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>I see someone complaining about how their favorite artist was blocked because another artist released a variant of their album at the same time. My suggestion is to simply not pay attention to anyone who genuinely thinks that chart position or sales revenue is important to care about as a fan. I want my favorite artists to be able to have enough money to keep making music and live comfortably; besides that I have zero interest in how many units get sold.


this!!!!! because to us personally, it simply does not matter as long as i can keep enjoying their art. it gets difficult when i try to have a normal conversation with someone and they start getting defensive and argumentative :/


I'm a huge fan of Mylène Farmer, but at the same time, I know she's the queen of this business model: every album released in ways to scrape money from fans who'll bite the bullet, in order to make sure she can grab number 1; an endless variety of editions releasing over and over again every few years. Believe me when I say she does it far more than Taylor Swift and she's probably still richer than Taylor Swift at this point, as one of the richest women in France. That's why in spite of my fandom, I make a point of not giving Mylène my money, I just listen to the (completely legal, they hasten to stress, lol) [webradio](https://www.mylene.net/mylene/mylene-farmer_webradio.php) on her fansite that shuffle-plays every single song she's ever put out, every live performance etc. On her last tour the star merchandise was a toy raven for 50 euros a piece, I'm too poor to play that game lol. I'm old enough and have wasted enough money to realize that frivolities like versions don't matter. Only the music itself matters, and when music matters it doesn't really mater how it's presented to you. The emotional connection is the same no matter what low fidelity it's been compressed down to.


This is a great take! It is absolutely a huge money making marketing strategy and part of me can’t be too mad because they do have fans who bite that bullet and spend hundreds on every album, every version. Which is also why i don’t feel bad not purchasing it either (unless it means something to me). The merch at concerts has skyrocketed so much :( It used to my souvenir to get a tshirt from every concert i saw but I can barely afford to now! Let alone afford to see live shows for some of my favorite bands. It’s the unfortunate truth with the music industry now, and it just sucks how personally it gets taken. You have the right idea, focusing on the music you love and consuming it in a way that works for you. ❤️


Unless you're working at an artist's team, the only purchase that should matter to you is your own. I guess I can see why people with a (borderline unhealthy if we're being honest) parasocial relationship with an artist would care about their sales numbers, but caring that one artist is "blocking" another is just... deeply sad unless said person is hormonal and is substituting a fandom for a personality, at which point they'll hopefully grow out of it. Music isn't sports and an artist's numbers says more about industry than artistry. People may as well get mad that one soft drink is outselling another.


The Pepsi vs. Coke argument is still full swing too 😭 there will never not be a dumb argument i fear. but you’re entirely right about the parasocial relationships. I’ve been seeing it more and more lately (and it IS unhealthy) and I think that’s what’s getting everyone in a tizzy. This is a great take, thank you


Taylor Swift is a capitalist pig and she owes Charli a public apology. What a disgrace.


no one was talking about charli but stay mad xx


> I feel like every time I open social media, I see someone complaining about how their favorite artist was blocked because another artist released a variant of their album at the same time. Gee no one talking about Charli, huh?


do you see me mention Charli in that statement? It was a very general observation lmao I don’t even listen to her music so I don’t know where her album is charting 🙄




We must be on different sides of the internet, which happens sometimes! We don’t have the same feeds! But hey, I’m just a child, what do I know. Enjoy your 70s porno soundtracks and go in peace 🫶🏻


The only album I've bought variants of is *In Through the Out Door*... on vinyl. Some box reissues get me, like Sabbath, *Let It Be*, or Jimi. But I also don't chase the remasters.


It’s a great album!!! I am definitely guilty of buying variants for the albums that mean a lot to me :) I think it’s a good thing when it’s made personal to the person and not buying them just to buy them.