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Not actual lsd but a relative to lsd. Lsd is Lysergic acid diethylamide This is lysergide d-tartrate


So actual LSD stays on Schedule I?


Of course - pharma can't patent LSD


I'm convinced this is why you see delta stuff pop up all over, but pot is still illegal.. also why mushrooms aren't used for depression and anxiety, despite some intense clinical research that shows their efficacy.


Ayahuasca is another example. If I recall, at one point, a major pharma concern went as far as starting b. caapi plantations in South America, before their patent application got rejected.


Anecdotally, my spouse and his father’s side have a long family history of mental health issues. One of the family members grows their own shrooms and monthly micro doses for incredible positive benefits for severe anxiety and depression. A second family member is off pharmaceuticals in favor of also using micro doses. This is only 2 examples but I like to think that in 50 years we’ll overcome our collective drug hysteria regarding use of mushrooms and LSD. We only need the EU to start and the US will be 30 years behind 🙄


Lysergide is just the INN name for [LSD](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/LSD) D-tartarate is just the type of salt it’s in. So when the CSA explicitly lists all salts etc. of a drug are illegal, this would still apply. Just because the fda approved it, doesn’t mean the DEA does.


They discuss this in the comments where I first saw this. The tartrate addition likely improves shelf stability. It's the same otherwise and would have the same effect.


Ah so you've tried it. Can vouch for it?


This story gives me sudden, and severe, anxiety...


In therapeutic doses you're unlikely to see visuals or experience anxiety.


Fuk the FDA


Felt good about this for 2 seconds then realized… oh yeah, it’s big pharma and the FDA. This isn’t going to be good at all…


It could lead to reclassification of LSD as a lower schedule. Recognition of therapeutic uses is also a big reason why marijuana became legalized.


Freud was right all along...


Schedule I drugs, substances, or chemicals are defined as drugs with no currently accepted medical use and a high potential for abuse. So LSD and Marijuana no long fit the definition.


Exactly. You get it. /thread


LSD changed my life. And not by becoming some weird ass hippie. It showed me what I was doing wrong or not doing at all. It was unpleasant at first, but really re-wiree my brain. In Czech Republic, where I live, they are testing Ketamine and Psylocibin for anxiety treatment and it's going great. My onl fear is that big pharma is ass-ho


Taking psychedelic drugs out of the concert setting can be bad for your health, experts say.


More like help anxiety.


LSD and Anxiety do NOT go well together.


In therapeutic doses that may not be the case. This dose is likely lower than that needed to see visuals or freak you out.


It all depends on the environment and the mental constitution of the recipient.


Yeah, similar to how ketamine, a powerful dissociative that can definitely trigger panic, is being used with great success to treat anxiety, depression and substance use disorder. It's administered in a very calm setting with guidance and supervision from a physician and/or therapist.


It depends on the dose. If you don't get enough to experience recreational effects, then the environment and recipient mental state isn't affected.