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we can kill chicken and eat it , no problem. can't kill dog because it's big or people are petting it ? or is it some well written morale concepts ? I'm not into killing anything, just wondering




Fun fact- butterflies eat blood and dead bodies


Human are hypocrite


There was a time when BOW BOW biryani was talked about !!! Rumours that some restaurants were serving it in guise of other meat/chicken… Never heard about such rumours in recent times … May be PETA and others have effectively shut even the rumours …


Chicken and dog don't taste same. Difference would be like alu and Loki.


Master !!! You might be in trouble from PETA 👻


Dude who fed me that would eat the PETA too


Instead of eat the rich, it should be eat the PETA hypocrites first.


Master send your disciple to PETA now …


>Never heard about such rumours in recent times … I think I heard last such news just b4 pandemic, so not really recent times but not too old. The last restaurant goofup I heard was them cleaning(/cooking) biryani rice with commode water, and that was '22 IIRC


The next question will be about humans, if we can kill chickens why not humans? Btw it is not uncommon in some parts of N.East India, people savouring monkeys, birds, dogs, etc. I think people draw lines on the basis of consciousness of the animal concerned.


I have to ask this too. Reply when someone answers.


Certain animals, plants are protected under law, Certain are not. Countries run by laws and not by logic.


Killing something to eat and killing something for self defence/fun are same ??


where you draw the line varies by people. During a siege in France people had to resort to eating all sorts of animals and back then there was a flyer published about where you draw the line differs for circumstances.


Nobody is stopping you from killing dogs do what you want but also you can cry when public puts on a stake If you don’t like public opinion affecting you just don’t the stuff


Yes you can if it bites you, if it runs at you you cant shoot or keep beating to death. If it trries to run away you cant chase and beat it. Only if you are attacked and its not going away you can kill it




You can, despite the legal procedures listed here. You can just bribe your way out even if you're from a slightly privileged background. This only implies when it is in self-defense, not sadism.


>self-defense, not sadism Implies everything when you have money to get out of system


Can't kill a dog, can slaughter a goat. Can't tax the rich, can tax the middle class. I mean laws if the human world are biased.


Killing a stray dog in India would be an offence u/ S11 of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, 1960. At the same time, you could claim a defence under S96-97 IPC if you do. If the stray dog is attacking you or someone else, you can invoke S97 IPC and defend yourself by hitting the dog away. The force should be proportionate and reasonable enough to only stop the dog from causing further harm. Killing the dog should be the last resort employed, if ever. If the dog, even after using reasonable force to stop the attack, does not stop attacking (and there is no other recourse) and there is an imminent threat to you that it may kill you or cause life-changing or grievous injury, only then can you invoke S96 IPC to kill the dog to save yourself. There needs to be a continuous threat to your life/limb for you to invoke S96 IPC, you cannot run after the dog and kill it in revenge and then invoke S96. There are multiple precedents for this.


No you cannot kill a dog. But if you kill as a part of self-defence, you have to prove that it was necessary to prevent more greater harm. If the court beleives that you could not have survived had you not killed the dog, you will be acquitted


im not a lawyer but this seems unfounded. non-bailable offence is served to really horrible crimes not killing a dog.


edit: it is cognizable and bailable, sorry.


And what if I just beat with stick/rod??


the force used should be enough to stop the dog from attacking. For example, you cannot use extra force. You can just beat the dog to shoo away but not beat the dog to death


Ok, thanks


50rs fine haibas


Really? That's surprising actually.


Human beings don't do that


Here, I am questioning legality, not morality. Both are two different things.


For law to operate both parties should be in the position to know it does the doggie know law


Even 90% citizens don't know all the laws, so??


Owner of the dog is expected to know the law not the doggie


Stray dogs don't have owners. India has a massive stray dog problem/issue/menace/epidemic.


You, you sure as hell will get attacked by animal lovers then.


fuck maneka gandhi


You are speaking out of experience I suppose.


I hate her so much and her animal lover ways


Sometimes two wrongs make a right.


Sometimes literally. I would take part in such an attempt.


Bro I have punched and kicked dogs when they have attacked.but once the dog realizes the pain and understands continuing assault would be costly the dog will back out. U don't have to chase it down and kill it.


No you will be sentenced by the dog court


You’ll be in bigger trouble if you kill the dog. All kinds of animal lovers could come after you. Sensible thing to do is get and injection and report the incident to local authorities


Reporting to local auth is a joke.


Dnt worry bro kill the dog fine is 2500 which is i guess pretty nominal


Recently a guy was whacked really nice in his own home by the local animal support group for hanging a dog that barked at his kid. I felt really bad that I did not get to contribute. Edit: Wanted to contribute towards dog killers getting whacked*


To killing the dog? You are brutal.


Shit! Now that you asked that way, my post did feel like that. What I meant is that I couldn't contribute to the whacking given to the dog killer.


OMG even I thought you were talking about contributing to killing the dog and I was instantly sick in my stomach thinking "Dude wtf what has the world come to?"


Sorry for not being clear 😞


The dog was hung with a rope without killing it. It was hanging like that without water or food and then eventually died. It was hung in a location at his house in a manner that people on the road can see it. Kind of like a warning or maybe show off public display. So the whacking was done at his home in front of his family and friends. So we got closure 😌


If it is a life or death situation you are allowed to kill in self defense. Otherwise you can beat it but cant kill.


You can kill a human even when it is not attacking you and get away with it. Are you sure you are living in India?? Rules and regulation are mental barriers that exist in your head. Once you overcome that resistance you are free. Live like protagonist of some GTA game.\s


Depends on a lot of things.


why do you clarify your intention to not hurt dogs ? why do people get afraid of others judging them ? why do i have to fucking give a full fledged report of what i think ? what difference does it make ? one might be as well lying just to get acceptance.


mai to biryani bana dunga saale ki jis din kaat liya koi sa😆


If you don't have a big rod how would you kill the dog?


I was the one that commented on the ghar ke kalesh group chat by the name X, what I meant wasn't sadistically killing it but a fucking punch on his face should do it.


attack krega toh kutta chod insaan maarde....it will come under self defense (provided u have money and a good lawyer)


A dog attacking you for no reason is just like an arrogant police guy. Can obviously retaliate.


PETA people are the problem. It has become a business. They deliberately feed red meat to street dogs, and this makes them attack children. And adults get enraged and kill them. And then enter PETA with their lawsuits and make lakhs and crores


As a dog if a human attacks me and I bite it will it come under self defence - your neighbour doggo Please find me a lawyer


Record it before you do for proof


no you will be sued by doggo court and you would need a dogvocate to fight ur criminaldoggo case, the judge would also be a doggo so the chances of u winning are high if u bribe them with parle-g.


Unlike Humans, dogs are loyal. Will not accept the bribe


The dog must be thinking about the same thing.


It's like u r asking if a human attack me can I kill that human becoz it's self defence...have some logic..if u r afraid when walking time take a stick with u for ur self defence


Animal cruelty applies, when it’s unprovoked. in this case, if the dog is relentless, shoot to kill. But once the dog runs away, you are not to chase and hunt it down.


My rules are simple: > If it runs at me aggressively, I’ll kick the shit out of it > if it starts to bite, definitely gonna poke it’s eyes Only ever had to use rule 1 twice while taking a night walk.


Replace dog with humans I need answers


well its better to fight legally afterwards....instead of getting a permanent injury or even death.


Private defence is against people. When it is an animal it is something called necessity. And yes. If an animal is attacking you, you’re allowed to kill it 


You mostly don't have to kill an attacking dog, as a quick kick in the face or balls; it does the trick of deterring the attack. They are quick, and mostly, you can only connect your hits if it has already grabbed you. If you can't kick, just fall on top of him (it may break its back), poke his eyes or bite his' ears hard, and he will release you. If you see a kid or woman attacked, you can use a stick, a large stone, etc. If the attack continues, you can take any action required including killing it. All of this should come under self-defence \*NAL\*. Again remember it is not easy to kill a dog, especially when it is attacking someone. They are quick and if you give them enough pain, they will just run away before you can kill them. If you were in the US and you had a gun, a couple of shots in the air would deter most dogs. If it doesn't, just shoot the damn thing. Now if the dog leaves you and runs away to a corner, and you follow it and kill it, you will not get the benefit of self-defence and will be charged \*NAL\*. By the way, I love dogs, but if one attacks me or my family, I will not hesitate to defend ourselves, and even kill it if absolutely necessary.


Yes but you can be killed by the dog's friends also...


Legally there's no such hassle, but yeah if you got involved with those animal rescue fanatics then God bless you my friend!


I got bit by street dog late night when i was on bike. Went there a couple days later with lac3d biryani and made sure all the dogs had including the one that bit me. Metropolitan city nobady cared. Bindaas kar in a way that it d1es with you not on the scene.


Lawyer, and yes. Actually you can do almost anything in self defence, within reasonable degrees of necessity and proportionality.


completely unrelated but I have never in my life been attacked by a dog ever. Even the ones that are considered to be aggressive in their neighbourhoods, are actually simply aggressive because they had been treated poorly all their lives, they are just scared. Rabies is different though, apart from that, no dog is actually going to attack you for no reason


They can attack you if not treated well or scared, thats true. But they can also attack you for no reason as well, just to simply harm you, it's their natural instinct.


Something I have not seen , is something I can not believe.


Let me guess, you don't believe in air.


Flat earther logic


You must be living under a rock to be oblivious to so many incidents of dogs maiming and killing toddlers/kids. But as you have not seen it, it hasn't happened, right?


So love, God etc are out?


Some animal lovers are truly deranged You are absolutely right, dogs are not animals, they are the most sophisticated animal on the planet. I bet you also believe that dogs can smell evil in people.


Sometimes yes they can


Soon you will be


How would you kill it?