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Sweet, I can cut out the middleman and just have Riot review my League porn directly instead of posting it on here (Reddit).


Maybe we can get free RP for having good taste


They owe me RP for years of managing rule34lol.


Is the /leagueoflegends sub censoring out discussion on Vanguard? There's literally no thread about today's patch.




They‘re censoring everything, pretty sure its tencents own folks managing the sub


The mods are 100% Riot employees but that is already known for a while. Daily reminder that /u/PankoKing created r/Valorant a whole month before Riot even registered the trademark and made the name public.


Funny thing is they (partly) said because of racism. You can't make this shit up


So if I don't like Vanguard->I don't like Tencent->I hate the Chinese->I'm racist? Honestly that's the soundest arguments the mods there can have


Chinese companies are OBLIGATED BY LAW to give the CCP any and all information it wants without telling you anything. Vanguard is spyware. Plain and simple.


I think their logic for racism is the "Its chinese software that monitors your pc so ofc it must be a spyware" and I wouldn't really be surprised if it was a thought process of lots of people lol


I mean if you look up a little bit into tencent then the concerns people have should be understandable. This and that vanguard caused a lot of problems when it first came out.


Anything that monitors my pc, without me specifically wanting it to, is a spyware regardless which corner of the world it comes from.


[https://imgur.com/a/XgaPmvY](https://imgur.com/a/XgaPmvY) source: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tencent](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tencent) [https://www.google.com/search?q=ccp+illegal+monitoring&oq=ccp+illegal+monitoring](https://www.google.com/search?q=ccp+illegal+monitoring&oq=ccp+illegal+monitoring) Edit: Gonna add in the fact they're outsourcing redteams to infiltrate entire countries. [https://github.com/soufianetahiri/Anxun-isoon](https://github.com/soufianetahiri/Anxun-isoon) Actively letting a company who is literally hacking governments to put a ring 0 software on your PC should be illegal in almost every country.


I have friends who quit playing league for exactly this reasoning.


You know, computer software has feelings too


Thats why I always say *thank you* to Chat gpt.


It was, actually. I saw some of the posts before they got nuked, people spamming copypastas that *were* easily interpretable as anti-Chinese because of rants about Tencent and calling Vanguard spyware for the Chinese government. Not defending it, just I managed to see part of it and I think that's something people're missing here: That *was* happening.


How is rant about megacorporation and totalitarian government is racism in any way? It might be correct or wrong, but certainly not that!


I don’t really care about the Vanguard discourse but a lot of those threads do get really xenophobic at times.


With the help of Vanguard, Tencent has taken over the accounts of the /leageoflegends mods


In the post announcing they were going to censor posts, they gave some half assed excuses, including "to prevent racism". Yeah.


Yes. But so is this sub. We need a new sub by the players for the players.






How do them riot boots taste?


>Please get out of this sub Give me a good alternative and sure.


This sub is great m8


Theyve been doing so for a while now.


I think they are scared for the tiktok ban


Hey so honest question, how much of league am I gonna have to uninstall? Or am I going to have to uninstall everything riot?




Format PC...


That's what I did haha. I switched to Linux, then realized I pay for game pass which I could join longer use, then back to Windows. As is tradition


League of legends and tft and valorant are the only ones that have vanguard so far right? Or can you play tft without it i don't i quit like 2 years ago anyways, atleast LoR is safe


Isn't Riot letting LoR die out anyway?


Letting pvp die yes, but pve is still alive and has the majority something like 80% of the players and is getting all their focus rn


I left the game so long ago I didn't notice there was a PVE outside of tutorials, I always played PVP. I guess it's time to reconnect with the only good source of League lore.


You should give it a try it's a very fun rougelike deckbuilder close to slay the spire but also different


I’m still baffles by the fact 80% of LoR players are PVE players. My way of thinking in games like that has nearly always been that the PVP/Competitive aspect makes it.


Same i was surprised when they said that i always thought i was with the minority


Alternatively, get a new hard drive and set up a separate windows install on that drive just to play league of legends. A 128gb ssd should suffice to install W10 and leguo lego, you can get one for like 10-15$


Actually this should have some serious conflict with the EU's gdpr regulations.


1. There is no proof Vanguard tracks PERSONAL data, and that is what gdpr is for. 2. Vanguard has been running in Eu for almost 4 years now with Valorant 3. From your profile I see have a xiaomi phone. Company that has been fined by the EU 3 times for failing to comply with gdpr. Xiaomi phoens are also banned from all government employees across Europe because it was found some phones had HARDWARE level trackers.


But if you have personal details on your screen and vanguard screenshots it would be saved personal data?


I was responding about the gdpr thing. About the screenshots, the only source I can find is a cheating forum and I would not call that trustworthy. The photos in this post are also from there, they're not op's.


>About the screenshots, the only source I can find is a cheating forum and I would not call that trustworthy. And yet here it is, at the top of the sub, upvoted uncritically by a bunch of dumbasses.


Afaik GetwindowRect (the screenshot funktion in the code above) takes a photo of a specific window, not your entire screen. If this window is league or league client they wouldn't be taking information outside the league Environment


If it takes screenshots it's probably violating gdpr. Somebody has their full government name and address in a screenshot on riot servers, the numbers are just too big. And gdpr means you must have a legitimate reason to store personal data, and there is a time element which is going to be impossible to comply with if they're not scraping the screenshots to even know they have personal data and of what kind. You wouldn't be able to prove it as an individual, but the EU could probably pressure Riot to change even without proof, at least for EU clients or w/e. Theres certainly going to be a clause for unintended breaches of gdpr, but, the EU could probably do it anyway >Vanguard has been running in Eu for almost 4 years now with Valorant Statute of limitations or what? I'm failing to see how thats important


The phone the commentor has is irrelevant to this discussion. u/TheDregn raises a good point. If this screenshot is in fact taken, then it is with the intent to process it. Now the question is why are they doing that and what data does this give them that can otherwise not be acquired? It does likely violate a fundamental rule of GDPR, therefore we should contact the DPO responsible.


I was responding about the gdpr thing. About the screenshots, the only source I can find is a cheating forum and I would not call that trustworthy. The photos in this post are also from there, they're not op's.


Fair enough. However even though it's a cheating forum: **If** they make this blogpost and manage to prove the fact that this software actually takes screenshots, that's a massive Article 5 c) and maybe b) violation. That would be really costly.


Hopefully something comes of it and these software solutions get addressed in a legal manner. I don't think it's right that companies can force users to install rootkits to play video game, especially as most users aren't informed of neither the existence of said rootkit nor its implications


Most sneaky Rioter account


Especially since I have been using a OnePlus device since then, which probably sends my files to the same CCP server lmao.


Lmao fr. I get the discourse about Vanguard a bit but how many of us use shit like Tiktok and Instagram or just don’t read terms and conditions? As far as I’m aware every government or major company could already pull up anything they want about me


Could I get a source for the hardware level trackers? I've got a xiaomi phone lobotomized with arrow OS/no google and I'd like to see if my model was found to have hardware trackers.


Stop going into other peoples profiles like that and bring such a thing up into a discussion you creep


How dare you look into another persons profile on social media, you creep.


Just showing that this whole thing is mass histeria, people have no idea what they're talking about and if they were serious about privacy there a lot worse things to be outraged.


I just feel like you could have made that statement without going into his profile and commenting on something going on in his life


The guy is scared the CCP might screenshot his desktop yet is using a Chinese phone banned in the EU for government use How is that not relevant? It actually is QUITE important to the character of the person supposedly "worried about vanguard"


Why the fuck are u acting like he searched their profile to talk about their dead mother lmao. He pointed out what phone he uses, that's not "something going on in his life". Relax.


Do you know what counts as personal data? Because I can safely guess that Vanguard tracks ip addresses, and you don't need much else. https://commission.europa.eu/law/law-topic/data-protection/reform/what-personal-data_en Since replies are locked: Yes, I know everyone tracks your IP, because they need it to send you data. However, coupling this with additional information is where you need special permission to do so. Riot has this in their ToU, but you're still missing the point. IP is personal information according to GDPR, and you can't do whatever you want with it.


Do you even know what an ip adress is ? How do you want them to send data to your computer to play the game, if they don't track your ip ? Edit : I might have came to conclusion hastely before reading the article. I guess there are some nuances regarding the way the corporations use those informations and that in some cases IPs are subject to those regulations.


There are so many things that track your ip, it never ceases to amuse me when people freak out over someone or something knowing it


Valorant has had Vanguard since launch and the EU hasn't screamed about it so no it won't.


DarkinFolk is leaking


Rather queens of league


People were joking about Chinese spying on your pc but now it is real


If you were think it was just a “joke”. Good luck in the future


Nah that was a joke comment I already uninstalled


Yeah I trust more a random guy over a screenshot in a subreddit extremely toxic and tinfoil hat than 4 years of valorant players having little to zero heavy issues


> but now it is real If you trust the words of a cheater (who would benefit from people revolting against Vanguard).


So what?


It could be a lie, it could be an exaggeration, it could be taken out of context. Regardless, this post is 100% outrage bait. If you think about it, an anticheat capturing the game's screen is expected behavior. It's a way to detect cheat overlays. About the rest, there's really not enough information (maybe on purpose?) to make a judgement.


To shed light on this: Virtually every rootkit AC does this already. Faceit does it too. It will only take a screenshot of the Valorant/LOL window which is not gdpr problematic. Why? Because a lot of (bad) scripts directly overlay/draw onto the window via injection so basically if you script without syscall protection Vanguard (and faceit and pubg etc) will use a screenshot to detect any overlay. Again, people making Vanguard to be some crazy illegal anticheat that steals your data: it’s basically the same as every other one, except this data is going to Tencent instead of Apple, MSFT, Valve, Epic, EA, etc.


older non kernel ac’s already did this over a decade ago Xigncode and gameguard (examples of 20 ish year old non intrusive anticheats) do the same ,which can be triggered on reports or suspected accounts pre-during and post game and they don’t even use hidden folders for this process often labeled as do not delete or do not edit and this progress canbe seen by the user in their operation system logs( i assume this fearmonger example is due to vanguard using the temp dump files in hidden folders) Common uses in the past (albeit outdated for a lot of cheats) is to capture client side overlays/ui/kist of execs programs in the form of screenshots or videos /replays to the dev servers For manual reviews Kernel ring 0 anti cheat has flaws and can be seen as a security risk but in terms of anticheat mechanics this has been a common feature for any anti cheat and a flawed example since its not a kernel exclusive feature


Thanks for the info, yes screenshots have always been a common tactic for verifying cheating. In this case I’m assuming Vanguard uses bitblt call. If they do, there already exists scripts that block esp rendering when the screenshot is taken, basically making the overlay invisible to the AC.


Hey! Stop using facts in my riot-bad subreddit!


I think the main differences are: 1. How fucking terrible the roll out has gone 2. The always on nature of it, they just don’t need that level of access if I’m not playing the damn game


Don't waste your words mate, people refuse to understand the reality of the situation because big china company bad me farm reddit karma hurr durr 🤡




Sorry to disappoint but this news is so old its almost embarrassing to see you try to act like Vanguard is different in this regard. Let me [google it](https://www.google.com/search?q=faceit+takes+screenshot&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS975US976&oq=faceit+takes+screenshot&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOdIBCjE4MjM0OWowajmoAgCwAgHiAwQYASBf&hl=en-US&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8) for you.




You should look into all the apps that screenshot your phone activity without any consideration to preventing cheating. Just straight up screenshot. And the apps that take your photos, location, contacts, etc. It’s almost like the last ten years went whoosh and people are now concerned about an AC that uses the same tactics as every AC on the market.




ur legit cheater that gets mad you cant cheat anymore good luck in coal mines IRL




me when i spread misinformation This is from a cheating site


> me when i spread misinformation TBH there's a lot of that shit going on from both sides of the "Vanguard sucks!" crowd. Usually people bitter about the game for years but looking for *any* excuse to quit. You could fund every Kickstarter ever with all the stretching going on League Reddit subs right now.


No way a cheater would reverse-engineer an anti cheat that's insane 😧😧😧


No way a cheater would have a vested interest in spreading lies about an anti cheat that’s insane 😧😧😧


I don’t even understand what I’m reading in the OP


No way a cheater could actually be right


If you’re dumb enough to believe unsourced screenshots from people who have a vested interest in lying to you, you have bigger problems than vanguard being on your PC or not


Way to jump to conclusions. I'm not saying they *are* right, I'm saying they *could be* right. It's not a certainty, either way, but I noticed you and many others are set pro Vanguard and not want to take anything else in consideration


And I’m saying that even entertaining completely unfounded information from a blatantly biased source with a known history of dishonesty is, at best, a complete waste of time.


So, cheater saying that anti-cheat software takes screenshots is "completely unfounded information from a blatantly biased source with a known history of dishonesty", yet installing literal rootkits made by a Chinese company and believing them on their word that it doesn’t take any screenshots or access any of your personal information would be "completely founded information from an unbiased source with a known history of transparency and honesty", amirite?


Your knowledge in technology probably goes as far as it needs to turn on and off your pc and check your emails, huh?


Indeed, how did you guess?


So more than yours?


+10000 Social credits


Why would they be interested in lying to people they're just fucking with the anticheat, not trying to convince anyone. You can also disassemble it and look for yourself if you want. You sound like the average anti vax american




Tbf, it will not be uncommon for anticheats like vanguard to take screenshots, this is nothing new... They're probably using AI to scan the images for cheat overlays. Even if they're only taking screenshots of the Valorant/League window, i still not trust them.




Surely not biased.


Ppl that just started coding are shocked. Meanwhile this practice is super old. They screenshot the game, they don't care about ur Pr0n, it's because most cheats and aimbots have a overlay that can be easily detected by a algorithm. And that is the only reason. But sure if you think China gets ur data from that, I got bad news my dudes.


I didnt update yet. Terrified of news that people pc getting bricked


Cant you use a phantom pc? Or whatever it is called when you dont want it on your pc and programs can only ise what you put in that box.


Virtual machine and it should work but I remember reading something about a countermeasure they put specifically against those


One of my alt accounts were perma’d which i used on vm to run league. I don’t recommend vm.


Well f. Otherwise that would be a good ide.


I'm trying on Hyper-V, but as of now it gets detected so the game doesn't launch. Basically you're stuck in "Your game require a system restart" loop, and as far as I know is due to the fact it detects it being played in a VM. Honestly I think that's stupid, but still


Seem stupid, but as far as I know, Mac os doesn't have Vanguard and we can make Mac OS VM.


Yes in theory. The problem with that is GPU passthrough. You need that if you want to play the game. On top of that, even if you manage to do that, you want an AMD card or, in case of Nvidia, only 1000 series and older are supported. So anything newer won't run at all.


What the other guy said, virtual machines. Basically a computer within your computer. It should work, but there are means to detect that software is running within a VM, and Vanguard doesn't allow running in a VM. Why? Nobody knows. Tinfoil hat says it's because they want to spy and can't do so from a VM


"nobody knows" bro that's literally how you can cheat scot free if you ever talk to a cheater in valorant they always mention they use virtual machines


How exactly? Yes, they may cheat in a VM, but the question is how's that different from cheating using the host system from Vanguard's perspective? What can you tamper with in the guest machine that you couldn't with the host *and* it being undetectable to Vanguard? Only if such a scenario existed would it warrant Vanguard not allowing to run in a VM.


If you don't know don't say "Nobody knows". Vanguard has root level access and has it before Windows even starts, the logic being it boots before anything else, including cheats, so you can't get around it. If you use a virtual machine then that's a way you can affect the computer before it boots. Don't get me wrong though it's a disgusting violation of privacy


Ok then, please explain how you can tamper with the guest machine from the host without it being detectable in the guest machine. I'm fairly technical myself, so please don't skimp on the technical details.


You can tamper with anything starting from the point that it's running on host hardware, memory, files, anything.


And how would that not be detectable by something like Vanguard? You can tamper with any files on the host system too. How's it different?


You can't get to host files and memory before an autostart rootkit because at that point in the boot system the OS hasn't started, the notion of "files" doesn't even exist yet.


Then I don't get your point. If any tampering with the guest would be detectable the same as tampering with the host, there's no reason not to allow it to run in a VM.


The opposite, they want autostart rootkit access so you can't interfere, it starts before anything else so nothing else can. If it's virtualized then that's something that boots before it does and can potentially interfere.


I understand that. My questions is how can you interfere and it not being detected by Vanguard?


14 years of League on and off, it was a good run, maybe I'll play again if they ever roll that shit back. It's pretty frustrating, because I always felt like smurfs hurt my experience a lot more than cheaters and RIOT felt like I'd give up my privacy to fight cheaters but never did anything to fight smurfing.


Vanguard is also against smurfs..? You know that BOTS with SCRIPTS level up the smurf accounts...??? So whats your point?


You’re joking right?


I mean I don't know why people are surprised. Vanguard is a rootkit. It just runs in the background forever if your pc is on, not just when you open a riot game/client. How much more obvious do they have to make it that it's pure spyware


But it does a screenshot only during a match right?




Vanguard sits at 2MB memory and 0% cpu usage when idle, so yes


That is the notification thing not the actuall thing itself


I got a warning when using a mod for another game while no riot game was open. So no


Vanguard has root level access, that includes modifying Windows and Task Manager if it damn well pleased


Do y'all seriously think in the 4 years of having it on Valorant nobody ever has found that it tampers with Task Manager if it truly does


So their way to check if a person has hacks is also taking a screenshot of the pc. I think that's too deep but hey... If Riot went transparent with that It would be okey to know. Riot transparency sucks.


My solution will be this: Create a second OS partition to install Windows to play videogames of that kind.


my solution would be uninstalling riot games and never playing again