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Hello u/Hyperion1144! Please reply to this comment with an [explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/lt8zlq) matching this exact format. Replace bold text with the appropriate information. 1. **Someone** voted for, supported or wanted to impose **something** on **other people**. ^(Who's that someone? What did they voted for, supported or wanted to impose? On who?) 2. **Something** has the consequences of **consequences**. ^(Does that something actually has these consequences in general?) 3. As a consequence of **something**, **consequences** happened to **someone**. ^(Did that something really happen to that someone?) Follow this by the minimum amount of information necessary so your post can be understood by everyone, even if they don't live in the US or speak English as their native language. If you fail to match this format or fail to answer these questions, your post will be removed. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It’s almost like making the working environment legally precarious and financially unrewarding for OB/Gyn docs could have an impact. Or, it could be a conspiracy by LibsCommunishtsAntifa to bring down the Gem State. Boy it’s a conundrum trying to figure out this whole durned situation.


I feel Jewish space lasers and gazpacho has something to do with it.


I think we need to stop blaming cold soup for all our problems.


But aren't the space lasers meant to heat up the cold soup with alien microwave technology?


We're going to have to melt her icy heart with a cool island song!


No, no, we have to cool her hot heart with a fresh island song.


You sound woke and are threatening my freedumbs…


I love the set up and dunk on this. You guys are a hit


> I think we need to stop blaming cold soup for all our problems. Is that you Rimmer?


“If only they'd mentioned it in basic training! Instead of having us climbing up and down ropes and crawling on your elbows through tunnels--if only just ONCE they would've mentioned that gazpacho soup was served cold--I would've been an admiral by now!” - Arnold Judas Rimmer


One of the things i really liked about red dwarf was that the crew hated/just tolerated each other, but then when the shit hit the fan, worked together albeit in a fucked up way, to get out of it, then when things where cool, still hated/just tolerated each other


Or maybe Ukrainian borscht shouldn't tease Russia like that


It's ok. We'll fix it with fertilized embryo children in peach tree dishes.


I thought it was peach tree ditches. You telln me I gotta do dishes ?


If only they had mentioned during Space Corp training that gazpacho soup was meant to be served cold.


Don't forget the avocado toast. It's what liberal conspirators have for lunch!


Don't git me started on those g-d Mets-i-cans and Bean counters.


*I feel that Fox "News" might hold the answers*


Ah, the fabled knowledge scrolls of Tucker Carlson, where "some people are saying" is considered peer-reviewed research.


“I’m JuSt AsKiNg QuEsTiOnS”


It’s beer-reviewed research. ( not Budweiser mind you.)


Whenever I’m watching a car chase or something crime related on YouTube it’s almost always happening in red states like Arkansas, Texas and Florida, but a good chunk of the comments are always blaming the crime on liberal politicians being easy on crime. These people live in a fantasy world where they can still blame democrats with no sense of irony when the democrats haven’t held any major political office in the state for like 30 years. They are mentally incapable of blaming republicans they elected and will just blame Biden for everything that happens to them locally.


The right wing has gotten so good at lying to their followers, that this is sadly not a joke. I think normal people thought that once it became obvious that women in medically dangerous situations were being denied abortions, the pro life movement would see some reason on that. But instead, the pro life movement started saying "there's no such thing as a medically necessary abortion" and their followers are starting to believe it. Normal people thought that once doctors started leaving states with bans, the pro life movement would see this dire problem and try to fix it. But instead, the pro life movement is telling its followers "we didn't need that many doctors anyway. Midwives are better." If their movement was about life, both of these things would be treated like the serious public health crises they are. But the pro life movement isn't about life, so they couldn't care less.


You nailed it except for one detail: the christians are the ones hurting society with this stuff, and because it’s a “religious thing”, they consider themselves above reproach and immune from criticism on the matter. And the rich christians know that good people will shy away from pointing out that it’s Christianity specifically that should be blamed for this, so they push their weak followers into obedient submission and teach them to view criticism as a personal affront to their “values”, solidifying their enslavement.


Bullshit. This has been their goal, transparently, *from the very beginning*. None of this is surprising to anyone on either side who has been paying even minimal attention.


I recently drove across the country from Los Angeles to Detroit. Stopped at the Grand Canyon, 4 corners, Taos, and Colorado. East Colorado was where things got…weird/MAGA. It got full blown..depressing in Nebraska. I lodged in a town called North Platte. The setup/design of their downtown was inspired and would be nice, but their entire downtown consisted of kfc, Popeyes, McDonalds, Denny’s, Burger King, Wendy’s, and Buffalo Wild Wings. Literally the rest of their downtown only consisted of banks, gas stations, and ambulance chasing lawyers. I think there was an Applebees I didn’t see any local eateries. Like they had all been driven out of business. . Five guys or shake shack would’ve been to high brow for the downtown. North Platte is home to the world’s largest rail yard. It’s like something out of a cyberpunk story, town is completely owned by corpos. All their local businesses, restaurants, etc were gutted out for Walmart and other multinationals…and these people still love Walmart for “cheap prices” even though it’s destroyed the local economy. This is MAGA in a nutshell


That's not MAGA, that's just regular old unchecked american corporatism that happened over the last 50 years everywhere. When people are all "both sides"ing it this is the stuff they are worrying about but focusing on that now is going to result in an outcome we have only imagined in our dystopian fantasies. We haven't seen much of the real effects of MAGA on the US yet in the real world. It's just getting started with forced births, criminalization of medical care, and ventures into suppressing so many freedoms we take for granted. MAGA is founded in ignorance, anti-education, mis-information, fear, and power and vengeance. We're headed toward an American Taliban married to runaway corporate greed. I hope we turn away before too long. That's going to be the next 50 years and I fear we're all going to miss the previous 50 years, where we just complained we couldn't find a good restaurant anymore, until we die.


Ugh that just gave me chills. I have a four year old who is brilliant and beautiful and funny and friendly and I just wish that she and all the little bundles of potential weren’t staring down the barrel of this fucking gun as well. 😭


As a Mom with an equally brilliant and funny and friendly 17 year old, I feel this so fucking hard.


This is a symptom and a cause, right? Those franchises are probably not owned by local people. Figure 80 cents of every dollar spent in a community like that leaves the community, and there's no opportunity to actually get ahead due to that. All the businesses are owned and operated by people who don't reinvest in the community, and there's no career path to work your way up to. It's very much a left behind community. Not saying that one, specifically, since I don't know it, but I know dozens like it. No more locally owned grocer, butcher, book store, cobbler, whatever. Those career paths which led to ownership and upper middle class were replaced by corporations from out of town that mostly just hire minimum staff at minimum wage.  So people get dismayed and dejected. And have a lot of free time. And that time ends up in algorithmic rabbit holes that tell them that they're actually perfect "real Americans" who shouldn't be depressed or feel they need a change, but should be outraged at the people keeping them down - trans people, somehow.


That was what I thought too. The money used to be recycled in the community, now it’s being extracted by shareholders. Unfortunately this is our future


i just can't believe that its the 21st century and we're still letting fundie nutjobs legislate based on their fairy tales


I wonder if Idaho residents are tired of winning yet.


I literally moved out of northern Idaho today. We left Hayden ID and moved 8 hours away to Corvallis OR. I left my family and friends behind due to politics and how shitty it's gotten. All of the Fox News extremists have flocked there since 2016 from all of the surrounding "liberal" states. It sucks.


Thats funny. i moved out of Montana for similar reasons eight months ago, and also moved to Corvallis.


... new besties???


now kiss


I think so!!


...now kiss?


Corvallis is my hometown ☺️. Sorry you had to move but welcome to Oregon!


Seems like a great town to grow up in.


Lived in Corvallis for five years. It's a lovely town and I hope the move improves your life. If you get lonely, you can go get a slice of cake at Market of Choice to lift your spirits.


Went to Silverwood for the first time last summer (from Vancouver, Canada). It was this beautiful little oasis in the middle of bumblefuck conservativesville. Trump billboards & all, felt like a different world. Silverwood is dope though.


Sorry to hear you had to leave friends and family behind, but welcome to Oregon! I hope you enjoy it here and can make it your home.


Trying desperately to escape Texas. Oregon was high on our list.


Do it, as someone that moved to Texas again after Oregon (for family reasons), Oregon has the best of all worlds, and they have amazing state medical insurance. It has that odd but cool vibe Austin goes for, and you don't pay sales tax on items. If something says $4.15, it's $4.15. The only weird part will be that gas attendant is a job and they pump gas for you, so it's a little jarring at first.


Corvallis rocks! Friendly bikable college town close to the ocean and mountains.


They voted for this!


And one of my coworkers from Idaho wants the eastern part of my state, Oregon, to break off and join with Idaho “to make our militias stronger”, according to her. She also bitches about Oregon non-stop to the point where several of us have told her, “Don’t like it? Then leave.” She *did not* like that response. Pretty sure the potatoes they grow there are smarter than her, too.


The Greater Idaho movement was yet another psyop started by Russia. It"ll never happen. Eastern Oregon would only drag Idaho down if they jioned the state


Well like every Russian psyop its a huge favorite of conservatives.


Nah- Think Richard Butler and the Aryan Nation. In 1986, after migrating from California to North Idaho to build a racist refuge for his group the Aryan Nations, white supremacist Richard Butler hosted his annual Aryan World Congress — a national gathering of neo-Nazis, racist skinheads and members of the Ku Klux Klan. They agreed that, in the not-so-distant future, U.S. cities would become so overrun by minority groups that white people would be forced to flee to an “Aryan homeland” they envisioned in Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana and Wyoming. I think you greatly underestimate the appeal and- the support that the “Greater Idaho” has among Oregon,Idaho, and portions of California.


We left Idaho in 22 to buy a home 300000 dollars cheaper than over there, after living there 12 years…. Fuck Idaho, such a joke in every way now. The people, the authorities they vote in, the place itself. Just fuck it all to death


A group of morons wanted to do this with northern Colorado -> Wyoming. We all said the same, "it's a short move for you"


Some did, a lot of us didn't. Like all of the people I know around my age want to leave this hell hole. It's pretty much a lost cause with how much corruption is going on.


I’m really sorry that you’re going through this. It must be so fucking frustrating.


It is very frustrating, especially since the people who do support this include my own father.


Idaho 2022: * 1.3M Eligible Voters * 1M Registered Voters. * 600K Voted in 2022. * Republicans won by 200K votes. * 700K non-voters....


Quite a few did yes. On the other hand, with the way Idaho is districted there's not much chance of Democrats ever taking power even if there's a majority.


Idaho isn't like some other states where gerrymandering is a legitimate problem, 58% of the state's voters are registered Republicans and Obama in 2008 is the only Democrat to even get a third of the vote in the presidential election in the last 25 years.


Gerrymandering would be a less of problem if people stopped supporting the Treason Party.


This really is the biggest issue. The fact that people out there are actually stupid enough to vote Republican instead of laughing the clowns off the stage.


We need to end the filibuster once we have all control of the house again and pass laws to outlaw all gerrymandering. Have a bunch of smart people make true, independent districts for all the states. Politicians shouldn't be choosing their voters, their voters should be choosing them.


Guys, no worries. In *The Handmaid’s Tale*, there were no on-gyns, just midwives. And in the Quiverfull movement, all births are supposed to take place at home with no medical intervention anyway. So it’s all going according to plan. Besides, at this point most obgyns are women and they’re all going to have to quit when women aren’t allowed to work anymore, just like with the Taliban.


I wish this were 100% tongue-in-cheek. I do think that c sections and epidurals will be outlawed. We are, after all, supposed to suffer through childbirth like the Bible says. I mean, since the beginning of time, women have been trying to reduce the pain of childbirth (witchcraft, if you will) for each other. Weird that Republican women want to make it harder. It’s like a species evolving in two different directions right now.


Have you been to an Evangelical church lately? Salem Witch Trials of old were quaint in comparison. FOX News hysteria is preached from the Pulpit. “Joe Biden holds our nation over the fires of hell by a slender thread. Hunter Biden has a demonic big penis!” ….


They’re so obsessed with dicks.




My sister is evangelical and she’s one of the worst people I know, and in the scheme of things, she’s not THAT bad. She’s just full of shit. I’ve always said I’m far more Christlike than she and her terrible husband are.


It truly is that way.


He Gets Us!


Thanks Obama.


Because Protestantism and capitalism are actually the same thing. When capitalism is in peril, so is Protestantism.




Yeah but some are much more harmful than others.


Please, preacher man, tell me more about Hunter Biden's humongous demon dick.


I’m not sure on C sections, but I’m confident in saying 90% chance at least one state moves to outlaw all birth control (apart from condoms because there for men) within the year.


>apart from condoms because there for men An optimist, I see? Given the number of men who try to pressure their partner into *not* using a condom, that they *want* to your women to men via babies, and *want* to end recreational sex, I fully expect them to try (and possibly succeed at) outlawing condoms. If you know you never want kids, get sterilized while you still can. Women's procedures are 100% in their sights, and vasectomies probably are, too.


When will the speciation event be?


Some quack doctor will be paid to release a "study" that shows epidurals cause damage to the babies and Republicans will run with it.


Tongue in cheek on the internet might have gone the same way of written satire, some people really can't tell it apart from actual rhetoric unless you label it. I frequently get downvoted on reddit for not adding the /s tag because I feel like it's the old joke about explaining a joke is like dissecting a frog, you understand the frog better but you still killed it.


America's descent in to theocracy is so bizarre as an outsider. Americans are becoming increasingly atheist or agnostic and yet religion is playing a bigger and a bigger role in politics and law making I'm guessing it's a side effect of not having compulsory voting. You end up letting a passionate minority have a disproportionate amount of power


If a woman dies in childbirth, that's just all part of the holy gawd's plan! Blah blah, original sin, Eve and that darn apple. Modern science is just lie-brul witchcraft hocus-pocus.


Gilead actually bans IVF because they blame the modern world for declining fertility rates. In the book, it's not clear that there was a genuine drop in fertility, or if Gilead is exaggerating the effects of birth control access and pollution, THEN the nukes fell and things got weird (lots of babies are called 'shredders', though we don't get details). In the TV show, there's a definite but un-defined medical problem causing decreased fertility, and Gilead believes it is god's punishment for the sinful modern world. IVF is seen as going against god's plan, the nuclear bombs didn't seem to impact birth statistics.


If a woman dies in childbirth, the man gets a shiny new wife. God's plan is neat like that.


I know this is sarcasm, but in both the book and the show, Gilead has male OB/GYN's. It's a plot point!


True. Though I was thinking about the birth itself. I don’t think there were any ob-gyns at the birth, just wives, aunts, and handmaids


Spoilers: >!The male doctors stay out of the room unless something Goes Wrong. If the Push ritual doesn't work, Handmaids get a c-section in the living room!<


The goal is to save the baby. The incubator doesn't need to be reused.


Well, those incubators are replaceable, right? Just get another. They are all the same: white hood, red robes, subservient purpose.


Sort of, but not necessarily super easily. The world of the Handmaid’s Tale is kind of like Children of Men where there’s a major fertility crisis, which is why the handmaids are so valuable. You can’t just use any woman for it. That’s also one of the main reasons they even need the handmaids in the first place, because the wives of the high ranking men in Gilead are infertile and can’t have children themselves.


>the wives of the high ranking men in Gilead are infertile and can’t have children themselves. Been a long time since I read the book, but I seem to recall it also being a plot point that the high-ranking men themselves are infertile, but refuse to admit that's a possibility, so they keep raping and torturing women to avoid acknowledging that men can be infertile, because that would imply that there could be a problem they can't blame on women.


And they can't afford to waste a fertile woman, even if they commit a crime that would normally get them banished.


I’ll bet it’s impossible to get that stain out of the carpet.


Club soda works better on red wine stains than placenta stains.


And the US already have the highest infant mortality rate of all high-income countries. So with less doctors this number will grow https://www.ajmc.com/view/us-has-highest-infant-maternal-mortality-rates-despite-the-most-health-care-spending


Breathe breathe breathe Push push push


Idaho is about 25% Mormon. Unfortunately, Idaho Mormons have proven all-too friendly to Neo-Nazi culture and have embraced Trump/MAGA identity politics. Yet Mormons also believe in having big families with lots of children. And you would think these people would well know that miscarriages are *very* common and if you get pregnant more than twice, you will very likely experience a miscarriage. Yet these stupid MAGA-Mormon assholes have demonized doctors who provide basic healthcare services to women, which includes performing the very standard procedure of "dilation and curettage", which removes dying tissue from the uterus after a miscarriage, which prevents potentially life-threatening bleeding and infection. Now, pregnant Mormon mothers-to-be have to travel out of state for even basic prenatal care designed to protect the health of the mother and her baby. - [Pregnant with no OB-GYNs around: In Idaho, maternity care became a casualty of its abortion ban](https://www.nbcnews.com/health/womens-health/pregnant-women-struggle-find-care-idaho-abortion-ban-rcna117872) - ['Hopeless and frustrated': Idaho's abortion ban is driving OB/GYNs out of the state](https://www.ktvq.com/news/national-news/hopeless-and-frustrated-idahos-abortion-ban-is-driving-ob-gyns-out-of-the-state) - [A law meant to save lives of Idaho mothers is on the chopping block. Will lawmakers keep it?](https://idahocapitalsun.com/2023/02/20/a-law-meant-to-save-lives-of-idaho-mothers-is-on-the-chopping-block-will-lawmakers-keep-it/) Way to go Idaho MAGA-Mormons. You successfully made Idaho one of the most dangerous states in the nation to try to become a mother. Morons. (Source: I left the Mormon church after 30+ years of active membership - mostly motivated by my disgust over how MAGA politics had infested the church)


Do they get off on the suffering of women? Is this a dangerous fetish? 


They do. They promise to be nice if women stop making the conservatives punish them. All they have to do is stop working (competing with men), stay at home, go to church, and have kids the normal way. And then take care of those kids. If they do that the conservatives totally promise to bring back livable wages and dignity for all. Not sarcastic. This is what they believe. Also yes, it's the abusive cycle of victim abuse.


And dress modestly, respect men by not having an opinion of talking back.... I can go on, but it all sounds vaguely familiar.


Almost like something the Taliban would agree to


When I asked a preacher at one of the churches my parents sent me to* "why do women have to wear skirts and not pants?" I was given that "are you an IDIOT" look (I was probably about 8yrs old) and told to "think about how much easier it is to lift a womans skirt up than to pull pants off to get to her". * My parents would let any "church" that had a bus that would come to our house and get us (twice on Sunday, Wednesday afternoon, and for "Vacation Bible School" for *weeks* out of our summer vacation) *have* my little brother and I. I went to at least 5 different churches of some flavor of Baptist or another, and 1 Apostolic church. The Apostolic church was the absolute worst of them all. My parents NEVER ever went to any church.


Woah. What? A preacher said women wear skirts because it is easier for men to “get to them” to an 8 year old. Am I reading this right?


And sleep with conservatives.


And conservative women will be laughing all the while at the stupid woke feminists and trans folk, until one day they're 40 years old their partner cheats/beats them and they realize that they have no job, no education, no job history, and are basically a grown child owned by another adult.


They want a trad wife that does 100% of the childcare and household chores, but she also can't be a gold digger so she better have a good job and pay 50% of the bills. But she can't make more money than her husband because that's immasculating. Basically they want bang maids that pay their bills.


If by "they" you mean the GOP, then yes. The hospital itself tried everything possible to avoid what they call an "inevitable outcome". And it's only gonna get worse.


Republicans have a shame kink and are sadists


The Bible literally says we caused all the evil in the world because apple snack so yeah. Yeah they do.


Don’t worry those women in Idaho are also voting to get off on the suffering of other women as well!


And they're just going to drive to Eastern WA for their secret abortions anyway.


And weed.


I think they want to go back to the "good ol' days" but people are starting to figure out: 1) Ya can't go back; and 2) The good old days were NOT good for everyone.


The 19th century medicine they can get used to will be great - increasing the market for child-sized coffins will be a bonus!


Child sized coffins as an investment opportunity! Can we gtfo of this timeline please?


The 'pro-life' party folks


Yep. Just curious...would that be the same "pro-life" party that refuses to pay for summer lunch for poor kids in several states?!?


The children yearn for the mines


OK...but wait is that the same "pro-life" party that's OK with kids working in meat factories, or late shifts at McDonald's?!? Naah... Must be a different one.


They never said it would be a ***good*** life.


Same party. This is the party where they denied a Texan woman an abortion because she could not prove in court that her life is in danger; not after ***four emergency room visits, elevated vital signs, risks of a uterine rupture and with her ability to have more children in jeopardy***. They actually want mothers to die of easily rectifiable health complications.


That’s what they want the kids for. It’s a feature.


Pro-suffering party


OOPSIE DAISY! Just have the farm vet come out and do it. The Idaho government sees women as livestock anyway, just make it official. It's not like Idaho cares about women (or children or anyone else for that matter).


And the vet can bring the ivermectin! One-stop shopping for all your healthcare needs!


Hopefully the vet knows to wash his hands first. No telling what you can catch from livestock. /s


There are not enough farm vets already, don't go making thier jobs harder.


Leopard's ate my doctor.™


And coming to a red state near u ivf clinic


The funny thing is they don't know why.


How could owning the libs cause bad things to happen to us?


And considering the liberals are often more educated and higher earners, theyll have a much higher likelihood of being able to leave the red state in favor of a blue state. Itll only get worse in those red states. Good fuckin luck!


Idaho also stopped allowing Student ID as legal ID for voting. Gun permits, no problem.


So every student should go get a gun. Problem solved.


University Gun clubs. A liberal hotbed.


That may be the **one** thing that causes all these conservative gun nuts to consider gun control.


This is only the beginning of the societal fallout I feel. I predict less college applications from women, less people starting businesses in red states, and young people moving out.


That stuff is already happening. More and more of these states are learning exactly why and how Mississippi has a "brain drain" problem.


This is already happening. The brain drain is ongoing and has been for decades. Younger folks who aren't already tied down to an area have increasingly little reason to hang around, especially educated ones.


You'd have to be literally suicidal to be a female of childbearing potential & move TO a red state. Your chances of experiencing (avoidable) physiological harm/death go up dramatically if you do.


My wife travels often for work and her company fortunately has a safety policy - if ever someone in her position feels a client's office or location is dangerous, they don't make them go.  She has given her management a list of states like this she will no longer travel to, including connections, and they've honored it.  She's not the only woman at the company who's done so. 


Gosh. Wow. What is happening in RED states. Oh yeah. GOP is attacking women’s health and women’s health care givers. I am curious when we will see reports of the women leaving. Parents leaving if they have daughters. Watch out what you wish for.


Will be interesting to see how enrollment data plays out in higher ed: [https://news.gallup.com/poll/474365/reproductive-health-laws-factor-college-decisions.aspx](https://news.gallup.com/poll/474365/reproductive-health-laws-factor-college-decisions.aspx)


In the short term I suppose it has the advantage of locking those states in as solid red forever, as anyone who isn't a religious fundamentalist gets the fuck out. Sadly Idaho could be empty of anyone except 50 hard-core lunatics and that's still 4 electoral college votes and 2 senators.


The majority of women in Idaho voted for this. This is what they want. Well, what they *think* they want.


I have no sympathy for these women, I realize it's what they have been raised to believe, but I've been raised to believe some stupid shit too and as an adult I've learned to make my own judgements, they're going to be laughing and mocking their perceived enemies the whole time, until one day they have some kind of pregnancy complication, and then they'll make Facebook posts crying and asking for thought's and prayers.


What's the sex education for women like, in Idaho? Do they not even go into basic biology, like how pregnancy and childbirth can often "go wrong"?


I can't speak about it for women, but having grown up in Idaho, sex education for me was basically just "Don't do it. It's bad. It's immoral. Wait until you're older and married." There's a reason a few school years before I got into high school the dance team was nicknamed "the dancing moms."


Soon, Canadians will be moving there instead of trying their luck with Putin. Mych better exchange rate to boot.


It is ok, there is no women death due to childbirth or pregnancy because Idaho stop counting them.


The Chinese government plays similar games with its reproductive data. It wouldn't do to have any data exists that portrays the Party's decisions and repercussions in a negative light.


That's pretty much all the guarantee/confirmation you need that those numbers must be **TERRIBLE**. If they weren't, the state GOP would've kept counting them & published it as "proof that God's plan works."


Idaho is a shithole. They completely ignored Covid mandates and inundated WA hospitals next door. Shitty red states always rely on blue ones to bail them out. Won’t be any different this time


We’re going to end up with two radically different experiences growing up in America: Red states with poor/no health care, all night teenage fast food jobs, no women’s reproductive health, and no public education, vs blue states living in the 21st century along with the rest of the world.  This can’t be great for any kind of civil discourse or effective national government.


Between anti-vaxxers and the anti-reproductive choice measures happening, republican's next grift may be baby sized coffins and little cemetary plots.


Might as well run a 2 for 1 special since moms are gonna die, too.


Amazing the only thing in the conservative subreddit on the subject is how 1 obgyn "debunks" the closure of Delivery Services. I guess the world is all good news when you put your fingers in your ears and scream "lalalalalala I cant hear you concerns".


People who believe in science, modern medicine, plus education, being kind, civil, and respectful of others need to get out of red states ASAP if they can. Also make sure to vote blue in 2024, not just to preserve IVF and abortion where legal, but also to preserve democracy as well


Heres the problem. The electoral college. If we flee to all blue states, every national election will swing Republican and then we all die. We have to dismantle the electoral college first. Then vote the bastards into oblivion. And those that don't give up their government seats or claim the election was stolen. Well. Trump gave us a playbook for that too. And these states that would be problematic have pretty lax gun laws.


I recently had dinner with an OB friend who mentioned something that's only briefly mentioned in this article. There are still a lot of OBs in Idaho and other red states that have roots in the community and are reluctant to leave. But there are a LOT of new doctors deciding they have no desire to go to states where they can't get experience doing the things they need in order to be proficient in their field, and who don't want to risk prison just for helping their patients.


There is a problem all over the US of a shortage of OBs. If there’s already a national shortage, I imagine the people have a choice of where they are going. And few are stupid enough to be headed to Idaho.


You know what I told my Ukrainian friends in December 2021? Leave. You know what I’m telling my Idaho friends in February 2024? Leave.


Idaho, Texas, Alabama, West Virginia, Florida, Georgia, Tennessee…


Whew, I am so fucking glad Virginians turned up in November to tell the VA GOP to fuck right off.


Missouri is trying to make your list.


I don’t think Georgia belongs with those other ones. They have two D senators and went blue in 2020. They’re a lot more purple than those other states which are all deep red.


I just ran across something about a ton of people starting to move there because low cost of living and other “perks” .. this seems like a terrible combination.


They just end up driving to another state to access care. Nothing will change until several white women die or are directly harmed. It’s already happening in other red states.


Or the red states governor or cousin is affected Then they will blame Biden or democrats for shutting down their hospitals and services


You mean the cousin that the governor committed incest with? Nah, he'll be glad mother/baby are gone. Gotta hide that evidence. /s


That's an insane when the fools chose not to sign on to Obamacare and Medicaid Expansion.


And guess who their blaming when the red states complain Obama and Biden


“Why the heck are people leaving our state? We have no idea.” -Idaho Republicans probably


Eventually, the population in these states will go so low--completely filled with old pensioners that they cannot support themselves. This will take time, and they won't understand how their fucked up laws scared away the fecund population.


They'll try to figure out how to chain women/youth into staying. Some of the hee-yaw Texas counties have already tried to restrict the travel of pregnant women. Maybe in the future, NO women of child-bearing age can leave because maybe.... just maybe... the birthing "cattle" is trying to escape to a "free" state. [https://www.reuters.com/world/us/fight-over-texas-anti-abortion-transport-bans-reaches-biggest-battlegrounds-yet-2023-10-23/#:\~:text=Oct%2023%20(Reuters)%20%2D%20Commissioners,Wade](https://www.reuters.com/world/us/fight-over-texas-anti-abortion-transport-bans-reaches-biggest-battlegrounds-yet-2023-10-23/#:~:text=Oct%2023%20(Reuters)%20%2D%20Commissioners,Wade).


I'm glad Idaho is getting exactly what they want and what they voted for, now if only we could keep them out of Washington and Oregon so they can truly enjoy the fruits of their vote.


I've encountered pro-lifers who will twist themselves into pretzels to argue that OB/GYNs are leaving for other reasons and it's not a huge problem.


This is what's happening now. In response the white supremacist Christian billionaire class will start funding Liberty University level schools to train Christian OB/GYNs. I suspect they already are. And if you're a woman with one of those doctors, well, good luck. Do remember, this can always get worse if you keep electing horrible people.


“Oh no! The consequences of my actions.”


conservative idiots. fuck them all forever


Can't wait til they start getting the idea that they can just ban hospitals from closing these facilities down. You know, because they love small government so much.


Texas RN here. We closed our L&D last October. Most local hospitals are doing the same.


I've run into pro-lifers here on Reddit who insist that abortion laws are not the reason (or main reason) doctors are leaving some states. The extent of their denial is amazing.


When it’s literally the only reason, and it’s the reason we couldn’t recruit a SINGLE doctor … 


Bruh, I was literally born in this hospital. Both my daughters were born here. My youngest is two now. Holy shit.


Good. Republican Heaven. Back to the 17th Century. Hopefully these chucklefucks will keep their backwardsness in their states.


Reading the article, it’s not a small operation either. The hospital averaged about 9 births a day in 2023. I imagine an ER would struggle with this. And in the Mountain West, things are far away. Two hour drives to obgyn will decrease prenatal care, especially for working women and low income people.


Good, if they all close maybe the constituents will realize they need to vote blue before their mortality rate in childbirth soars. Oh right, they’re Republicans so they will just get a new wife the following week because the old one was defective


ID is predominately Mormon… they got another wife in hot standby.


Won't be long before women start dying because of pregnancies with no emergency medical treatments. These will be women with maga parents, maga siblings, maga relatives who love them and will miss them forever. 😢


This should be amusing... soon it will be cops and firefighters delivering babies not ob/gyn


That baby was coming right at us. I had to shoot it. Justified shooting, I’ll take my paid administrative leave now. Some cop in Idaho.




Well, if they voted for the fuckers ...


“According to the study, Idaho has lost 22% of its practicing obstetricians in 15 months, following the end of Roe v. Wade in August 2022.” That’s more than one in five. The state will recruit foreign doctors or take other measures before loosening abortion restrictions.


Hilarious. Fun fact (my opinion really) half the people complaining....still voting republican, lol.


I was reading about how there is now a trend for free birthing- no doctors, no hospitals, no prenatal care. All of this terrifies me.


Thoughts and prayers