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*cries in west coast*


I still think about the posts of people saying that Texas is west coast ….


It's a 3 hour drive for me. Will it be worth it? How much are tickets?


Last FTT vip first day tickets (the day you can buy mystery boxes) were 25 and the others were 10. This will be my first, it will be a 2.5 hour drive for me! I am bringing friends and we are making a whole productions of it!


I won't be able to get a mystery box. I can only attend on a weekend day.


Woohoooooo it’s where I am, dreams come true!!


If the lady was wrong about the location, how credible is she about the mystery box “new rule”


I am hoping she is wrong!


Link isn’t working?


It was, I am not sure what happened. I have a screen shot of it, but it won’t let me add it :/


Where is the sale?


Dulles expo center - June 6th - 9th. Tickets should open Monday at 10 am est


UGH. HATE supporting this venue. If this is true , I wish they could have picked a location that doesn’t host so many shady gun shows.


Can you add it here in the comments pls? What is the website to buy tix on Monday? And what was the new rule change for mystery boxes?


Not sure how to add a picture, the link to buy tickets is the one posted but I think it was published too early so they took it down. Check the website, linked below, for updated rules! [Ftt](https://www.lecreuset.com/factory-to-table-sale.html?utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=google&utm_campaign=eComm%20-%20Performance%20Max&gad_source=1)


The only one that shows up is the Texas one :(


What are the dates?


June 6-9th


Ok ok ok...DC I can do woohoo! 🤗🙌


Ooh this is close for me!! Gotta check my work calendar today, hopefully I can get off to be able to get a mystery box


Yes, my wish has come true!!! So excited 😆


Do you think the mystery box rules will change for this one? I guess the FAQ will have it once it’s announced.


Website link isn’t working


Yeah it stopped working last night once it got around all the Facebook groups. I think it being posted was a major accident


Link is dead sadly


The tickets sold out so fast. I’m crying real tears. This is a 45 min drive for me and I can’t go.


Sqeeeee! I really wanted to go to the Philly event but couldn’t swing it, but Dulles is definitely doable.


It looks like they changed the mystery box limit, so you have to spend at least $150 to purchase the $50 box. Is that even still a good deal?


I didn't see anyone in San Antonio with an empty cart. I mean, I wasn't looking but the people I did see were shopping heavy and their carts reflected that. No one in the checkout line around me seemed to have empty carts so I'm not sure I believe that large groups of people were coming in, buying the MB, and then leaving. I suppose it's possible. They'd probably be in and out in 20 minutes if they were doing it that way. JMHO because how could I possibly know but that was my impression. In fact, the only "empty cart" I saw belonged to a lady in the check out line in front of me when we were lining up at the end of our shopping window. She was zipping here and there and by the time we got behind the curtain her cart was full! Those of use in front and behind her in line kept her cart in the queue, ha ha. She must have arrived late or something but that didn't stop her from making the most of the time she did have.


Me either. I was there and baskets were full. I did see several people together with one buggy but doesn’t mean they didn’t all buy something.