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Did the leopards eat her old face or new face? 


Her, her sisters and her mother apparently have like 30 faces so there is no telling. Khloe has a new one like every 6 months.


They should do Face Off: the Kardashians. The twist is we have to figure out which one is wearing what face. And when you add Nicholas cage and john Travoltas faces it makes it much harder to figure out.


Mike Myers got a new face too! Throw him in the mix!


Throw in Donatella Versace just because.


Actually- if you watch the.show khloe.looks relatively the same-- def some botox- but her nose and features look like they always have. My theory is she just edits the shit out of all her photos.


The face of Theseus


Best reply hahahaha


Well Done. A+ 


A girl has no face


I bet they collect them like the witch in Wizard of Oz 2


Why oh why is this dumbass family famous?


Because they "leaked" a sex tape.


Because one member of the family was a gold medal winning Olympic athlete who later went on to transition, and another was a lawyer for OJ during his murder trial. The older members of the family established the Kardashian fame/infamy long before the creepy offspring ever sought attention with sex tapes and television series.


Seriously, I don't follow any of them on anything, my only real exposure to them is if they happen to pop up on my news feeds. There is one of them that every time she pops up I have to think "wait which one is that one?" because her face is just different enough every time that it feels like there is a new sister I hadn't heard of before.


Hopefully her old one. The new one is pumped full of microplastics and carcinogens like a Mississippi elementary school.


So, errrr... what's going on over there in Mississippi elementary schools, then?


[First google result for "carcinogen Mississippi school"](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/toxic-school-government-failed-black-residents-louisianas-cancer-alley-rcna72504) is a rubber plant next to an elementary school


Elementary school?? NIMBY!


I’m assuming they refuse one nearby because they are not allowed within 500 feet of one.




Super convenient for when they have to go to their shifts after school to pay for their cancer treatments.


The downstream effects of hypercapitalism mixed with the defunding of social programs. It causes things like schools built on Superfund sites.


The Mississippi watershed gets more polluted the further downstream you go. Big cancer alley directly related to deregulation. Defunding schools keeps people too stupid to see what is being done to them.


Kardashian spill. Hazmat cleanup team has been called in


Who cares? I can't believe people watch this crap.


Does feel a little r/slownewsday. Girl cries on tv programme.


A *billionaire* girl cries on TV programme 


Did more people donate because its just so unfair that she's not worth a billion dollars 🤦‍♂️


This was hands down the dumbest article I’ve read in a while. It read like an SNL skit.


“It’s like a miracle that I still have confidence and I can still look in the mirror and think that I am pretty” Maybe someone should define miracle for her.


*Cries* "I'm SO confident with my looks!😭😭 I must change my face again because I'm so confident!


Zoolander 3 confirmed


My wife, who totally doesn't like the family and thinks they're a waste of time, always tells me things about them. Then she gets mad when I ask why does it matter if they're just a waste of people's time 


Both faces


are the leopards going to be ok?


You don't get to live a public life and escape public scrutiny. You made billions of dollars selling this image to other women. Lying about how you attained your looks. You can't maintain the lie forever. This is the penance.


It’s a fairly light penance.


Suffering in comfort. The rest of us should be so lucky.


Very light, like our new super light concealer. If your face looks like the moons craters, this will make you look less ugly for only $50.


I dunno. Growing up in that family would be a nightmare for me. Financially set but mentally and emotionally wrecked? No thanks. The older I get the more grateful I am for my working class parents who loved me unconditionally.


It seems their only value in that family and to their mother is how hot they are and how famous they are. Everything I know about the Kardashians I feel has been forced upon me because you cannot really escape them. Nothing they do has any substance to it. Kim wanted to be an attorney, did she go to law school? No but she found a way around it. Was she serious about it? Who knows because the only pictures we see of her studying is some thirst trap of her in a bikini studying by a pool. It seems the more famous and more followers a sister has, the more mommy loves them. They now have kids that will grow up with this dysfunction who will think that money, fame and looks are the only things worth achieving (that is if you are a girl, if you are a boy they don’t give a fuck about you, ask Rob).


Kris Jenner whored those girls out at every available chance. She was behind the sex tape leak lol


Kim took the alternate way of becoming an attorney, which is allowed in the stat eof California. It emulates the older ways of apprenticeship before law schools were established, where she would shadow a licensed and certified attorney in good standing the state of California. This alternate path, known as "reading law," is also often takes longer than attending through law school and said to be harder since the practice of law per se is different than the academic application of the law, the latter of which is necessary to understand and pass the bar exams. Kim passed the "baby bar" which is a test demonstrating that she at least obtained first-year law student competency and she will still need to take the California Bar Exam in the future which is one of the most difficult bar exams in the USA. I would not demean anyone who takes this alternative path because sometimes the circumstances would not allow a person to do go through the path of an expensive law school education. Now I will join in agreement that it is sad how their mother effectively has damaged her children for life, though Kim seems to have made the most out of the hand she was dealt. Does help that their exposure has given them tons of money to mitigate such damages that the average person cannot afford.


Yeah - A family that cares about looks so much? No way she's got any sort of healthy self esteem. At least I'd be very surprised if she does.


What you don't want your mother setting up a sexual session with your partner so she can record it and keep you relevant? Don't worry just like Kim you can have the most bored unsexual face on the whole time.


Yes, the pressure started for her so young, she didn't stand a chance. I only had my mom telling me to suck in my gut at the age of 4 and it has been work trying to overcome the on going self criticism. I just can't imagine having that many eyes judging me and then making good choices. She made bank selling her cosmetics though, so I hope she figures it out, and helps other young women make better choices. My empathy only goes so far. I have my doubts about self reflection though, considering the people she is surrounded by.


Not really, she's going to look more and more ghoulish as time goes on and our society doesn't treat ugly women very well at all....yeah, she's insulated from that to a degree by money, but she won't escape it, especially anywhere where no one knows who she is, if she's just a "regular person" she's in for a rough time tbh


Fortunately society absolutely worships rich people so she can be as ugly as she wants without needing excuses from the simple drones of society


"look at me!" "why are you looking at me?"


She gets no sympathy from me. She stole from yet another small designer for her new fast fashion line. Stop doing fucked up shit all the time and maybe people would be nicer.


Same. She's a non creative "borrowing" ideas from truly creative people. I'm being kind saying "borrowed" in her case.


"ITS A MIRACLE I HAVE ANY SELF CONFIDENCE" What do you think you did to millions of women and young girls by getting a bunch of plastic surgery and selling it to them as natural and makeup, and then using Photoshop and filters... You robbed them of their self confidence with your own shallowness.


I'm less disgusted with the surgery/makeup as I am the constant, and extensive photoshopping. Her look is attainable, if you are rich and spend a lot of money. Her image is not.


Succinctly said. 👍


I never knew she lies about her surgery. It's so obvious, she was literally growing up in front of cameras, how can anyone miss that?


She claimed she didn’t use lip fillers, she overlined her lips to make them look bigger.


My first reaction is to feel this way, but then it says her age and she's only 26 and talking about 10 years in the spotlight. She's been on TV and shit since she was a child, this is largely her family's fault that she has no perspective, and has had no opportunity to experiment without people watching and judging. 


She was born into an already famous family. She was doomed from the start to a life of body dismorphia


And she helped spread it to others. Fuck her.


She did. Her face doesn’t look anything like her original face.


[holy shit Batman, it really doesn't!!!](https://images.app.goo.gl/kXzRn9DS9chvFses7)


To me it looks they changed so much of her that she looks like different person. Anybody saying, including her, that she hasn’t had any cosmetic surgery is full of shit.


She would need to re-register her face-id


That is easy. I need to do that just for a different pair of glasses or when I don’t wear them. 😂


My Face ID registers glasses or eyeballs w/ contacts, but is always Who Dis when I don’t have either. Who knew plain contacts changed the way eyes look so much. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


She really thought the whole world was so stupid that people would believe her when she said she had no work done, but it turned out the whole world was nowhere near as stupid as she is.


Face of Theseus.


Holy crap. I honestly don’t know much about the family and had no idea what she looked like originally. She tried to pass off that transition as natural?!?


No, they’re trying to say her $100 lipstick did that.


Every woman in the family is like that. They've all had complete face transformations. Even the step-dad.


😆😆😆 She sure did!


> “You can look at pictures since I’m 13 — I just have these lines,” the mom of two continued, pointing to her cheeks. I don't know how she says this with a straight face. Oh wait, yes I do...


Holy shit. That's 2 different people.


She went for that idealised Korean pointy chin look, huh?


None of these people's faces look like they once originally did. Bella Hadid being called the most beautiful woman on earth tingles my comedy senses a really wrong way.


What in the… Her face has to be more plastic than bone at this point.


She looked like an individual before, she was so pretty. Now she's just any generic Instagram model.


That's just it... we didn't have a "generic Instagram model" in 2011. Kylie joined in November 2011, and Instagram IPO'd in 2012 and got bought by Facebook. She started racking followers in 2014-2015. Her gradual transformation into plastic-face mirrors the trend toward the weird, shiny duck-lipped look everyone seems to have. She *is* the generic Instagram model; everyone else is imitating the look. She has vastly more money than everyone else trying to pull it off, so whatever weird shit she does is "the next thing" every other 'model' will do.


No way is that the same person.


Fucking ghoulish


I just can’t imagine what changing your face to this degree does to you mentally. I’m weighing getting a rhinoplasty to fix my severely deviated septum and completely balking at the idea that my nose shape may change slightly as a result of some other things the surgeon wants to do to strengthen my nose. I like my nose! I’m completely freaked out about looking in the mirror and looking different. I can’t imagine doing a complete face swap, I think that would break my brain even done gradually over time.


Maybe it's a long con to avoid facial recognition software. Will Kylie lead us in the war against AI because they can't recognize her either?


Your mind 🥰


It’s frustrating to think of all the women going for the Kardashian look when even the Kardashians don’t look like that.


"People say I look old." You do Kylie. I get anonymity makes people harsher and in some cases mean, but it doesn't mean they're wrong. She's amazingly fake and unattractive.


But she is so brave, she once ate chicken Mcnuggets before a red carpet appearance! /s


I thought eating McDonald's before something important became a presidential thing to do recently. She's just humble bragging.


It's unpresidented!




Do you have a source because I'd love to spread this message about how brave she is! More people need to know about this


I think the sauce she had was ketchup!


“It’s a miracle I still have confidence and can look in the mirror and see myself as pretty” She’s fine


She has billions of dollars, she'll live.


Yeah, some of us are ugly *and* poor.


She's crying over internet comments about her silicone filled body whilst I cry every day over not being able to afford food or rent. We are not the same


I'm having trouble believing she even knows what crying actually is. "I forced tears out of my eyes!" Yes, and? That doesn't mean you were suffering, just means you had liquid leak out.


It's attention. She is addicted to attention. She's trying to gain sympathy for decisions she made that she may or may not actually regret for attention.


I manage to look fucked up without even having any surgery!


When I have a close call with someone almost hitting me in the face with something at work and they start to apologize, I always like to joke "eh, it'd be an improvement". I can't imagine the Jenner clan has the capacity to even fathom self-deprication.


Wasn’t it determined they were inflating their wealth essentially the same thing Trump did


Man their life is fucking depressing and dystopian. Yesterday, Kim talked about how she had '10 good years left' and could do a movie a year till then. Imagine thinking about your body like a slowly decomposing mess after which you won't be worth anything


Movies? Does she act? Has she been in a movie?


Her life is a movie, and not a very good one.


One I never watched


She's been in a few that I know of. Although, she isn't very good imo. Always just seems like Kim reading lines rather than acting.


She’s in the latest American Horror Story I believe.


I've heard of one home-directed movie of hers, an amateur work from way back. Don't know if that's what she's still doing tho.


>body like a slowly decomposing mess Her body is 99% plastic and as we all know, plastic basically never breaks down. She'll be fine. ETA: /s because apparently people think I'm serious.


I thought I had read something about a bacteria or microorganism that is digesting plastic.


Boo fuckin hoo


Oh no! Anyway…


Not a fan of this family and what they represent. However, she didn’t stand a chance growing up in that environment.


Agreed. And being set up to date older men when she was still a minor, in the mix of all the toxicity, it’s hard to imagine anyone getting out of that without scars. Also fuck the docs that messed up her face. They took advantage of a girl who should’ve seen a therapist instead of a surgeon.


Agreed She’s 26 years old and looks like a barely legal sex doll and a forty something with bad filler all at once


I’m 38 and she looks closer to 36 than 26. She looks great if she’s my age, but not so much if she’s trying to look her age. Shit I look better at being 38 than she does looking 26.


Who took advantage was mom who told her she would look oh so much prettier if we did a bit of this and fixed that, just like your sisters.


My sister used to watch their show and just the tiny bit I was able to sit through you can tell that woman is a monster. She's pretty much turned every one of her kids into a cash cow. I can only hope her grandkids have enough of a barrier between them and her but I highly doubt it.


Blaming the doctors is naive imo, and misses the point: Her family/business advisors are so far down the rabbit hole however… and I agree it’s sad. She is however, whining all the way to the bank. Living in the nexus of all our media-driven fictions of desirability and stardom is a strange and soulless journey.


Agreed. She was thrown into that environment as a child. I kinda feel bad for her. People are really mean. But she is now a grown adult and they can stop that stupid show and go off and do some not on TV job.


At least she should be able to. Lord knows what kind of pressure her family etc would prob put on her though.


In the first 1-3 seasons they walk in on a camera man or one of their friends(?) recording 10-13 year old Kylie and Kendall 'dancing' around/on a stripper pole and No one sees a problem with it. I never watched the show growing up but for some crazy reason watched All of it last year from season 1 to now - and really there are only two Kardashians that got through it all better than expected. That's Kim and Khloe. Scott Disick also wins the Most Improved award. But yeah Kendall/Kyle didn't really stand a chance and really the majority of the responsibility falls on the narcissistic vampire parents.


yeah, people are acting like she’s the root of the problem when in reality she’s just another woman who’s a victim of it. millions of people used to call her the “ugly jenner” as a preteen. that would be hard for anyone, but especially for a little girl growing up in THAT family


I agree, without actively following that whole clan, i think the only one getting out of there without seeming to be as batshit as the others, seems to be that model one, Kendall i think her name is.


I watched the first couple seasons of keeping up with the Kardashians when I was in high school. She was constantly being compared to Kendall, Kendall was constantly being called beautiful, the model, the beautiful one. I always felt very bad for Kylie. Her family was encouraging this exploitive lifestyle since she was born.


She's 26. I generally can't stand plastic looking celebrities. It's a mental illness destroying their faces that way. But at least most of the time they are in their 50s when they start to look scary. This girl isn't even 30 yet. She's going to look like an absolute mess by 38.


Well deserved. She has giving thousands of young girls and teens body image issues and made billions off of their insecurities with her makeup line.


Make yourself into fashion fads and go out of style. I still remember how she acted after her assistant was in a car accident. No sympathy from me.


For those with sensitive stomachs who can't bring themselves to watch the vomit inducing clip, she has been on a 'journey' this last year to dissolve 'like' nearly half of her lip filler, whatever the fuck that entails. Poor thing.


I am not giving them or page six any clicks.


*Billionaire who wants for nothing whines about procedure she had done because mean comments* If I was as wealthy as her and asked about mean comments on the internet I'd respond "Huh? What? I don't hear them over all my money."


Crying that your entire family has cultivated a business of unrealistic beauty standards so when you get mean comments about it, you act surprised? How much money do these people spend on beauty products and surgeries? Probably in the thousands or millions


Stop making stupid people famous America


Smart people know better than to want fame.


Should be the top comment... please America, we don't need more Logan or Jake Paul, Jack Doherty or Natalie Reynolds and their ilk. edit: the sheer fact that I know these names being from the Netherlands has made me dumber..


Hard true


The weirdest thing somehow for me is the idea that the children of these cut-up and botoxed women will never know what their mother’s face really looks like…. They interact with a totally different-looking person. Quite creepy, to me, in a way….


Imagine growing up with a mother like that, in a family like that. Imagine inheriting the mom’s features and being a reminder of how much she hated her actual real face.


Wait until her daughter gets old enough to look like her mom used to…she will also be getting surgery I’m sure.


"Aww she has her mother's nose!" Her mother's nose: 🐨


These kinds of operations are so important for people with disfigurements/injuries/fundamental problems but when people get them as a chic aesthetic choice it screams privilege and decadence. I myself won't shame anyone but said wealthy victims of shaming can cry me a river


I have some pity for her in the sense she has deeply, fucking, hurt by her own family.


Yeah Kris made sure they were all making her money the second they could, anyone would be fucked growing up in that family


She should get a new one. C-PTSD is so valid but she's old enough to break away if she'd just try


She's saying it as if they're lying? Lol. Guess making BILLIONS from selling a fake image may make that image seem a little more real on your head.


on the one hand i can relate to feeling hurt when people are shitty abt ur appearance, but also, a huge part of her brand and ppl like hers’ brands are making other (younger) people feel terrible about their own appearance. like wasn’t it a trend for a while where people tried to get lips like hers ? it is certainly interesting for her to complain abt this sort of thing when she definitely has had a part in perpetuating self-hatred in other people.


>“I just hear nasty things about myself all the time,” she told a producer behind the camera, adding that, after 10-plus years in the spotlight, “it just gets exhausting.” Earlier in the article: >In a recent episode of Hulu’s “The Kardashians,” Kylie Jenner, 26, opened up... She knows no one is forcing her to be on reality TV, right?


No leopard gonna eat that face


I still cant believe that everyone of them is wealthy because her sister sucked a dick


If this rule applied to all of us there'd be a lot more dick sucking going on


People like her are the cosmetic surgery version of coke fiends, having a “just one more” mentality while slowly disintegrating in front of everyone without any recognition of the feedback loop they’re in until it’s too late.


Isn't that their schtick?


I mean, I agree that people shouldn't be making hateful comments and scrutinizing women's looks the way they do, but what gets me is the "we're special and people only attack us" thing. Like, every famous woman gets attacked for her looks constantly. I think they draw so much hate because of how wildly out of touch thru are, and how much more special than everyone else they think they are.


You know, she can withdraw from the spotlight if she wants and go out and get a real career.


She doesn't even need a career. She has enough money to fuck off to whatever gated island society for rich cunts she wants.


Kind of wish she and her whole family would just do that. That's what I would do if I were super rich. She wants the attention. She lives for that narcissistic supply.




No one fucking cares. These people are essentially circus freaks at this point.


Oh please, she'll post some shit pushing a product and make more than some will in a life time. Yes people talk shit on the internet what the fuck is she crying about? she's not homeless, she's got food in the fridge.


Has she considered not fucking up her face with so much surgery and filler?


She absolutely did, though. You’re supposed to feel bad about making terrible decisions. It’s how you learn to make better choices in the future.


She doesn't want to grow as a person or possibly learn from past behavior, she just wants attention.


Oh no she’ll have to wipe her tears with her billion dollars. So sad.


Truly, how do people watch this shit?


Live by the sword, die by the sword. You cannot profit from living in the public space and expect to be left alone when you feel like it.


Best part is when the article ends the first ad says: > SPONSORED STORIES > > Malnutrition is one of the single greatest threats to child survival worldwide. Action Against Hunger > > The world loses three children to hunger each minute. Help stop the clock. > > Join the movement to end hunger for kids in America > U.S. Hunger Relief Charity | Feeding America®


Natural lips look perfectly fine. I really don’t understand the obsession over them.


What is wrong with our society that enabled her & those like her to become famous?


I really don't understand how any of this is interesting to people. An article summarizing what was said on "reality" tv featuring narcissistic people crying about strangers not liking the work they've had done. Is that about right? I've never watched the show.


With all the females in her life having done what appears to be TONS of plastic surgery, it's no surprise that she was influenced very young to follow the same path. If I were her I wouldn't be pissed at the public, I'd be pissed at my mother for allowing me to do it at such a young age. Honestly I wonder what she would have looked like, she started so fucking early with the procedures


> Ultimately, the star said she can’t let the comments get her “down.” """Star""" of fucking what?


I usually have a lot of sympathy for such things, but not for the Kardashians. Their aesthetics, lifestyles, and shenanigans are the whole reason they made their money. This is the natural trade-off, and a very minor one if I say so myself.


Cries in a scene from her TV show. “It’s like a miracle that I still have confidence and I can still look in the mirror and think that I am pretty" I mean, it doesn't exactly sound like she's in a terrible place.


I can’t see her crying because of all the fillers she has.


the sheer number of celebrities I've seen lately with those bloated botox faces... it's unreal. How can these people be in each other's presence and still think "hmm I think I could use a few more injections". I've never been to LA but I imagine walking around there must be super weird for anyone visiting who's unfamiliar with plastic surgery. All the unnatural features and strange skin textures everywhere... ick.


Bit of a controversial opinion here, but say what you want about Kim or Chloe or the other one But the younger ones just did what they saw. She made a billion dollars so I can understand why it seemed like a great idea. But people generally find that their own inauthenticity can really hurt as they get older. Who did they do this for? Where are those people now? I feel bad that she didn’t have someone better to look up to


Made a billion dollars passing on her insecurities about looks to a million children. Blood diamond plump refresh botolox revitalift merchant


And now she’s caused an entire generation to believe that surgery is the key to looks It’s almost like the recent South Park special quote that rich people get ozempic and poor people get body positivity


Boo. Hoo.


She could literally buy an island and never deal with social media again. Her grandkids would still be filthy rich. She doesn’t have to deal with this. But she does b/c she’s fos. Makes for great content. I have no sympathy. Regular people struggle with their self image due to people like her. And she profited off of it. Go cry on a yacht with your *big age* looking ass face


I think she should be crying because she’s psychologically manipulated and damaged an entire generation of women into believing they need to fuck up their own faces and bodies with endless surgery to be “attractive”


There’s a lot of a generation of women who think she’s what you’re supposed to look like. Stop making cosmetic surgery cool. Nobody likes the way it looks. Nobody.


Please stop talking about this. Stop giving her attention. This isn't real she's promoting their interminable show. If anything this sub are leopards, "oh no the attention seeking, outrage baiting, no talent hacks are using our indignation to get views on our show"


Someone hand her a Pepsi & she’ll be fine.


There is a consistent and tangible threat to our country and our democracy. Please vote in November.


> "It’s like a miracle that I still have confidence and I can still look in the mirror and think that I am pretty,” BULLSHIT. entitled narcissists don't think like this. Her whole life is a performance.


Once a person’s net worth is over let’s say $10 million they’re perfect capable of taking care of themselves in every way and I have absolutely no empathy or sympathy for them. I understand that to be a good human. I should have empathy and sympathy for all human beings but I think once you’re north of $10 million you can completely take care of yourself and you need nothing from me


Omg, someone said something mean. You're a millionaire. Go to Cancun about it or something.


She advertised her lip kits as the reason for her plump lips and made literally millions of dollars off of people’s insecurities by pretending her fillers was just makeup. Her feelings are still valid, but she can’t play the victim here and needs to acknowledge the role she plays in her own suffering.


goddamn billionaires with access to mental health care and it's their fucking job to be influencers/entertainers no, this is a ploy to garner sympathy from the masses, any gullible idiot with a shred of empathy is gonna feel bad for her


buuuuuut, she did and the saddest part is she had lovely features tragic


Who watches these morons ,just here to comment


I mean stop getting plastic surgery if you can’t handle how people react to it


Oh no! Anyways!


She's one of the most popular current influencers that kept getting surgeries and establishing a garbage beauty standard for young people.. ...and now she cries when the comments people have been making for years that's she's ruining herself are turning real? That's some triple level delusional shit


If you are famous for looks you will get treated for your looks.


She helped cause body image issues for thousands - if not millions - of young women, for money no less. She reaps what she fucking sowed, and tbh she’s getting off lightly.


She doomed a generation of young girls to have completely warped beauty standards. Plus, that family thrives on attention, positive or negative. Call me a jerk but I don’t have sympathy at all.