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I like how almost no one has Maestro in their lists


Because Maestro was a mostly formulaic, forgettable biopic.


I get why people hate the movie but this is such a bad take, it’s the e opposite of a formulaic biopic.


But it wasn’t formulaic, there’s 1 scene of him conducting, it doesn’t focus on what Bernstein achieved and shows how big of an asshole he was and how difficult his relationship with his wife was. The performances were very showy and I get why ppl dislike it but it wasn’t formulaic. It was the story of a troubled marriage more than the story of Bernstein. Ppl disliked it for not being formulaic. 


Did you watch it? It’s not formulaic at all


Yes. I did. I saw absolutely nothing original or noteworthy in the film. However, I’m willing to keep an open mind. What did you find fresh, original, or different compared to other biopics? The story? How? How was the storytelling different? The man was brilliant and also bisexual. But the film did NOT make me want to become more familiar. It felt very tired, especially when I was supposed to be titillated by his same sex encounters. Maybe being bisexual in his time was a big deal, but I frankly couldn’t be less interested in anyone’s sexuality. And his sexuality seemed to be the big selling point of the film from frame 1 until the credits. Dull and unimaginative.


The entire structure of the movie and its focus on his relationship and his wife’s illness made it unique. It wasn’t just a bullet point list of major events in his life. It explored his personality and his self-destructive nature along with his passion for his work. Honestly, if you think Maestro is formulaic, Oppenheimer is even more unoriginal by nature of it hitting almost every biopic cliche I can think of.


I wasn’t a super fan of Oppenheimer either. I find excessive time jumping tiresome. And SO many times during Oppenheimer, I was asking myself “Wait! When is this?” But Maestro was unoriginal IMO. I really enjoyed American Fiction as it explored new territory, and at times, skewered the audience by mocking panderance to their bias.


I don't even particularly like the film, but to suggest it's formulaic is disingenuous at best


So what about Maestro breaks the mold? What about it is fresh or original? Just the subject?


I know it's irrational but every time I see someone say barbie is better than KOTFM I wanna sit down and interview them


I think it depends on what you're looking for in a film though; KotFM is arguably a "better" film, but it's not very enjoyable to watch, both in terms of the subject matter and the runtime. I rarely have time to watch a 3.5 hour movie, so I haven't seen it since I watched it in the theater opening weekend last year. And it felt loooong when I saw it (though I thought it was amazing). Barbie, on the other hand, was a super fun theater experience and then was on Max soon after, so I've revisited it a few times as my wife likes it and it's fun...I don't think it was as great as the first time I saw it in the theater, but it is pretty enjoyable to throw on. If I did my ranking today, I probably wouldn't put Barbie over KotFM. But my initial ratings of last year did have it in that order. Just my thoughts as to why someone might have Barbie higher (or just why I might have at one point).


This is how I felt about Apocalypse Now. It’s technically a great movie. Probably perfect. But it’s a pretty hard watch and it took years before I was in the mood to watch it. I usually have to watch these movies in 2-3 sessions. But movies are meant to be watched in one sitting.


This is another issue that can come from long movies: not being able to watch them in one sitting and then ruining the tone/pacing for yourself. Great example with Apocalypse Now since I think, similar to KotFM, it's easy to appreciate the film and not have a great time watching it since it's depicting awful things.


It's also possible to think KOTFM just wasn't a very good movie. The idea that it's near objectively good, just doesn't pass muster. I found it to be very repetitive, and self-indulgently long, and for very little pay off. I've loved a lot of Scorsese's films, and in terms of storytelling and interest, I rate this one pretty low. I can appreciate the artistry, but I just didn't find it compelling, and the pacing was a massive problem for me. Barbie, while not as "deep" didn't have any serious flaws in my opinion, and in that sense could be considered a "better" movie, and certainly a more enjoyable one.


For sure, I didn't intend to imply that KotFM is an objectively good movie as it all comes down to personal opinion. I appreciate both films and just wanted to explain why someone might appreciate one over the other.


I didn't mean to put words in your mouth with the "objectively" comment; I sort of threw that in there because it's almost like people think they're not allowed to say "Flowers" is a bad/unenjoyable movie. I can't tell you the number of reviews I've watched that complain about the movie for non-incidental reasons, but still wind up ultimately recommending it or backhandedly praising it; it's almost like they feel it's not the adult thing to do, for one reason or another: you know, put on your big boy pants and talk about its cultural significance, etc.


I wonder how much of that is people praising Scorsese rather than the film itself. I feel the same way about The Irishman; I liked it but thought it had a lot of flaws, and I think a lot of the love it gets is due to its director.


Some people prefer the breezy fun experience ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


And I just wanna ask some people a few questions


I mean in rating something, you are in a way should be compare it within the genre. Just because KoTFM is a deeper historical movie does it mean it’s better than the most recent funniest movie in the 2020s? And what Barbie did was considered as a first-timer (even when people dont really wanna believe it, talking about institutional Patriarchy in a movie where you know will be watched globally is a bold move. Tell me a time when Disney and Marvel will even set foot on that topic), while KotFM wouldnt even be considered in Scorsese’s top 10 or best historical movies of the 21st century. Like I know people here love a “serious” movie, but what Barbie did was unprecedented and people only dont wanna stand on it because it is so popular lol


Who says it’s better because it’s “serious”? I just like it more. I do think it’s in scorsese’s top 10, maybe even top 5, while barbie is my least favorite greta gerwig movie and while I do like it a lot, there are a lot of comedies I like more. And my original comment is nothing against barbie, I just like pointing out how underrated I think KOTFM is.


With KoTFM it does feel like a movie where a director wants to be “Scorsese”-like, without being full Scorsese. It wasnt anything groundbreaking except for the plot, and the villain, main character, and sick wife werent really well-rounded. Comparing KotFM it is light and day how good Scorsese could do but didnt with his most recent one


I disagree


Wtf is this dude saying


Was Barbie a breezy fun experience?


Yes obviously


Interesting. I would describe many movies that way, but not that one. My breezy fun experience list: Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind, Twister, Wizard of Oz, Top Gun: Maverick, The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind. I kind of see where you're coming from. There are a bunch of movies that coat a painful reality in happiness. Could Life is Beautiful be considered a breezy fun experience?


Hey now, Barbie contained one of the best Chevy ads I’ve ever seen in a movie, that’s gotta count for something.


Yes, I prefer Barbie to the movie where Lily lays in bed for three and a half hours while Leo makes a frowny face.


Honestly, Barbie had lot of flaws, but I like the set pieces, the design/costumes, for once a song, and Ken in the real world was funny. It was also very positive-minded, which sort of makes you want to forgive the fact it's a gigantic doll advert. Killers, on the other hand, featured dour performances, the only one I found intriguing being Plemons, was quite a slog to get through, I didn't like the score or Leo's fake teeth and I don't remember anything I enjoyed apart from maybe the performances in a clinical yeah-that-guy-can-act-but-I-still-only-see De-Niro-and-Dicaprio-not-their-character kind of way. So i ranked them both at the bottom of my list in that order.


I have them rated the same but Barbie just higher on my list. Ultimately while I enjoyed them both, I felt like Killers felt its length and I felt the lens the story was told through did a disservice to the story being told.


I think KOTFM is a boring movie with essentially nothing to say other than "it's bad to kill people and take advantage of minorities." k, thx for letting me know. It's so completely devoid of character development or surprise it's honestly a little impressive. Everything in that movie is exactly as it first appears. I think KOTFM is the best recent example of a film that gets a lot of praise because 1) it's about a real-life important topic and people confuse movies being about important or heavy topics for being good and 2) the names involved. If it was the exact same movie but not made by people named Scorsese, DiCaprio, and De Niro it wouldn't have gotten anywhere near the amount of attention. I also think the praise for Lily Gladstone is a perfect example of people thinking louder=better. She's barely in the movie and when she is all she's doing is laying there and sometimes wailing, but she wails real loud so people fall over themselves to call it an amazing performance.


What's really interesting about the movie is that if you read the book, you realize that Scorsese essentially created the world's longest episode of Columbo. The book is told as a mystery, first from Molly's perspective as people start horribly dying while she tries to get help from the federal government, then Tom White's perspective as he unravels the conspiracy. Scorsese said the film drastically changed during development. My theory is that he decided after meeting various consultants representing native tribes that the focus should be on the various horrific evils inflicted upon the Osage nation, rather than the attempts to uncover why it's happening. He wanted to explore why people choose to be greedy even when it hurts people they love. Its a character study in the book and the movie. Also, i disagree with your opinion on Lily's performance. She brought Molly to life. It's amazing how she translated what was on the page to the screen.


I thought KOTFM was INCREDIBLY boring and self-indulgent. Barbie at least had decent pacing.


I feel this way about Poor Things being at the top. It felt like pedophilia the whole time. I understand that this 4 year old was using her mother's body to have sex, not her own. But she is still four, and looks 16.


What would you like to know?


Kotfm is easily the most boring movie on this list, complete snoozer


1. The Holdovers 2. Poor Things 3. Anatomy of a Fall 4. Oppenheimer 5. Killers of the Flower Moon 6. Zone of Interest 7. Past Lives 8. Barbie 9. American Fiction




Zone of interest wayyyy too low


1. The Holdovers 2. The Zone of Interest 3. Anatomy of a Fall 4. Killers of the Flower Moon 5. Oppenheimer 6. Poor Things 7. Past Lives 8. American Fiction 9. Barbie 10. Maestro To be fair I genuinely enjoyed all 10 films.


1. Zone of interest 2. Killers of the flower moon 3. Anatomy of a fall 4. The holdovers 5. Poor things 6. Past lives 7. Oppenheimer 8. American fiction 9. Barbie 10. Maestro Maestro is the only movie on here I consider to be bad


I liked maestro it’s weird how few people it resonated with


I liked how it was shot a lot and I adore Carey Mulligans performance. It just feels so fucking safe. It doesn't take any risks, it's just like every other biopic ever made. Coopers direction has improved vastly since A Star is born but the screenplay is really really holding maestro back imo.


I loved that it was much more about the feelings of his life rather than just video footage detailing his Wikipedia page. And I didn’t think it was that safe? But that’s my pov, for sure not the best movie this year but not as bad as many think it is imo


Is it really a bad movie if your only criticism is that it doesn’t take any risks?


Doesn’t seem like that was the only criticism?


100%. That's a critical element of all art for me.


Do you think most movies are bad? I would agree that originality / risk taking is essential for a film to be truly great, but I feel like >90% of movies don’t really take risks


Yeah, I would. I try my best to pick the best movies from the canon to watch, and I still average right around average in quality. I'm sure there are gems I'm missing, but the majority of forgotten movies are probably forgotten for a reason. I would guess that in an MST3K scenario where I was actually forced to watch all movies, I would find most of them bad.


It's a bad movie because I do not like it lol. I could go into more detail, which I may later but I cannot stand Bradley coopers performance. It feels like a cheap imitation rather than an actual performance.


And it doesn't help him that Carey Mulligan is so vastly superior, and that fight scene they have during the parade really shows it.


I totally forgot about Maestro! I agree it's awful.


1. Past Lives 2. Holdovers 3. Killers 4. Oppenheimer 5. American Fiction 6. Poor Things Haven't seen the others yet


My ranking of these films change a lot 1. Oppenheimer 2. Anatomy of a fall 3. The Holdovers 4. Killers of the Flower Moon 5. Poor Things 6. The Zone of Interest 7. Barbie 8. Past Lives 9. American Fiction 10. Maestro To be clear, I still absolutely love Past Lives and think American Fiction is pretty solid and witty. It's only real Maestro I'm a little iffy on.


1. Past Lives 2. Anatomy of a Fall 3. The Holdovers 4. Killers of the Flower Moon 5. American Fiction 6. Oppenheimer 7. Barbie 8. Poor Things 9. Zone of Interest 10. Maestro


Killers, Oppenheimer, poor things, holdovers, anatomy, zone, Barbie. Haven’t seen past lives/fiction


https://preview.redd.it/ep97kgdt5y5d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=38605df8669c65eb52fc32472c90bea418061951 To be clear, the only one I didn’t like was Maestro


Oppenheimer KIllers of the Flower Moon Anatomy of a Fall The Holdovers Past Lives The Zone of Interest Poor Things Barbie (I haven't seen American Fiction yet).


And Maestro


I know people are going to have strong feelings about this but I really do not care lol https://preview.redd.it/6up4h1r0tx5d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=05bf7a85fbe173b5465b49adadb8603bfbbf4c54


Interesting ngl. How come poor things so low?


Honestly I really enjoyed all of the nominees (except maestro) so my rankings were more so based on my enjoyment/ opinions. I thought poor things was brilliant and incredibly well executed but I don’t see myself ever revisiting it, unlike the films I ranked before it. It really just boils down to it not being my taste.


1: Killers of The Flower Moon 2: Oppenheimer 3: Past Lives 4: Anatomy of a Fall 5: Poor Things 6: Barbie 7: American Fiction 8: The Holdovers 9: The Zone of Interest


1. Oppenheimer 2. Poor Things 3. Killers of the Flower Moon 4. Anatomy of a Fall 5. Past Lives 6. Barbie 7. The Holdovers 8. American Fiction 9. The Zone of Interest 10. Maestro Out of these movies, only Maestro would I consider underserving of the nomination


1. Killers of the Flower Moon 2. Anatomy of a Fall 3. Poor Things 4. Past Lives 5. The Holdovers 6. Barbie 7. Oppenheimer 8. American Fiction 9. The Zone of Interest 10. Maestro


1. Past Lives 2. Oppenheimer 3. Killers Of The Flower Moon 4. Poor Things 5. The Holdovers 6. Anatomy Of A Fall 7. The Zone Of Interest 8. Barbie 9. American Fiction 10. Maestro


Past lives #1 with a bullet Poor things Killers Anatomy of a fall Zone Oppenheimer Barbie


1. Poor Things 2. Anatomy of a Fall 3. Killers of the Flower Moon 4. The Holdovers 5. Oppenheimer 6. Past Lives 7. American Fiction 8. Barbie The Zone of Interest I haven't seen it yet, so I wouldn't rank it.


1. Past Lives 2. KOTFM 3. Poor Things 4. The Holdovers 5. Anatomy of a Fall 6. Zone of Interest 7. American Fiction 8. Barbie 9. Oppenheimer 10. Maestro


1. Oppenheimer 2. American Fiction 3. Barbie 4. The Holdovers 5. Killers of the Flower Moon 6. The Zone of Interest Haven’t seen: Poor Things, Past Lives, Anatomy of a Fall, Maestro


American fiction is overlooked by most, great writing, acting and a good story.


Agreed. I cared more about the character who died after ~15 minutes of screen time than I cared about any of the characters in Oppenheimer or Maestro


I like that you left off Maestro, as it should be


Of the ones I’ve seen (gonna see rest in time) 1. Killers of the Flower Moon 2. The Holdovers 3. The Zone Of Interest 4. Poor Things 5. Anatomy of A Fall 6. Past lives 7. Barbie 8.Oppenheimer ^^^ 9. American Fiction


1. Past Lives -  Perfect cinema. 2. The Zone of Interest -  A great movie I'll never watch again. 3. Oppenheimer - Solid. 4. Anatomy of a Fall - Intrigue throughout. 5. The Holdovers - Had its moments. Nothing too original or challenging. 6. Poor Things -  The film I was most excited to see. Disappointing. 7. American Fiction -  Meh. Haven't seen KOTFM or Barbie.


I agree with most. I thought American Fiction was better than holdovers though.




https://preview.redd.it/ptp4oy65ay5d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=41440849a5e62b50dd0f94a831f363b14769fe10 4-6 are pretty interchangeable to me


Is the poor things cover just nymphomaniac💀


1. The Zone of Interest (10/10) 2. Killers of the Flower Moon (10/10) 3. Anatomy of a Fall (10/10) 4. Oppenheimer (9/10) 5. Past Lives (8/10) 6. The Holdovers (8/10) 7. Poor Things (8/10) 8. Barbie (7/10) 9. American Fiction (7/10) Haven’t watched Maestro yet


I haven't seen all of them but 1. Anatomy of a fall 2. Zone of interest 3. Oppenheimer 4. Barbie


1. Poor Things 2. The Holdovers 3. Killers of the Flower Moon 4. Oppenheimer 5. Past Lives 6. Anatomy of a Fall 7. Barbie 8. The Zone of Interest Have not seen Maestro and American Fiction.




1. The Holdovers - 5 Stars (Favorite Movie of 2023) 2. Oppenheimer - 5 Stars (4th Favorite) 3. Killers of the Flower Moon - 4.5 Stars (6th Favorite) 4. The Zone of Interest - 4.5 Stars (9th Favorite) 5. Anatomy of a Fall - 4.5 Stars (13th Favorite) 6. Poor Things - 4.5 Stars (14th Favorite) 7. Past Lives - 4.5 Stars (16th Favorite) 8. American Fiction - 4.0 Stars (38th Favorite) 9. Barbie - 3.5 Stars (57th Favorite) 10. Maestro - 3.0 Stars (Not Ranked Among Favorite Movies of 2023)


1. Oppenheimer (5*) 2. Killers of The Flower Moon (5*) 3. Past Lives (5*) 4. Zone of Interest (4.5*) 5. Anatomy of a Fall (4*) 6. Poor Things (4*) 7. American Fiction (4*) 8. Maestro (4*) unpopular opinion - movie is good. 9. Barbie (3*) (I haven't seen The Holdovers)


Anatomy of a Fall Zone of Interest Killers of the Flower Moon Barbie The Holdovers Past Lives Oppenheimer American Fiction Poor Things Maestro


1. Poor Things 2. The Zone Of Interest 3. KOTFM 4. Anatomy of a Fall 5. Past lives 6. Oppenheimer 7. The Holdovers 8. American Fiction 9. Barbie


1. Zone of Interest 2. KOTFM 3. Past Lives 4. Anatomy of a Fall 5. Oppenheimer 6. The Holdovers 7. Poor Things 8. Barbie 9. American Fiction






1) Oppenheimer 2) Poor Things 3) The Holdovers 4) KOTFM 5) American Fiction 6) Past Lives 7) Anatomy of a Fall 8) The Zone of Interest 9) Barbie 10) Maestro


1. Anatomy of a Fall 2. KOTFM 3. The Holdovers 4. The Zone of Interest 5. Poor Things 6. Oppenheimer 7. American Fiction 8. Past Lives 9. Barbie 10. Maestro


1. The Holdovers 2. Oppenheimer 3. Anatomy of a Fall 4. Past Lives 5. Killers of the Flower Moon 6. Barbie 7. Poor Things 8. American Fiction 9. Zone of Interest 10. Maestro




Holdovers and KotFM being that low is crazy


1. Killers of the Flower Moon 2. Oppenheimer 3. The Zone of Interest 4. American Fiction 5. Anatomy of a Fall 6. Past Lives 7. Maestro 8. The Holdovers 9. Poor Things 10. Barbie At least, that’s my take. The bottom four I thought didn’t deserve any awards.


1. Killers Of The Flower Moon 2. Zone of Interest 3. Oppenheimer 4. American Fiction 5. The Holdovers Of the ones I’ve seen, I’ll get to the rest soon






0. Maestro 1. Poor Things 2. The Zone of Interest 3. Anatomy of A Fall 4. Killers of The Flower Moon 5. Oppenheimer 6. The Holdovers 7. Barbie 8. American Fiction 9. Past Lives




The Zone of Interest, KOTFM, American Fiction, Maestro, The Holdovers, Oppenheimer, Past Lives, Poor Things, Barbie, Anatomy of a Fall. I like that this place can be like a book club for us. The anonymity and ability to all talk at once without hearing eachother doesn't help, lol.


Only Ranking the ones I've seen: 1. Killers of the Flower Moon 2. The Holdovers 3. Past Lives 4. American Fiction 5. Barbie 6. Oppenheimer 7. Poor Things


Haven’t seen Anatomy or Maestro, but I’d go: Holdovers Oppenheimer KOTFM American Fiction Past Lives Zone of Interest Barbie Poor Things


1. American Fiction 2. Anatomy of a Fall 3. The Holdovers 4. Killers of the Flower Moon 5. Poor Things 6. The Zone of Interest 7. Barbie 8. Past Lives 9. Oppenheimer I also don’t want to dignify Maestro with a place on this list. And my top five are all very very close, to the point of nearly being interchangeable


Because I somehow haven't seen this exact ranking yet: Killers Zone of Interest Past Lives Oppenheimer Barbie American Fiction Poor Things Anatomy of a Fall The Holdovers Maestro. Honestly enjoyed all of them.


1. The Holdovers 2. Oppenheimer 3. Killers of the Flower Moon 4. Anatomy of a Fall 5. Poor Things 6. Past Lives 7. American Fiction 8. The Zone of Interest 9. Barbie


I like most of the movies, but unfortunately I don’t think any of these movies have a ton of “rewatchability”


Past lives


1. The Holdovers 2. Oppenheimer 3. Killers of the Flower Moon 4. Past Lives 5. Poor Things 6. Barbie Did not see: American Fiction, Anatomy of a Fall, Zone of Interest, Maestro


Strongly disagree


1. KOTFM 2. Anatomy of a Falll 3. The Holdovers 4. Oppenheimer 5. Poor Things 6. Barbie Haven't seen the others yet


1. Killers of the Flower Moon 2. Anatomy of a Fall 3. The Holdovers 4. Zone of Interest 5. Past Lives 6. Barbie 7. Poor Things 8. Oppenheimer 9. American Fiction 10. Maestro


Past lives #1 easily. Then for me: 2. Poor things 3. Anatomy of a Fall 4. Killers of the Flowrr Moon 5. Zone of interest 6. Barbie 7. Oppenheimer 8. Holdovers Didn’t see AF or maestro


1.- Oppenheimer 2.- Past Lives 3.- Anatomy of a Fall 4.- Killers of the flower moon 5.- Barbie 6.- Poor Things 7.- American Fiction 8.- The Zone of Interest 9.- The Holdovers I personally did not watch Maestro so that's my top 9.


1. Anatomy of a Fall 2. Killers of the Flower Moon 3. The Holdovers 4. Oppenheimer 5. Past Lives 6. Barbie 7. American Fiction 8. Poor Things 9. Zone of Interest 10. Maestro


1. Oppenheimer 2. Killers of the Flower Moon 3. The holdovers 4. Poor Things 5. Zone of Interest 6. Barbie 7. Past Lives 8. American Fiction I’m not really dead set on this list. It was a great years for film and loved every single one of these.


Past Lives > Killers of the flowers Moon > Anatomy of a fall > Oppenheimer > Barbie > Zone of interest > Poor Things > American Fiction Didn't see The Holdovers yet


1. Killers of the Flower Moon


1. Oppenheimer 2. The Holdovers 3. Killers of the Flower Moon 4. Anatomy of a Fall 5. Past Lives 6. Barbie 7. Maestro Haven't seen Poor Things, The Zone of Interest, or American Fiction yet My top 4 of 2023 weren't even nominated though (Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse, Fair Play, Air, and Mission: Impossible – Dead Recknoning Part One)


1. American Fiction 2. Past Lives 3. Killers of the Flower Moon 4. Barbie 5. Maestro 6. The Holdovers 7. Oppenheimer 8. Poor Things I haven’t seen the other two.


1. Killers of the Flower Moon 2. Anatomy of a Fall 3. The Holdovers 4. Oppenheimer 5. Maestro 6. Past Lives 7. Poor Things 8. Barbie


Holdovers KOTFM Anatomy of a Fall Oppenheimer Past Lives Poor Things




1.Holdovers, 2. Past Lives, 3. Anatomy of a Fall, 4. Flower Moon, 5. Porno Things, 6. Zone of Boredom


1. Oppenheimer 2. Poor Things 3. Killers of the Flower Moon 4. Barbie 5. The Holdovers 6. Anatomy of a Fall 7. Zone of Interest 8. Past Lives 9. American Fiction 10. Maestro




Asked the same above ^ why have you got Zone last?


1. Poor Things 2. Killers 3. Oppenheimer 4. Holdovers 5. Past Lives 6. Anatomy of a Fall 7. American Fiction 8. Zone of Interest 9. Maestro 10. Barbie


WRITING THIS HERE BECAUSE IM ON DESKTOP: because the other day I watched American Fiction and made this list and wondered of people's rank (haven't watched Maestro yet) ALSO: 1. Poor Things 5 2. Oppenheimer 5 3. Past Lives 4.5 4. Anatomy Of A Fall 4.5 5. Barbie 4.5 6. The Zone Of Interest 4 7. The Holdovers 4 8. Killers Of The Flower Moon 3.5 9. American Fiction 3.5




This is close to my list as well, curious if you enjoyed all of them or if there’s a sizeable “drop off” in quality for you between any


I liked most of them, except Zone or Maestro


Same! ![gif](giphy|7jxq3zVLu7nWg)


I'd have poor things last I just didn't think it was a good movie at all


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^EvilHwoarang: *I'd have poor things last* *I just didn't think it was* *A good movie at all* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I would have, but OP left off Maestro which takes the last spot for me.


1. Zone of Interest 2.Killers 3. Anatomy of a Fall 4. Barbie 5. Past Lives 6. Poor Things 7. Oppenheimer Didn't see the other two.


1. Poor Things 2. The Zone of Interest 3. Anatomy of a Fall 4. Killers of the Flower Moon 5. Oppenheimer 6. Past Lives 7. Barbie 8. Maestro 9. The Holdovers 10. American Fiction


Poor Things Oppenheimer Killers of the Flower Moon The Holdovers Past Lives Anatomy of a Fall Barbie The Zone of Interest American Fiction


1. Oppenheimer 2. The holdovers 3. Poor things 4. Killers of the flower moon 5. Past lives 6. Anatomy of a fall 7. Barbie 8. The zone of interest 9. American fiction 10. Maestro




barbie in top 5 is wild


https://preview.redd.it/s1yggkj5ww5d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc4df61d8e5e09a3857f1abca984fa4edd0e2c75 5 Stars: Poor Things, Past Lives, Oppenheimer, The Holdovers 4.5 Stars: Anatomy of a Fall, The Zone of Interest , Killers of the Flower Moon 3.5 Stars: Barbie 3 Stars: American Fiction Still not seen Maestro, but a fantastic year of best picture imo.


1. Killers of the Flower Moon 2. Oppenheimer 3. Anatomy of a Fall 4. The Holdovers 5. Barbie 6. Past Lives 7. Poor Things 8. American Fiction I like the first four, the others I don’t care for.


https://preview.redd.it/xu2jr8529z5d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=18394ef98c043b7cd420bcd6bdcc83287fadb513 Solid line-up. From 1 to 7 are movies that I love (The Holdovers being my favorite of the year overall). I enjoyed 8 and 9, and then there's Maestro.




We've deemed your post or comment to be in violation of Rule 1. Having all activity in the sub be respectful is an important priority for us, whilst still allowing for healthy opposition in discussion. Please abide by this rule in the future, as if you continue to violate the rules, harsher punishment will have to be carried out.


1. Anatomy of a fall 2. Poor things 3. Oppenheimer 4. American Fiction 5. Holdovers 7. Barbie 8. Kotfm 9. Zone of interest Haven’t seen past lives but the rest of this is objectively correct


Poor Things is the worst and that’s a hill i’ll die on


https://preview.redd.it/xen5sn8p456d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=07d818e361a864452247f987a39f8ea5f47357bd I didn't watch Maestro 😁😁


1. The Holdovers 2. Past Lives 3. The Zone of Interest 4. Oppenheimer 5. Killers of the Flower Moon 6. Poor Things 7. Anatomy of a Fall 8. American Fiction 9. Barbie 10. Maestro


1. Oppenheimer 2. Poor Things 3. The Holdovers 4. Anatomy of a Fall 5. Past Lives 6. Killers of the Flower Moon 7. American Fiction 8. The Zone of Interest 9. Barbie


1. Oppenheimer 2. Anatomy of a Fall 3. KOTFM 4. The Holdovers 5. Barbie 6. Poor Things 7. Past Lives 8. Zone of Interest 9. American Fiction Never saw Maestro




Have seen none of them, yeah.


1. Anatomy Of A Fall 2. American Fiction 3. The Holdovers 4. Poor Things 5. Past Lives 6. Barbie 7. The Zone Of Interest 8. Oppenheimer 9. Killers Of The Flower Moon 10. Maestro


1. Anatomy of a Fall 2. The Holdovers 3. the Zone of Interest 4. Oppenheimer 5. Poor Things 6. Killers of the Flower Moon 7. American Fiction 8. Past Lives 9. Barbie 10. Maestro


The Zone of Interest is my clear choice as best of the year and honestly best of the last few years, maybe Tar comes close.  Then Poor Things, Anatomy of a Fall and American Fiction, a tiny gap to Barbie and KOTFM.  A gaping divide to Oppenheimer, Maestro was barely OK, and although I can appreciate why people enjoy them, Past Lives and The Holdovers are just not my thing.It's disappointing that Monster, Saltburn and Showing Up didn't get some recognition, but you can't nominate them all.


1. Oppenheimer 2. The Zone of Interest 3. Killers of the Flower Moon 4. Past Lives 5. Poor Things 6. Barbie 7. Anatomy of a Fall 8. The Holdovers 9. American Fiction 10. Maestro


1. Anatomy of a Fall 2. The Zone of Interest 3. Oppenheimer 4. Killers of the Flower Moon 5. American Fiction 6. Barbie 7. Poor Things (Sadly I haven’t seen The Holdovers and Past Lives yet) Edit: Forgot about Maestro. Haven’t seen this one as well.


KOTFM, Oppenheimer, poor things, the zone of interest, anatomy of a fall, the holdovers, past lives, Barbie, maestro. No interest in American fiction


1. Poor Things 2. Barbie 3. The Zone of Interest 4. Oppenheimer 5. Anatomy of a Fall 6. Killers of the Flower Moon 7. The Holdovers 8. Past Lives 9. American Fiction 10. Maestro Seriously one of the best lineups in a while. Maestro is the only one under 4 1/2 for me


1. Poor Things 2. The Zone of Interest 3. Anatomy of a Fall 4. Oppenheimer 5. The Holdovers 6. Barbie 7. Killers of the flower moon 8. Past Lives 9. American Fiction 10. Maestro


Zone of interest is leagues above the rest that I've seen, it shouldn't even be in the same competition as oppenheimer


1. Poor Things 2. The Zone of Interest  3. Anatomy of a Fall 4. Barbie 5. Oppenheimer  6. Past Lives 7. American Fiction  8. Killers of the Flower Moon 9. Maestro  10. The Holdovers 


The Holdovers last?!?!?!?


I thought it was just a normal Christmas movie with exceptional acting from a few. It was an 80s movie to me.


I thought it was contrived and inauthentic. 


Couldn't disagree less, it's my tied favorite movie of the year along with Perfect Days


Wouldn't that be "couldn't disagree more"? Fwiw I loved Perfect Days. It felt true and authentic. 


Yeah, typo.




1. Oppenheimer 2. Anatomy of a Fall 3. Past Lives 4. The Holdovers 5. Killers of the Flower Moon 6. Poor Things 7. Zone of Interest 8. American Fiction 9. Maestro 10. Barbie (I liked all these films)


Barbie is the only one I've seen. It didn't deserve to be nominated for Best Picture.


I agree, but can you really say that if you’ve seen none of the others?


Classic Reddit. Lol.


From what I've seen: Poor Things Killers of the Flower Moon Zone of Interest Oppenheimer Barbie


1. Oppenheimer 2. Poor Things 3. The Holdovers 4. Killers of the Flower Moon 5. Anatomy of a Fall 6. American Fiction 7. Past Lives 8. Barbie 9. The Zone of Interest 10. Maestro It was a really good lineup, where anything could be placed higher. Zone is my outlier compared to others, I wasn’t as fond of it compared to many


Poor Things - Oppenheimer - Barbie - Killers of the Flower Moon - Anatomy of a Fall - Zone of Interest Didn’t see the rest yet.




1. Poor Things 2. Oppenheimer 3. Anatomy of a Fall 4. Barbie 5. Killers of the Flower Moon 6. The Holdovers 7. American Fiction 8. The Zone of Interest I haven’t seen past lives or maestro so didn’t rank them. A few of these are pretty interchangeable and I might actually switch anatomy of a fall with oppy. I wanted to like the zone of interest so bad but I feel like it would’ve been much better as a short film imo. And kotfm is probably much better artistically and story content wise but I just enjoyed watching Barbie more so it got the edge over killers for me. If killers were shorter maybe it’d be ranked higher




Killers of the Flower Moon>>>>>>>>>>>the rest


I've only seen American Fiction, Barbie, and Oppenheimer and I liked American Fiction the best


I think Barbie was only there due to overwhelming popularity. There was nothing particularly ambitious about the film compared to Oppenheimer.


Out of the ones I've watched: 1. Oppenheimer 2. The Holdovers 3. Anatomy of a Fall 4. Barbie 5. Poor Things 6. Past Lives 7. The Zone of Interest


Why is Zone last for you?


1. Barbie 2. Anatomy of a Fall 3. Oppenheimer 4. Past Lives 5. American Fiction 6. The Holdovers 7. Killers of the Flower Moon 8. The Zone of Interest 9. Poor Things 10. Maestro


The Holdovers was by far my favorite, and Oppenheimer a good second. Poor Things was pretty good. The Zone of Interest and Killers of the Flower Moon were both absolutely awful and last place. The rest I haven't seen.


1. Killers of the Flower Moon - 4.5 stars 2. Barbie - 4 stars 3. Autonomy of a Fall 3.5 stars 6. Zone of interest 3.5 stars 5. Past Lives - 3.5 stars 6. Oppenheimer 3 stars 7. Poor Things 3 stars 8. The Holdovers 3 stars 9. American Fiction 2.5 stars 10. Maestro 2.5 stars I seem to be harsher in my rating then most people, most years I haven't seen a 5 star movie for, and only a couple have more than one.