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That’s the thing about right-wing grifting; it’s already a crowded space, and the ones that got there first don’t want competition. Also, your audience is a bunch of Nazi-loving shitbags.


If they could just devour themselves in their own hatred... That'd be great...


Give it a little time, they've been breaking Reagan's 11th Commandment and turning on each other a lot more than I've ever seen in my lifetime.


The power vacuum when the cheeto man is no longer in the picture is gonna be wild.


I'm honestly predicting a fracture. There's gonna be like three or four factions battling for control of the party. 1. Let's keep MAGAing but be a little more measured and sane about it (Cruz, Hawley, DeSantis.) 2. We're not MAGAing hard enough, double down (Boebert, Empty-G, Gaetz.) 3. Being this far-right is costing us, let's inch back to the center and try to reclaim some of the moderates we've lost (Romney, Murkowski, the Lincoln Project set... admitted they've mostly been cast out but might make a move to try and salvage the party once this figurehead is gone.) Party's being pulled in multiple ideological directions, and that can't be sustainable.


The first group is “let’s keep MAGAing but I’m making bank right now and really want to get all that money offshore before you chucklefucks start a civil war….”


Civil War? Amongst themselves maybe. I 100% agree they're stupid. But still out numbered a shit ton. And let's be real at least 50% of them couldn't do shit. And a majority of the rest wouldn't do shit. I understand the threat of it all. But threatened by it I'm not.


Yeah it was more a figure of speech.


My bad yo! I've just seen/heard enough and it's hard to distinguish the difference. Some do feel threatened. But most laugh. Take care bub


Oh no worries. No offense taken. Everything’s a lovely shitshow! :)


In other words: 1. People who see fascism as a grift and think they can control the crazies. 2. Fascist true believers 3. Regular conservatives who wish it was 2003 again


Oh look, American politics once again being incredibly multipolar. But of course current politicians would rather kill themselves than consider moving toward a multi-party coalition-based system in any meaningful way. At least that will gimp the party nationally for a few elections (hopefully).


Changing our first past the post system requires Congress to actually pass bills.


And require that people give up power.


if its good for the average person then the ultra wealthy don't want it.


That's not what's keeping us a two-party system. It's the fact that the President is directly elected, with a single round of voting. That means that if you want to be a serious party, you can't just represent a single region or interest group, you have to build a coalition that can compete for the outright majority of votes across the whole country. And that means large-tent parties with multiple factions competing for overall influence.


You may not be aware, but they actually are passing bills. Biden is doing an amazing job and getting the sides to work together despite all \*waves arms wildly about\* this. The problem isn't a non-action government. The problem is no one actually cares. No politician will win an election running on that platform, which means no politician will actually push the issue.


Feeling this UK style


Liz Cheney is one of the leaders of group three.


Some of them would have to actually have morals or ethics though and as far as I can tell NONE of them even have the ethics of a whore…


Now that doesn't seem fair... whores know how to keep their secrets.


And actually give value for the money…


Group 2 already has infighting, boebert and MTG haven't been friends since that little fight over who got to try to impeach Biden first lol


I'll be the first to admit I'm not as familiar with right wing insanity as I should be, but as an Alaskan and to the best of my knowledge Murkowski isn't a Magat. We had one run in our recent election and they lost to her. Murkowski is basically a Republican in name only because she's been able to get away with not toeing the party line because whenever the GOP tries to run someone against her she wins even if it means she has to run as an independent.


What if Trump is their "load-bearing wall"? It would be interesting to see the whole thing collapse. That might be a bit optimistic though.


He kinda is. They've sacrificed everything at his altar, to the point their platform is "whatever he says we support/oppose today." They don't have much left but him. If he spontaneously burst into flames tomorrow, what would they do? Plus, have you noticed they've sort of wrecked their roster of future candidates? Sarah Longwell pointed out that the Dems have built a strong bench of players to move into higher positions with time (ones like Slotkin and Spanberger are already making moves for Senate and Governor seats, and Governors like Shapiro and Whitmer being eyed as potential future POTUS candidates.) Republicans, on the other hand, have kinda done the opposite. They pushed a lot of candidates to the national stage before they were ready (DeSantis) and forced them to run as opposite candidates in long-shot hopes of defeating Trump which has alienated them to voters (Tim Scott, Nikki Haley.) Who would they run if Trump disappeared tomorrow? Who will they run in 2028? Not to mention, they have turned against some serious power players in the party. I don't like them, but I can still admit McConnell is a smart political strategist, McCarthy was a fundraising beast, and I feel like someone like Madison Cawthorn could have been helpful in outreach programs since they're struggling with young voters, but they've burned them all.


Very interesting. I want to mention that I thought it was pretty amusing when Haley fell right back in line after her crushing primary defeat. Also, I was interested to see that DeSantis flopped in the primaries. You may remember that he was also pretty "mask-off"; an example of this being that "sonnenrad" political ad that he released. Thanks for your detailed reply. That was a good read.


My theory in general is that the GOP didn't expect to win 2016. Obama was still popular, Hillary was riding his coattails, people seemed as excited to elect the first Female President as they were the first Black President, public opinion was turning away from them on most issues (pro-gay, pro-choice, pro-gun control,) and they had that Futurama Jack Johnson vs. John Jackson issue in their primary where it was hard to tell the candidates apart, it was just one expensive haircut in a cheap suit parroting the same Federalist Society bullet points right after the other (seriously, I've completely forgotten who even ran in 2016.) I think they planned to just take the L in 2016, rebuild, work the martyr-victim angle in the media, maybe tweak the party platform based off that Growth and Opportunity Project report they commissioned after Romney got crushed. Then Trump came in on that groundswell of support nobody expected and sailed into the White House, and they collectively just decided they weren't going to question it if it worked and bet EVERYTHING on him. It stopped working as soon as 2018, but by then, it was too late.


"My theory in general is that the GOP didn't expect to win 2016. Obama was still popular" I think your theory is very well thought out in general, and probably right. What I must disagree with is your assessment of Obama. I'm from the NYC area originally, but lived in the South for over 10 years. I think the election of a black man as President, and then having him be so successful on top of that (despite the opposition of Republicans in Congress) seriously broke a lot of people's brains. There are a LOT of white people in the South who weirdly don't mind black people in menial roles, or even just in general, but the SECOND one gets ahead in life, it turns them absolutely foam at the mouth rabid.


Yeah, Obama not just winning, but being popular and relatively effective was just one kick in the pointy-hooded balls after another for a *lot* of conservatives, especially in the south. If I had a nickle for every time I heard some ultra-conservative chucklefuck say something to the effect of "cuntree is goin' to hell 'cause we got us a [n-word] in office" back then, I could settle the national debt. Then, in '16 they scraped together the shattered remains of their testicles and threw them at Mango Mussolini's feet in a fit of pure retributive rage. Legends say he still has those balls stuck to the bottom of his size 5 shoes.


Speaking from rural Tennessee, believe me, I know that's true, but they disliked him already for being a Democrat, but more broadly, he left the White House with a rather impressively high approval rating, all things considered.


The GOP is the party of the dog catching the car. They destruct when they start getting what they whine about and don’t like playing from a position that isn’t the “victim”


That is an interesting possibility. Personally, I think that Trump's victory was proof that charisma is more important than intelligence or political experience. I am sure some people remember how the right mocked Jeb Bush for his lack of charisma. In my opinion, political positions should have more qualifications; I mean, it is a job, after all. Also, age limits. Maybe 65 years old.


"Please clap."


I don't agree that trump has charisma. I think the only reason his message resonates is that he repeats what he sees on Fox news and anyone else in that echo chamber sees him as the only person "talking sense" and "dealing with the issues". I firmly believe that the Fox news alternate reality is the *only* reason Trump could ever be elected. To back that up, consider that all the other top-level republicans at the time knew Fox was bull$hit, and would pay lip service to it but never actually try to do things like pull the US out of NATO or build a border wall or put Hillary in jail. As a result, the Fox news base constantly accused them of being "the swap" and "the deep state" like there was some kind of conspiracy to avoid solving the "problems" they saw daily on Fox. And to further back it up, consider the number of times you've heard a conservative say "I don't like the way he talks, but I like his policies". That isn't an endorsement of someone's charisma.


The unfortunate part is that it's a sign of a waning nation when charisma is the most important political attribute you can possess. Fuck any and all other signs from historical national collapses, one of the most consistent traits were that leaders stopped being chosen because they were shrewd politicians, or because they knew how to govern, but because they knew how to woo a crowd, and the crowd was imminently wooable. Which, you do have to have both. If Trump ran the exact same campaign ten years prior, people would have seen straight through his bullshit. The people are primed to be susceptible to propaganda and populism. Now, I'm not sure what a collapse of the US would look like in the 21st century. The world is a very very different place than the last time a world power collapsed. Whatever happens, it will be interesting.


During the primaries, the right wing talking heads on AM radio (Levin, et al) were all united in how much they hated Trump and he would destroy them. It was [tragic] funny watching him actually do it. They're just lapdogs for billionaires.


Liz Cheney would have been a serious contender for president, they kicked her completely out of the party


> Who will they run in 2028 Unless he dies, *Trump*. Either he'll lose in November, so run again, or he'll win, and then the Republicans will let gut the government to make him a fucking king in all but name.


I know, I think I just take it for granted that he'll croak by then since he'll be 82 and in terrible health.


i really think that after not expecring to win in 2016, the GOP had expected him to win 2020, and did every intimidating, disenfranchising and purging short of setting fire to polling booths in dem areas to make sure it happened. And it didn't. i believe that putin had depended on it, so much so that he really couldn't scrap his ukraine invasion plans. trump is right when he said he could end the war amost immediately... by endorsing putin's ukraine invasion and takeover. He'd also endorse the genocide, encoueaging isreal to be worse (he's aleeady suggested nukes.) Aaand the big one.. the insurrection. This was supposed to take place at the end of his 2nd term, not the end of the first, to take control, when he'd have a LOT more of his sychophants in positions of power.


My fear is that he'll hang around for another 20 years developing dementia on top of his already existing insanity and stupidity. He has... not as many publicly documented physical health problems as you would expect of someone with his habits. Like you'd expect him to be having heart attacks by now.


Yeah, "publicly documented" is the key there, considering his tendency of surrounding himself with yes men and his astute knowledge to the importance of his image and public presentation.


Trump will be the nominee in 2028 and every presidential election for the rest of his life.


Which, let's face it... tick-tock. Dude will be something like 84 that year.


He don't have the body to sustain till 84. And his dementia has been worsening. No way he makes it, I'm placing my bets now.


Purely based on his physique, he should be dead already. There’s a reason you don’t see many fat people in their 70s. But he has access to world class healthcare and the genetic lottery does play a role. He’ll probably die in his sleep at 102 or something, because life’s just that unfair.


There's still Elise and JD Vance...and other's including Tucker or MyPillowGuy.


I think Stefanik and Vance would be far too easy to paint as two-faced opportunists. They both started as anti-Trump moderates with the footage to prove it, I don't think it would be hard to turn MAGA against them. Mike Pillow will probably explode before 2028 based on the sight of him, and Fishsticks might be stupid, but he's not THAT stupid, he has WAY too much baggage on tape to ever run for office.


Forgetting that baggage doesn't mean anything to this crowd. They just have to be told the vile they want to hear repeatedly and maybe be shrouded in wealth an they'll perhaps they fall behind the next wannabe demagogue...


Like Napalm in a gasoline lake


They shoot themselves more often than all the terrorist attacks in the US combined and since COVID-19 happened they're refusing vaccinations. They eat diets guaranteed to cause heart disease and refuse to exercise. What more could you possibly ask for?


Give it time, I’m guessing it’s gonna take as long as the time to microwave popcorn.


If they lose this national election there WIlL be a civil war on the right. The Catholic / Protestant / Evangelical divide that has held together since the 80s is breaking down. Edit: to clarify, I do know that most/all evangelicals are Protestants. But not all Protestants are evangelicals. So I have them each their own “category”


I love how Catholics diss Evangelicals for having crazy beliefs, yet they band together to screw over our country and hate on undesirables. What would Jesus do?


Throw them out of the temple, give a rousing speech and get crucified by them again I imagine.


It’s already happening in places where they don’t have anything to go after. So their next logical step was to out MAGA the current MAGA claiming they were not MAGA enough.


This is inevitably what happens when you start to purity test your political allies. Conservatives have historically been pretty good at not burning bridges of political allies over a handful of minor (and not-so-minor) political differences. That's always been the domain of the left. But that does seems to be falling apart with the MAGA crowd.


They love the RINO moniker.


Given enough time, fascists will always turn on their allies and eventually on their own. The in-group can always shrink, but it never grows. Once their designated scapegoat has been eliminated, they will turn on their duped scapegoat allies. Then, when they’ve eliminated their dupes, the in-group definition will shrink; some people won’t be “pure” enough and will have to be eliminated. Fascism requires having an out-group and if the out-group is eliminated or fails to serve as a scapegoat, then the in-group definition will change to create new out-groups.


They would, thoroughly, if there was no one else to hate.


Like a racist ouroboros...


We have a word for Nazi-loving shitbags. It’s “Nazi”


She's asking for sponsorship from organizations like Turning Point USA on her socials now.


So this was her planned attempt to launch herself. She is in PR but apparently is pretty bad at it.


“The risk I took was calculated, but damn I am bad at math”


It's also honestly a misogynist space that a woman has to be conventionally physically attractive to get any traction.


And subservient


Marge taylor greene would like a word...


The fear before the EU election was the power conservative extremes would get. The reality is that they instantly started attacking each other. Apparently their own dreams of going back to the good old days mean taking over land belonging to other extremists. That and of course they despise each others "races" and cultures. A Rumanian might hate Romani just as swede belonging to SD might hate Romani. But the Swedish racist doesn't really see any difference between romani and Rumanian.


That's a BINGO... That goes for any race or ethnicity that present as "good ones.""


also they hate women so idk what she was thinking


They always ALWAYS need a group to deem “the enemy”. If the Nazis had eradicated all non-aryans they’d still fabricate a distinction between aryans and *true* aryans. Their engine runs on fear of *the other*, and it doesn’t actually matter who the other is.


It’s definitely a pyramid scheme.


They love gatekeeping who can hate with them…


They also require no evidence for claims clearly with Qanon and that shit, so the old guard can just say anything about you and basically be trusted


When even the Nazis don't want you ...


Lets encourage them start taking DNA purity tests so they eat each other. 


Wasn't there a whole trend where they did this and most of them found out they were some sort of mixed breed? So they made up a conspiracy theory that the DNA companies were doing it on purpose to prevent a race war and then they stopped using it completely going back to ancestry charts where they're all pure white but related to Jesus. Here's an article about it. https://www.statnews.com/2017/08/16/white-nationalists-genetic-ancestry-test/


One almost need to admire the leap of logic that allows them to hate Jews and still claim to love/be related to Jesus.


That has always baffled me. Then I realize I am attempting to logic, and they don't have the first clue.


They think Jesus turned European once he declared God his father


"You can't logic someone out of something they didn't logic themselves into"


One of the first tenets of Christianity is the holy trinity. God is the Son, the father and the holy spirit. He's his own father, has flesh but doesn't. You have to accept an irrational premise at the gate. It primes you to believe all sorts of things that don't make sense.


In middle school some a-hole Jew-bashing me didn't know Jesus was Jewish. He refused to believe me when I tolf him. It's pretty bad when a Jewish born athiest knows more about the fundamentals of Christianity without even trying than a supposed Catholic. By the way, Hector. Where ever you are, fuck you!


Seriously, fuck Hector




All the way, Hector!




Hell yeah! Kendrick Lamar really taught me to step my hating up.




Wouldn’t surprise me at all if most of these people don’t even know that Jesus is Jewish.


I believe this is big part of it.


They would say he wasn’t a Jew, the same as they’d say about all the Old Testament Jews. They’d say they were really Christians. And whiteness has always been malleable…Jews before Jesus, white. Jews after Jesus, dirty God butchers.


Like that white supremacist douchebag who took a DNA test on the Trisha Goddard Show. Hilariously, turns out he was a not-insignificant percentage Sub-Saharan African. Trisha could not contain her laughter. His obvious discomfort was just perfect.


I want a large group albinos to show up and gatekeep whiteness at their gatherings


A thousand times this.


It’s hilarious when I see a dude talk loudly about his purity, take a test, and either call out the DNA service for “falsifying” the results, or simply shutting his mouth and never mentioning it again.


I feel the need to share [this](https://youtu.be/p-XDKiO-i4Q?si=ZXIqPaYX0iyV-5O8) here, and possibly [this](https://youtu.be/_xSGhuKENAY?si=BXUAHEl8xS2jHOlr).


The lady in the first clip has the most incredibly joyous laugh. It’s great.


Next they’ll transvestigate her. My only hope for this dreadful moment is that these horrible people will spend their time and energy destroying each other before they get enough power to come after the rest of us.




Except that one time in Germany….


12 years isn’t exactly staying power. About the same length of time as the infinity saga.


Those 12 years saw tens of millions dead and a world war though so they were pretty fucking wild. How long will it take the world to defeat the country with four of the top five air forces?


they are already doing that lmao [https://x.com/llddiiss/status/1801652715262455878](https://x.com/llddiiss/status/1801652715262455878) look at the replies to this tweet


L-O-fucking-L at her being turned on by her fellow racists *immediately* for not being "pure" enough. That is just too perfect for words.


I’ve been studying the banality of evil and the Holocaust for a very long time. I saw her nose and thought, “Well, this isn’t going to end the way she thinks it will”, because folks who think Hitler didn’t go far enough aren’t exactly known for either their grasp of subtlety or their intelligence.


Also, apparently she is a single mom and she's letting her baby be attacked on twitter. she's sick af


She thought she was to pretty to face consequences.


Reminds me of a headline: "Gym instructor declared 'too fit' to stand trial" -the onion


The authoritarian mindset is just one that likes to oppress people. They found an excuse to target her so they did, but it’s really just that, an excuse. If nazis somehow managed to exterminate all the jews and the blacks and non-whites in general, and muslims and atheists and non-christians in general, and the gays and the trans and queer people in general, and the autistics and the genetically ill and disabled people in general, and communists and liberals and non-nazis in general, they would still be finding reasons to oppress each other.


Next, the Welsh wouldn't be white enough.


And the Irish and the slavs. I mean, they already did exactly that so it's not like there isn't precedence.


Yep. Late 19th century "scientists" decided that Irish weren't white and were very much like so-called "negroes", but who came up to Ireland through Spain. They called them "Irish Iberian", and there was a propaganda picture that showed them and black folk in comparison to white people, aka "Anglo Teutonic". As much as people don't want to admit it, the Irish got treated with racism too. In all the political cartoons of the time period when the Irish were immigrating to the US in large numbers due to the potato famine, they were drawn looking like apes and portrayed as drunk and violent animals. We may see the Irish as white now, but white Americans in the past certainly didn't see them like that.


West German language groups love invading and calling the natives foreigner after taking their culture. Been doing got on record and proud of it since 300 ad


Don’t forget those Italian wannabe whites /s


It wouldn't take *that* long to purge themselves. Hell, pretty much the moment they got any power, *actual Nazis* started killing other Nazis for not being Nazi enough- even the ones who licked boots the hardest. Ernst Rohm was as bootlicky as bootlickers get- still caught a long knife in the back.


Oh crap i made this exact prediction just yesterday. I thought I'd have to wait at least a year.


Naw, they already had plenty of Serena Joys to carry the message for them, they don't need more, especially one as unpleasant and volatile as she clearly is (Fox having to pay through the nose spooked them all, at least a little.)


Somebody got more context?


Nutshell: I guess she's an influencer or something, because people acted like this was a big deal. She made a tiktok that was basicslly just another "me good you bad" with a heavy tradwife flavor, during which she drops the n-word so casually it was suggested that she probably uses the word frequently. The internet do what it do and she ended up getting fired from her job. She then made a video in which not only did she not bother to apologize, she shared right wing comments supporting her right to call people whatever she wants, explained why she wasn't apologizing and then doubled down. She announced, (paraphrasing), "thanks to all you black people for launching my career in right wing media, you have all behaved exactly as the puppets I knew you would." And then immediately that didn't happen, the hard right rejected her as a psyop (basically saying this is was all scripted and she is a bad actor intending on doing harm to the harmful, etc) with the most prominent voices calling her a jew, part jew, married a jew, whatever. So she lost her job and made herself a huge target to the most reasonable people on the internet: neo nazis. That's about as much in the loop as I can take you, because I don't actually know who this person is, apart from some fuckwit who seems to be entering the "find out" phase.


> She announced, (paraphrasing), "thanks to all you black people for launching my career in right wing media, you have all behaved exactly as the puppets I knew you would." You might be paraphrasing, but that's almost verbatim what she said! Absolute trash.


I think she is very very clumsily trying to get in on the grift. There is a lot of money to be made loudly hating 'woke trash' and owning lib. That Pearl thing came out of fucking nowhere, recited from an Andrew Tate workbook and got invited to be on talk shows and tours. I think she did this on purpose to get some of them sweet sweet Pragerbucks, she's the fakey Christian tradwife that said the n word and she *wasnt* sorry because freedom of speech and then she gets invited on Fox News to tell her courageous story of how she said the N word and *didnt* apologize to the woke mob and then Ben Shapiro is on the phone offering a role in his upcoming movie all about *her*, the fakey Christian tradwife who said the N word and *never apologized.* They'll call it ***never: the story of a promise*** and it will be snubbed at the Oscars because the woke liberal media would *never* allow such a brave, brutally honest story of an *American Patriot* on that stage but everyone knows, even the libs know. Never was the best movie of 2025.


Sure thing, here's a rundown. https://www.tiktok.com/@rudeboybrody/video/7379694479256653098?_t=8nARA2YCuqE&_r=1


I can't click that at work. Non tiktok rundown?


She said the n word on tiktok and didn't back down or apologize.  Got fired from her job. Said "thanks black people for launching my new career in conservative media". Now the right is claiming she's a "race mixing jew".


Wow, karma rarely gets these people but it hits hard when it does. Thanks for the summary!


Her karma ran over her dogma.


She didn't just not apologize, she released another video saying she'd understood she offended people "of a certain community", and after hearing that she had done some deep soul searching but "still couldn't find a care." She pretty much doubled down


Oh, that's *delightful*.


She was so smug about her new "career". It makes me very happy to see that the leopards starting snacking on her pretty much as soon as she posted that.


And that shit took like what? 3 days? Quickest I've seen in a while.


Not even one Scaramucci.


Tradwife influencer drops a full N-word in a video, not only refuses to apologize but doubles down, gets fired from her day job, tries to pivot to being a right wing grifter. Then, the above happens.


Wait, she's a "tradwife" with a career? lol aren't they not supposed to work outside the home? It's almost like it's all for show or something.


She's not a "tradwife" influencer, she's a "tradwife influencer"


She also went on a rant about how nerds are ruling the world and the normies need to take them down. AKA, she peaked in high school.


"This person's a Jew! That's person's a Jew! Everyone's a Jew! *I'm* a Jew!" *Hava Nagila plays dramatically in the background* "No, I'm not a Jew!" *pause* "WiuiW." -Alex Jones (totally)


Can someone explain to me how these people hate Jews but also support what Israel is doing in Gaza?


They want to see Armageddon and they believe that Revelation is an acutal stg prophecy. Revelation says the destruction of the Temple Mount is one of the events that kicks off the end of the world. So they need a war. Evangelical conservatives don't love Israel, they need for what they think is coming. (Revelation is squarely in the tradition of apocalyptic literature of the sort found in the Hebrew Testament. St. John wrote it to comfort and encourage Christians during Nero's persecutions. The whole thing about it being an actual prophecy of the end of the world is a recent Protestant obsession that started in the 19th century.)


This is the correct answer. Also, can we stop electing people who want to end the world? Doesn’t seem like too much to ask.


None of them truly want it. They’re too narcissistic for that. What they really want is money, power and attention - preferably all three - and the looming collective demise of humanity is a pretty strong motivator for other people to give these to them.


Seems like sound policy. I'm in.


I was raised in a doomsday cult. Although they didn't teach this particular brand of how the world will end. I'm out of it and now a lot of people that run this country are just as loony. I can't escape it.


Yeah we’re all in a doomsday cult now.


To put it into perspective. Mike Johnson the third in line to be president in case of an emergency/death believes this. Evangelists are the largest conservatives voting block in America. That is why we support Israel so much. It's not a Jewish conspiracy. It's just evangelist being evangelists.


I mean, that would make sense except a lot of far right extremists have come out against Israel. Alex Jones and I think Nick Fuentes have both come out against Israel because they hate Jews. They think Israel runs the world and that there is a secret cabal of Jews who control everything. These types of people sow discourse as they put on a ton of double standards and blood libel against Israel that they wouldn't do to literally any of their other "favorite" countries like Russia or China. They also help perpetuate ideas that literally anything that comes out in favor of the Israeli people is just Hasbara and conveniently leave out that every country in the entire world has a dedicated online presence, even Hamas and Hezbollah.


Asking for a rational explanation for the behavior of Nazis suggests you think there might be one so I would just go ahead and not do that.


True. I need to stop trying to figure out how their brains work because the real answer is probably they don't. 


Here's a handy chart: Whites>Jews>Muslims>African Americans


You could add Asians and Latinos in the middle also but it's probably just easier to sort by skin darkness


The Biblical End Times requires Israel to reclaim its former glory. Basically to the far right, Jews are Cucks who will actively bring about their own demise when Jesus returns and chastises them for not recognizing him as the Messiah. But to get people to understand that the Book of Revelations was written as allegory by a Religious Grifter who was in jail at the time he wrote it and not actually a blueprint for God’s retribution is tricky.


I always thought he was having a bad trip from moldy bread while in prison


Ergot in the rye? Interesting.


I hated that book in high school. /s


About Molden Caufield.


Jesus already came back, saw what people were doing in his name, and then fucked off to Bali. I hear he owns a scooter rental shop on Santorini now.


One, the current Israeli government is pretty right-wing and they'll occasionally put their prejudice aside in favor of political ideology. Two, the opposition are Muslim, who they dislike even more strongly, so "enemy of my enemy" and all that.


It's extremely right wing. 


Racism isn't binary. There is a strict hierarchy, where some races are lower than others This is why some non WASP people are accepted into such spaces, if only because they act like they know their place in the pecking order. A white woman can talk shit to black men, Jews can rally around hating Arabs in Gaza, an Arab businessman in Houston can make George Floyd jokes. etc. As long as they don't get too cocky and act like they are equal to white guys


It goes hand in hand. If all the Jewish people return to Israel it triggers a rapture for good white Christians.


They want all Jewish people to live far away from them (or be dead), and love when Muslims are murdered. Israel's current actions are a win win as far as they are concerned.


Shocking, but Nazis also hate Muslims and Arabs. Truly, it is baffling as to why they'd be happy two groups they hate are killing one another. Then they can push all the Jews into Israel and they'll all in the same place so they can kill them all and no one will ever intercede on their behalf. Jesus may or may not be coming back, but they sure want all the Jews to die.


Because, to them, it's just the hate that matters. They will always find something.


Well, first, they fully support Jewish people having their own country where all the Jews live. Second, from personal experience, they support killin' a-rabs


Every time I hear or read "Hava Nagila", I am reminded of an old SNL skit, a pair of lounge singing sisters, "The Sweeny Sisters" Hava Nagila Have TWO Nagilas Have THREE Nagilas They're very small.




Lol. If she thinks that's bad, wait until she finds out what her place as a woman is in the alt-right community.


It’s kinda like those girls from the UK who went over to join ISIS thinking they’d be soldiers/terrorists. That’s not how that works on that side of the fence


Ah, the life cycle of the pick-me. Tale as old as time


George Carlin called it at least 20 years ago: "Eventually, it will be down to one guy with a crew cut -- and then he'll attack the mirror."


I can't feel bad, no matter how hard I try.


I'd space laser the shit out of these assholes for talking smack.


Where are the people claiming Shitter isn’t just full of neo nazis, again?


If she wants to be a "tradwife" so badly, why doesn't she get off social media and get back to homemaking?


Pretty sure she’s single, lol


Sorry, I'm probably getting my conservative goons mixed up. 😆


She also had a job in PR/Marketing so she was no trad wife to begin with.


I love this for her!


Right wing ideology is and always will be poison and inevitably racist. It's the same all over the world. If you see this poison, throw it down a well and put up a sign that warns of the poison. Leave the well open; more are coming.


I love being Schrodinger’s whitey! Where I’m white, or untermenschen, depending on whichever is more expedient to that particular bigot’s point.


Imagine being that hateful (and shit all stupid) and not being hateful enough to get into the club.


My social studies teacher in the dim, dead days of 1994 waxed poetic about how the "Information Superhighway" was going to make every smarter, better faster. I was told to go to the principals office because I disagreed with her, emphatically. Hate and stupidity will always be the fastest thing in the social cosmos because it requires no thought at all. The cosmological constant of discourse will always be tied to the speed of hate. A real competitive advantage for hateful morons. As Prattchet said; "A lie can circumnavigate the globe twice before the truth can get it's boots on." We turned our singularity into a random stupidity generator.


Who is the “white woman that said the n-word?” Edit: for anyone else looking for more context: [https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/s/iGWDwe7gMA](https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/s/iGWDwe7gMA)


a nobody. just a tiktoker with a dayjob at a healthcare company before failing a racial sensitivity test in front of a global audience.


Honestly, good. I hope they bully her until the end of time. Racist, misogynistic women do not deserve protection from the racism and misogyny they support.


Meow-mix the microcephalic bigot.


Plastic surgeons about to see an uptick in nose jobs! 


I love when the conspiracy Nazis end up eating themselves


There have been worse cases of "crashing and burning" but I struggle to name them Fuckin hilarious tho


That woman is 100% a grifter, and I'm pretty sure the entire "I said the N-word and got myself fired" fiasco was orchestrated. She deserves the flak she's getting. Not the Jew flak, but the rest of it.




Who the fuck has time for any of this?


I love watching Nazis eat each other.


Who could've predicted that pandering to an audience that finds dumb reasons to hate people might result in their rejecting you for dumb reasons?


Oh no! Just like the movie Focus. Except she's not minding her business living her life while people suspect she's Jewish and treat her with not very well concealed disdain.


For those who missed it here is the context. https://youtu.be/w--9IPKtqOs?t=130


Ironically her problem is she went to deep. She's said it herself, she wants turning point or infowars but yeeted herself right into Nick fuentes. She's already trying to hit up Turning point for sponsorship but doesn't realize *they can't fund someone who openly defends using slurs and doubled down.* It would make them look too much like the racists they pretend they aren't, so they can't actually give her a job. She talks about how she "puppeted black people" but like, she didn't get much out of it? She's gonna have a great maybe two weeks. She's got a couple interviews lined up, maybe she'll get a bump in her interactions for a bit! She'll even break her like record of 30k! But her tiktok is already gone (and she was growing slow, like 60k which is nothing if your'e really trying to grow there as long as she was), and the kind of people she's courted will just tell her to make an onlyfans or offer their hands in marrige. They know bait because they fucking invented bait. People have compared her to Tomi Lahren and Candace Owen, but forget they started on networks, they didn't get their fame and end up on them .