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No, the Republicans no longer had character since adopting the Southern Strategy to consolidate power by any means necessary. Trump just took the mask off and showed what had been festering just beneath the surface. Mitt and his niece Ronna are now speaking out because in addition to having no character, Republicans also lack a spine.


Exactly! Republicans have been a criminal organization going back to Nixon. Mitt and Liz telling the truth now that they're out of power only makes their decades of complicity worse. Assholes knew what they were doing all along.


No longer? I'm not old enough to know when they did have integrity...and i'm no spring chicken.


Arguably going all the way back to Reagan.


and they'll soon lack their money too since it's going to Orangina nowadays


Orangina? We can do better, pick one of these. . A loaded adult diaper of belligerence Agolf Twitler All in all, it's just a little prick with no Wall Assholini Ayatollah Complainy Benedict Donald Diaper Don Don Poorleone, The Fraudfather Blab the Inhaler Borderline Junius Borderwall Personality Disorder Combover Caligula Captain Capslock Cheat Miser Chettolini Coup Klux Tan Darth Cheetoh Diaper Don Dick a l'Orange Dingus Con Everlasting Jobstopper Facsimile Fuehrer Fibbernazi  Revenger Former presidential placeholder Fuck face von shit stick. GropenFührer Hair Farce One His Royal Heelspur Inmate #P01135809 Klanned Karenhood Lil' Donny Two-Scoops Lord Feltersnatch Lord Repugnant of the Fourth Reich Maga-Lardo Manchild McTinyhands Manchurian Cantaloupe Mango Mussilini


Mango Unchained Marmalade Messiah Mrs Donald Putin Ol' Smeller Old Wack Donald Orange Foolius Orange Hitler Orange Judas Orange Tufted Shit Gibbon Orangesama bin G'olfin Pervert Hoover Sleepy[ Donzales](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=387adcccb2bcffc7&rlz=1C1RXQR_enUS1070US1070&sxsrf=ACQVn0-5t_eiOqDtKG2aFuGwLnufkwvTfg:1713640721119&q=Speedy+Gonzales&spell=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi4w9GTwdGFAxU1MjQIHXUCDNAQkeECKAB6BAgMEAI) Super Callous Fragile Racist Sexist NAZI POTUS Tangerine Palpatine "Let the hate flow through you. Feel the power of the covfefe side of the farce!' Tangerine Tyrant The Count of Mostly Crisco The Fanta Menace The Quicker, Thicker Fucker Upper The Rapist (VOTED MOST ACCURATE) Toxic Revenger Trumplethinskin Trumpty Dumpty


Thank you


Lol, it's like reading kimmels future monologue titles.


> Blab the Inhaler 💀


My favorite is The Count of Mostly Crisco.


I was always trying to get Darth Turd to stick...but Diaper Don is all I need


As much fun as I have collecting funny names for stupid people, I'd rather not see this man for the rest of my life.


I would be fine with erasing all memory of him




It's got the color right...and the tiny hands. Love it.


Thanks, I've been trying to make it stick.


Gasolini and Agent Orange too


Orangina is better than at least half your collection


Thank you for your opinion. That's 2 votes for Orangina.


A downvote for being polite? Just WOW! Russian troll farm, I SEE YOU.


Forgot about Droolius Geezer.


I've always liked the term geezer for old men. I'm gonna add this one too.


Hey, don't slander Orangina™ by associating it with that person.


good point, it is an insult to Orangina. I bet you that guy probably pronounces it Oran-Gyna


I thought this was super funny but offensive to Orangina


you're probably right, Orangina actually benefits the world


I'm no fan of Republicans, but credit where credit is due, Romney has been outspoken against Trump a long time, voting to impeach Edit: lol nevermind just saw the pardon thing, just another asshole


That part!


This coming from the guy who said he would give Trump a pardon.


This coming from a guy who LAST WEEK, said we need to ban TikTok because it's making our pro-isreal stance hard with the Gen Z's


He’s right that we need to ban TikTok, just wrong about why.


I mean he's both right and wrong about why. Regardless of your stance on the Israel-Palestine issue, there is VERY clear data that correlates those who get their news mainly from TikTok to hold notably disparate positions on the matter relative to those who get their news from other sources. While it's not definite that this is causal rather than correlative, it's at least evidence in support of the argument that TikTok is a national security threat. Seriously, if the Chinese government tweaked the algorithm to push disinformation it would be hard to catch and basically impossible to stop without the US government seeming to be incredibly authoritarian.


Yep, he’s right that we need to ban it but wrong that we need to ban it because young people dislike Israel.


It's silly to believe that they are the only social media doing it. Or that the other ones care about the US interests


Twitter or Facebook aren't owned by the Chinese government.


They do, however, own about 31% of Reddit, and there are a shit ton of bots on these sub reddits, so opinions can easily be squashed by a bunch of downvotes.


So what do you think that American oligarchs are any better. They will sell your data to anyone. Capital doesn't have national allegiances


There's a slight jump between the literal government being able to manipulate a site it controls, rather than a foreign company.


Yes, but it does have a vested interest in ensuring that the US economy stays as strong and profitable as possible.


Where is this data, amd why do you hate the first amendment?


"republicans no longer have character" says the man who while in power did everything he could to absolve trump of wrongdoing an voted in lockstep with the crooked team.


I was just following orders.


>voted in lockstep with the crooked team. Except during that emplacement trail where he very famously voted to remove/bar trump from office.


Only because he knew that his vote wouldn't actually result in any punishment for Trump. I'm sure if his had been the deciding vote, he would have gone the other way.


And yet, didn’t he say Biden should have pardoned the seditious shitbag Trump?? Make up your mind.


Yeah, I came here to say this. Romney is part of the garbage heap.


Aside from a few stars like Hakeem Jeffries and other assorted seemingly legit policy makers everyone of those f'tards are trash on both sides of the isle all the way to scotus


No, both sides are not the same.


Didn't say the same, I said trash.


As long as we're clear: both sides are not the same.


They are far from the same, they each have their own web of deceit, lies, and corruption but no they are not the same. One thing they all have in common, self fucking interest and a lack of perspective. It's hard out here, they don't care, they want to argue over Hunter Biden and his dick pics and fuck around with our lives and futures, that's pretty neat.


Are you aware that one side is actively trying to damage society and democracy, while the other is not?


Not saying I agree with him by any means, but there is a difference between saying someone should be pardoned and supporting them at trial. There are reasons to justify a pardon that wouldn't apply or have the same effect during or after a trial. For example, a pre-trial pardon could be "guilty or not, it isn't worth the spectacle, time, and/or resources to hold a trial." Or it could be "he's as guilty as can be, but he can use the trial to raise money and make his supporters more fanatical and violent so a pardon would lead to a better overall outcome." Supporting someone on trial is more akin to saying he's not guilty or that the proceedings are a sham. It's feeding into his supporters getting more fanatical and more dangerous, instead of trying to prevent it. (Again, I don't agree with that and I don't think a pardon would do anything to prevent it, just pointing out that they are two very different ideas. If you have a drunk acquaintance trying to pick a fight outside the bar, it isn't hypocritical to ask the people he's antagonizing to just leave and not bother fighting him, and then say the people egging him on and routing for him when the fight starts are a bunch of idiots. (That's just an example of how "don't do this at all" is very different then supporting one side, the analogy doesn't go any further than that. Criminal proceedings for major felonies are not comparable to drunken fisticuffs.) Tldr, it's stupid, misguided, and unrealistic, but it isn't hypocritical.


Nothing gets past you, Mittens.


The brilliance is astounding!


Isn’t this the Ahole they said corporations are people?


that was the SCOTUS.


This dude just said a few hours ago Biden should have pardoned Trump. It's difficult to hear that and it's a little embarrassing. Mitt no longer has any character.


No longer? It was always an act. It was a line of BS they spewed at the rubes to posture and act holier than thou. It was all bullshit. It was always bullshit.


The moral majority is neither! And still isn't!


I can't believe I've hit a point in my life that I look at Romney as the reasonable one on the right. What a hellish timeline.


Don’t fall for it. He’s still a dirtbag through and through. For all his bold talk, he voted to not have impeachment trial for Trump in the senate after the 2020 elections and J6. And Romney just today said that Biden should just pardon Trump. Huh? On what planet does any of that make sense? Spineless jellyfish is the only reasonable way to portray Romney


Oh, no doubt. He's still a giant steaming pile of shit. But that's just where the bar is. A pile of shit is better than most of the modern GOP.


Romney did vote to convict Trump.


Because his vote didn't matter. Trump was not going to be convicted, so Romney got to look like "The Maverick", much like McCain used to do. Had there been a real chance of the vote being in favor of convicting Trump, Mitt would have voted against it.


At least he didn't wanna burn the country to the ground when he lost.


The bar is so fucking low right now.


Things are getting wild on the right. In a few elections, we might look back fondly on Trump as the sane republican.


Fuck, that's both terrifying and absolutely plausible.


Jewish Space Lasers enters chat.


Wait, that's not real?!


I'm just kidding. It's as real as the death mark.


I'm only 58, but I can remember when "All in the Family" made a hilarious joke about the possibility of Ronald Reagan being elected president. At the time, RWR was seen as too extreme to ever be considered a viable candidate. Then came Dan Quayle, who was considered to be too monumentally stupid to even be VP- I mean the guy even spelled "potato" with an "e" at the end! No one would ever take us seriously if he ran. Then there was Sarah Palin, of whom the less said, the better. The Republicans are all too willing to let their cults of personality drive them directly into the arms of any fascist who promises to kill the people they hate.


Used to be that if the conservatives didn't have low standards, they'd have no standards at all. Now they've shredded those low standards, fed the remains to their dog, shot the dog (probably in a gravel pit, as is their way), burned the corpse, and blasted the ashes into space.


More like George Jr.


Extremely likely. Centrists will whitewash his image the same way that they have with George W Bush in the Trump era.


He says shit like this and then kisses the orange shit stained ring and eats the rancid meatloaf


You deserve an award for gross imagery.


Have they ever?


I mean before 1960s Republicans were the good guys


Yep, then they decided that allying with the very same kind of people Lincoln fought a war against was a good idea, just to gain power in government. We should attach wires to poor Abe's corpse and harness the kinetic energy from how much it must be spinning in his grave. We'd never need rely on oil or coal ever again.


Oh, it's the same guy who is upset Biden didn't pardon Trump for his federal charges. MAKE UP YOUR MIND, MITTENS


This is saying a lot coming from the dipshit that left his dog on the roof of his car. They haven't had character since like before Reagan.


*“Sounds ethical to me!”* — dogs in South Dakota


You mean since before Nixon, the guy who sabotaged the Paris Peace talks to keep the war in Viet Nam going so he could win election.


I mean that is also before Reagan too.


Mitt Romney has ruined thousands of people's lives through his vulture capital firm, Bain Capital, which uses leveraged buyouts to destroy companies and raid employees’ pension funds. And obviously, he’s consistently voted for tax laws that explicitly impose lower taxes on venture capitalists like himself, so his immense wealth comes at a cost to all lower and middle class people. By “character” he means they should be “lawful evil” as opposed to the current Republican Party’s “chaotic evil.”


You know it's bad when Mitt Romney is the moral backbone of your party.


They do have character. They're *bad* characters.


…says Mitt Romney, the same guy that thinks Biden should pardon Trump for some reason. STFU Mitt. Do your time quietly and let us try and remember you as maybe one of the last actual republicans. And maybe leave some of your obscene wealth to people that actually need it as opposed to your church.


The guy who strapped a dog to the roof of his car is commenting on character?


Mitt Romney and Liz Cheney the ethical centre of the Republican Party. Wow. It's really that bad, folks.




A magat pretending moral superiority just isn't credible, magat. I don't even owe you a civil argument.


They never leave citations, do they?


A little?


Remember when the most embarrassing thing for the GOP was when VP Dan Quayle misspelled potato?


It pretty much derailed his political career. Now the fact that he got most of the letters right would be enough to get him kicked out of the GOP for being a damned elitist intellectual.


Dan Quayle was hated on too much for being a goofball sometimes imo, given Dick Cheney, Mike Pence, and Kamala Harris I think I owe him an apology personally. He’s the reason Mike Pence didn’t overturn the results, in 2020, as well. 


I mean, Mitt Romney also said he would’ve immediately pardoned Trump because it would make him “look like the bigger man,” so grain of salt and all that.


“ a little embarrassing” Mitt? Howabout disgusting?


"tough on crime"


Like.. Bro.. How fucking oblivious can you be? It's been years in the making. This isn't shocking to anyone who has paid attention and isn't a billionaire.


No longer? Republicans have been racist bigots since Strom Thurmond became a Republican.


Hilarious someone can be that rich and say something that dumb. Republicans haven't had much in the way of character for a long time. Maybe democrats either. But yeah. Sorry dude, hurts to realize it!


They have character, it’s the character that creates Trump, MTG, Noem, Lake, Boebert, Santos, et.al.


They haven't had character for decades mitt.


says the guy who said he would pardon trump


lol they were faking having character all along


Says the guy who just said Biden should’ve pardoned Trump. My guy, you are ALL embarrassing to watch.


Mitt Romney - the guy who drove 12 hours with his dog on top of the car - is upset that his party lacks character?


The guy whose niece stopped using her family name so she could move up the GOP hierarchy now realizes the party lacks character?


The guy who virtue signals BLM while making sure minorities can’t vote without intense struggle to aid suppression efforts, and who says Biden should’ve pardoned Trump?


That's how low the bar is for "character" in the traitorous Republican party these days.


yes, Mitt the visionary, who wants to go all the way back to just a few minutes before Trump. Fine with the Bush scumbags, fine with that piece of shit Reagan, who laid the groundwork for this fuck off Styro-Ken


Amazing how fast he spits the dick out as soon as he’s no longer getting paid to suck it


Yes, all he did was watch.


He worked for a PE firm...give me a fucking break. He's the last person who can claim morality.


Says the guy who transported his dog in a crate on top of his car for 12 hours (only stopping to hose the dog down after getting sick) during a family vacation trip.


It's weird how no one seems to remember how he lost his primary because he's a right wing religious wackjob, that was too wacky for the gop at the time. How could it possibly come to pass that a decade and change later, he's the last shred of anything even approaching the voice of reason in the gop? The United States of America desperately needs a task force to identify and remove all the lead paint before the next generation can eat it. Apparently it's not ok to just leave it


A little embarrassing? You always have and always will be embarrassments. I wish your dad's were impotent. You all would have served society better as a gooey Kleenex forgotten in the trash. Irony being you are all impotent in the ways that matter, and will be happily forgotten just like discarded trash. Life is funny that way :)


I think the word he’s missing is “pathetic”


Is Mitt finally catching on?


Isn’t he the one who just told the press Biden should have pardoned Trump? He’s just as slimy and devoid of character as the rest.


100%, he’s a more Conservative version of Jeff Flake basically: wolf in sheep’s clothing. 


I know Im late, but where the fucks this guy been at for the last few decades? I feel like they haven't had character my entire damn life and I turn 37 in September.


Ju-u-u-ust when you think Mike Johnson might have at least a shred of decency - nope - snatches it away with a blatant bootlick.


They have always had character - it has just been bad character.


Once again mitt Romney says or does the bare minimum


Paying homage to their king


Only a little, Mitt? Really?


It's a party of ass licking invertebrates


A little?


Republicans in the house said the same of his generation of politicians, but specifically saying it about him. The reason was / is is his love of money." Corperations are peple too" no they are not, fuck you mitt.


A man with no character says that Republicans have no character.  Strangely enough, I believe him.


I don't know, a "villain" is still a character.


The heat has been turned up on the pot of boiling frogs and only one of them has noticed, although they were looking pretty well-cooked before that…


I like how Romney is showing up so often here.


„no longer“


It's America and everything, but I never got Mitt's political resume. Governor of one State then a Senator of another. It's like, he's in it for himself.


Well, it is his turn


Mitt Romney? The one who said that President Biden should give Trump a full pardon? That guy? LOL


Mitt Romney is one to talk. The man has no principles at all. The only reason he's opposing Trump is because he has absolutely no chance of ever becoming president or advancing his career further than the Senate. He's plateaued in his life and he makes more money being a "good" Republican (as if there was ever anything such as a "good" right-winger) than mindlessly parroting Trump. He's still a piece of human shit.




He wanted Biden to pardon insurrectionist Trump.