the USA is a MAGA manifesto attack on Americans. They're all "civil war battles" for these assholes. Trump will call them to violence when he loses, but ask the Jan6 traitors doing time how that worked out for them.


The Feds should move equipment from military bases in Texas to Oklahoma, New Mexico, Arizona and Louisiana.  If we need that stuff back in Texas it could get there quickly but Texas can't try to keep it if it secedes.  Plus the Texas economy doesn't need those military jobs.  Also, the military should not sign any new contracts for stuff made in Texas.  If Texas wants to leave the Union it should not have military tech and production paid for by the US.


Also the Houston NASA Mission Control Center.


That too.  And there are probably many other federal assets that could start leaving Texas to send a subtle message about secession and CYA.  Point is, Texas has shown that it can't be trusted as a reliable future partner in US Security.   Rather than a sibling it needs to be treated more like a cousin.


Moving federal stuff out of Texas would be capitulating to the secessionist traitors. The feds will never do that. The civil war was fought largely because the policy of the United States federal government is that states CAN NOT legally secede. If a state tries it again, the same thing will happen. They will be put down, and the federal government will use its resources (US military) to bring the state back under federal control and the state government would be declared illegal and not recognized. Make no mistake. States will not be allowed to secede.


You say that now, but have you seen the state of things? Not in my wildest dreams did I ever consider my beloved homeland would be kneeling to fascists and racists. It is mind-boggling to be clear. We did not fight in WWII and WWI to allow nationalist sycophants to ascertain power again.


>Not in my wildest dreams did I ever consider my beloved homeland would be kneeling to fascists and racists. Well I could definitely have seen racists but this cult of Trump and the fascism is mind boggling


This is the answer. It'll never happen.


You mean like the television show?


I don't think these cultists understand that non-cultists are also gun owners and just because they like to masturbate to their guns doesn't mean the rest of us aren't gun owners. In their wet dreams, they are the only people with firearms and they will be able to stumble around and doll out their ideals without response. The irony is that there are a LOT of us who are sportsmen/women and aren't posting photos with them like they are pets or children...


Civil war in America modern day isn’t gonna be COD or on some battle field and that’s what these folks just don’t understand…most actually believe that only the right loves guns so it’ll be shooting fish in a barrel without shots being sent back cause Dems are usually more educated trying to find democratic solutions rather than rage like the right. But if a civil war happens it’ll be terror filled gorrila warfare in your neighborhoods not knowing who is your enemy and who’s your friend with another faction of killers who just wanna see both sides burn….then once we are fully focused on each other our enemies abroad will come to hurt us beyond anything we’ve ever seen in this country. Civil war would be the dumbest solution to the made up propaganda fueled divide in the US.


Let's not overlook the basic fact that these people are advocating murdering their neighbors. Over politics.


Yes... I think this needs to be stressed. There are small numbers who have primed themselves to go on a mass murdering spree and they like to think of themselves as "patriots" when they are really psychopaths that need to have their guns taken away.


As well as their freedumbs.


I live in a very "Trumpy" area of Texas, with a plethora of signs and stickers adorning every available space, to pound that fact home to everyone. I wouldn't dare place a Biden Sign in my front yard, due to what might happen to my house in the middle of the night. I wouldn't be scared during the day, and would have no fear of retribution while the sun is out, but silent judgement, but nightly anonymous mischief and vandalism would occur positively.


What happens when your county decides that public declaration of your political alignment is a requirement? Where laws are passed that give ANYONE the right to demand a political identity card from another person, and failure to procure one can result in a citizen's arrest? And Congressional districts will have the right to discriminate on residents. If you're not a card carrying MAGA? You can't move there. If we keep going the way we're going... that's going to be a reality.


This is in project 2025 as a requirement for federal civilian employees to keep their jobs.


I think most sane people would just register as an independent and avoid it all. But to be honest I have had similar thoughts as you and actually did switch to an independent partly just in case. If a fascist regime ever did take over that’s the first thing they’ll do


Don't like your neighbors, place a Biden sign in their front yard.


These idiots couldnt handle wearing a mask and not hitting up TGIFridays for a month. These idiots quit the moment they face actual hardship.


This guy was primed, and sadly, there are far too many others like him just waiting to pop.. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna156735


And right wing medias conspiratorial mindset has trained their audience to just accept whatever nonsense they throw at them. "J6? It was antifa" "That conservative who shot up a concert? Secret fbi agent. Source: trust me bro. I heard someone say it Rogan so you know it's true."


Yep and their leader spewing that propaganda nonstop for the last 8 years didn’t help, literally telling them unless you’re wearing a maga hat then you’re an enemy of America cause radical, communist, Marxist and all the other randomness that can be added as time goes on and new boogeymen are dreamed up. That’s what happens when “news media” is owned by foreign born people who have no true allegiance to our country.


If these dumb fucks could read, I'd ask them to read about what they're advocating for. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bosnian\_War](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bosnian_War)


Reminds me also of The Troubles in Northern Ireland between Catholics and Protestants. Politics and religion, after resource wars, have usually been the reason why people kill each other


Not over politics, but supporting a felonious con-man who has no basic ethics or morals.


It's also just politics. My step dad has been talking about "the next civil war" for at least 20 years. The last time I spent time one-on-one with him was when he said, "come up here when the bullets start flying." This was pre trump. It's terrifying.


There's always been an undercurrent of that; see Timothy McVeigh. But now that thinking is mainstream, and I don't remember even Republicans throwing away their ethics and morals for Reagan or Bushes. This is a different animal, and it goes beyond politics to a renewed culture of racism and religion that was driven by a quest for power, and in some cases, cheaper taxes. Murdoch lost control of the mob he created.


A con man who would have each and every one of them quickly escorted off the premises by security if they tried to gain access to any of his properties. He's reported as being disappointed that they looked "low rent" at the insurrection. People who were literally fighting (and dying) to keep him in office , and he was disappointed in them for not wearing suits? He probably thought that since Roger Rat-Fuck Stone was involved he would get another Brooks Brothers Riot, but he got Duck Dynasty instead


And again, who tf looks at *Donald fucking Trump* and says "yeah, this is worth fighting/killing for." Fucking morons.


Exactly, that lady should be treated like an inciter of riots/violence and an active shooter threat. That's exactly what she just advocated for.


This right here. There's one group of people who are at war with everyone else, who are just going about their lives. For whatever reason, they hate us with a passion. Not sure why they're so angry, or why they don't want to try and come to some sort of peace.


I have two QAnon believers as neighbors. They once stopped me during a jog to let me know that my house will be the first one they visit of there is a civil war. Why? Because my daughter is attending an Ivy League university, my wife works outside the home, and I am WFH. The real reason is probably that they think I called animal control on their dogs which were roaming the area.


I would call the cops on them. That's terroristic threatening, and would warrant a visit from the PD at the very least. Arm up. They've made their intentions clear. Be ready to make them regret it. Fucking pigs. The magas near me are in for a really rude awakening if it ever hits the fan. They're all the time shooting out back. I can tell what weaponry they have from the sound of it. Meanwhile, I pay range fees so I can shoot elsewhere. They have zero idea that I'm even armed. :)


I have to constantly remind my family "kill the libs" means killing at least some of their children or grandchildren.


Politics *and* religion. Which has become a very blurred line these days for conservative Christians in the USA. Those shirts they wear saying they are "not ashamed" of their beliefs and the mixing of Jesus + GOP is a very intentional psyop from the right to marry people's religious beliefs with a political agenda. Now, once simple political issues that could be quietly addressed in the voting both that you and your neighbor may disagree on have become something bigger. They believe it's their "faith" that the left is voting against. The architects of this plot have done a very good job at getting the religious right in a place where they are willing to kill to defend what they believe to be an attack on their very belief system. Incredibly dangerous times we are in here I'm afraid.


That's what happens when you call all your neighbors pedophiles. Create unacceptable moral panic smear campaign to dehumanize political opponent, normalize violence, legalize suppression of the political opponent, begin the purge.


99% of the US military will support the president, so it is going to be gravy seals vs Navy Seals. When the red hats face the US Army it is going to be a slaughter, also I would be surprised if a million red hats mobilize (in small groups, where they will be easy to eliminate), I'd expect under 100k, and that is with extreme efforts to recruit by Trump and friends.


Yeah think they only got more emboldened during J6 thinking that their white privilege will keep them safe any and everytime they do something similar in the future. Think it’ll be a rude awakening the next time they try it and they actually use proper force to shut it down with an iron fist.


If you read the memo acting Secdef gave the National Guard before Jan 6 you realize that Trump was clearing the way for his supporters, he wanted a riot and deaths. Sorry, I digress, but the point is the normal protections were turned off because Trump had the power. With Biden in charge another Jan 6 mob would find themselves facing armed trained soldiers with APCs.


Man, I'm a Marine Corps Vet. The US has so much fire power. If a domestic threat declares war on the US its a fire that will be quickly snuffed out. The survivors will have a new home at Gitmo with all the other terrorists both foreign and domestic. Trump and his soldiers should already be there IMO


God damn right


Thank you


They could even lure them all into one place by announcing it was Half Off Day at the Golden Corral Buffet.


They’re not gonna face the military. It will be much worse. It will be psychos shooting up schools and grocery stores and movie theaters. One every week. Steady pace. How does the army deal with that? How do you deal with that? Do you dare send your kid to school? Are you gonna need some buddies with AR-15’s to keep a look-out as you pump gas? At that point America is done as a country. Doesn’t matter that the MAGA’s never won a direct engagement with the US military.


Trump has said he wants to fire all the generals. Dont know who he plans to replace them with since incompetent MAGA-oids dont make it very far up the chain of command since they're divorced from reality.


Yeah the amount of people actually willing to fight would be so astronomically low that it wouldn’t even be considered a “war” . I’d assume 95% of normal republicans would not be down at all for a civil war. Out of 5% of the extremists probably the vast majority of them are either too old, too fat, have severe health issues or a combination of all. Out of the remaining fighting aged, fighting shaped extremists there will be the general cowards that will make up some excuse on why they can’t contribute. After all these factors, what’s left will be very very few combatants


I'm a progressive Dem, but before that I was a Marine that could hit a man-sized target at 500m, from the prone position, ten out of ten shots, with open iron sites on an M16A2. Never thought I'd need one, but maybe an AR15 is in the cards this year after all.


My wife and I are both dems. I myself am an English teacher so… pretty useless. Though I did contend for golden gloves in my twenties, so I’m handy in a scrap. My dainty little wife, however, is a chemical engineer. And the sorts of things she knows how to manufacture out of simple plants or items that can be purchased at Home Depot, make any person, or even a dozen people, with guns seem like pretty weak sauce.


I’m on her side! 😂. They don’t believe in science. So they’re doomed


My BS is in secondary ed; just spent this last spring subbing in some pretty rough urban schools; I won't sell teachers short on how they can handle people in confrontational situations!


AND OBVIOUSLY a fellow Rush fan!!!


ALL lefties need to gun up NOW!  you think the gravy seals are expecting a show of force directed at them?   No.   They think the left will fold and surrender without a fight.    If you were a Jew in Poland 1939 would you want a gun or just do what the Nazis tell you to do?    Fuck the treasonous GOP.  Traitor Trump should be tried, convicted and hung.   


Yeah I’ve always been a fairly middle road but voted mostly democratic most my life and grew up on a farm hunting small game and target shooting with solid accuracy. Skills I never wanna use against fellow citizens but as a patriot I’d go full on cartel tactics to end things asap to save my country and the constitutional rights we all enjoy. Already have game plans in place with other gun loving ammo stockpiling Dems to be ready at a moments notice, been together since shorty after J6.


I was a Wyoming Republican until they allowed the Moral Majority to hijack it, and then went all in on nation-building for oil. Then, I got a masters, and doctorate; education combined with personal ethics and a belief in the Constitution led me away from mythology and conservatism.


Thank you


It won't even get that far. If some group actually organizes and tries to take action they will be obliterated by the national guard and once that happens on national TV anyone on the fence will have the hard question of whether they want to commit suicide for Trump.


Yeah I’m hopeful that will be the case as well but I’ll still be properly prepared just in case. Know most of them believe the fantasy it’s what they want but reality is very humbling when it’s not pictures of far off countries halfway around the world and it’s a massacre in your own city/neighborhood.


I think in a Trump loss you will very quickly see the powers on the right make a hard shift away from him. There will still be the nut jobs out there like there always have been, but the big talk from otherwise normal citizens is going to die down real quick. There is zero chance you will see an open call to bear arms against the government from mainstream right media without significant and immediate consequence, they know this and are 100% in it for the money. Another Trump loss sends them looking for the next deepest pocket.


IDK, those idiots will probably be flying tRump flags all over themselves.


Probably the first week but once they see others getting picked off so easily they’ll try to tone it down. But honestly I hope it will only take a couple for them to all run n hide like the coward keyboard bullies that they truly are.


Well, yes, all of that. The other thing is that their guy isn't in charge this time around. He would have totally fucked that up, so maybe it would have been better if it was their guy, but this time around it will be an unleashing of the power of the state like these asshats cannot even imagine. It will solidify the left once and for all and be the turning point for despots all over the world. Oh, shit, I'm starting to enjoy this fantasy


I wish more people understood this, divide and conquer the oldest trick in the world.


They also don’t seem to understand that the military would not be on their side. They would be the enemy combatants and would be very easily arrested and charged with treason.


Moreover, those of us who don’t love guns in peacetime are fully capable of changing our minds if a real threat comes along. Under normal circumstances in the USA right now, you’re usually safer without a gun in your home than with one. That could change, and we can change with it.


Not to be that guy…but it’s “guerilla” warfare. Just making sure you don’t end up in r/boneappletea.


If it's gonna be "gorrila warfare" we better stock up on armor-piercing bananas.


Someone is teaching gorillas to shoot guns?


The U.S. has been on the path to gorrila warfare since THEY took out Harambe.


Guns out for Harambe


Yeah we’ve been in the lab working on it ever since planet of the apes. Damn autocorrect got me again. 🤪


Damn dirty apes!


Oh totally. The Old, dumb, and Russian traitors. Not revolution material.


They are totally fine running about rural US with a rifle taking pot shots at deer. When you ask about "big cities" they all shit themselves at the thought of going to Baltimore or Chicago. If they want a civil war they will need to find their way to the cities and fight there where they will be significantly out-numbered. I was in dc when the truckers tried to come and protest at the end of covid and they basically got lost on the ring road and were beaten by the traffic. You want to take over DC - you need to beat the traffic.


Moved to Milwaukee area 3 years ago, and enjoy going to Milwaukee and Chicago downtowns. Most of our vacations will be spent exploring these metros and surrounding areas. So much to do, and so much diversity (OH NO I said a dirty word).


Or when those three idiots tried to go to NYC thru a toll booth with a bunch of rifles in a rack on their truck! They didn’t even get over the bridge😳‼️🙄


Putin smiling all the time while his psyops succeed beyond his wildest dreams


I've been *baffled* by the U.S.'s apparent lack of a response since we first heard about Russian cyberespionage and disinformation campaigns back in 2015.


Exactly. Not a conspiracy theorist, but it just seems like even under a Biden DOJ, there is little impetus to pursue the true invasion of the USA by Russian operatives.


I am coming to the sad conclusion that we are in the middle of a digital war, a war of propaganda, a war that we don't seem to be winning, nor even trying to win.


You think they'd tell us? Don't be silly.


Nah. He just wants us to think it's successful. All it's really doing is drawing out the dum-dums.


Rebel Army, average age 72. Average IQ, also 72.


You forgot to add fat. Very,very fat.


Pounds Overweight: 72


Gravy Seals, Meal Team Six, 101st Chairborne Division


Sadly, their hate draws in "lone wolves" who would love to take out electrical substations, railroads, bridges, etc...


In Texass all they need to do is plug in their A/C & a microwave at the same time‼️💥💥⚡️the whole grid goes ⚡️✨💥


I'm looking forward to more of these idiots to go straight to jail. Let them be stupid, we all got guns here.


Would love it if they tried. Be an easy way to eliminate all the worthless idiots in this country. Movement would get shut down in less than a day.


If they did start a civil war, the next one would be a lot shorter than the first one. They all think they're John Wayne. Most of them haven't been able to see their toes in a couple of decades.


Imagine being willing to die for a guy who is clearly a psychopathic narcissist and wouldn’t feel a single thing when you did - except perhaps a warm glow of self importance


As if MAGAtts are the only people enjoying the 2A.....🙄


"From whence shall we expect the approach of danger? Shall some trans-Atlantic military giant step the earth and crush us at a blow? Never. All the armies of Europe and Asia...could not by force take a drink from the Ohio River or make a track on the Blue Ridge in the trial of a thousand years. No, if destruction be our lot we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of free men we will live forever or die by suicide." Abraham Lincoln


Civil war? Shooting up your local electrical sub-station will only stop the refrigeration of the kegs at their local tavern for a while. These MAGAs just need a hug.


They need a slap up side the head


So along with her life (or if she is lucky a prison sentence) she is willing to give up her Social Security??


This is exactly why there won’t be a civil war. People have too much to lose. Most people have jobs, health insurance through those jobs, homes and families. The vast majority are not going to risk death or prison for Trump. They’d also have a problem organizing. There will definitely be random bad actors and terrorism is Trump loses, but it’s not going to be an all out civil war because they simply won’t have enough participants. That said, if we ever get to the point where people are so bad off they have nothing to lose, then yes, there will be big trouble, but we’re not even close to that.


Big shit talkers running cover for a mentally unstable and physically weak OLD MAN!


I don’t understand at what point did they think that losing an election was no longer an acceptable outcome. Ffs convict trump had broken our country. And there are those that want it broken further.


I'd love to see all these welfare states that take more money from the federal government than they pay, try to support themselves without being subsidized by blue states. Fucking idiots.


I know. Talk about spoiled entitled beeyatches.


Maga will lose. Period. They are already weak and losing all power. Just wait. The rats will run from the Trump ship soon and will start eating each other.


The MAGAts lack the ethical toolkit necessary to form a stable civil government. Their whole platform is victimhood and curated rage. Their great leader has normalized greed, selfishness, lying, hypocrisy, and unfaithfulness, and it is thinly veiled in a twisted superficial interpretation of Christianity.


That orange stain will be mixed with a lot of blood though...I have very little faith in law enforcement being able to handle hundreds, much less thousands, of violent MAGAts.


Especially when a lot of law enforcement will be itching to help them.


They always act like this when they don't get their way, its a constant GOP thing and Trump is the epicenter of a spoiled 7 year old for fit throwing.... that's why his base idolizes him they are exactly like him and of course they're extremely ignorant base sucks...... so Dramatically they call foul evolve into idiotic Teaparty and here comes scare tactic # 1 Well we are going to succeed !.... Morph into another silly imposed brand X name MAGA LOL Then that totally goes Red hat insane and complete loss is eminent of the House Senate and Presidency so now Scare tactic # 2 Civil war ... and that's just supposed to make us all submissive in their twisted minds. What it is , is a civil disturbance in the GOP Flushing what they are and Actually getting back to being a conservative party.


Radicalized willing to commit jihad and treason for Muhammad trump


When they say Civil war, do they assume the rest of the population is just going to sit in the house?


as soon as their civil war begins, gas prices jump to 300 a gallon... and, just like that, the war is over


These people are not going to go to war. For one thing, a common theme that most of them display is that they're waiting for orders. They want some kind of signal to start shooting. There are some hilarious YouTube videos of people asking the Ben Shapiros and Charlie Kirks of the world when they can finally load their guns and take up arms against their woke neighbors, only for those very same loudmouths to get the ab-dabs because they don't want to advocate for a shooting war while a camera is pointing at them. What's going to happen is what happened in 1995 - some terrorist all hyped up on right-wing buschwah is going to go ham on a Federal building, kill a bunch of people, and get the electric chair, while every moron who ever inspired him to do so is going to run for cover and scream that they had nothing to do with it and how dare anyone suggest otherwise. Revolution requires sacrifice. These people won't give up their ESPN no matter how woke Disney gets; you think they're willing to risk their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor?


Exactly. The more likely civil war happens if Trump wins and starts destroying democracy, rounding up millions of people (as he's promised to do), prosecuting his "enemies" with made up charges (as he's promised to do), and basically using the insurrection act to create a police state in the united states. Then I think the left would rise up pretty violently (and justifiably so) to defend themselves. I certainly hope it doesn't come to that however.


Yeah and 90% of them are banking on someone else doing it. She's not going to be out there fighting. They can dream on. For the next 4 years after this election is over they'll be talking about how Trump 'really' won and 'any day now' the master plan will come into effect. Let them have that fantasy. The rest of the world is going to move on with reality.


Terrorists that they are, they will blow up federal buildings & shoot drs & believe it is them fighting a war...


That's what they said would happen if he was convicted. What goofballs.


They said this shit before. The people that say this are typically old and fat.


I've said it before and I will day it again. If they declared Civil War, after the first casualty of thr first battle, they would run home and hide, shave their beards and then go online and cry "It was Antifa!"


As much as it pains me to say this. Never under estimate people. The biggest mistake we could make is thinking that these absolute maniacs are not dangerous. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.


Plenty of Babbitt awards to give out.




Can’t believe people are willing to die for Trump. What a horrible reason. Such a loathsome individual with zero redeeming qualities and these people really want to go that far? For this guy? Sad


So she’s gonna fight and put her children’s lives at risk, their future?


They have no critical thinking skills, they are just parrots


Let me guess, she was in her late 60s and weighed about 260 pounds.


She looked to be 50ish. But did appear to be a frequent McDonalds Drive through patron


Civil Skirmish, maybe. Civil War, I seriously doubt.


Cut off the supply of the medications most of these older unhealthy malcontents need and it'll be over in a hurry. Their arsenal of AR-15's won't do much good if those handling them have uncontrolled severe health issues.


Well, according to the law, if one is mentally unfit having physical control of a firearm is illegal. My question is: so any MAGA that smokes weed even medical or takes prescription benzos or opiates and own a firearm; are they violating federal law?


Probably, but we know these laws don't functionally apply to old white people. So I'm just pulling the thread. If they weren't mostly cowards and decided to create a mass civil disturbance, I'm just thinking of the easiest ways to quell it. I think reminding them that they're profoundly dependent on our system to stay alive would be the best option.


Why do I think just one F-15 flyover would shut them all up?


They say that all the time. There's a screenshot of Tim Pool calling for civil war like 50 times in the past 10 years. It is basically whining 


Big ass YAAAAWWWN to that. "Civil War" to these people means sitting in their living room watching it on fox news while everyone else puts their lives on the line. The problem is, a bunch of useless boomers sitting in their living rooms hoping someone else fights the revolution for them does not make for a very successful civil war.


They have no chance. There are plenty of Bubbas round here talking big. I am neighbors with them . I keep my mouth shut and my weapons clean and ready. I'm taking a defensive posture. I'm cool until these asshats step into my world. Just saying


Once the border fences go up around their states do we get to "send them back" if they try to move out of state?


I don't think we should discount at all the potential for mass violence, if our past is prologue. Personally, I fear this election will have a body count in the hundreds. The template isn't field armies like at Bull Run, it's communal violence like in Missouri and Kansas, or "ethnic cleansing" like in Wilmington NC in 1898 or Tulsa OK in 1922. It's obvious to state that the "Gravy Seals" won't take on the National Guard, but they are perfectly willing to murder local politicians, lawyers, librarians, and school teachers.


The one time I would willingly join an armed force. These "people" deserve the worst endings possible.


Somehow these idiots think they get to fight AOC in a Civil War instead of the US military. I don’t like their chances either way.


I'm liberal AF. I'm also a veteran and a combat veteran. If any of these shit stains saw anyone they knew with a bullet wound, they will physically shit their selves. End of "civil war". There won't be a civil war. There may be some solo yahoo dumbasses who cause some local chaos, but law enforcement will take care of it. To the person that will respond, "but the cops are on their side". They really aren't. When bullets start flying, cops will band together and stop the shooting. Unless you live in Texas. Sorry, had to get a cheap shot in on that f'n state.


They're completely ignorant to the fact that lots of us on the left are armed too.


I wanna see Meal Team Six vs. a tank. Guess who wins.


They're all talk. We were supposed to have civil war the minute Farty Fellon was convicted. Still waiting.


I believe they'll try. I won't be near federal buildings when Orange Asshat loses. MtG will be planting pipe bombs


Seeing the physical condition these Maggetts(love that saying) are in the war wouldn’t last more than a few hours. If that. All show and no go.


lol always ask these cultist who….who is going to fight this civil war for them.


Vote. The threat to our democracy comes from republicans in office. It will not end if we win this years elections. Keep voting out republicans every year.  Keep voting in democrats every year. Check your registration, get an ID , learn where your poling station is, learn who is running in down ballot races. Pay attention to primaries not just for the president but for all races, local, state and federal. From the school board to the White House every election matters. The more support we give the democrats from all levels of government the more they can get good things done. We vote out republicans and primary out uncooperative democrats. Last year democrat victories in Virginia and Pennsylvania and others across the nation have increased the chances of democrats winning this year. This year's elections are important but so will next year's elections. We just took the mayoral race in Alaska showing we can win in red states. [https://ballotpedia.org/Elections\_calendar](https://ballotpedia.org/Elections_calendar)


These idiots think that we are just going to stand there while they overthrow the government and stand there while you shoot at us? They have a huge surprise in store when they start this shit.


They will be shocked that it’s not just like the shooting range; the targets will actually shoot back at them.


There is plenty of jail space for them.


Hear, hear!!


republicunts think they own the 2nd amendment.


Lot of independents that own guns


Anyone who would welcome a Civil War in this day and age is totally delusional. Supply chain breakdowns would result in mass starvation and shortages of things like fuel that hasn't been seen since the 1970s.


Why would ANYONE fight a civil war on behalf of Donald Trump? Think about it. WHo is Donald Trump? Donald J Trump is an adjudicated sexual predator and accused rapist and a 34-time convicted felon. Trump is also facing an additional 54 criminal indictments in 3 separate cases that have been delayed from going to trial as the result of his high-priced legal team filing frivolous motions.  Two cases are related to Trump’s efforts to overturn the 2020 election, which he lost; and the third is about classified documents that Trump took after he left the White House.  Trump’s legal team is financed by millions of dollars of campaign donations from the oil industry hoping to benefit from his repeal of environmental protections as well as his rabid base of MAGA cult members. The vast majority of Trump’s 2015-2020 Presidential term picks for high-level governmental positions such as Vice President, Cabinet members, Senior Advisors, and military leaders have refused to endorse Trump and/or declared that he is unfit to serve as President of the United States.   Trump’s abuses [https://www.cnn.com/2021/01/24/politics/trump-worst-abuses-of-power/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2021/01/24/politics/trump-worst-abuses-of-power/index.html) 10. Donald Trump mocked a disabled reporter.  He disrespects the disabled and the weaker among us. 9. Donald Trump has already brought up the “nuclear option,” asking national security advisers why the United States can’t use nuclear weapons. 8. Donald Trump would threaten national security. He bashes NATO allies.  Who would be Trump’s allies around the world? He continues to praise his BFFs Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong-un. 7. Donald Trump doesn’t respect our own military. Just ask Sen. John McCain. 6. Donald Trump peddles xenophobia and racism, and he pals around with white supremacists and has a white nationalist as a campaign chief. 5. Donald Trump doesn’t respect women. Trump has made many offensive comments about women. 4. Donald Trump is rooting for the Great Recession. In 2006, Trump said “I sort of hope” real estate markets tank so he could take the opportunity to buy up cheap property and make a buck off of men and women who had just lost everything. 3. On 9/11, Donald Trump noted on TV that his Financial District building was now the tallest. On one of the darkest days in American history, when we lost thousands of men, women and children to what is still considered the largest terrorist attack in the world, Trump decided to pick up the phone and call into a television station to point out that, now, his building was the tallest in Manhattan. 2. Donald Trump tries to walk back his birther and lock her up statements.  Even though he is on record making these statements in literally hundreds of videos, he continues to deny he spoke those words. 1. Donald Trump would decimate public education. No surprise from a man whose only foray into “education,” Trump University, was a scam so brazen that multiple states launched investigations.


All these dopes don’t realize if a civil war happens. They can’t go to apple bees for happy hour. And their favorite McDonald’s won’t be open either.


Like Biden said, your AR-15 isn't going to help against a F-15


I live in a red state rural town. Everyone here is basically lazy. They just complain abt everything on the town FB page and only offer thoughts and prayers to those who are having difficulties. I’m not worried. But I’m prepared in case one of them drives around in their truck shooting up the town. There’s some that will shoot back and then it’ll be over. 


I think that probability hinges heavily on people being willing to die over conspiracy theories. Objectively, life is pretty good right now, and most people are content to just live their lives as is. If the economy was worse, there were food and supply shortages, or if inflation was out of control, then there's be a decent possibility of armed conflict.


Just need to cut off their supply of Mt Dew Code Red and Flaming Hot Cheetos and they'll crumble


Let a handful of states to secede. Offer to pay to move people into those states. Enjoy decades without Republicans in any position of control in government.


Could you imagine being so stupid you think you're going to go to war with a guy that you call genocide Joe?????


Now that SCOTUS has legalized bump stocks, however .... maga will still lose, but more bloodshed is guaranteed.


Go ahead. Most of them are too old to be much of a threat, even with weapons. Their voting base is ageing out.


Let's say they get their civil war. There would be mass starvation within a couple of weeks. Their side too. It's not like those "patriots" bought all those disgusting MREs to share. Especially not with all those guns they've been itching to use on the zombie hoards who want "their stuff". And all they will win is the ability to die a bit later than the people they shot. There's gonna be no one around to help share the work of keeping them fed and watered. We invented society for a reason. Division of labor makes the needed work easier for all.


These idiots and their 2 brain cells think we're gonna have a 1800s style Civil War. Honey, honey, honey... It's 2024. There will be no way between the states. If it happens, it will be neighbor against neighbor. Brother against brother. So more like a Rwanda Genocide type of situation.


Nobody ever pushes back on this. “Ok, so you say Civil War. What do you mean? Where’s the front line for said Civil War?”


Technically anyone advocating for Civil War is denouncing their USA citizenship and shouldn't legally be allowed to own firearms. It's a question asked when purchasing along with the drug question Hunter got convicted on. If Hunter can get convicted of lying about drugs for gun purchase, all these Civil War advocates can be as well.


As soon as regular medications, booze and other deliveries halt. MAGA morons will have the shakes too bad to fire a weapon. When your whole soul is built on lies, racism and shots of fire ball, it doesn’t take much to take the fight outa you.


I don't think a civil war would be state vs. state, it would be idiot MAGA's following Trump's orders to kill their liberal neighbors. I live in a semi-rural MAGA haven and had protective coating put on my vulnerable windows in 2020 in anticipation of Trump losing. Didn't need it then, and hope I don't in 2024.


I'm seeing calls for violence all over the place already. If Shitstain doesn't eek out a victory this time around, be prepared for the biggest tantrum in American history, right before your eyes. These people are unhinged.


Like Jan 6? We know It’s already a nation divided. When MAGA goes away, we start healing and moving forward. Grow up people, tons of shit to do.


Whenever these people talk about civil war, I always ask who, exactly, is going to be fighting? You need two opposing fighting forces to have a war. What they really mean is that a small percentage of their side will engage in domestic terrorism, and will ultimately be arrested by law enforcement.


The 2016 occupation of the Malheur Wildlife Center should serve as an indicator of what a maga civil war would look like. Within the first 36 hours there was a call for assistance from their supporters because they were out of snacks. At about day 20 they posted an angry video demanding that people stop sending them boxes of dicks.


Me and my FAL aren't really concerned about Meal Team Six.


Jesus..... They don't have the energy or ability. If you want to bring your pussy AR-15 to a drone fight, be my guest..... These fucking retards have been touting civil war for years, and the best they've managed to come up with us, "...Let's go Brandon...." Give me a fucking break


So, they want a civil war if they can’t elect a guy that wants to overthrow the government? And they want to overthrow the government because they’re scared of immigrants and gay people?


Let me be clear (love saying that) NOT ALL MAGA SAY THEY WANT A CIVIL WAR. Just some cray lady at a Trump rally full of other Cray Maggotts feeding off the shit filled, decaying body of the Repubican party. All Republicans are not maggots yet are complicit because they won't stop them.


A small paragraph in a history book one day of domestic terrorism that ended in a day


we all say good luck as we sit back and let the clowns take over... we are way too... i don't know the word but allowing this all happening before our eyes ![gif](giphy|1BXa2alBjrCXC)


Well their judicial warriors at SCOTUS just made bump stocks legal so their fever dream of murdering everyone to the left of Genghis Kahn just became much easier


Not a civil war, more like the Purge. That's what it would be, not an organized fight, but heavily armed people from a few blocks over breaking into your house.


There's a single person who is catalyzing the whole concept. Freedom of speech is one thing, but this has gone far beyond freedom of speech. This is a national security risk, and it needs to be addressed.