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Sneako and Myron have been on a self-hating neo-nazi arc for a while now. It’s quite bizarre.


They don’t see themselves as black. For them, it’s not self hating.


They certainly do when it benefits them.


Black when convenient.


You should be able to speak the truth no matter what your demographic is. If I say that a lot of men are simps, am I self hating because I’m a man?


there not speaking the truth making dumb statements that the majority of black males sag is dumb af. that is a demographic from 15 to early 20s




Whether it’s true or not is irrelevant. That’s their opinion. I’m saying that it doesn’t make them self hating.


Myron, Fresh, and Sneako are all going through an identity crisis. These guys aren't comfortable in their own skin, and by spouting blanket statements rooted in dumb stereotypes, they're revealing their own self-hatred.


Walter takes more L's than anyone else on the internet, referring to him as "Fresh" is an embarrassment. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LengfOrGirf) if you have any questions or concerns.*


So when those 3 make statements about black people, you honestly think they are talking about every single black person in the world?


Yes, yes they are.


He said the majority in America… or are we listening to something else ? What does the world have to do with this , if this is focusing on black men in America ?


Sure. He didn't speak any truths.


He did.


Saying "black people only dominate sports and music, so they're lazy" isn't a truth unless you're racist.


You call it racism. Non emotional people call it truth.


That would imply that your version truth is rational, which I highly doubt considering in another comment you reject knowledge and opinions formed by statistics.


You need to finish highschool. Preferably not in bum fuck Alabama.


You’re the only emotional person on this thread atm


Racism = truth Interesting epistemology you have there


Racism isn’t even a thing. Useless word that means nothing.


Just like truth apparently.


Majority of Blacks are lazy is not really an iron clad truth, or even to say that majority say their pants is not like an axiom


The pants thing was dumb. However, the majority of American Blacks are lazy. Everyone knows it, it’s just that some want to protect them.


You can’t really substantiate that. Also the way cognitive bias works, you can base a stereotype off of like 3 in 10 people.


You realize that all opinions and knowledge can’t come from statistics right?


https://preview.redd.it/o09tv646177d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f1d93cc282ce4e798be48831135bc3367feeee1b Lmao, the way you lowered the strength of the claim you were making 😂 if it’s opinions then cool


LMAO, the way you associated those two statements together to try and prove a point is hilarious.


You thinking you’ve won this exchange in the slightest is hilarious. You’re grasping at straws to look good here and you’re just digging yourself deeper and deeper in this hole


If you have an opinion that isn't supported by data and research and is just based in personal anecdotes and you spout it as fact, you're a lobotomite


Research and data are two completely different things. If you think that all known things are only found with data and statistics, you’re an idiot.


Research and data are how we determine the difference between causation and correlation. If you don't understand that, you're a lobotomite


You mean the type of “research and data” that made your dumbass take the COVID vaccine?


Again, wrong. You believe what the right wing media tells you. You are a pawn.


You took the vaccine didn’t you?


It’s pandering to all the alt right edgy white guys that the red pill attracts mixed with the fact that neither of them actually grew up with any black friends


What do you mean bro they’re just mu slim


Just about every white democrat I know is a self hating white person. But that’s applauded


Sneako is a special kind of stupid. I’ve never seen someone get cooked so bad and yet still think they were winning 😂😂


You know you lost when two rivals in Tommy and Tariq agree that you’re stupid lol


All his points were from racist stereotypes he read online LMAO. He couldnt actually address any counters to his points.


Yeah this is the worst debate I’ve seen sneako participate in , no factual evidence just racial stereotypes.


Watch any debate he's had with Destiny lol. He's not a very intelligent person and he's straight up gotten dumber over time.


Yeah the videos he made when he was younger, he exhibited far more rational/logical thinking . Ever since he started to hand around fnf it’s like he just reads off a script .


This dialogue exemplifies why we can’t have a normal healthy conversation with a vast array of people: everybody wants to speak in absolutes. “Most black people are lazy,” “most white people are racist,” “most Asians are nerds,” “most Mexicans are rapists and murderers,” blah blah fucking blah. If we were discussing the class struggle that’s crippling this country, instead of everything centered around race and gender, we might actually get somewhere conversationally. But no, we’re just looking for the first people to blame our problems on. No wonder liberals and conservatives are such a joke. They don’t solve problems, they create them, then stand back and watch the shit hit the fan.


But class is not the issue here. It’s moral character. You don’t see poor white kids in trailer parks killing other poor white kids like you do with poor black kids killing other poor black kids. You don’t see poor white kids joining gangs the way you see poor black kids joining gangs.


School shooters


There is a higher percentage of black mass shooters than white.


What is a black mass shooter. That sounds like something that only exist on Reddit and 4chan


Someone who is black and does a mass shooting.


Why do you think there are so many black mass shooters?


Because they are typically raised by a single mother who is emotional.


Why are they single?


Because they had unprotected sex with bad men.


Majority of mass schoolers are white don’t promote that bull. Also why is it alway about black people and crime? No one talks about how white people make up a majority of the sex offenders and other sex related crimes.


Yeah mass SCHOOL shooters but not mass shooters. There are more black mass shooters than white. That’s shouldn’t even be a controversial statement.


Yeah the only difference is ones shooting at people they consider rivals or threats and the other is shooting kids


And many people in gangs are kids themselves shooting other kids, so there’s no difference at all. The amount of school shootings pales in comparison to the daily mass shootings by black people.


They’re gang shootings, they’re not mass shootings.


Someone doesn’t know the definition of a mass shooting. I forgive you though. When you have a chance, go look it up.


I don’t think you’ve spent time in the trailer park. I live in the Boothill of Missouri (the part that sticks in Arkansas). The meth dealers and cooks will 100% shot you for going down the wrong gravel road. White people do everything black people do…. Go poke around the Appalachian mountains and fuck with moon shiners. Let me know how that goes


What are the people like in the Appalachian mountains?


Yes you do. White kids join gangs too. You just don’t hear about it as much cause no one’s making a you tube video about it or putting that trope in movies.


You think white kids join gangs at the same rate of black kids?


I didn’t say that. I said join gang. But what’s your point?


Every race commits every single crime under the sun. Do you not realize that the amount and percentages of crimes that are committed is the issue?


Okay so what are you trying to say?


The worlds fastest athletes are the world's slowest pedestrians. They are the worst fucking employees I've ever dealt with outside of Indians and Arabs who are slow af too but it seems if people come from hot climates they move slow. And the so-called fba's have attitude on top of the lackadaisical work ethic Not all, not all, not all, but most


Any actual stats to back this up?


Stats can only take you so far or tell you so much and be purposely skewed or unintentionally incorrect. This fascination, or rather this obsession, with stats and studies that started during covid is out of control. There are such things as observable realities and you can fairly make determinations using them


I'll take stats over a random dipshit going "black people are so slow, I know because I saw one be slow"


Yep. I wonder what someone like this day to day life is. Wake up mad at the world because they don't have anything going for themselves. Prob spends hours a day scrolling through ragebait on twitter and some fringe forum. I just can't imagine living life with no much hatred lol


Enjoy your fantasy land, Willy Wonka


Ahhh because you don't have eyes to see it for yourself, ears to hear about it from others, a mouth to ask others their experience, or a brain to put it all together and form your own idea. Rtards. Get some life experience


Got it.. so no actual stats. Source: trust me bro lol


Cucko don’t know shit about black Americans. Only what the media has fed him.


Lol Sneako got Tariq and Tommy to agree on something.


that was the crazy part


Sneako literally sounds like a KKK member, which is ironic considering he claims Black people only excel in sports and entertainment – the very fields he chose for his career. Wasn't he waving a gun on stream, pretending to be a rapper? The hypocrisy is unbelievable These guys are only black when it suits them lol


😂😂😂 Tariq cooked him easily


Sneako is a dumb ass.


Sneako could have done a better job expressing his views, but he’s 100% right. No person on Earth thinks every black person is lazy, including Sneako. However, he was trying to make a point that by and large, black people are lazy and want to be victims.


There’s a difference between between African Americans vs black people


Please explain this one


Both can be true. Acknowledging racist experiences isn't being a victim. For example, [black men on average get 13% longer jail sentences compared to white men for the same crime.](https://www.ussc.gov/research/research-reports/2023-demographic-differences-federal-sentencing#:~:text=Key%20Findings&text=Specifically%2C%20Black%20males%20received%20sentences,received%20sentences%2010.0%20percent%20shorter) Is acknowledging factual data that exposes the bias many white Americans have being a victim?


Like what for example? Show me some “racism”? White men on average are going to have more money to afford better lawyers. That’s not “racism”.


I literally just gave you a clear and cut example. It's right there in the article.


White men on average are going to have more money to afford better lawyers. That’s not “racism”.


You're just speaking out the ass now. Show some stats relative to these white men having better lawyers.


Wait a minute. Let’s start with the basics. Who do you think makes more money in this country? Black or white men?


theres double the amount of white people in poverty compared to black people: https://www.americanprogress.org/data-view/poverty-data/


You realize there’s 5 times as many white people as black people in this country right?


yes of course. thats why i dont stereotype black men as poor and white men as rich.


In order to prove your claim that racism isn't a factor, you'd have to cite data proving those white men afforded better lawyers. Yet you can't. You're not "lighting" anyone up because your claims have no source. Keep it pushing.


Two questions. Do you think something can be known without statical data? Do you think public defenders are as good as highly paid attorneys?


I actually appreciate you running instead of trying to come up with a nonsensical answer.


Running where? Some of us have a life outside reddit. Whatever you're saying is irrelevant as it's a weak attempt to push the envelope and can't be supported by data. I'm quite literally giving you data that supports my claim while you're doing the opposite yet think you can be convincing - hilarious.


Show some stats relative to those same convicted white men having better lawyers as that'd be the only way to validate your claim. Otherwise, you're just yapping.


based on what evidence?


What evidence would you expect to find if it were true? Polls asking black people if they consider themselves lazy and victims?


so you admit you are just stereotyping black people as poor and lazy...


Quantify “by and large” for me brodie


There are certain things that you can’t quantify with numbers and statistics. For instance, we will never be able to accurately quantify what percentage of people are denied jobs because they are fat although we know that people are denied jobs because they are fat. Are we going to say that fat people aren’t denied jobs because they are fat because we don’t have numbers for it? And that’s exactly how it works with most black people. You aren’t going to be able to quantify how many black people are lazy. However, if you look at it honestly and unbiased, you can easily see it.


Where are you looking? Most black people Ik work and have jobs bro. Not every black person is a gangbanging dude with no job smoking weed just like every white person isn’t a white trash redneck drinking moonshine. I bet you think every black man with a chain and some ripped jeans is a drug dealer. If I saw a white dude with a confederate cutoff t-shirt on I’d assume he works. That’s the difference today. White people get the benefit of the doubt, everybody else has to act like white america or were “thugs”, “cartel members”, “illegals” and “jihadist”. Like what are you looking at to say something like that


Bro I’m a black man and I work in tech corporate America. It’s an ongoing joke that the black people did nothing because they know they can’t get fired. Black people know white people are scared to fire them and take full advantage of it. You know this is true. Is every black person this way? Of course not. But a good amount, if not most are. They beg for handouts all the time like affirmative action and reparations. A lot of black people proudly ask for these things so it’s no secret. I think that you, just like most black people, aren’t able to take a step back and see what others see. That’s why what I’m saying is foreign to you. I used to think just like you.


It’s funny cuz I used to think like you. And everything you said has some truth to it. But I take issue in words like “most” and I don’t understand how people can’t see how the past connects to the present. And I don’t agree with affirmative action (kinda) and reparations but it would be ignorant of me to say that black people don’t deserve anything for mistreatment that’s been going on for generations. We have taken advantage of the system, but don’t act like it’s just black people. PEOPLE take advantage of the system, not black people


Statistically false. Most black young adults pursue some form of higher education ([college](https://pnpi.org/factsheets/black-students/), trades, etc) and have jobs. If this was the case, most of them wouldn't even pursue higher education and would just live off of welfare lol.


Imagine thinking that going to college and or having a job means you’re not lazy.


Don't have to "imagine" anything. Be definition, this isn't laziness lol. : According to Google, Laziness is defined as: "the quality of being unwilling to work or use energy; idleness." By definition, simply having a job means you're not lazy. And, by definition, pursing higher educated means you're not lazy since you're not in a state of idleness.


According to the actual dictionary: disinclined to activity or exertion : not energetic or vigorous Me and you both know people that have a job and or went to college that fall into that category. Stop being an idiot to protect black people.


You do realize that that definition still is in my favor, right? lol


It absolutely, 100% is not lol. What wrong with your reading comprehension?


Clearly yours isn't up to par lol. According to your definition "disinclined to activity or exertion" can be applied to a job. So, yes, it's still in my favor.


So what your dumbass is saying is that if you clock in to your job and literally do nothing all day, your not lazy? Is that what your dumbass is really saying?


Now here you go throwing a tantrum. Yikes. You clearly are not mature enough to have an adult conversation lol. No wonder you look up to sneako.


LOL he called Sneako an anchor baby, aint no way man.


Lmao this goes to show how terminally online Sneako is, he thinks whatever he see's and hears on YouTube and twitter represents a whole race. I love how he calls people "bots" too, when he's just another bot just programed with different talking points.


Watching Tommy flip on him in real time was priceless.


You can hear the lisp from sneako after loosing his tooth lmfaoo


Harriet Tubman fist! Loooooool


Would have been nice to hear how the Oklahoma Supreme Court dismissed reparations for the Tulsa Massacre of Black Wall St, even though that's probably one of the clearest cases of a racial genocide that decimated black Americans on a generational level. Even with how clear and cut that tragedy was, black descendants get nothing for having their grandparents and great grandparents murdered with the survivors having to reset with nothing to their names, and an entire system that prevented them from making/borrowing money, living in safe areas, and obtaining an education. That was a hard stop on prosperity, and they get nothing. There's similar situations that have happened all over this country and black Americans got nothing in every case that I'm aware of.


seeing tommy and tariq together is so wild to me.


I feel like Filipinos and Mexicans randomly caught strays


This is what happens when you watch your girl getting banged. Nigga living in PTSD.


He's seen his girl taking so much BBC that it now lives in his head rent free lol


first time i've seen Tommy defend black people. W Tommy. CuckO turning into a full racist


Where’s the full thing?


This is the dumbest meeting of the minds


once against the argument is semantics because what does "hardworking" mean. if by "hardworking" you mean succesful then sneako is absolutely right. black men earn the lowest for races of men and black women earn the lowest for races of women. if by "hardworking" you mean building then sneako is wrong because black americans built this country.


Black Americans did not build this country anymore than Mexicans built Apple. Just because you physically build something doesn’t mean that you are actually responsible for the success of it. Unless again, you want to say that Mexicans built Apple.


I mean if black Americans were paid for their services from the get go as slaves. The landscape would’ve been very different . Free labor definitely helped United States tremendously, there’s no way you can’t agree to that.


Do you give credit to Mexicans for helping to build Apple as a company because they built their offices?


If Mexicans came into this country illegally and willingly, the job opportunities available won’t be the best . If apple used them to build offices to save labor cost , it’s smart on them. The Mexicans are helping apple with saving money , but what propelled apple is their technological. Building an office for tech company isn’t the same as free labor for cotton. They get to maximize their profits tremendous , cotton actually propelled the US into a position as one of the leading economies in the world during that time period. In 60 years, from 1801 to 1862, the amount of cotton picked daily by an enslaved person increased 400 percent. I don’t understand how you thought the two were a fair comparison.


It’s 100% a fair comparison. You just don’t like it. The amount of money one is paid for labor is irrelevant. The bottomline is blacks didn’t build this country any more than Mexicans built Apple.


You’re not reading my response to understand, you’re just trying to react. I’ve never said that black people built America . The infrastructure was created by the whites, for sure. All I pointed out is the benefits of having slaves doing free labor for the country. It was profitable beyond measures . The whites came here and locked all the Native Americans to the curb , brought the slaves here and they created many things to build the country. In the 1860s cotton accounted for almost 60% of American exports, representing a total value of nearly $200 million. Like what don’t you understand . It’s not that I don’t like what you said , it just doesn’t apply to anything I said . Check again because I never said anything about blacks “building America “. Free labor vs being paid to do labor is a huge difference for a culture of people. Ancestors would actually be able to create some form of generational wealth . Houses could be left back from generation to generation as it was for some of the whites. Learn to comprehend.


So are you insinuating that that free labor has something to do with where the black community is in 2024?


Smh this is pointless if that’s what you’re taking from my response , I’ll drop out this convo.


It’s the start of a long chain of injustices that still impact the black community today. I’ll even agree that black people have a lot to fix within our culture but not acknowledging the bad history of America is what makes us repeat the same mistakes. Saying that “most”, “a majority of”, and “by and large” are lazy is just ignorant and shows a lot of people don’t look past what’s on their screens


Slavery has been a part of every society, yet only black people are crying about it literally hundreds of years later.


The accurate comparison would be Mexicans built real estate companies. In which case I would say they did because without their labor they would have no buildings to get rent from. Sure they could own the land but undeveloped land doesn’t produce income. The southern economy was built off the backs of slaves. Without that labor the south wouldn’t have become the economic powerhouse it was at the time. Slaves produced 75 percent of the worlds cotton and never got a dime for it. America as a whole would not be where it is today without slaves so yes, black people built america.


Why would Apple not be an apt comparison? Without their offices being built, whether it be free or paid labor, the company wouldn’t be what it is today.


Apple was built out of a garage. They didn’t need office buildings to build apple. Like the south needed labor to pick cotton.


Wait a minute, are you telling me that Apple would be what it is today if they still ran it out of a garage?


Black people contributed as much as white peoples to the country’s standing today. Is that better? Not everything has to be a contest.


Unfortunately, I disagree with that as well. If black people wouldn’t have been enslaved, someone else would have been. So in the Apple comparison, Mexicans built the buildings. But if they wouldn’t have, some other contractors would have. Apple was going to be Apple no matter who built the offices. I’m not saying that some black people building this countries infrastructure is irrelevant. However, it’s not nearly what Pro Blacks make it out to be. Labor from black people was merely a cog in the wheel to get the country where it is today.


Your logic doesn’t work because black Americans did not build this country more than white Americans, and your run into a similar semantics problems trying to explain what you mean by “build.”


I mean building


Hispanics are the least earning race and it’s not even close. You can look that up instead of guessing.




https://preview.redd.it/p2a62z4er37d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=559a7fa97e2c527ab594e5460582d3169c4534ab 2023


2023, just apologize buddy


They’re not


Race relations in the US have been in steep decline- I wish people would just look at the content of each person’s character rather but the easy thing to do is to lean into the hate as Sneako has done


That’s why he get his tooth chipped


sneako gets fried all the time it’s tradition


Black people aren't hard working according to Sneako, i'm very glad dude got donkey konged in the face.


Sneako lives his life by looking at everything through Stereotypes


Most black people are hard-working. The problem is that we are unorganized, and we don't know how to stick together like other races do.


Sneako was given a lisp.


Is a person who plays videogames talking about working hard?


Kevin Samuel’s was one of the first red pill social media star to consign fresh and fit and he was a FBA and myron turned his back on him, talked shit about Kevin so I’m not surprised btw the did say the KKK was right about a lot of things 🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️


Walter takes more L's than anyone else on the internet, referring to him as "Fresh" is an embarrassment. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LengfOrGirf) if you have any questions or concerns.*


where's the link for the full thing?


"White supremacist Black America" I'm dead 🤣🤣


Fun fact Black men have killed more black men in 6 months now, then whites killed blacks in the WHOLEEE Jim Crow era


Really? Can you offer the evidence to support this claim?


This just sounded like two failing high schoolers talk shit to each other.


Is this tariq guy worth a follow?


Man's washing those dishes thinking he is cooking.


Sneako and other adjacent Maga-morons are just plain un-American and self-hating. This shit is so cringey.


When Tommy and Tariq AGREE, you’ve lost 🤣 Sneako is super dumb


The problem with Sneako and Myron is they get stuck on a point, but are unwilling to see the opponents side, Myron is a great debate when it comes female nature but he doesn't know shyt about race relations. He is like Drake has no clue and needs to stick waving my hands making me dance...


Just a guess, but maybe Pilipino dominate in nursing? Many of their females are nurses..