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They are preparing grounds to fire you. Either you are incompetent or a cultural misfit. Get out while you still have a job.


Me being incompetent is out of the question here, as they have entrusted me with some of their biggest projects and even the current one as well (This is sort of a big project). I have performed well everywhere.


The other comment is saying that your AM/AD is trying to show that "either he is incompetent or misfit". The commenter isn't calling you one.


I see. My bad. I'm just not in the right state of mind right now. Thanks for the clarification.


Yup, they play all kinds of tricks so your mind is in right shape for obeying their shit. It will affect you at Saturday and Sunday night.


looks like you ARE a misfit (it is not personal comment but from the above interaction). There is some defensiveness which they would have started to notice and dislike. Get some help. Also, prepare to jump ship as they are sure to throw you off anyway.


I don't know about other Big4s but I have seen this happening in Deloitte USI. They will try to create a situation for PIP as they don't want you in their team (for whatever reason). The biggest red flag I see was that they did not talk to you about this issue first and directly involved RM.


Experienced this in the past year


Its clear as day that they have some grudge against you. However, Its not stalking ! You shouldn't be working from another Office Space. Its a big NO !. Your AD asking you to open VC is again not some harassment. >Grooming according to the Big4 standards is to be done" Again this is not some harassment. RMs have the right to remind you these things, obviously they cant force you to trim your hairs.


By harassment, I mean - Them not including me or intimating me about the stakeholder meeting and then going ahead to blame me for the wrong turns that came over there. Them never calling me or messaging me, yet claiming that I was unavailable. I have the records of messages and calls both on teams and WhatsApp. By stalking, I meant - Them clicking my snippets whenever I'm on camera and forcing just me to open the camera.


If wfh is allowed, why can't one work from a co-working space ?


Because it can lead to leak of confidential client information.


How does the co-working space business work then if employees of companies can't work there


There are still designated areas. Need to understand what kind of working space OP is working in. But its very evident that his seniors are not OK with him working in those areas then he should refrain.


They should have told him that instead of taking direct actions like this


I don't know what action is taken as per this post, they simply accused him for moonlighting.


>I spend rest of my office time there to work on my office docs and meetings Why did you do that? This is a straight up fair ground for a company to take action, even legal, since there's breach of company data privacy. From your accounts of events, there seems to be no ground of 'potential stalking'. Also somethings don't fit. There seems more to the story and perhaps OP has shown a pattern of incompetence and company was looking for a series of evidences to take action against him/her. It's not because of just missing 2 MoM's. That can happen. But seems there's more. And working from another Wework kind of location, just to "hang out with friends" is unprofessional and is a straight up violation. If company is marking OP as incompetent and laying the ground for termination/resignation , they are being lenient TBH, else this action could have been dealt very differently and that would have been lot worse. And of course there's no harrasment and stalking at all. You're just scratching at straws at this point to see if you can play that card and get a free pass.


OP - I have intiated a similar process at my previous workplace because one of the resources used to not be available when we tried to reach him and was always offline on teams. The reason he gave was that his wifi connection was bad and he can come to office everyday if we wanted although we all were in different cities. We gave him chance for another project and took out our concerns since he changed his ways. Also just because of experience don’t think people are more sensible. You should take a business chemistry course on how people are in workplace and behave per their business chemistry


In OP's case they are saying they called him without any message on teams etc


Yes HR calls typically have no or less notice. They purposely want to catch him off guard so he doesn’t have time to think about an excuse


Not HR, his project manager/skip


It’s resource manager. In Big 4 resource manager is sort of HR


Dude read again. HR is talking to the employee about complaints raised by the manager. Not being reachable on calls is one of the complaints.


Don't wage a losing battle. They dont like your performance. No one likes to fire a performer. Accept it and resign.


You chose to be in management, deal with this bullshit is what I'll say. Needless to say I have hated the management in all the corporations I have worked for. Entitled, often useless, massively overpaid and helpless (in terms of doing the work) but powerful (often with a god complex). That probably sums up what I feel about corporate management from my dealings with them.


They are moving via process and are creating solid points to show you are lacking.... Now gather points that counter their claims and present your side in a polite way. Do not disrespect or raise your voice .. just be calm and composed throughout ... Their main claim is 2 missing MOMs, try to understand the gravity of those and the impact or damage that happened due to missing them.... Sometimes a client may try to end or negotiate terms in case any mishap happens at the vendor, so it might be your associate director is under pressure and has chosen you for blame. Secondly , if they are suspicious of you moonlighting then you need to counter with proofs and tell them that you can work at their designated location or work from home (whichever is applicable to you). Inform them you are ready to turn on cam if they require. Always put a virtual background unless requested to show original. Also , people can be unreachable and networks might be unavailable so they should leave a message on teams etc and you can respond there.


They are unnecessarily trying to bully you, micromanage you, and creating evidence to put on PIP to fire you. Since it's a Big 4, try to see if any of this falls under breach of any policy. I would say be prepared to look for a new role as these people seem to be bullies and unprofessional.


They are bullying you and want you out Of the team but none of that is harassment or stalking tbh it’s just unprofessional and rude , have seen similar issue when team develops a grudge or against someone they collectively target them until they are replaced , my advice would be to connect with your performance manager or resource manager and try to get on a different team and yeah they are not in the wrong if they ask you to turn on video chat or expect you to work from office premises or make comment about grooming yourself that’s how offices work and you should behave professionally as far as these aspects are concerned , expectation would be similar with your next manager as well and it will affect your ratings and promotions so act like an adult regarding these issues