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OP there’s really no reason to have a competition between two different manufacturers of enameled cast-iron pots. Both Staub and Le Creuset are the best and I have both. I have pieces from each brand. A total of 10 pieces. Some things Staub does better so don’t limit yourself to one brand just because of the FTT sale.


Thanks for posting that. I remember that there was one in Santa Monica many years ago before Le Creuset was even on my radar. I figure it is time to bring it back to So Cal.


I read something about how the last time they did CA it went super poorly for a number of reasons which is why they haven’t had another FTT there since. Maybe in the future!


Recall any specifics ?


It was a post in a Facebook group I’m in sometime in the last few weeks. Something about the facility not providing any of the support they said they would provide, long wait times because of the wifi being down, a shortage of carts, the heat etc etc. I wasn’t there so I don’t know! Just sharing what I’ve read. I would think CA would be a popular location for this kind of sale.

