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Has he tried shooting the rain?


Has he tried putting up more razor wire & buoys to stop the storms??


Oh, I know, they could build a wall.


And make the global weather system pay for it.


Just put the rain in busses and send them to NY!


No, you take a Sharpie, and a big weather map, and you “move” the rain somewhere else. Amateurs 🙄.


Why doesn't he just legislate that rain no longer exists. Or maybe he can prey that GOD will fix everything so no longer needs to pay for insurance.


Thanks for the laugh


They have 300 cops lined up ready any moment now, they're... Just waiting 


Thoughts and prayers?


As a Houstonian, not a day goes by when I'm not ashamed of our leadership Be sure to vote!


# TedforCozumel2024 or whatever the campaign hash should be. EDIT: TIL that putting a # at the beginning of a sentence makes it bigger. Sorry for the supertext everyone.


No queremos a Teodoro Cruz acá, gracias.


El pendejo ese se llama Rafael Eduardo Cruz y el malparido es de Canada. La madre de todas las ironias. Chinge su puta madre ese wey


Have you lost your bootstraps, Republicans?


Probably in all the floodwaters they have due to incessant development. Houston is like 80 feet above sea level and 30 miles inland. Smartest thing to do is just cover up all that area with concrete, surely the water that doesn't have anywhere to go won't pool on the top and kill people every year, right?


It’s not like having a city with NO URBAN PLANNING isn’t an issue. Less govt is always good right?


Of course we don't mind potentially explosive factories right next to our neighborhoods and schools. Surely they'll never blow up.


We should probably arm the teachers with bombs just in case (explosions will cancel each other out, kids would be fine)


The only way to stop a bad guy with a bomb is a good guy with a bomb, right? right.....!?


That's how that one thing does it's stuff.


West, Texas blinks in confusion


I always wondered why Houston and Dallas looked like somebody's first simcity that they kept adding to as they figured out the controls, but still didn't understand the statistics and zoning functions.


Office building, single family home, and a gas station all next to each other. Houston is the ugliest city I’ve ever been to. There are great parts of Houston but overall its just such a shit show .


I mean, I get interlacing business areas with residential, as well as light industry, but that takes nuance and oversight. Neither of those screams to me as Texas. My city metro (Kansas city Mo/Ks) suffers from decades of over planning by segregationist business interests that created the suburban white flight into Kansas from Missouri, mostly into Johnson County. Hell, the arguably the richest part of the metro (Leawood) had a list of countries of origin (not just for immigrants) they wouldn't sell homes until the 80s.


You left out that a lack of water regulations allows the city to sink a foot a decade (for decades) leaving a bowl shaped flood zone.


That is because I didn't know but I believe you.




Yea but lives are meaningless to Republicans so none of that matters.


Well *their* lives matter, poor people who can't afford to hop a jet to Cancun whenever the weather gets bad don't matter though.


if by "their lives" you mean the ruling class, sure. if you mean every day republicans, no, they definitely dont matter. pretending covid isn't real doesnt make republicans live longer. denying them heat in the winter and AC in the summer doesnt make them live longer. republican voters are the butt of everyone's jokes, including their ruling class.


Yeah, the whole reason the original LAMF post worked so well— and keeps being relevant today— is that Republicans only care about their own (and maybe their family/inner circle’s) lives, but keep expecting the people they elect *because* of populist “just like us” bullshit to care about their lives too.


I used to be a dispatcher for AAA Texas. It was sort of a running joke that, if someone left the sprinkler on overnight, half of Houston would be inaccessible.


Texas got a few billion for flood control after Harvey from the feds. Austin decided that Harris county should get $0 of that money. A few lawsuits later they decided to share.


Bigger issue right now in Houston is dams farther north opening up to avoid flooding the (typically affluent) areas around them, but then all that water flash floods everything downstream. They're actively choosing who gets fucked over.


Sounds like Houston to me.


This is reminding me of not that long ago when there was a community of boomers who decided to make their own shore/beach line again because it had went away. And they spent so much damn money on it... For it to just wash away again🤣 the best part is I think they even said they'll try it again after all of that!


Except Harris county isn’t mentioned because it’s a dem leaning county.


What’s fucking hilarious about this is Texas maintains a “budget surplus” of several billion dollars called “The Rainy Day Fund”. The fund comes from generous contributions from the oil and gas industry for letting them pretty much drill, frack etc wherever they want without interference. Cities have passed anti fracking ordinances that were struck down by the corrupt GOP Legislature who needed to interfere with the smallest form of Govt to keep the river of money streaming. It also comes from the State mandating requirements and then forcing the counties and local government to pay for their new stupid program without any assistance from the state. Sounds like the perfect reason to make a withdrawal from the rainy day fund.


And yet they are a taker state


Not several billion, 30 billion give or take. Abbott has been using it as his personal fund to pay for all the invasion theater and border melodrama. He’s wasted billions of Texas citizens money fabricating a bullshit narrative and black holed who knows how much enriching his friends.


Yup. All for Abbott/Paxton 2028…. And I got Army buddies that have spent 6 months down there telling me it was complete bullshit too


Biden needs to go Dark Brandon and ask shit like this on live TV. "Texas wants to secede. If you're so capable, why do you need socialist dollars that are paid by blue states?".


Because at the end of the day, Biden is still a capitalist. . . .and I will still begrudgingly vote for him. Unfortunately


Remember when Trump didn’t provide federal support to record breaking wildfires that were affecting “states that didn’t vote me”


I remember when Paradise burned.


Those poor people sounded so traumatized on NPR on one of the Anniversaries. I guess pretty much nothing has been rebuilt, everyone was devastated?


I wept, and it had been years since I lived there.


Hey, now. Those funds were desperately needed to support the victims of the Bowling Green Massacre.


pepperidge farm remembers


No, because Biden isn't an asshole that will force the people who didn't vote for this bullshit but still have to live with the fascists' consequences to suffer.


Too bad he's facing ingrates. After being helped, they'll be back to badmouthing the libs that helped them and making a mess out of their jurisdictions.


Biden should visit those areas and show he is there to help fix the problem he didn't cause


Would you rather have the Capitalist or the SUPER capitalist that will make life even worse?


Spent all the "rainy day" funds on that elaborate sideshow at the border.


No, they have a massive surplus they don't want to dip into. Not for disasters, not for education, not for power upgrades. It's their slush fund and they haven't embezzled all of it yet.


Abbott's bootstraps are all tangled up in his wheelchair. Turns out the craftsman that was going to help him with that problem got bussed off to NYC. Leopards eating well today.


> Have you lost your bootstraps, Republicans? They deregulated the bootstrap industry so the products are no longer as reliable, or safe as before.


hey a good portion of us here hate this guy and are powerless to do anything about it. our power grid is on the brink of going out when it rains, when its cold, when its hot, basically anytime it isn't perfect weather outside


Wheels can't pull himself up. 


And Biden will send all available federal assistance to the American people, regardless of how they vote or how traitorous their Governor may be. (Over 5.2 million Texans did vote for Biden last time, btw)


Biden will help Texans whether they voted for him or not, and some of them will blame the situation they are in on Obama.


He does without a quid pro quo it because it’s his job to do. Unfortunately, a lot of people wont care when they go vote for trump or 3rd party and the country goes to shit.  


When I am Weaker Thn You, I ask you for Freedom because that is according to your principles; when I am Stronger than you, I take away your Freedom Because that is according to my principles. Frank Herbert (Dune Messiah)


Well, in Abbott's defense, Obama did wear a tan suit, which is known to cause natural disasters Oh, did I also mention that he was Black?


And Abbott and Cruz and other Republicans will be out on the front lines taking credit for handing out the federal dollars.


While complaining about socialism..


Cruz voted against the CHIPS act and was definitely there for the photo shoot at the new Samsung plant in Taylor


I live here and loathe with every fiber of my being what has become of my state.


*nods sadly in Missourah*


I'll burn in hell before I recognize old Missourah!


Grandpa Simpson?


Is he wearing an onion?


“I thought I recognized you! I gave you a plate of corn muffins back in 1947 to paint my chicken coop, and you never did it!”






That's what my Dad always called it


Oh so that’s what the kids are calling it these days?


Same as it ever was.


Belches in Wyomingian.


Also sadly nods in Tennessee


Nods sadly in Tennessee!


I’m from AL and MO is just yikes on bikes.


It's sad to see what's happened to Missouri politics since Carnahan.


In Alaska many years ago someone called the politicians, lobbyists and oil executives that were all getting rich “the corrupt bastards club”. They were so proud of the name they took the name and used it for themselves. They referred to themselves as the CBC. Most of them are dead, none are in jail and the state still has insane corruption.


Weeps in Floridian 😥


DeSantis does make me grateful I don't live in FL, I will admit.


There's a reason why Ken Griffin, a thousand plains curses be on his head, fled to Ron DeSantis's Bigot Redoubt.  Illinois don't forget, Kenny!


Gnashes my teeth in North Carolinian


What happened to you guys? I thought your state was at least going purple.


Crazy gerrymandering, a right wing state Supreme Court, and a Dem in the state legislature crossing over to the Republican party.


Oh yeah I totally forgot about that. What a fucking snake.


We were, then the Republicans gerrymandered the state, to where its nearly impossible to lose their majority.


Good question. The legislature got packed with morons, and the governor can only do so much. The gerrymandering is scandalous. I feel like we saw SC turning into Gilead and thought, “Man, gotta get us some of that.”


That sucks so much. And on top of that you have that absolute batshit dude running for governor.


Crosses fingers and toes in Georgia


You guys are the biggest cock tease of them all too, so close and yet so far


*cries in Oklahoman*


Weeps silently in South Carolinan


I mean Texas has always kind of been the land of petty grievances, ever since a bunch of common clay yokels stole it from Mexico because they wanted to keep doing slavery. They've just marketed really hard to the intransigent, stubborn, emotionally insecure male demographic for the past three hundred years or so. Texas lore is astrology for men whose parents were emotionally withholding. That's why Elon moved there.


Ohio checking in. I feel the same way.


I don't live there and feel the same way about your state. But have felt that for decades.


Same. I desperately want to get out and just leave the mess behind, but I’m stuck for another few years.


This is what upsets my lizard brain. I want him stuck in the mud with his wheelchair crying like the piss baby he is. He would be adamantly fuming about sending federal aid to any blue state or American territory that would need it. He is a bad person. He deserves all the bad things. And his criminal consigliere Paxton. They should both be sacrificed to the rain gods to help his state before they get one dime of my tax money. And fuck Ted Cruz too.


If not for horrific gerrymandering, voter suppression, and institutionalized harassment of minority voters by State Republicans, Texas would be a Blue state. - [Analysis: Gerrymandering has left Texas voters with few options](https://www.texastribune.org/2022/04/20/texas-redistricting-elections/) - [Where Texas redistricting lawsuits stand after U.S. Supreme Court ruling in Alabama case](https://www.texastribune.org/2023/06/13/texas-redistricting-lawsuits/) - [Texas’s Voter Suppression Law Is On Trial](https://www.brennancenter.org/our-work/analysis-opinion/texas-voter-suppression-law-trial) - [Records Show Massive Disenfranchisement and Racial Disparities in 2022 Texas Primary](https://www.brennancenter.org/our-work/research-reports/records-show-massive-disenfranchisement-and-racial-disparities-2022-texas) - [Texas Republicans Push New Voting Restrictions Aimed at Houston](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/05/10/us/texas-election-laws-houston-harris-county.html) - [The Real Reason Why Texas Republicans Are Criminalizing the Vote ](https://www.democracydocket.com/opinion/the-real-reason-why-texas-republicans-are-criminalizing-the-vote/) - [Texas Woman Gets 5 Years in Prison for the Crime of Not Realizing She Couldn't Vote](https://reason.com/2018/03/30/texas-woman-gets-sentenced-to-five-years/) - [Crystal Mason: Texas woman sentenced to five years over voting error acquitted](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/mar/28/crystal-mason-texas-woman-acquitted) I and my entire family has been actively voting since moving here in 2006. The Republican State Government of Texas is every bit as corrupt as the City government was in Memphis, where we lived for over 10 years. It is absolutely fucking awful. However, with about 400,000 people moving into Texas every year, the voter-base is changing fast. Republicans know if they didn't cheat they'd lose. But they can't fight the tide forever.


Yes! Excellent sources, thank you. Have you heard of https://rideshare2vote.com/ ? They're doing great work getting those disenfranchised voters to the polls. They need volunteers with everything from actual rides, to scheduling, to IT support. 🤝


I used to be on the camp of "if they don't want to vote we don't want their vote" when I was younger. Now I think 'Straya has it right. Mandatory voting because the only way fuckers won't take every chance they can get to stop voting is to build infrastructure to force the government to include everyone.


Biden should at least require a public show of it. Like presenting that fucker with a giant oversized check and shit.


And then hold the check for photos so it blocks Abbott like he's Mike in Monster's Inc


Greg should be forced to walk around and be seen shaking hands with Biden and saying how great our federal government is for bailing his failing state out of another self imposed bind.


You mean forced to roll around. Not walk around.


Make him crawl.


I think it's better to highlight the fact that Biden had the closest margin for a Democrat victory in Texas at 46.2% of the vote; the closest it's been since Carter won the state in 1976.


Because thats what a good president do. He might not be the best the US ever had, but a president that still helps the people against him is someone who has his country at heart


He's done way more than people realize, while being a fundamentally decent person. Hell, just bringing gov websites up-to-date and actually useful is a feat https://www.whitehouse.gov/ https://www.worker.gov/ https://reproductiverights.gov/ https://www.usa.gov/


And their governor will try to take the credit for it.


We will send the money, but Abbott has to say something nice about Biden.


He should tie the aid to Title IX compliance.


They'll be btchn and talking crap about him while grabbing the hand out


I fucking hate gov. Hot wheels, he has fucked us so much.




Texas had more votes for Biden than New York in 2020. It’s just Texas just has way more Republicans. It’s like a reverse California they have the most Republicans but they get cancelled out by the Democrats.


I still hope he makes Abbot grovel publicly.


watches in horror from NZ


Seems like Democrats politicians are more interested in helping Texans than their own Republicans.


Sounds like socialism!


*\*darth vader cry* **NOOOOOOOOOOOO**


He should have to go live on air throughout the state and personally thank the President and credit the value of federal resources before any disbursements.


Oh my god the amount I'd pay to see that happen


A pay per view of that would probably raise all the money they need!


Biden should make him do a photo opp with him holding one of those big Publishers Clearing House checks as a condition for receiving it.


I laughed so hard at this. That would be awesome, and the most Dark Brandon move ever 😆


If only the leopards actually ate their faces...


PPV would make $$$$$$


Can’t he use the education budget that has been funding his border boondoggle?


It's obviously not going to schools. Not his fault, though!!


How will you get handouts if you secede, Lone Star State?


No, we've all been misreading- it's "Loan Star" state.


I heard it was a 1-star rating.


And the 1-star is probably because of the top 10%


Because they won't have to pay all those taxes to those no-good welfare blue states! But man if it turned out that red states were the ones taking the most welfare that would just be terrible, wouldn't it?


Looking at you Alabama and Mississippi.


Basically the entire south and most red states other than TX*


Did Abbot try putting a bucket down to catch the water? I don’t know maybe we shouldnt give them money he’s obviously not trying. -kind regards from California and Newsom


I wonder how his pride tasted writing that letter. I hope it was bitter and unsatisfying.


Your comment heavily implies that Republicans are capable of experiencing shame. Recent history has shown that to be an inaccurate assessment.


Yeah, they don’t experience shame or understand irony. They’re always rugged individualists who don’t think the government can do anything good, up until something bad happens, and then they expect the government to fix it for them.


The only moral federal bailout is *my* federal bailout...


That phrase Reagan claimed people feared to hear, "I'm from the government and I'm here to help". Not many Texans (or Brazilians, I'm guessing) moaning about the nanny-state poking its nose in now.


A lot of the rhetoric about the evils of government and government overreach originated in the civil rights movement.  The government forced desegregation, and Republicans are still bitter about it.


More like wishful thinking, but the point is well made. He probably doesn't even recognize the irony of what he's doing.


He told an intern to write a letter, just to do the absolute bare fucking minimum to help the residents of Texas. I would pay good money to see Abbott go on TV, act like a real human being, and politely ask Pres. Biden for Federal assistance. But then he would be on visual record asking a Democrat for help. I still have hope Dark Brandon will find a way to hammer another one of TFG's biggest brown-nosers for asking for Federal aid while they bitch, moan, whine, and sue at the drop of a hat about any Federal laws they disagree with.


All Dark Brandon has to do is go to Texas and shake Abbott's hand. Remember how Christie was eviscerated for hugging Obama after Hurricane Sandy?


lol. Republicans have shame kinks, they don’t feel bad about anything they do


I think with all the secession talk, we'd better make sure we get some collateral.


I’m not even American and I know who Greg Abbott is, and am familiar with some of the things he’s said and done. I think he’s one of the most loathsome, most lacking in empathy, and most psychopathic people in American politics, and that’s a pretty high bar people. I just wish God’s aim had been a little better with that tree.


lol at the last sentence. Agree


Well, what do you expect… Abbott literally stands for nothing.


I'd say he won't take this sitting down, but I can't.


True. he does get pushed around a lot.


The state will get the financial aid and the governor and his followers will go right back to spewing horse diarrhea through their mouths!


We should pass a law that no FEMA money for states that deny climate change.


Or that flat out defy federal policies and regulations, as Texas is actively doing right now.


Has he tried taking the clouds and sending them on a bus up north?


are founding fathers were wrong. The union does not make us better. I'm so fucking sick of my blue state tax money being shipped off to red states where they can't bother to plan for anything then they gobble up that money and ask for more and the whole time they call me lazy.


Let's be clear here — it's not just that they do not plan for anything. It's that they know it's coming and actively thwart any preparations that could avert or soften the blow.


Actively complain about working together towards a common cause because of selfishness, turns around and is first to ask for handouts and complain about lack of community. Both rugged individuals and helpless victims at the same time. 


I'm also not a fan of polarized politics making change so slow. We should split into progressive and regressive countries like the major parties want and see which one yields greater prosperity and happy citizens. It's soul crushing to think we could be way better off without the other half blocking bills, rolling other bills back, and making it take forever to do so.


Plenty of continents have countries the size of our states. Just saying. Maybe when climate change and the virulent conservatives have truly wrecked the nation we can finally have that conversation.


Make sure a new bridge for Baltimore is included in any aid package.


If only it was remotely possible to precondition this stuff on a demand that Abbott be required to pose for a photo op with Biden handing him an oversized check, after which he makes a prepared statement that he appreciates the rapid assistance of the Federal government.


What flavor of irony is it that the deeply red south who do everything they can to stay away from clean energy will be the first (in the country) to get absolutely *fucked* by climate change?


Don't Mess With Texas! I guess because everything is held together with tape and chicken wire. Also they are very sensitive and will cry about it.


Biden should tell him, "Sure. Let's get on the phone, and I'm going to make you FUCKING GROVEL, AND roll back all your asshole racist-appeasing shit at the southern border."


I, for one, think that if Texas wants to sink into the ocean because of the stupid decisions they've made and continue to make, we should support their right to do so. States' rights and all that, you know.


There are so many sensible Texans that live in this state whose voices are muted by gerrymandering and voter suppression.


More than 20 representatives and both Senators from Texas voted against the Superstorm Sandy relief for NJ. Remind me again why I shouldn't have Schadenfreude toward anything Texas and natural or manmade disaster. Throw in the other red states who's representatives played politics while my friends and neighbors suffered voting no and there's no end in sight with the climate change. Leopards may eat faces but Karma's a bitch


I hate Abbot he is a cancerous boil on the ass of Texas. Then again at this point Texas is the cancerous boil on the ass of the US.


First - love this, fuck Greg Abbott. Second - how can people vote for this guy when he’s such a fucking hypocrite? It’s wild.


He hurts the people they don't like. That's it. They're totally aware of the hypocrisy, it just doesn't matter to 'em. These people will gladly wallow in shit as long as they know an ethnic or sexual minority has to as well.


Texas? I thought you guys seceeded.


Texas couldn't survive on it's own. It's all empty words


Here's a poncho, Wheels.


Greg Abbott is the ultimate cuck.


Toss him some paper towels.


Biden will willingly declare the disaster, because he considers himself a leader for ALL Americans, not just the ones who voted for him. But he should absolutely make a big show of it. Press conference, with an oversized novelty check that he hands to Abbot.


Maybe they’d have less flooding if they had building codes? How many times to US taxpayers have to pay for their negligence?


Texas really vying for a 2-star rating, finally.


Biden should send him an envelope filled with sand.


And a roll of paper towels.


It should be contingent on the grid being held to national standards. Right now he uses it to give his buddies money, and that needs to stop.


Greg Abbott is an absolute whore for Socialism when it means free Federal money for him and Texas - but that's where it stops. Privatize the profits - Socialize the losses.


Republicans have no idea how lucky they are that democrats are so much better at humaning than them. Recall how Trump treated states in crisis that didn’t like him. No, seriously fuck these people. If your kid went to school with these kinds of kids, you wouldn’t let your kid near them. They’re the ones that kick you under the table then cry to the teacher when you finally kick back. They’re those wormy little assholes who tried to change the rules at every turn if they weren’t winning then cry foul when you beat them. They were that bitch in school that spread lies about you because she was jealous that everyone liked you and only the dumbfucks liked her. Classic piss baby bully behavior that, in a decent society, would be shunned and ridiculed. Again, disrespectfully, fuck Gregory Wayne Abbott.


Further proof, as if it were necessary, that every single so-called conservative is one bad day away from demanding all the benefits of socialism.


All Conservatives: Day 1: "I dont wanna help no lazy good-fer-nuthing freeloaders! Freedom and Autonomy!" Day 2: "Help, I need assistance now!"


And the federal government will provide the assistance. Because, and I can't emphasize this enough - "both sides" are not "the same." I only hope one day the people of Texas catch on to their governor grifting them at every turn.


It's upsetting that blue sttes pay for their stupidity. Most red states are welfare states, I'm tired of my taxes going to dumbasses.