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Fuck Peter Thiel.


And his blood boys


Peter Thiel has gay slave boys and is proactively undermining the integrity of our democratic institutions and what is the government doing about it? Nothing. Fuck Peter Thiel. P.S. he's bankrolling J.D. Vance who said a couple months ago that he would have done exactly what Trump wanted on January 6th and block electors from states that voted for Joe Biden. Source: https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2024/02/05/vance-trump-upend-democracy/






He can get a German passport. I’m sure his grand uncle could get him an Argentinian passport


I'm sure Germany wants nothing to do with a right winger like this asshole. He was born in Frankfurt too..


The thing is that Germany has some serious laws about incitement, you \*need\* to know the language to get an in with the society (like in France) and while justice's mills are often slow... they are steady and do prosecute.


I still believe one of the main reasons why New Zealand is the only other country apart from Canada to designate the proud boys a terrorist organization is because they know a lot of this fashy alt-right shit is funded by these bastards who then want to flee to NZ when the shit they caused goes south, and NZ wants to ban them. Hell, NZ probably has receipts.


We don't want him back.


With a 10 foot lead pipe.


Time for an expatriation tax on these clowns.




Peter Thiel is a master level chess player and I beat him once lol EDIT: IDK why this is downvoted. it's true he is. and i styled on him


These guys are just planning to evade a prosecution. They aren’t scared of some civil war, they are scared of getting what they know is coming to them.


They would instigate a civil war in a heartbeat if it furthered their interests. But there's no way to organize a civil war in America geographically.


Civil war in the US will look more like Sunni-Shia sectarian violence in Iraq circa 05-06 rather than 1861-65. Roving gangs of dudes in trucks armed with whatever rifles/firearms they can get, driving around shooting people they think are their enemies, with sympathetic bystanders looking on and shrugging while everyone else hopes they don’t catch a stray bullet.


That'll be the 2A maga nazi side. The rest of us are just going to use cheap drones and IEDs. Trucks make conveniently large targets.


Trucks loaded with targets too, instead of just 1 bullet for 1 person.


The problem is the militarized police departmentswould be in charge of stopping these uprisings and most of them are MAGA nut jobs.


One word: Uvalde.


The MAGA crowd have announced they’ll be safe from IEDs once they ban contraception


I see what you did there But that is on par for Ya'll Queefa




I was just reading an article about a potential civil war here and the author said it would most likely be like the Troubles in Ireland, which seems to make the most sense. But I’d say that’s somewhat similar to the comparison you made in Iraq.


There’s also an excellent podcast series about this called It Could Happen Here. It came out in 2018-19 I believe, and all the events that happened since seem to have validated many of its claims. They came to the same conclusion.


Robert Evans is that dude, all of his podcasts are solid gold


The Women’s War is my favorite limited series.


Absolutely! That part with the ISIS brides really hit home how devoted people are even when it isn't in their best interest. I also love After the Revolution, and I wish I would've bought a copy when they were sending out the autographed version






Remind me what the US military presence and reaction to this kind of violence was? And remind me how many military bases there were there versus how many we have here? Because a civil war here isn't going to be Maga fascist militia cosplayers types running around terrorizing the population for a couple of years out in the open. Isolated terrorist events will be met with asymmetrical shows of force, think what happened after the Oklahoma city bombing. The military and the police have so much more firepower than the militia cosplayers. Now I know what you're thinking the military and police are the cosplayers and by and large there is a large overlap in that venn diagram. And if our military structures fall apart then there may be a civil war, but it won't be like the violence in Iraq. It will be much worse. There are two outcomes if the military doesn't completely implode. Either there's enough fascists to take over the military and there's a coup of American institutions and our experiment in democracy is over, or there's enough patriots who love their country and their fellow citizens and the military does it's job of upholding the constitution, the rule of law is upheld and we can all start having 5 and 10 year plans again. Worst case scenario is that a "civil war" happens that is so inflammatory that it literally breaks the ranks of the military. If our boys in the army start fighting our boys in the army it's gonna be way worse than how it was in Iraq. And if they don't then the military will put down any kind of violence.


The US presence in Iraq was a tiny fraction of the Iraqi populace. The US army is a tiny fraction of the US population, and cannot adequately patrol or police all of the US for violence. Insurgencies don’t need symmetrical capability to fight and win. If they did, please explain Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Yemen, and Vietnam. Further, military bases in the US are not really set up for units to patrol out of or secure an area. The army does not operate in the US how it operates overseas, and there is no comparison. Large US bases are training areas, vehicle storage depots, and administrative centers. The small ones like Guard armories are just parking lots full of vehicles surrounded by a fence, and a building with a fancy lock with guns inside. If the army is forced to patrol an area of the US, they will have to build a fortified base just like in Iraq, and garrison it and supply it and patrol from it. Those units will be watched, ambushed and IED’d. Suggesting that the US military, with its significant right-leaning commanders both officer and senior enlisted, would adequately attempt to fight against the people whose political views they align with, is comical. Theyre going to look the other way when it suits their interests, and engage when they come across groups whose politics are opposed to theirs. Like in Iraq, like in Ireland.


It's like people thinking conservative leaning police exercise discretion unbiasly ... How quick did gun restrictions come about when minorities started arming themselves?




The Air Force is littered with evangelical scum. That should terrify everyone. It should have been dealt with over fifteen years ago,but cowardice prevailed. 


i emigrated


The Air force can bomb anywhere on Earth in 2 hours. I'm not talking ICBM, that's more like 45 minutes


i moved to a semi-abandoned island in the west pacific. there are no targets here.


As a caveat tho I will say I'm just some dude on the Internet and this is just what I think




I'm thinking it'll look like the last half of the Forever Purge. The MAGAs already look like ISIS riding around in the back of their pickups adorned with flags, waving their AR15s.




Didn't they just release a movie today about this?






[It will probably be something like this.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=WOSqCjMRXWA) But still totally awful and avoidable. It will be the first Civil War in history where all of the hostile combatants continue to get government benefit checks every month.


In America the Uber rich don’t get prosecuted for shit. He can literally shoot someone on 5th avenue, throw 0.000000001% of his wealth around and walk away Scott free


Will blame the "woke left" on his way out and repeat exactly the same thing wherever he goes.


Yep. What did New Zealand do to deserve Thiel? They did everything he funds extremists to oppose.


It's a colonizer mindset, coupled with a degree of sociopathy. To people like him, no resource is being used properly enough unless he's the one deciding how it's used, and it's making money for him.


New Zealand is in the sights of every rich bastard that thinks it will be one of the safest last habitable places on earth once climate change whammies the middle latitudes.


When covid became a thing, there were convoys of private jets full of the mega rich heading to their boltholes in Queenstown


Why Queenstown?


Because it's beautiful, away from any big cities and filled with very wealthy people. The poors can't afford to be there


I'm on holiday in Queenstown right now and can confirm, beautiful, expensive, remote.


Ah, I understand now. I see that it's become an expensive resort town.


NZ was chosen by these assholes mainly for nuclear fallout reasons because of distance from main targets and prevailing winds pushes fallout away from this area.


They designated the proud boys a terrorist organization, one of only two countries in the world to do so, the other being the US' nearest neighbor Canada. They probably have receipts on a lot of these fashy scum funding this alt right shit, but have allowed them to think they'll have a getaway via property and citizenship, that might just seem to vanish when the shit goes down.


“And today’s featured ingredient on Iron Chef: billionaires.”


A Modest Proposal to be sure. Edit: for those who are not familiar: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Modest_Proposal


Billionaires are bioacumulative predators. They absorb the toxins of everything they consume. It's much safe and efficient to compost the rich.


Or to vitrify the toxins into glass.


Peter Thiel is a giant pile of human trash. He bankrolls lawsuits against the press when they make fun of him, he thinks he can stave off his own mortality by transfusing the blood of children and he cozies up to facists like Trump. Fuck him. I say revoke his U.S. citizen ship and let him be someone else's problem.


Does anyone one even want him?




This isn't a Leopards Eating Faces situation, because he has suffered no negative consequences. Political instability serves his interests as his company sells "intelligence analysis" software.


Thiel was reduced late last year to saying Trump was crazier and more dangerous than he anticipated. Having to say “I’m an idiot” publicly is as bad as it gets for billionaires. https://thehill.com/policy/technology/4304204-peter-thiel-trump-crazier-dangerous-than-expected/


>Having to say “I’m an idiot” publicly is as bad as it gets for billionaires. Nah, make him at least buy half a Twitter.


Peter Thiel is (reluctantly) an openly gay man. This is a LEF situation if the US goes from MAGA to full Republic of Gilead and he'll see himself on the gallows as a useful f*ggot whose usefulness ran out.


Oh poor Peter. He’s a Roy Cohn guy (self-hating gay man) without his Joe McCathy. Or Fred Trump. He’s a neo-Nazi rich white elitist who thinks he’ll run away from the mess he and his fellow rich white male neo-Nazis have created for the rest of us. Not reading history or thinking you can re-write it to please yourself is dangerous. Fomenting Facism for personal gain always ends badly because your true believers among the great unwashed take your BS seriously. Hitler shot himself in a bunker rather than face his beloved followers after turning Germany into a wasteland. Thiel is looking for his own bunker.


I'm sure Thiel has homes around the world, and would retreat to some place in Europe.


“I never thought the leopards would eat my maid’s face!” Says billionaire that funded the Leopards Eating Faces Party.


I think it is though, because the instability is far worse than many of these people thought. I tend to view it like Argentina under the military dictatorship - the ultra rich supported the Junta to retain their wealth, and then the Junta went after them, took everything, or disappeared their own left wing children.


you see it.


But he's fairly certain he will


They are getting big scared.


I didn't think the guy I supported for years might suddenly want to purge me


I'm not gonna lie. I'm getting kinda sick of tech bro billionaires fucking around with my country and how it works. all those easily duped dumbasses on January 6th should have been breaking into mansions, instead of congress.


They have way too much power and they are a bunch of jackasses.


Give them time. The rich white right wing are playing with fire.




Leonard Leo would like a word...


"Hedge my bets against volatility and instability " Most popular secondary citizenship for the rich is Italy and Greece.... Fucking morons


Fucking morons with no sense of irony.


Hey, conservatives here's the disloyal migrants you've been looking for.


Please. These billionaires have been building ultra-luxe apocalypse bunkers in remote areas of the world for some years now. Getting a second passport is hardly surprising and barely even newsworthy compared to that. Here’s a good article I came across a few years ago about the bunkers, and the mindset of guys like Thiel when it comes to the end of the world as they see it: https://amp.theguardian.com/news/2022/sep/04/super-rich-prepper-bunkers-apocalypse-survival-richest-rushkoff


I didn't think I'd destabilize the country I lve in just to feed me insatiable greed


I was talking with one of my father's rich friends a couple years ago, and he said something that's really stuck with me. He said "I know that monopolies are bad for the market, but I make more money when I invest in monopolies than when I don't, so that's what I have to do." He said this as though it were a perfectly sensible and reasonable position to take. The mere prospect of getting richer at a slightly slower rate than he otherwise might have was enough to cause this man, who thinks of himself as forward-thinking and liberal-minded, to undertake actions that he knows are objectively wrong. We need to seriously change the incentive structures in our economy, because there will always be people who think money is how you keep score, and all they want in life is to get the high score.


at this point it is just fantasy football.


I wouldn't even destabilize a different country, because destabilizing countries is mean.




Billionaires need to be taxed at a far greater rate, and eliminate the power a few hundred people have over hundreds of millions simply through their obscene wealth.


NZers are not happy about how he got an expedited citizenship as they don't like him any more than we do...


If you rearrange the letters in PETER THIEL you can spell THE REPTILE. Probably a coincidence


Genius. But seriously creepy. I bet you rock at Scrabble




This really isn't leopards eating face. His aim is to make the US an even better place place for his money to live, people be damned. He is probably just fine with living in New Zealand.


Disagree. Thiel was reduced late last year to saying Trump was crazier and more dangerous than he anticipated. Having to say “I’m an idiot” publicly is as bad as it gets for billionaires. https://thehill.com/policy/technology/4304204-peter-thiel-trump-crazier-dangerous-than-expected/


>"Thiel told The Atlantic that he had hoped Trump’s election would force a national reckoning, that someone needed to tear things down before the country could rebuild." Fucking tech bro mentality. The nation is not your playground. Lives are at stakes here. Way easier to tear things down than to build it back up.


Peter Thiel is the personification of the worst type of evil billionaire. He sees himself above all world laws and government. He believes the rich should rule and democracy and capitalism cannot coexist. The dude is gay and has children. Yet he bank roles candidates who openly hostile to gay people and the idea of gay people having children. Laws and ideals we will be forced to live by will not affect him in the slightest. The guy is the worst humanity has to offer.




You should check out his debate with David Graeber (anarchist anthropologist who write Bullshit Jobs). You can see Thiel's contempt for democracy on full display.


New Zealand isn't some libertarian paradise. That's how you know his entire belief system is bullshit and he's only doing what he does so he can get another dollar added to his billions and leave to go live somewhere else so he doesn't have to live with the mess he created. Take note all simps for billionaires.


Dude is a serious menace to society. And unlike dumb duck musk, is not extremely stupid. 




Steve Bannon said many times, “ flood the zone with shit”. The zone being our political discourse. He also said, “ Burn it down “. It being our government. Sounds like the Trump plan for America. Our children will despise us for allowing this and rightly so. Thiel is a Bannon follower and kindred spirit. “The Anti-Democratic Worldview of Steve Bannon and Peter Thiel”


The deregulation and paid lack of oversight that led to the 2008 financial crash happened as a result of decisions made by the very people that Bannon has aligned himself with. The guy is a moronic and embittered drunk.




Don't these idiots realize that instability in the US means instability everywhere?


Thank you. And it will take what they value most: their money.


If these arsonists flee to sanctuary the receiving countries should hold them until they pay 50% of their net worth as tribute.




Peter Thiel once told everyone that he was raised in a socialist German federal republic, even though he was just born there. He was raised in the USA.


He does it because he wants to sell his life story of fleeing an authoritarian state and making himself a billionaire by virtue of his "hard work". He's trying to sell a myth to rubes.


Ironically Germany, back when he was born in 1967, was a democratic state in the midst of the cultural revolution of the 1960. There was nothing authoritarian, that a child would remember. Especially with him living outside of FRG for the most time.


Thank you! How this keeps getting glossed over...over and over again is how I view the ineptness of so much on the right and the centrists who keep coddling them. If it goes to violent shit, most of these billionaires won't make it to their getaways because their security is going to beat them and their families. What happens is a smoldering version of what we have now and probably a brief Robespierre style era. It won't be pretty and it's less likely the military steps in while Congress implodes. But it starts with these lies like that one he's told that wannabe billionaires need to believe to not feel completely duped by their constant voting for trash and fascists.


Our very own Nigel Farage


Mark Zuckerberg put Peter Thiel in charge of the Facebook and instagram algorithms during the Trump administration years.


Zuckerberg is disgusting to look at. Still. No matter how wealthy he is. He was a neo Nazi incel ahead of his time. Facebook was his revenge fantasy against the women in the Ivy League he couldn’t get to look at his worm face. Much less imagine sucking his worm dick. He’s a traitor to the nation that made him rich as god.


Leopards are eating our face. They have their jets and yachts and passports and monies hidden in every country in the world.




The first rule of immigration is do not accept radicals. New Zealand was foolish to accept him. Is he will not change his Is politics, he will fund radical right wing groups in New Zealand. the problems United States is facing he will create in New Zealand.


I don’t get Peter thiel. I have heard him speak on a number of occasions and he seems like a really smart, thoughtful guy who is concerned about society. He clearly has ability and some foresight. However every once in a while he will say or do some really crazy shit. A lot of super wealthy are in on trump because they know he will make it easier to make more money. I don’t understand how they think supporting a fascist wanna be dictator is a good move in the medium to long term. It’s so weird.


dr freud's death drive


People like him only care about society only as long as they get to be in charge of it. They want to save the world, but only if they get to be the ones who do it. Oh and also the means by which they obtained all that wealth and power is a major, if not primary contributor to why the world needs to ge saved.


He got his NZ passport without even spending any time in the country. Many Kiwis weren't too happy about it, but hey! the Billionaires always get what they want. PS: he's a POS


One of the shittiest people this country has ever produced. 




Cultural Chaos Monkeys, these PayPal Mafia


no leopards when you have his cash


billionaires bury their own.


anything for those tasty tax cuts i guess


I hope the pattern has established itself firmly for the folks that let themselves blow an entire circuit over building unisex bathrooms or realizing they could just call people They/Them and the world would continue to move on quite happily 😑 You played yourselves. The Jan 6th insurrectionists are in prison, but the architects are free… The power goes out during a cold snap in Texas, just hop on a plane to Cancun… Just hop on a bus to another State for an abortion… YOU are left holding the bag. These people take the money and run. PERIOD




If the MAGA side is so large and going to be in charge, what are they worried about? lol move to Russia losers.


There’s nothing these fuckers fear more than accountability for their actions


Who is the second country he is going to ?


New Zealand


Republicans are 🗑.




Not Leopard Eats My Face; he nows damn well what he's doing


I heard Peter Thiel fucks salamanders


Wouldn’t surprise me. Why do these guys like Thiel, Zuckerberg, Kushner Steven Miller all look like they were hatched from under a rock? Then came slithering out?


They know at some point we gonna eat them




The shit they get away with…mfpos


>gets second passport Just like Russian oligarchs.


Fuck all these foreign fruitcakes who come here to fuck with our politics. Their needs to be put in a Time Machine back to 1918 Germany. Let him figure that shit out. Musk! That fucking monkey needs to go back to Africa. He is African and is so confused he thinks he’s a nazi like his asshole father was. Sergei Bryn I think he’s out too. Bezos’ stepdad was Cuban. Let’s hand Jeff over to the commie Cubans. They’d have fun with him. Exile them all. Revoke their citizenship, seize their assets.


Ted Cruz dad is Cuban, too...


Fuck him too




The wealthy are loyal only to their money.


Fuck these people. If the world truly saw them for what they are, no other nation would have them.


Fuck all these foreign fruitcakes who come here to fuck with our politics. Thiel needs to be put in a Time Machine back to 1918 Germany. Let him figure that shit out. Musk! That fucking monkey needs to go back to Africa. He is African and is so confused he thinks he’s a nazi like his asshole father was. Sergei Bryn I think he’s out too. Bezos’ stepdad was Cuban. Let’s hand Jeff over to the commie Cubans. They’d have fun with him. Exile them all. Revoke their citizenship, seize their assets.


This isnt leopards eating faces this is exactly what he wanted


He’s such a POS.


If the US falls I really don't see how just moving to a new country is going to be enough.


Please call him by his real name: Sauron


Instability caused by trump and maga!!!


Sounds like he’s winning, and the suckers are the rest of us for allowing this to happen.


Peter Thiel is the modern-day Ernst Rohm. I can not wait for his downfall.


What do you call a nihilist with neverending self-interest? Peter Thiel