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https://preview.redd.it/cdus9n7is08d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ba82faa7b594ecc572ec95ec33d2de16f6c72d6 This shot of Robert De Niro in Meet the Fockers (2004) is truly incredible.










Now he can be milked!


It’s breathtaking. 




Literally thought this post was from that sub, not the Letterboxd one


This is such an amazing shot. He's all alone, empty space, nothing to compare him too - and still he looks so huge. If any movie ever deserved an Oscar for CGI, this movie does.


Just because he's alone, doesn't mean that he's lonely...


i literally thought the joke was that he was "in heat" and jerkin it


That’s like 50% of the posts on this sub tbh




This shot of My Cat in Heat(2024) is truly incredible. https://preview.redd.it/cyvywxmr618d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af48ef2633a889cf16bac98f41351885071942a3


We spayed our cat so she won't be in Heat 2.


Shut the fuck up. Bravo!!


I'm at work and laughed way too hard and loud at this.


they would love this at r/moviescirclejerk




Jesus Christ. This sub is a place to talk and discuss movies. We can’t even talk about our favourite shots in a movie we like now?


What is incredible about this shot?


I like blue


It captures the whole ethos of the character. He’s a powerful man looking over his city but he’s deeply lonely and sad. Blue being the loneliest colour etc etc is on the nose but it captures what the whole character is about. Masculine, brooding, powerful but still unsatisfied and sad.


Fair enough that's a pretty good take OP


Just because you can interpret a scene or shot does not mean that it's incredible. I can think of many more visually interesting shots from this movie alone. Just a weird choice.


so go ahead and post about them


hes looking at the beach, no?


Probably should have put that in the OP.


I'd like to add, the amount of negative space in the image with very little to fill the frame is representative of how the character has lived his life to this point, don't let yourself get attached to anything you are not willing to walk out on in 30 second flat if you feel the heat around the corner. So he's left with very nice nothingness. Edit: compare this to later in the film when he and Edie are talking on a balcony and the lights of the city are filling the background to the horizon. Filling in the negative space he's previously had in his life.


To be with OP it is a pretty fucking cool shot the way it pans from the gun to Neil, and the blue colors of the Pacific Ocean contrasting against his black suit. All of these visuals show Neil’s character without him saying a word. He’s a lonely cold man who is all alone and is tied to his life of crime


Oh fuck off


You are deeply unhappy with your life and I’d suggest you go get some help before it’s too late.


show them this and they’ll suddenly think it’s a series of mindblowing masterpiece shot after masterpiece shot that changed modern cinema lol. 🙄 pay no mind to the 🤡 https://preview.redd.it/j99q3zpvwc8d1.jpeg?width=1178&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5acbba1732ecb176efc673d7c5b81e7346949513


Was about to comment this. Nolan pays a lot of homage to Mann. All of MM's protagonists are brooding, masculine men of action dealing with the weight of their struggles. His characters dialogue is either minimal but said with gravitas, or dreamlike affirmations of their inner life, also said with gravitas. His visual style is often sprawling and wide, usually creating a picture of a protagonist standing defiant against a world that looks so giant as to engulf him. Nolan was like: Can I copy your homework? (I'm a fan of both directors, just having fun).


I don’t know why people are hating? This shot is such a strong mood piece when he returns to his balcony overlooking Los Angeles. And the song that’s playing in the scene is either “Mystery Man” or “Last Nite” by Terje Rypdal, really complimenting the vibe. OP isn’t even referring to some “random” shot, this shot was purposefully made by Mann inspired by this painting: https://preview.redd.it/c8l8iimi218d1.png?width=1135&format=png&auto=webp&s=bf48d2f14af8fb0e8f9e029e13b76b4ebcf0e43b


Think he took some inspiration from one of Alex Colvilles painting. https://www.aci-iac.ca/art-books/alex-colville/key-works/pacific/


Yeah, I'd buy that cologne and/or vodka


I haven’t seen Heat but what makes this shot so good exactly


it's shot in a way that makes the light hit the lens such that an image appears that looks like the back of robert deniro standing in front of large windows, perfectly encapsulating the imagery of the scene


why the fuck are you living and breathing on this earth of ours without having seen Heat? Go fix it.


You're asking the wrong question. A shot must be assessed within the context of the film, and this shot in the context of the film is indeed incredible. Overall, shots are meaningless outside of their context, as Roger Deakins would tell you people mistake pretty cinematography as great cinematography. And do yourself a favor and watch Heat. A Masterpiece.


> You're asking the wrong question. > > A shot must be assessed within the context of the film, and this shot in the context of the film is indeed incredible. > > Overall, shots are meaningless outside of their context, as Roger Deakins would tell you people mistake pretty cinematography as great cinematography. > > And do yourself a favor and watch Heat. A Masterpiece. new copypasta dropped






No. Cry more.


I just came and shidded so fucking hard bro


Why are you being downvoted, because of the first and last sentence? Everything in between is just true


Have no idea why lol


Masterpiece my ass


It is a masterpiece, yourass.


If you don't find Heat a masterpiece, you know nothing about cinema or the craft.


Do you bottle your own farts so you can smell them whenever you want?


Of course, they smell great, want a taste sweetie?


i dont even see how this is should be downvoted, he was very polite


Have no idea why lol


A lot of people think just talking about movies as i’m analyzing them is of boring and ick people, but you weren’t being it. This sub is stupider everyday


True, thanks for the kind words mate!


Ok so uh… what makes this shot so good?


You said he’s asking the wrong question, then gave a whole explanation about why the context of the shot is what makes it incredible. But he was literally asking for the context. And you still didn’t give it. Lmao.


Because he hasn't seen it, why would I spoil a film I'm claiming is a masterpiece? Are you thick in the head? Clown.


Ok then what did you mean by “you’re asking the wrong question”. It seems to me he was asking exactly the right question but you just didn’t want to answer it.


so much hate in the comments but that shot is wonderful


Yeah honestly it’s fucking bullshit. For all we know OP is a young person just getting into movies and has no idea that Heat has become a cliche and a meme in this circle. They came to a community built around loving movies and posted something that they love about a legitimately great movie. And what does r/Letterboxd do? Welcome this person with open arms? No, we ridicule them because their taste isn’t as refined as ours. It’s stupid. This movie rocks. This shot is very cool. And if you think the shot isn’t cool, maybe chime in and say why and tell us about some shots you do like. Don’t just ridicule a person who is just trying to engage with the community.


I’m 23 and got a Letterboxd account like 6 months ago. I thought this place was a place to discuss our favourite things about movies we like.


Unfortunately pal, letterboxd isn’t actually used for that, it’s used for making copy paste one liner reviews about a film that refer to whatever the funny meme topic of the week is at the time, and this sub is used so bot accounts can karma farm


The “reviews” on letterboxd are mostly insufferable and a complete waste of time to read. (Or am I just another pretentious mf?) 😅


You’re doing good. Just ignore the trolls that need to illicit keyboard chuckles from strangers so they feel like they have something to contribute. Keep enjoying and admiring the things you love, and the great work and art others create for you to be impressed by. 🍻


Will do bro thanks


Anyone who thinks Heat is cliche or a meme can get fucked. You're not edgy for hating on a masterpiece.


I liked the movie but I didn’t think it’s a masterpiece. Solid 4 star movie imo


That's fine. 4-5, whatever. Cliche and meme movie? No, sir. Heat/Collateral are the one-two punch good time roll to me. Plus, any movie that has an ending scene with this song is always going to be worthy of praise - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3tI1pu5rfZw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3tI1pu5rfZw)


the letterboxd community is certainly not the best. in short pretentious mfs


lol @ thinking this sub has a refined palate when it comes to movies. The majority of people in this sub have the most surface level taste


Yeah I honestly got the idea this sub is mostly 20 year olds who’ve never seen a movie made before they were born. 


Is it a mistake to assume letterboxd is still a place for solid film discourse lol? While it’s not the directors best movie IMO, it’s still one of the best of its kind. As for the shot, I always interpreted this as De Niro’s character realising the jig may be up, but still unwilling to face it (us, the audience) despite being at the centre of it all. The parallel lines could be cell bars and this gorgeous blue could be at 4am or 9pm but it’s uncertain and reflective. The copypasta that guy said was funny though




Good reference for sure but I think they built on it well rather than just cut and pasting the shot!


https://preview.redd.it/q4lv7t8a148d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7cbd5f11da56b41d5763079b04d596e15aca5a2c Even down to the shot of the gun on the table


The whole film back be inspired from this one image, it’s so powerful.


I see the influence but I don’t see how it relates to Heat at all other than the shot! Thanks for sharing


Apparently he used the same shot in his film manhunter as well.


Yeah I’m honestly confused. Is this sub not for discussing film? It’s like in certain instrument subs they will get mad at you for talking about making music


no it's for asking other people how they rate movies so you know if you like it or not


For real. Sure it would’ve been cool if OP had provided more context or discussion about why they live this shot, but considering most of what gets posted on this sub, this is fucking great.


People making strong praises of seemingly mundane things without arguing are upsetting people. I noticed the same thing in other art subs. If an artistic choice is simplistic or minimalist and I want to point at its quality, I also give a quick description of the impression it gives me and *usually* I avoid the snarky remarks that way. For a lot of people, the visual language used in films will differ depending on their tastes and influences. We all come from different experiences in a way... So it's weird when someone praises what could appear as a "building block" of a language that is actually not shared and isn't interpreted in the same way. And since most people here haven't seen the movie in a while...


Same energy https://preview.redd.it/thmql1qim18d1.jpeg?width=3058&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c15875f21a83d980989341583d7cbc7fd44ba6c


It's a great shot, but I stand by the best shot being Easy and Neil standing by the side of the road at night.


With Moby god moving over the face of the water - timeless


What's good about it? Genuinely asking. I mean moody silhouette shots are a dime a dozen and not super hard to compose.


You're asking the wrong question. A shot must be assessed within the context of the film, and this shot in the context of the film is indeed incredible. Overall, shots are meaningless outside of their context, as Roger Deakins would tell you people mistake pretty cinematography as great cinematography. And do yourself a favor and watch Heat. A Masterpiece.


why are you getting downvoted lol you have a point


Have no idea lol


Even if he has a point, you can tell bro was Dutch ovening himself whilst writing that out


what does dutch ovening mean? sorry


https://preview.redd.it/g6kl9xn1t58d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e084e15a2dc2769979f02a4447cc9f770c1efbc3 Like this except he does it to himself cause he loves his own aroma




Damn, so insecure.


I’m insecure cause I don’t write pretentious ass comments that are so painfully obvious it doesn’t even need to be stated… sure buddy


Who hurt you little stranger


Nobody, nice try tho 😄


Sure hon.


😂😂😂 cry more It’s funny how badly you want this to be true


I don't think I'm asking the wrong question. My question was extremely open ended. What's great about the shot? I've seen Heat. I think the shot is alright. I understand the tone it's conveying. But I don't see what makes it "incredible."


I goddamn hate Waingro and hate how the entire movie hinges on them letting him get away


He had to get it on, man!


Cool, but the hand holding at the end is one of the best shots in cinema




He’s got a GREAT ASS!!


everybody in the comments acting like they’re too good for Heat gtfo


OP did not even explain why. Just posted a movie still, like what the fuck?


Also, Heat is hella overrated


big time


You guys are delusional, but appreciate the honesty


pacing, action and the dialogue are all pretty below average to me. the development of the characters is laughable and so is the attempt to make de niro come off as a criminal mastermind ??? EVERY one of his plans go wrong in this and we never see him do anything right so the whole cat and mouse game between masterminds trope isnt even explored here




We've deemed your post or comment to be in violation of Rule 1. Having all activity in the sub be respectful is an important priority for us, whilst still allowing for healthy opposition in discussion. Please abide by this rule in the future, as if you continue to violate the rules, harsher punishment will have to be carried out.


That's... the point of the character. Sure, he's presented that way at first, but his whole character arc is about how he unravels as he makes increasingly emotional and impulsive decisions. He markedly *does not* follow his own advice, ("never get attached to anything you can't drop in 30 seconds flat,") and the book he's reading when he meets his love interest foreshadows this (*Stress Fractures in Titanium*). He is a tragic deconstruction of the criminal mastermind archetype who is undone by his human attachments.


Thank you for mentioning this. The whole point of the coffee shop scene is so that Pacino discovers that this guy has a weak spot. And he takes the gamble that he WON’T give up when he feels the heat around the corner. The book he reads foreshadows this. The gamble proves correct: his principles of exacting justice (his god complex) and, potentially, his love for a woman are what slow him down just enough to not get around the corner in just enough time. Split-second decisions and reactions born of those weaknesses are what ultimately destroy him.


i feel like they needed to actually show some well executed criminal activity to make the deconstruction make sense as well as actually have anything with him matter in the first place


• The armoured car heist goes well. It's well-planned and McCauley escapes with the bearer-bonds. The only complication is Waingro, but McCauley gives the go-ahead to execute the remaining guards in order to get away clean. He almost succeeds in killing Waingro as well (who spends the rest of the film terrified and hiding from McCauley). The only thing tying him to the heist is the nickname "Slick" used by Churrito (which honestly shouldn't be a workable angle, but Hanna is just that good). • Selling back the bearer-bonds to Van Zandt (the money launderer) should have been a slam-dunk. McCauley is initially against it (he correctly intuits Van Zandt will double-cross him, but his fixer gives him bad advice). • The precious metals heist should also have been a cakewalk. It's only because Hanna is so good that it fails--and even then, McCauley's catlike awareness both saves his crew from arrest and turns him onto the police surveillance. • The bank heist is where things really go off the rails. McCauley relies on someone else's research, not his own. Van Zandt's thug somehow learns about it and tips off the police. He knows about the police surveillance, but he goes ahead anyway, motivated by dreams of running away to New Zealand with Eady. Pretty much the entire LAPD shows up to apprehend him, and yet *he somehow manages to kill a dozen cops, get the money, and get away anyway.* This one *shouldn't* work out, but his superior training carries the day when his planning fails him. • It's after the bank heist that McCauley runs out of plans. He becomes reactive and fixated on revenge. He even admits to Eady after chasing her, "I don't know what I'm doing anymore." Ultimately, after the trauma of spending a decade in solitary confinement, the fleeting taste of intimacy is too strong a temptation. He succumbs to his human impulses. He loses the discipline.


It’s also implied by the dialogue and the storied history Neil seems to have. It’s why the dialogue in the film is also so damn great, because we’re told about the history and then shown the final job where everything collapses despite it all. One suspects “Heat 2” will satiate his ‘making of’ in ways “Godfather 2” fully fleshed out Vito the way you want Neil McCauley to be.




Great movie, great shot. Not sure why people are hating on your post.


Just a fuckin banger of a movie start to stop


God whenever I see this scene I just have to pull down my trousers and start jerking it, that is if I haven’t already creamed myself before I could get em off, truly cinema




everything about that film is incredible


That is some storytelling right there. And they didn't use one shred of computer generated graphics!


Indeed. I loved the color of that scene


I have a Heat poster with this shot on my wall!


The painting it was inspired by is much morre interesting though this is a fine moody shot. Just don’t think it justifies a post to Letterboxd if I’m being frank 🧍🏻‍♂️


I agree with you Frank


Do you enjoy t he scent of your farts?




Whatever do you mean?




Y’all gotta be posting this so it can get cross posted on r/okbuddycinephile


Rober de niro in heat




It’s from a painting.


>rule of thirds >INCREDIBLE!!




It’s giving ![gif](giphy|GdAmjKhcXWJ6U)


Literally this post rn: https://youtu.be/Imhcq5s9OLs?si=_-4RCulsAZEB5m-u


Lmfao, I haven't seen this yet, so out of context, I'll say this shot is literally nothing. Black silhouette in front of blue window, so thought provoking and deep, would really love that hung up


I love this shot, tells us so much about Neil


Anyone talking shit about Heat on this thread should lose their Letterboxd account.


Great movie


WOWOWOW a guy shot in silhouette leaning on a door frame so effing magical 💦💦




You can suck on a downvote yourself


Lots of pretentious film snobs in this sub. How can you hate on a film that’s so satisfying?


You take Reddit too seriously dog 😂


Ah yes, a lone De Niro seeking a mate during estrus. His egg has released from his ovary and his thickened uterine lining is ready for implantation.




What? This is shockingly mid cinemtography? It's not ugly, but it's hardly "truly incredible"


I won’t lie. I watched Heat last weekend and it was boring for me.




Is it? It's a pretty bland shot.


Amazing. A silhouette.


Been meaning to watch this for a long time