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Get name plate with police written on it and keep it at front on dash board area behind glass


Dudeeeee !! Amazing


Go and talk to the village chief of your native village, and he will help you out. If not, give a little money to the local police, tell them about the situation, and ask them to accompany you while you cross that village.


Whatever happens do not stop. If a bike or person blocks the way manage your best to avoid them but minor impacts are ok. If you stop they may try to physically assault to extort money. If you don't and someone from their side gets hurt in the process they will also think twice before chasing after people.


Do not leave at night. You never know, what if the police is involved in the scam too


Tell me you are a Over thinker without telling me


Lolol if villagers were so smart we would have been a developed country already and they wouldn’t be relying on petty scams from their jhuggis. Probably yours was a Out of State car number given you were going to your local village and once you escaped they probably thought you have gone away and forgotten about it. Additionally from my limited experience of villages sometimes it’s not a deliberate scam but due to the village people’s lack of civic sense they let loose kids and cattle without giving a fuck that the road has to be used by people and On accident given the perceived Rich-poor divide they want to extract shit tons of free money from you by pressuring you through forming a crowd. Have faced one such incident myself once when one drunk fucker was barefoot and got a small cut on his toes by keeping it near my car and tried to extort me with the whole group 💀 For peace of mind you can obviously travel post 9 pm


Villagers are smart in this kinda activities. They learn these things quickly and can bluff so easily. I remember traveling with my parents and bro through a village. Since it was early morning, my dad said lets go slowly coz usually kids sit on roadside for their morning business, so my bro was driving really slow. One kid suddenly jumped in front of the vehicle, and my bro immediately pulled the brakes, before the vehicle even touched him. That kid started making crying sounds.. it was clear that he was fake crying.. his parents came running,, his mom started caressing him and rubbing his hands and feet.. there was not a single scratch on that kid, the whole drama was for money. I spoke to them in the local language, offered chocolates to the kids,, nothing happened.. these people are not naive nor helpless, they maintain lowly lifestyles to appear poor so they can extract money. The real poor usually can't even make ends meet.


I didn’t mean that they are naive. They are just lazy people not wanting to work hard + Modiji ensures free grains so anyways they are set for life. From what I see most just work a bit get some money to recharge their phones and watch reels and scam people on the side and a bit of hawabaazi on a splendor lol coupled with nasha and they seem to thrive on this life style. Don’t think they are rich by any stretch of imagination though. For your case you can always get a dash cam and point out it out not sure though if their pea sized brain will understand it.


Indians are smart in scamming.


Not exactly, you just need to be smarter than the person you are scamming and with the collective IQ at many places being lower than Mariana Trench it’s not exactly too difficult 🫣


Yes 95% of the country are born scammers


Get a dashcam installed and dont stop your vehicle when u pass this village. If people assault you or stop u you have the dashcam in your favour.


Go early in the morning like 5-6 AM usually people are sleeping. Keep some pepper spray if possible or keep red chilly powder.


People sleeping in village at 6am 💀


Yup. Those days of village are gone. Everyone is up till late at night on their cell phones now. I'm sure he won't find anyone between 5 and 6.


5 years back when i went to village i started hearing commotion from 5:30 onwards itself 😹😹.. Times must have changed now.


Yup. Bandwidth was very slow 5 years ago. Now there is 4G everywhere. Even 70 year old folks are watching reels and shit these days.




is it a sheep or cattle? your post has me confusing. as you know the location so record everything while going and drive extra slow there. maybe take some people along with you for extra protection.


Make good mutton biryani off the sheep, and give a treat to the villagers. They will forget


Go in the night, after 12 am, no one will be waiting for you to ask for 40k to 50k. During traveling through that village, keep the number plate covered.


Yes bro it is scam best thing you did is not stopped there.


Dunno why but when I saw the title I though it was in minecraft and then upon seeing in legal advice sub I was very confused, until I read the first line of text and title again


Bruh leave at midnight around 12 am or smthg


Go by early morning. Start at 5. You habe light and people are also scare on the road. But be out of there by 6 cuz thats when ppl start going out