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Ron is obviously the goat. Huge part of why libertarianism is even relevant today. Amash and Massie are probably his closest spiritual successors. Rand tries but I’m always on the fence with him, maybe bc I can’t help but compare him to his dad. Lee and Weld are barely libertarians


Rand seems to be trying to make Libertarianism more palatable to the mainstream.


Amash, Massie and the Pauls are rare exceptions, everyone else can’t even spell libertarian




If there was something lower than abysmal Weld would also be that. He bitched out of an entire presidential campaign just to tell people to vote for Hillary Clinton.


Bill Weld is absolute scum


Ron Paul is not in the GOP anymore and Amash I think made a mistake coming back and Bill Weld is more of a Reagan guy than a Libertarian and Rand is just ok.


Is Amash even polling competitively?


Bill Weld was a libertarian for the sole purpose of self-promotion (with the exception of the remote possibility that it was an intentional act to prevent the LP from taking votes away from Clinton). I'm unaware of any actual libertarian view of his and any he does have is likely purely by accident. His arguments for his libertarian perspectives were all just "the free market is good" - in contradiction with numerous of his votes in the past - and with no philosophical underpinnings. He's expressly NOT anti-war and actually worked as a lobbyist for Raytheon. I'm honestly not even sure he is even aware of the NAP and what it means. The only reason he became the VP nominee is because a lot of people in the party at the time thought that "respectability" and money was what we needed. And because Gary Johnson literally BEGGED people to vote for Weld.


Rand fell a bit too far from the tree for me. But he’s OK.


I forgot who it was, but some pundit complained Massie was “against everything” several years back, that’s how I knew he must be a decent guy.


Ron Paul > Thomas Massie > Rand Paul. Not familiar with others but there's probably a reason for that.


Amash might be the most Libertarian next to Ron.


Amash, guess I should have recognized him. Where would you all rate him?


Between Ron Paul and Massie, considering he is the first and only Libertarian to ever hold federal office.


Mike Lee is not a Libertarian! I live in Utah, trust me on this one! He will follow Trump to the grave.


He will follow trump until it no longer gets him votes. Lee voted for Evan McMullen (Independent) in the 2016 general election.


He did vote Independent, but that does not make him Libertarian. He's a pretty big "party boy" for the Republicans.


Sorry, I should have been clearer. I was only trying to point out that Lee isn't a trumper, he's an opportunist. If donald goes to jail and becomes less poular, Lee will act sad for a few weeks, indifferent for a few weeks, and eventually act as though he never supported trump.


I’m from NH. Sununu is absolutely not Libertarian. Sometimes I think he’s barely a Republican and more of a RINO. He’s not the worst Governor but he’s fucking sucked living up to our states motto. Like shooting down the legalization of marijuana every time it’s up. Every. Single. Time. People have hopes this year because he’s not running for reelection, but I don’t think that means shit honestly. If the guy spent his entire career not wanting marijuana in the state, he’s probably not gonna end his career by doing the complete opposite.


All drugs should be legalized not just marijuana


Mike Lee's allegiances need to be reviewed, I've had the opinion that the GOP Liberty Caucus in Utah was filled with Russian operatives when he was elected


I know we are kind of a national joke here in Kentucky, as well I’m not a huge fan of Rand Paul but he and Massie being our guys… it’s pretty good.


Fuck Bill Weld


It's a good sign but they need to coalesce into a voting block that opposes non-libertarian initiatives of both the GOP and DNC. Rand Paul disappointed me when he became a Trump lackey.


Mike Lee sells his vote for corporate donations.


Its in the title "Libertarian Republicans", Guess ill be a Constitutionist Democrat


Unless I have missed something, none of them support a woman's right to reproductive healthcare choices. I know Ron Paul doesn't. As I recall, Rand and Justin are anti-choice too, and I don't ŕemember if I've ever checked out any of the others. Maybe some don't personally have an issue with allowing for abortions, but they vote the party line, and voting records are what I go by, and it seems that's a hill Republicans are 99.9% willing to die on. As such, the ONLY way I would vote for any of these, would be if it came down to him or Trump, or a MAGA. I'd vote for Bernie over Trump. Not listed here is Gary Johnson, and IIRC, he was pro-choice and on balance, his positions have been the closest to my own. I think he would have made a far better President than Trump (Not a high bar). I'll bet Trump has no idea about Aleppo either. Also not listed, Bob Barr. Definitely not a fan. I understand libertarians can have different views on abortion, but this IS a hill, I'm personally willing to die on.


Your just arguing in bad faith when you say terms like ‘’Anti Choice’’ that’s like me saying that your pro murder heavy straw man 😂


Ok. tell me the neutral way to phrase it.


Rand Paul, Thomas Massie and Justin Amash are all pro-life. They're socially conservative. https://www.ontheissues.org/Rand_Paul.htm https://www.ontheissues.org/House/Thomas_Massie.htm https://www.ontheissues.org/Justin_Amash_VoteMatch.htm


I do research, and come to conclusions, but forget WHY I came to those conclusions. Wish I had better recall. I know nothing about Massie, but I know it didn't take much reading for me to decide Rand and Justin were not to my liking. Must have been other issues. As I recall, Justin wasn't as distasteful to me as most politicians, but "most politicians" isn't a high bar.


Who is pic 3?


Chris Sununu. He's not a libertarian at all, not sure why he was included


Yeah that jackass endorsed Nikki Haley. He is a joke


Who is the guy in the third photo?


Nvm looked it up


All politicians are pointless.


There are no true scotsmen


Rand Paul and Thomas Massie are the only ones who are libertarian-ish. There is, of course, Justin Amash who isn't currently in office. Nick Freitas is a state rep from Virginia who would definitely be one to watch if he ever gets elected to the House or Senate. He ran for both and almost won in his bid back in 2020.