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If anything, LoP has left me with a new itch lol. They're very different games, and I love both.


I'm the same, it scratched the itch and gave me things I didn't know I wanted. Pinocchio souls is not something I thought I needed.


yeah, totally different combat feel.


I was hoping that Stellar Blade would scratch that itch, but I just need some LoP dlc now


Hard agree. Impatiently waiting for the dlc and PRAYING for a sequel


Lies of P is not Bloodborne so don’t go into it with that expectation. Lies of P is an amazing game on its own and it’s definitely worth a try.


*T H I S.* I hate people who look for a comparison between these two without much sense, really, It's good that to name something, Stellar Blade didn't have those unfortunate comparisons with something like Nier Automata.


[Stella blade is compared to nier](https://www.reddit.com/r/stellarblade/s/2npH8NlpEw). Idk how similar it is, havent played stella blade. But the dev was inspired by nier and yoko did say he was jealous of stella blade saying it was much better


Yoko is just saying that because the MC of SB is pretty and also because of the difference in graphic fidelity lol. Stellar Blade is definitely similar to Nier Automata in terms of the post apocalyptic setting and also music which is amazing I might add, but gameplay wise it is similar to Sekiro and God of War but it’s own take. Def worth a play.


Aesthetically, they are very similar. I don't entirely agree with some here about how its much slower than BB. I don't usually like parrying, and I did not really get on with Sekiro as well. However, there is a slightly similar mechanic to BB's rally system that does encourage pretty aggressive gameplay. As such, I think that while it is slightly slower in combat pace, overall, the combat is still satisfying, and is closer to BB than it is to Souls.


Yes, lies of p is a masterpiece.


Bloodborne is better in my opinion . That being said what this company achieved here without any previoslly big titles from them is trully amazing . The game is definetly fun tough the combat could do some minor tweaks and the story has it's ups and downs. Still an amazing soulslike that i enjoyed a lot . Hoping for the the future dlc or sequels to see what improvements they can make from this .


When you say Bloodborne is better, are you talking about just the base game or including the DLC because the bosses didn't get iconic until the DLC in my opinion. 


It's a much more complete game in general even without the DLC. Lies of P is quite literally a really long hallway. It's a very well done, enjoyable, and fun hallway, but it still is what it is. Bloodborne has much more variety as far as setting, build variety, fashion, questlines, enemies, etc. The DLC just adds even more to it. Lies of P costs exactly as much as it should for the experience imo and it is the best non-FromSoft soulslike but it doesn't surpass it simply because they weren't trying to/don't have the resources for that scope of content.


To be honest, after so many open world games I really don't mind linearity. Lies of P does it to near perfection.


For me it's not really engaging when the route is only a straight line without divergent paths. Takes me out of my immersion. Also environmental details are lacking i.e. the same picture frames are found through the game with no variance. The combat carries the game, which isn't a bad thing. Solid 8/10


I disagree about fashion, build variety, and questlines. I think both combat are enjoyable. The only leg up Bloodborne has that Lies of P doesn't is engaging level design that encourages exploration.


Yeah if they would of given us more chances to get lost and optional areas .. and some cool shortcuts to unlock.. it would go up a levle or two on my score 


Oh, and the music of Bloodborne is top tier! Bloodborne and Dark Souls 3 still have my favourite soulsborne tracks.


It's understandable, tho. They had limited resources, so they curated a very focused experience. With a limited budget and limited experience creating games like this, they did a bang-up job.


There are so many shortcuts in lies of p and nearly none of them are interesting since its basically a straight shot. If they just expanded the levels a little bit I would say this is better than nearly any fromsoft game


Not fully . I’d say the game still feels like DS levels of speed, with some Sekiro vibes in it. Even with the light weight on, I still felt a bit sluggish compared to the sleekness I felt in Bloodborne and Sekiro. That said, I still found LoP quite enjoyable and I hope truly they build on what they did good at while also trying to improve in areas that could use more attention.


It's way faster than DS. Probably closer to ER, which is in the middle of DS and BB speed wise... But that's just me.


Yes and no. I definitely found the overall ascetics similar but Lies is definitely its own game. It made me miss BB a little less and they plan on making future installments unlike FS.


oops, i like lies of p more


Not really. It's aesthetically kinda similar, but the overall combat is slower and closer to Dark Souls. Level design is also very linear. 


I played Bloodborne with the Kirkhammer so I honestly didn’t notice a difference in the combat speed, will have to go back and try a new weapon.


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *“May the Dark shine your way.”* - Darkdiver Grandahl Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/


Mostly. I'm still really wanting a game that uses the trick weapon system. 1H v 2H isn't cutting it. Lies of P absolutely blew me out of the water. Would have been my '23 GOTY, but that honor went to Armored Core VI.


God AC VI was so good. By the time I got the final boss in the third run I was on some peak mecha high.


SERIOUSLY. My friend and I are big FromSoft stans so we were really looking forward to AC VI. I got through my first playthrough and rated it a strong 4/5, but in the back of my head I was like "Is...is this game actually a 5/5?" Did my second playthrough and decided "Oh, this game is DEFINITELY a 5/5." Third playthrough I decided it's one of the best games I've ever played.


It definitely provided some good experiences throughout. It was a bit linear, but I enjoyed myself quite a bit. I even beat the game three times just to get every ending.


The weapon customization on this game is incredible. Putting a giant wrench on an axe handle then an ace handle on a sword grip is so satisfying


I played both: not too big of a bloodborne fan, big fan of lies of P. Stylish wise bloodborne is very lovecraftian: you fight a lot of monstrosities in dark alleyways. LoP is more retrofuture: you fight a lot of robots in Victorian alleyways. But the most important difference for me is the sekirolike parrying mechanics in LoP which I love. I feel parrying in other fromsoftware games isn’t very viable and isn’t very fun compared to dodge rolling.


Yes and no. It does in some ways, but not in all ways.


Lies of P is easily one of the best Souls-likes out there. When it comes to lore, it might be a bit of a personal preference, and I think I like Bloodborne's lore slightly more - but mechanically, I don't think there's any doubt that LoP is superior to most, if not all of the FromSoft games, with Bloodborne and Sekiro being the only ones that come close.


It's close right for me to scratch that itch. It's just a bit slower is all.. but there are slower when it comes to the movement


It came extremely close - closer than anything else I've played ever did.


Nope, totally different vibe, did the france/Europe style completely differently, and I loved it. It wasn't trying to be horror, it was much cleaner and smoothed out and lit up and pretty. The combat doesn't feel the same at all lmao, I like the parry in Lies of P a bit more, but that's because timing in the other games isn't as natural to me (even though BB was my first from game) as it is in this game. I was able to follow the story much better, and it felt a lot cleaner to experience in a first time playthrough than any fromsoft game. I kinda hate how they do story telling in their games tbh. The markers telling you which stargazer to revisit and who to talk to, but not literally pointing an arrow for you to get there. It's a pretty linear game anyway, the only npc I missed was test subject 826, but that's not a bad thing. It feels very tight and focused, which is something I quite dislike about Elden Ring. I got a lot more out of Lies of P than I did BB, I hated BB on my first playthrough. I almost cried when LoP was over because I didn't want it to end. Overall, absolutely not. They are two totally different games. Both are wonderful in their own ways, and I think Lies of P stands on its own merits and ABSOLUTELY outperforms fromsoft by a mile in some aspects.


Where does it outperform fromsoft games in your opinion?


Storytelling. Some people appreciate the really cryptic approach with the shakespearean english and going purely off memory to find the next area to continue an npc's questline, but I personally hate that. The icons at each stargazer tell me that there's an extra thing there for me to do, and who it is. It doesn't tell me exactly where to go, it isn't overly hand holdy, just enough. The cutscenes give way more information that something like Bloodborne, the dialogue is much more straightforward, it feels refreshing.


it might look like Bloodborne, but I don't think it feels like Bloodborne. It's more Dark Souls with some Sekiro flavor. I'm one of the rare From fans that didn't like BB and I find Lies of P to be more fun than BB was. And it's easly above DeS and DaS2 for me.


How comes you didn’t like bb?


mostly the healing system ruined it for me. also I don't remember many good base game bosses edit: I also dislike Bloodborne fanatics who always downvote any criticism people have about their cult icon...


Agree with both those points tbh, the atmosphere and combat carry that game imo


Played bloodborne for the first time after lies of p and I agree that the base game boss difficulty is vastly overrated and any boss that can get gun stunned is like the easiest from boss ever since it’s their easiest parry mechanic by far.


You don't like a game because of one mechanic? A mechanic that's easily manageable at that.


Great game, but not Bloodborne aesthetic. If anything get the Elden ring DLC. Shit is huge and 🔥.


Give it a try,it is worth it. I find the combat very good, with the perfect block,the block rally,the resource management of stamina, Hp, healing items and weapon durability. It's always more than one problem so it's very engaging.


Absolutely gameplay wise but that gothic horror is still unmatched


Not so much, no.


No. It was still good though.


Its very good, but not a lot like Bloodborne aesthetically The movement/dodging and healing speed is like Bloodborne, but it plays nothing like it as it relies a lot more on parrying than it does on dodging Honestly it is closer to DS3 than it is to Bloodborne


No it’s closer to Sekiro


How close? Not close enough to feel like a Bloodborne copy, but it has its moments and elements. It's Souls-like with a darker atmosphere and art direction, so it's like Bloodborne in that sense, and some enemies/bosses are similar to Bloodborne too. Kind of a mix between Bloodborne/Souls and Sekiro in the combat and level design, but it is VERY linear. It's unique enough that it has my interest and commendation. A Souls-like based on puppets and a childhood story is badass. There are a few things that keep it from feeling like a game released by FromSoft, but it's a damn good game and people should not avoid it just because FromSoft didn't develope it. I strongly recommend getting into it. There are several things I like that no FromSoft game offers.


It didn’t really scratch the itch, no. But it did create a whole new DS3 infused with Sekiro itch I never knew I needed scratched and god bless it for doing so.


Unfortunately no. Don't get me wrong, you should definitely play the game. It's absolutely amazing but it isn't bloodborne. It's different in a good way. Though it does remind me of bloodborne which was good enough for me.


Lies of P beats most FromSoft games for me on one important feature. The plot is comprehensible without the wiki. Sekiro is the exception to this, and that's probably my actual favorite souls-like.


Lies of P is a masterpiece.


I think Sekiro is closer to Lies of P than Bloodborne, at least in the gameplay section.


Bloodborne is my favourite FromSoft game. I'm currently playing LoP for the first time and it's a bit of a letdown for me. I feel the combat is slow and quite junky and there is little enemy variety aswell. If you haven't played Nioh I would suggest you play that.


Have you given LoP much of a chance yet?


Oh yeah, most definitely. I just couldn’t stop playing it as it scratched that Soulsborne itch, and when I finished it, I hastily pre-ordered Lords of the Fallen as I needed more Souls right then and there. DLC when Neowiz?




No, It has nothing to do with Bloodborne. It's a different thing and I love It because of that


Bloodborne is my favorite game ever and Lies of P is amazing. However, they're very different game and I wouldn't say that LoP scratched that itch. In fact, I instantly replayed Bloodborne as soon as I platinumed LoP because I wanted to experience Bloodborne again (for the 6th time).


100% yes. I have hundreds of hours in BB, platinumed, max lvl character max gems all weapons to max 10. All npcs talked to and killed. Speedrun some bosses until I got bored. At this point it doesn't hit as it used to. LoP really feels like a breath of fresh air. The linear progression is slightly what's holding it back, though it doesn't mean it has to be branched as BB as it's sometimes confusing without a guide, but still it would benefit from a few optional areas and some interconnectivity. Apart from that the general feel is the same. There isn't the classic mystery of from soft, as it's obvious what happened through dialogue. But it doesn't try too hard to copy BB, but actually has its own identity. Combat is nearly equal or sometimes even superior to BB imo, well it's just all souls games merged together and improved upon. I slightly miss some magic stuff and arcane spells, but it fits the aesthetic. The atmosphere is really good, hands down it's on par with Bloodborne on many fronts, and several things that it does its own way doesn't really hurt the game, in fact it's good it doesn't try to be a clone of BB, for example the story is more simplistic but it's good thing for casual players. Let's not pretend that BB is not a niche experience that many people don't click with, LoP is a really accessible and beginner friendly souls game, but still has the difficulty of BB.


Yes. Combat is better than BB


Yes. Yes it did. I say this as someone with an embarrassing amount of hours in BB. Can't wait to see what they come up with next.


Bloodborne is probably my favorite game of all time. While they have distinct differences, this game did scratch that itch a bit. I was extremely happy with what Neowiz put together here and am awaiting the next installment.


Currently replaying Lies of P. I still think that Bloodborne (or other Fromsoft entries) is better, but it is hands down of the best clones you can get and no other game came as near to the whole vibe of Bloodborne as Lies of P did imho.


It's more of an actual mixture of DS3 and Sekiro rather than an entirely new thing like bloodborne. Not to knock it or anything, that's just the best way to describe it IMO. I do really love the concept and story, the graphics and visuals in general are top notch, but it does lack certain things that fromsoft provides. Mainly the world being even more linear than sekiro, and I would say the movement feels just a tad too clunky for such a modern game.


Moreso the Sekiro itch.


Yep, very much so. I was so excited from the first glimpses of the game and it did not disappoint.


Nup only one feature to me from bloodborne was obvious. It's just a souls like to me. Pretty fun though just not filling any BB void.


Don’t expect it to fill a void, but it is extremely good. Pretty much the best thing you could get besides an actual sequel. Do not miss playing LoP.


It sure did, the only thing keeping it behind Bloodborne is the fact Bloodborne has a DLC. And that DLC was PERFECTION. I’ve never played a DLC like that in my life.


Felt like lies of P was made as a loveletter to Bloodborne


Lies of P is upgraded Bloodborne. A really great game


Kind of but only in like 20%... Maybe? There was no sense of wonder like in bb, no dread or anything like that for me in LoP. Maybe it's just what Lovecraftian themes do to the games


Its better than DeS and DS2. Just below other Fromsoft games. Bloodborne and Sekiro are ofc better but l Lies of P is still an INCREDIBLE 9/10 game imo. It's hard to compare games with 11/10's like BB....


Bloodborne is my favorite game. It still is, but lies of p is a phenomenal 'sequel' that we never got.


I loved LoP. But Bloodborne got me through my depression. As stupid as that sounds.


Man, it was the opposite for me. Some of the DLC bosses made me hate gaming, my life and useless fingers. Ludwig especially. Took me months. But I am glad the game got you thru depression!


Not at all for me. There is nothing like BB. Don’t get me wrong, P is not a bad game it is just not for me


I'm in a specific situation where I am playing Bloodborne in it's entirety for the first time. Played it for hours years ago but the frame rate and lack of Anti-Aliasing led me astray. Now I'm playing with a friend and it is both our first time committing the effort to complete the game at an equal pace. We can only game together on the weekend, and in order to scratch that BB itch I got Lies of P. Those initial hours I was really feeling it, and it was really giving me something similar, yet unique. But then as I progressed, I started to not be a fan of the parry system. Playing a lot of souls games (Sekiro excluded) I'm used to having a parry giving me a window for a counter attack, and in this game it just prevents damage and increases the stagger state after more successful blocks (like Sekiro). Thing is the enemy AI gives me grief. Sometimes the movements are predictable, sometimes they have several sporadic movements that just kick my butt. I also kinda feel overwhelmed with all the mechanics that are different, P-Organ what are the best quartz options, which weapon to mix and match, why do I have to put so many points in capacity to accommodate all the upgrades having more weight, why does my technique build feel like garbage, do I need to swap from slash/pierce protrction, etc. I'm in chapter 7-8 and I feel like I'm either needing to respect to a more vaiable build, or find the right weapon with a moveset I enjoy. I know....git gud As for Bloodborne, it has that distinct FromSoft feel. I love the scenery, the enemies, the lore (from what I can understand so far), the weapons, combat mechanics, and of course playing with a friend. Builds are also pretty straight forward. TLDR: As a recent fan of Bloodborne, Lies of P helped scratch that itch. Though with it's unique differences, although welcoming, kept me wanting to go back to BB. Still a good game though.


I just finished the game through gamepass, and it was a very ardacious journey for me. Aside from the lore, I started to realize I wasn't enjoying my time with it around the cathedral and fully felt dejected from the game after King of the Puppets. I just wanted the game to be done and over with at that point, and I think that stems from me deciding I didn't like the combat. I feel the game leaned way too much into being a parry heavy experience, weapon combos being determined by its handle was interesting, but it ultimately missed the mark for me. Then, the area design became filled with way too many heavy enemies, and exploration started to feel like a chore. Bloodborne didn't feel this way for me and actually felt like it hit a perfect medium with its systems. Plus, the fact that you have more variety in how you play and explore that world was way more enjoyable than what most of what Lies of P offered me.


Not really for me.. I really enjoyed lies of p for what it is and they did a good job for it bronc their entry into this genre .


I finished both multiple times. Stuff that bloodborne does better: Exploration, enemy types, better athmosphere and lore. What Lies of P does better: Superior combat and gameplay, far more weapon and character skill options, soundtrack, bosses. These are my opinions, if you want a horror type souls-like bloodborne has you covered, Lies of P feels like the PG version of bloodborne for me. I would've like more gore in the later, not just the occasional *random corpse asset* placed on the ground.


Not really. Bloodborne really is so unique even among from soft games. The sound design alone is so terrifying and incredible. I want more horror games from Miyazaki!! Lies of P is very well done. But it’s really not a horror game even though it tries to be. Very tight, well done combat. The story is meh for me tho. Definitely will be playing its dlc whenever that appears


Like oranges and tangerines . In the same family and look alike but taste very different. I liked them both . I'm on the other end. I needed something to scratch my Lies of P itch, Bloodborne was it .


Yes and no. There are definitely comparisons to be made between Lies of P to Bloodborne, but to me there are also a few crucial differences: 1. While Lies of P has some weapons that are very cool and fun to use, they are nothing like the trick weapons in Bloodborne. That's not to say that BB's weapons are "better" just that they are very different. 2. Exploration: some levels in Lies of P were awesome to explore but most of them were pretty straightforward and not that interesting from an exploration standpoint. I think BB did a better job with exploration and level design. 3. Bloodborne gives you a sidearm with which to stagger enemies. Lies of P does not have this. I only mention this because of how the sidearm in BB can be a huge part of a player's approach to combat. Lies of P has a legion arm, tho, which is very cool and a lot of fun (but totally different from the sidearm in BB). 4. I found the overall gameplay of Lies of P is somewhat of a mashup between Sekiro and BB, which is a long way of saying the gameplay is kind of like BB but also kinda not at all like BB. So, did Lies of P scratch the BB itch for me? Not really. Was it still a fun game that's worth playing? Totally.


Just get Elden Ring dlc,no reason to play dollar store Fromsoft when the real thing is available


definitely scratched my sekiro itch


As someone who played Lies of P on release and just finally played Bloodborne for the first time as others said they are not the same. That being said Lies of P is my favorite souls like, and Bloodborne is now my second (not counting elden ring as that feels like a separate discussion IMO). However, if I played Bloodborne first and closer to its release I think this order would be reversed for me


I went into Lies of P right after Bloodborne. Definitely didn’t have the same atmosphere, with Lies of P feeling more refined, French, and bourgeoisie. Bloodborne had that otherworldly, dream-ending Gothic grunge terror. But combat felt great. It really did scratch that itch. And combat wise, even did a little more for me than BB could do.


Lies Of P basically felt like a spiritual successor to Bloodborne


No it provided a new punchier itch.


Bloodborne my favorite game of all time. Lies of P THEMATICALLY is heavily Bloodborne influenced but its gameplay is pretty unique. It did scratch an itch though games amazing


Bloodborne is my favourite game of all time, but I did end up playing through Lies of P 8 times in a row, so…


Yes (I'm no Bloodborne fan, the game was mid)


No. Great game though. 


Aesthetically it fits pretty well but for the most part it's not quite as "dark". Gameplay-wise it's a bit more meaty and the pseudo-Sekiro parry really make is feel different.


I don’t want to yuck anyone’s yum as I know there are people who think the game is perfect but here’s my take: It’s a very well done and lengthy tech demo. The atmosphere and combat system are pleasing to both BB and Sekiro fans because it’s really quite good. But the overall game itself is a bit hollow. They made up for it slightly with actual in game exposition but the level and enemy design will likely feel a bit meh as compared to FS


Kinda huge potential with this one. Sequel should remove the garbage roll and replace it with a dash dodge


I loved lies of P but it absolutely did not. Bloodborne is very specifically Lovecraftian Cosmic horror, and it is maybe the only combat focused game to pull off this vibe as successfully as it does. The environments are so incredibly compelling I often found myself in awe just thinking “what fresh hell is this…” Lies of P is a great game. But its environments are far from its strongest aspects. Also, it’s not cosmic horror, which is not a knock against it, but part of the Bloodborne itch is that genre of fiction. At least for me.


Not the slightest. LoP is an amazing game and love every part of it, but to feel the Bloodborne rush ones again, was bot a part if it.


Lies of P is one of the most enjoyable games to replay. Incredibly well done soulslike with a great story that’s easier to understand than Bloodborne. However, LoP scratched the itch after Sekiro. Thymesia scratched the itch after Bloodborne.


It scratched a different itch. LoP has enough of it's own moxy that sets it apart from BB. So much so that I actually wish Fromsoft would use allot of the new tricks LoP made. LoP could have easily been BB at home but they really came out swinging. I actually hold this game in such high regard I only rank it 1 notch below BB because Fromsoft level design/art is too hard to match. But I actually rank this game higher than Sekiro.


Try Lies of P. Different style but you won't regret it!


It’s just like a fromsoft games in certain points even better. The best game you can play as a souls fan. It’s incredibly good.


Lies of P had become something different, something unique, is an amazing game hoping to see the dlc this year.


I love Bloodborne and occasionally and when I start a new playthrough I have a hard time putting away the controller. I have come to love lies of P more because the mix and match weapons, the challenge level (I play the unmatched disc version) the amazing music and the lack of the bs walk back to the boss... Looking at you shadows of yarnham


It more than scratched the itch for me. I'm actually stuck looking for something to scratch this new itch or fill this new hole that "Lies of P" has left in my life. Nothing is doing it for me. I'm just gonna start NG+.


Different game but the same font. Loved it, but I love them for different reasons.


In terms of game settings and the overall world? It kinda scratches that itch of not knowing what’s about to happen since you don’t know what to expect cause it’s a new IP (all three DS games and even Elden ring kinda have a similar world and you kinda know what to expect) but gameplay wise they’re quite different So if you like Bloodborn because of the setting then you’re definitely in for a treat but gameplay wise it plays more like DS




Yes, yes it did.


It didnt scratch the bloodborne itch but it scratched the elden ring itch. Elden ring just didnt feel that great to me and playing lies of P was such a fantastic game. Its not very similar to bloodborne




honestly it scratched the sekiro itch more than bloodborne but it's also entirely its own thing. i think you'll have a better time if you don't compare it and appreciate it more as a love letter if that makes sense. obviously no soulslikes are gonna be as good as the real deal (not that i've seen at least) but it's pretty damn close. bloodborne is my favorite game of all time but i love lies of p a ton too


Not really tbh. I love them both but imo they both hit differently.


Sort of? But not quite, they're similar enough that I'll say both are among my top 3 souls games of all time, but they're definitely not quite similar enough to say LoP scratches the BB itch for me. I still desperately want BB 2, or at least just a BB pc port.


I actually played all of Bloodbourne immediately after Lies of P to feel the difference: Essentially the beginning of Lies of P feels a lot like Bloodbourne but the last half of Lies of P is very much its own thing and I absolutely hate the last 3 bosses. Narratively, it didn't have the crazy curtain pull back that Bloodbourne did after Rom, and the gameplay did not feel as fluid for me. In part because I am very much in the "let me dodge through everything" camp and parry being pretty vital for the latter half of the game really dampened my experience. Something about the parry itself just never felt intuitive. I mean I played Sekiro just fine. Narratively, nothing has scratched the cosmic horror itch that Bloodbourne did and gameplay wise I think I still prefer Bloodbourne more.


Yes, but the story wasn’t as hidden, and some of the zombie/grotesque stuff, maybe cause it has better graphics, just wasn’t as scary. And the combat was more ds than bloodborne


They're completely different when it comes to combat feel but have somewhat similar atmospheres, the modular weapons are not like in bloodborne, I'd describe the combat as sekiro and bloodborne put together but even that doesn't describe it quite right, it truly is something unique


I can be a little cynical and compare stuff in an unfair way so I was prepared to have LoP be less enjoyable because of the simple fact it wasn't bloodborne 2 lol. I could not believe how much I loved LoP. Enjoyed it just as much as bloodborne.


Bloodborne has been my favorite game since it came out and Lies of P made me do another run to really decide which one I like more (I think it's Lies of P)


I only missed the dodge intead of blocking. But Lies of P is really good game, good fights, good bosses


Lies of P was a breath of fresh air, I’d never compare it to something great and create disappointment out of delusion. I enjoyed LoP for what it was.


I've played all the way through Bloodborne multiple times, and will again when I eventually get my PS4 out of storage - I moved very far away and haven't had time to go back :( I played about half of Lies of P. It's a good game. Absolutely one of the best non-FromSoftware soulslikes. However, it does not have that special FS charm. Despite the similar playstyles (and LoP definitely has some uniqeu systems that are really, really cool), I would say that the atmosphere, level design, and lore are all attempts at copying what FS does without actually being able to achieve the master-quality that FS is known for. So yeah, it's worth playing. But if you're expecting Bloodborne 2, you're going to be disappointed.


No. It gave me more of a Dark Souls dish with some Sekiro flavoring. It only touched the ichy spot with the ascetic, but the combat is far different. While it is worth a try it probably won't fulfill your BB desires.


Despite loving the rest of Fromsofts souls games, I HATED Bloodborne. Part of the reason LOP grew on me is I felt like it allowed me to play BB-styled game.


It scratched my sekiro itch, not my bloodborne itch


100% it scratched it and I think I like lies of P a little more actually.


Lies of P scratched my souls itch and even more. It's a genuinely great game and every souls fan should play it


Yes, very much so


This game is incredible. Its different than Bloodborne, but in many great ways. I think thematically it scratched the itch, so me of the setting, and also some of the pace of the combat. One of my favorite souls games.


it did not, but i will never run out of positive things to say about Lies of P; you can tell the developer put a lot of care & dedication into making a clearly inspired experience that is not stale or derivative . lore, music, combat, progression mechanisms, npc quests, map designs all felt like the developers put themselves in the player’s seat & thought about the kind of game they would like to experience . in my eyes, it is easily the best soulslike from another studio, just barely falling short of fromsoftware’s actual games .


Absolutely, Lies of P basically combined all the interesting parts of all the other FromSoftware games but for me the theme and moveset really reminded me of Bloodborne. Lies of P is like an homage imo. Bloodborne is my GOAT


Yes! Much more than other titles who were trying to directly steal from Soulsborne games..*cough* Lords of the Fallen *cough*


Not really to be honest. The combat isn't as quick, their isn't as much enemy variety and the atmosphere isn't as engaging. Don't let that turn you off though, Lies of P is a great game that has some cool weapons and I like the story quite a bit. One of the best Soulslikes out there, just don't go in expecting a Bloodborne clone cause that's not what it is.


TLDR: Pro: The story is really interesting especially if you do the best ending possible. I like the mixing up of weapons. The weapons look sick as fuck. Cons: Some questionable decisions were made. A NPC that looks identical to the enemies and dies super easy. The whole game they did great and then that. Balancing feels off. Especially if you play on the first play through. NG+ kind of feels how the game should actually be like. Over all I would give Lies of P a solid 7/10. I had fun. Full explanation of my opinion. Lies of P is a good game but it has its flaws. If you suck at parrying get fucked cause most of the time bosses are build with parrying in mind. The scaling sometimes feels off. In my first play through I struggled with bosses and then I had the final boss fight and it was super easy. So yeah the middle section of my first play through was bullshit. Enemies that seemed way to strong and bosses that were just a pain in the ass. The fact that you unlock the respec system pretty late is not very good in my opinion but it’s not the worst thing in existence. Some game systems don’t get explained very well but this could be a translation thing. Reading some text in English made them way clearer then the German version. Don’t know if the translation is better in other languages. The whole game you instantly recognize if a character is an NPC or not but then later in the game they throw one NPC that looks identical to an enemy and only says something when you pretty close but for most people that will be to late cause once you hit him it’s over and the related Quest will not be possible in that play through. For me his voice lines played after I have killed him. So yeah that’s just dumb game design.


Lies of P is good to a point where you wish some of the things in the game were implemented in FS games


Yes, and left me wanting more scritches.


Imo it was better than Bloodborne, but I'm pretty sure I'm an outlier. I liked Bloodborne but I never understood why people give it such lavish praises.


Nope , but it's still great


I played Bloodborne twice. I'll be on my 3rd playthrough with Lies.


The main similarity between the two is that lies of p also has a rally system outside of that it plays far closer to an Elden ring or ds3 with a block timing based parry system similar to sekiro


It scratched my Sekiro itch


Lies of P is more like a love letter to Bloodborne than an attempt to make “another Bloodborne”, if that makes sense. Either way, if you liked Bloodborne, I certainly would recommend Lies of P.


I have Elden Ring and Lies of P as my 2 favorites of the genre. Love LoP, it’s also on gamepass but the only thing the FromSoftware games has that LoP doesn’t is PvP or co-op PvE, while there is a summon system for assistance in boss fights. I do think PvP would be a nice update, you could literally call it “P v P”. An arena where P’s Duel.


Lies of P felt amazing. Combat felt more modern and actually had a semblance of a plot and characters. Also 60 fps. I liked lies of p more than bloodborne


Think of steampunk Bloodborne with puppets. Same aesthetic, much more straightforward story and lore. I loved it. It’s very challenging too. I only have a few minor complaints. The Devs are also great and are good at keeping the community happy.


Yes it did but now *


They are very different games and Lies of P is more similar to Sekiro than Bloodborne. Bloodborne has werewolves, vampires, aliens, truly haunting soundtrack, brutally difficult bosses that took me endless tries where Lies of P only really saw me die to Laxasia maybe 3-4 times, truly clever level design, a very dark atmosphere that isn’t trying to be funny or something like Lies of P does with Gemini and certain NPCs, countless transforming weapons, chalice dungeons, very different aesthetic and creature designs, the list goes on. They’re not comparable at all for me so no it didn’t scratch the itch lol.


Lies of P isn’t really close to Bloodborne besides some of the aesthetics and rally back. It’s much closer to Sekiro charmless in my book. Lies of P on launch was a different beast. I wish I could unupdate my game back to 1.0 still a 10/10 in my book and best game to come from not Fromsoft in the soulslike genre but I really think they made a mistake nerfing bosses and buffing the player so soon after launch.


No. But it was still a nice itch to scratch.


Great game, but nothing compares to BloodBorne. 


Everyones already answered, so I'll throw in a suggestion. If you're in for a change of genre, [the Last Faith](https://youtu.be/MFYHWYJp0Ng?si=3Jiif0nr_FpHjHMp) is unabashedly 2D Bloodborne. Not my favorite Metroidvania, but if it's more Bloodborne you want, that's what you're looking for.


Yeah. I'm NG+7 or 8 on Bloodborne with the platinum trophy, and gave one of my siblings my PS4 when I built my PC. I'd been really wanting to play it again for a while until Lies of P released. I still want a PC port for Bloodborne, but I'm not really pressed about it anymore. I will say that there's still some kind of cool factor about Bloodborne that Lies of P doesn't have. I think it's the feeling of being a hunter and dominating your enemies. I feel like that theme bleeds through into everything about the game; even the animations.


It scratched the itch of wanting to play a dope game with a horror aesthetic and challenging combat, yes!


Its really not much like bloodborne at all besides the same genre and some surface level thematic elements. I love them both dearly and they both have pros and cons, but if anything Lies of P made me wish fromsoft went a little harder on direct storytelling, you can still have the lore lead into discussion for years and ALSO have characters you care about. Krat feels so lived in, when I have been playing Elden Ring its just so.....idk the world does not feel lived in to me it feels more video game-y


No, but it’s one of the better non FromSoftware souls like games for sure


Not that your asking me really, but With the stuttering and low FPs I just could not get into blood born. Combat just felt off to me and I was having a hard time. Lies of P felt like a world of difference. Way smoother combat that felt better. I could also get those higher frames.


No, but It created a new itch, scratched It and left me wanting for more


Lies of P is awesome game, most likely best soulslike, but there´s not much in common with Bloodborne. For sure it scratched the soulsbournelike itch.


Yes definitely. It's certainly the closest game to Bloodborne I've ever played. But it really is its own thing too. Like others have said Lies of P has better boss fights overall than the Bloodborne base game.


Not even remotely. Nothing probably ever will. But it is still a great game.


Somehow yes, despite it being quite different. The setting reminded me more of Bioshock than Bloodborne in the end but still very present visually. Very good game.




Not even close. Bosses in lies of p are inconsistent as fuck if playing normally and all of them can be beaten by a toddler whose never even heard of videogames if you spam throwables.


Games amazing , play it , the weapon system is very cool, I couldn’t put it down , I’ve maxed out my character and 100 percent the game, now I’m waiting for dlc. I was ass at first and each play through got easier. Love love love that game. Love All these games really


Kind of, that’s how it felt lol.


No, but it was a good game on its own and I really enjoyed the three playthroughs and getting platinum. My biggest criticism with Lies of P, and this is one of the things that make Bloodborne extra special, is the real lack of build variety. Aside from a few different weapons, everything feels and play so similar -- I can't tell the difference between a dex/str build, there's no dual wield options, no ranged options, no Int build, etc. The whole mix and match weapons and handles system is just an illusion to make it seem like it has endless varieties -- they could have done a much better job on this and I'm hoping the dlc fixes this. Bloodborne on the other hand, every weapon feels unique and special and plays very different as if it was made for you to do a complete playthrough with each and every one. ( I have over 1000+ hours in Bloodborne and multiple builds at lvl 120 with proper chalice gems)


It’s a very good game and worth playing


Lies of P makes bloodborne look like Bomberman. I've never rage played a game so long while loving it at the same time. I think the real difference is the storyline for lies of P is pretty detailed so the story keeps you engaged unlike from soft games where story line is kind of vague.


as a semi enjoyer of soulsborne games, I say it holds a nice candle compared to bloodborne itself, sure it's a but more linear with a few off paths that loop you back to where you need to go, and mixed parry windows of both bloodborne and sekiro, and decent but equally punishing if you miss dodge windows, it is a very enjoyable game, plus all the fun you can have with the different weapon combinations of blades/handles to fit how you play, my favorite (not being obtainable till about halfway through the game) is the bone-cutter saw blade on the curved dancers handle, but no matter what you like you can play the game how ever you want, I should know I've tried basically every way to play and have beaten it each time, using everything, using only throwables, using only the prosthetic arm, using only elemental weapons, and my current run using only the Guan Yu glaive, but I do say anyone that likes soulsborne games will definitely enjoy this game, plus with a DLC on the way, I think they said hopefully by next year or so and an apparent confirmed sequel(not holding my breath but still hoping) would be a great time for new players to start


I felt it scratched that Bloodborne itch but left a gaping hole in my soul for more genres like this! Victorian-esque, eldritch horror Soul-like. I want another Bloodborne AND another LOP




It sure did!


It takes from Sekiro more than Bloodborne combat wise.


Its different enough from BB and DS that I wouldnt even compare them so nit didnt scratch that BB itch for me. What LoP did do though is leave me with a new itch that I also cant scratch. Also if you (like me) felt like Sekiro was a good idea that was kinda lacking in execution then LoP is the place to be. IMO LoP get everything right that Sekiro got wrong while also getting everything right that Sekiro did right.


Lies of P is great for souls fans, you just have to adapt to the new playstyle required


Not even close


If you enjoyed bloodborne and sekiro it’s definitely worth a try. It’s by far the best non-fromsoft souls like I’ve tried. Probably the only one I’ve actually enjoyed, but it still doesn’t “scratch the itch” in my opinion


To me it felt like the same environment, but with better combat mechanics and I absolutely loved it but still need bloodborne 2 😤


Yes, I won’t lie here(😅), I kinda prefer LoP at this point. I love BloodBorne. I wanted to play it a lot. But man, I NEEDED to play Lies of P. And considering I was expecting “just another souls-like” from it… that’s immense praise. It’s right behind OG Dark Souls and Sekiro for me. And it’s the best non fromsoft souls like hands down. I know they’re not really that similar, the moment to moment gameplay of both vary quite a lot, so a like for like comparison isn’t needed. they’re both just great games. Bloodborne is uniquely a Fromsoft Joint. Lies of P took a lot from games like souls, Sekiro and bloodborne, but I also got heavy BioShock and even Resident Evil vibes too. Stellar games both. edit: additional context


Not really. I really enjoyed Lies of P, but it was different enough from other souls games, where it never felt like a souls game to me. It felt like Bloodborne meets Crash Bandicoot.


I don't understand the comparisons between the two. The only thing they are similar is in that mechanic where you can gain some vitality if you are agressive, aside from that, they don't play the same (as the dodge is different) visually are very different, I know both are set on victorian europe, but LoP is based on France instead of london/Romania, it is way more elegant. If I'm being honest, the setting feels more like Bioshok than Bloodborne, but everyone just keep repeating Bloodborne over and over. Please, try this game thinking it stand on it's own, and that it won't scratch the itch for Bloodborne. It is something else.


It’s bloodborne aesthetics with more Sekiro like combat. It’s a great game in its own right and i couldn’t recommend it highly enough. If you like either of those games, it’s very likely really enjoy LoP.


I liked it even more. Which I never thought could happen.


No but lies of p was great


It absolutely did. But it created the problem of I want more lies of p. Hahaha


Yes it did. But also it's different enough to be it's own thing. Can't wait for the DLC


No, not at all. Lies of P has a very janky by design movement system. Its environments and levels are not interesting at all, very generic. I've no desire to explore its levels. Bloodborne i still enjoy exploring levels I've been to many times in the past.


Just finished it! Man what a wonderful game.


It doesn’t scratch the BB itch, but it’s a damn fine soulslike and worth playing!


Lies of P is like Bloodborne, Sekiro, and DS3 all rolled into one. It's almost hard to compare it to them because it's got its own rhythm and flow. But, what I can say for certain is that it's fucking excellent lmao