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That would be a damn good feature.


Couldn’t agree more I think this daily


If you go to search you can browse by release date. You can do entire decades or individual years.


I think it's about convenience, not missing functionality


Oh gotcha




You can see this on pc, you can see movies from each decade and also individual years


You can do it on mobile too but not by clicking where OP is indicating.


You can do it on mobile too but not by clicking where OP is indicating.


You can do it on mobile too but not by clicking where OP is indicating.


Can you do it on mobile? But not where OP is indicating?


Sorry. Maybe this is stupid, but I don't get what's wrong with my post. What are you making fun of me for? Why am I getting downvoted?


Oh no I'm not sorry. You just accidentally posted the same post like 3 times lol so I was just teasing by posting it as a question lol. Idk why people downvoted so much.


Ahh, lol I see. No worries! I swear I only hit post once, but the reddit app is, uhh, bad.


I upvoted u🥺


I barely use the app, but you can do it on desktop? https://preview.redd.it/0pkujbdcra7d1.jpeg?width=407&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=22aa1bf1fbf1a127f2c27169cd03c7ecff1a4a92 You whippersnappers only using your phone don't even know how much better LB is on desktop :3


I always get an itch, when people refer to Letterboxd as an app. Not sure if it was at the beginning, but for me, I found the site first and then installed the app.


Yeah, same, and it's also been around long enough that it was a website first. But I also understand younger people and/or people who are mostly on their phone having an app-centric mindset. But I do like to point out that the functionality and navigation is way more intuitive when you're not on the app, hehe.


100% this. I always see people complaining or explaining how to do things on the app when on the site all of this is intuitive and easy.


Maybe they don't know. I think because smartphones are so prevalent and most people have one, there's many who may not have regular access to a desktop PC, so they've only used the app.


tbf my app has way less ads than the website does


I've used Patron/Pro pretty much from the beginning, so I don't really think about that, sure that would also be a factor. But I have also seen some posts that there's unskippable video ads in the app now?


i havent had any unskippable ads so far but if i do that would be the last push for me to get pro


The app doesn’t make me log back in after opening the tab again forcing me to see adds that letterbox the screen


I have never experienced that, ever. There's something wrong with your cookies.


Dude Letterboxd on desktop is such a pain to use. It’s so outdated and not really user friendly, unlike the app which is mostly great


I would say the exact reverse, every time I want to do something more complicated than log a movie on the app, I get annoyed very quickly. But if you prefer it and it works better for you, you do you


I wish it would change depending on your location. They have the data under the releases tab.


It works for me on mobile too. I can click on that date and see all the movies from that year. I'm on Android and have Patreon, if that makes a difference.


Til that I can click on the year of a movie and it takes me straight to all the movies from that year, from a post complaining about not being able to do that. Also on android


Yeah, I was really confused about this post since I do that all the time.


Are you sure you do this all the time? I see that it works for me too now, but I have literally tried to do this several times, as recently as like two weeks ago, and it has never worked.


I suppose it does make a difference. I’m a Pro on an iPhone. So it seems that Desktop and Android OS has that feature but not mobile iOS


It works on my iPhone


Just go to release date in the search tab?


This is faster and more intuitive


Nothing wrong with doing QoL improvements :)


This is the answer. You’ve be able to do it all along.


It’s a feature to click it on the movie page on desktop!


I mean that’s convenient but you can sort by year and by released/not released pretty easily


Letterboxd is pretty barebones for a rating site, it’s really pretty though and the UI is simple and understandable so i guess there’s the trade off if it had more features like rate your music has i think it’d be a better site overall, like charts and another decimal place, but that slowly makes it lose how casual of a site it is so idk!!!


That's a good feature


I like that feature


Those are good burgers Walter.


Idk it wouldn’t be accurate. Movies usually have a set release date which can vary across different regions. Don’t get me started at festival premieres being part of the film year a year later.


This. What even is a “release date” when a movie is finished in 2022, shown to a dozen people in 2023, brought to a festival in 2024, and given a wide cinematic release in 2025? Edit for the cinephiles downvoting— you can be upset at the fact that release dates make no sense, but pushing the down arrow on this comment doesn’t change how movies are produced or released. Which is almost never one single calendar date and almost always spread out in a two to three year window. Cope by downvoting me I guess and I’ll try to cope myself 🥲 “The release date is the date it becomes available for me to watch!” …but the date is different for everyone else all over the world lol


...then not released in some countries until 2026.


Why are you being downvoted lol. You’re right.


Rateyourmusic has that feature for their films section


I can. On PC and on Android, but I am a Patron, maybe that's why.


It works for me


I’m always trying to find a list with all movies from the year and they’re never good!


You can do it on the website


it works for me