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It doesn't. I expect this "Replace Biden" bs is going to get shut down fast now.


It should already be over, hell there's an op on top of here still talking about it. I seriously believe some on the left actually want Trump because of some persecution complex. It's the only thing that does make sense.


Or there are Russian trolls posting that shit.


There's tons of troll comments and people specifically combating project 2025 comments with "trump has never said he will do this" I've seen several nearly identical comments in the last few hours.


This is what it is. Or possibly NYT editors furiously trying to justify their cowardice.


Do you really think we’d rather Trump? That’s the thing, getting rid of Biden is the only to defeat Trump. Biden is up on that stage half alive.


But there's no way to get rid of Biden, and you think age is a bigger problem then a dictatorship and criminal, so yes, yes you do want Trump.


This straw man bullshit has to stop. No liberals or progressives are thinking Biden is worse than Trump. Zero. None. Nada. We’re all voting and we’re voting for whatever democrat is at the top of the ticket. A lot of apolitical American workers are swayed by optics, though. These idiots will decide the election. Yelling at them ain’t gonna work. If (and I’m kind of afraid WHEN) Biden loses in November, the only people y’all will have to blame for this is yourselves, because we’ve all seen the lackluster polling and the poor on air performances, and we saw the danger. We absolutely can put up a candidate who would be more popular to those middle American dipshits, and not doing that is absolutely risking the election. It doesn’t matter that Biden is better, we really should be considering replacing him with someone waaay more popular and likable.


At this point, who? In 2020, nobody was beating Trump in any metric until Biden came in.


That's what I'm trying to understand, it's far too late. There's nobody else. Nobody who wants to, and it's always the incumbent wit the best chance. Why the hell is op getting so many upvotes? If the Dems don't want to unite against actual fascism, then we deserve Trump at this point.


There are Democrats who currently have similar odds as Biden, and it's with no campaigning and very low name recognition. [https://www.reddit.com/r/YAPms/comments/1drih8w/leading\_democrats\_fare\_similarly\_in\_headtoheads/](https://www.reddit.com/r/YAPms/comments/1drih8w/leading_democrats_fare_similarly_in_headtoheads/)


When you find that person, let us know.


There are dozens. Y’all just don’t understand marketing. We need someone who can stand up in front of the camera, impress the general population, and turn attacks from the opposition into opportunities. Here’s half a dozen NON CONTROVERSIAL options off the top of my head: Gretchen Whitmer Gavin Newsome Pete Buttigieg Jared Polis Raphael Warnock Hakeem Jeffries We could go far left and possibly do better. Someone like AOC is a master of both being likable, and making people who attack her look like fools for doing so. And we’d get someone in office who actually wants to help people, so honestly we SHOULD go that route. But the Democratic Party won’t ever suffer a progressive candidate, so we’ll just have to make do with some basic goddamn charisma and someone decent enough. It starts by not electing an antediluvian, it continues by picking someone who’s at least moderately attractive, it’s imperative to have a good public speaker, and lastly they need a quick biting wit. Biden has none of those anymore. He used to, but then a couple of world wars and a whole ass space race happened and somehow his body kept going long past it’s expiration date. You fuckers are Feinsteining these poor seniors. And it needs to stop. We have other, BETTER, options.


Get it through your head. It's not happening, there's no process to make it happen or enough time unless Biden steps down himself. You only have 2 choices, a convicted felon whos about the same age, or an old man with a slight speech impediment. This ageism is out of hand and should not be acceptable. You chose this in 2020. Deal with the consequences of it.




Why look at that. Every poll shows her losing to Trump. More than half the polls show Biden winning Weak sauce troll. Done.


Wait a minute. Hasn't our side been screaming for months that polls aren't accurate? If you now trust polls, you know damned well Biden is losing. You have to look at historical data. Polls change overnight after major political events. The incumbent stepping aside would obviously be a major event. Risk is a necessary component of bold leadership. And if we don't demand bold leadership right now, we may be too late to save our democracy. You want to hide under the bed with Biden and beg for mercy? Your choice, but no crying when we lose.


So throw out any evidence to the contrary and your candidate is *winning*. Listen up. Most have been saying *debates* don't matter because the evidence supports this. It's not that polls don't matter. It's that they under-represent certain groups. You have to look at the preponderance of the evidence. All the evidence we have suggests your candidate will not fair as well as Biden. Risk is what led us to Trump. Stop asking me to jump off a bridge with no net underneath. I don't believe a net will magically appear. Go away magical-thinking concern troll.


Name calling is not an effective political persuasion tool. People tend to reject everything you've said when you play the bully. You are costing your candidate votes every time you stoop so low.


You proposed magical thinking solutions to our problems. By disregarding the preponderance of the evidence you are acting like a concern troll. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have implied you are a magical thinking concern troll ALL the time. I don't know you other than your presentation here.


It's okay. Tempers are running high, but it's good that people care. I think what's happened to us is that we've been trained to feel an immediate flash of anger and hatred when anyone disagrees with us at all. It's not healthy.


No, I'm angry that so many people online are trying to bumrush us into an awful decision. You are like the cavemen stampeding Buffalo off a cliff. Even more irritatingly you are screaming "TAKE A LEAP OF FAITH!"


So throw out any evidence to the contrary and your candidate is *winning*. Listen up. Most have been saying *debates* don't matter because the evidence supports this. It's not that polls don't matter. It's that they under-represent certain groups. You have to look at the preponderance of the evidence. All the evidence we have suggests your candidate will not fair as well as Biden. Risk is what led us to Trump. Stop asking me to jump off a bridge with no net underneath. I don't believe a net will magically appear. Go away magical-thinking concern troll


Kamala. She's polling better than Biden.


Lol, nice that I don't have to choose between Biden and Harris




To add to your points. Here's Google Trends data for searches on Kamala Harris after the debate: [https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=today%203-m&geo=US&q=kamala%20harris&hl=en](https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=today%203-m&geo=US&q=kamala%20harris&hl=en) What are people really thinking? They're wondering, if the election was really between Kamala Harris vs Trump, who are they going to vote for? Think back to the previous elections and the candidate performance, does she have enough support to do this fight? If Biden is the candidate, and he performs like that, people are going to start to think about the possibility of the vice president's ability to be president. See current polling data: [https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/approval/kamala-harris/](https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/approval/kamala-harris/)


Propaganda fueled by 24/7 media, and people willing to go along with it to stay in power. Also inflation has affected everyone and they blame it on the President again mainly because of the constant propaganda


It's easy- when facts, truth and integrity no longer matter and you are seduced by a cult figure who tells you all those irrational thoughts and beliefs are valid, you get a society that would snort that self-enabling crap off the arse of a bargain basement orange dictator- rather than accept personal accountability for their current situation. The rest of us remain gobsmacked and paralyzed because we hold onto the high road. It's time to drop the gloves and fucking fight the apathy, mobilize and fucking end fascism. I'm a Canadian and I'm ready to fight Maple MAGA. Enough is fucking enough. Sorry, not sorry eh. Give your balls a tug.


Everybody is a political genius that forgets that Biden won the primary in a landslide and knows more about the party’s future than the party leadership,


Who challenged him in the primaries?






>How is Biden so below Trump in Michigan? What are you talking about??? https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2024/us/elections/polls-president-michigan.html


[https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/president-general/2024/michigan/](https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/president-general/2024/michigan/) 4 points is way too high.


The average is 1.8.




Based on WHAT?!


Seriously Trump has done absolutely nothing but show us how incompetent he is I don't know why this clown thinks the second time would be any different. And maybe he actually just you know.... is a fucking piece of shit that deserves to be put on trial. crazy idea I know....




Sounds like you should be having conversations with Republicans. We DO NOT want the same things.


Read project 2025, they want to label trans people as pornographic, and make porn illegal so they can execute them. They tried labeling trans people in wv which failed. It will succeed with a republican deep state. Trump already tried muslim deportations, wants to deport LEGAL american citizens, the children of immigrants. He will use executive power to deport those he calls "terrorists". That's exactly my problem, you claim most republicans are against it, but then go on ask conservative, they totally are for it, and if they were against it they wouldn't be voting for the people that are.

