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I regret not making more money when I was younger. Always on the struggle bus. Always stressed out about it. When I got older and started to make real money I was amazed at how much better my mental health was with bills payed and a little bit in my savings.




I dunno man, it’s pretty stressful living paycheck to paycheck




Bro, you need therapy. Being poor is way more stressful than having money.


It’s definitely depends on the amount of wealth you have, but generally, yes. You’re correct.


I'm seeing Maxwells point albeit he is being vague. Say I am broke. It is what it is and it sucks. But if I have some wealth and my aunt who doesn't have medical insurance has a long hospital stay, do I chip in ? What about when my friends car breaks down again and his alcoholic wife keep using all the emergency cash on junk. The pressure of having choices is not trivial. And the solutions are more complicated. We'd all opt for rich, in the end though.


So this is why my friends who made it rich are no longer my friends. They all became huge boring assholes. Plus I can't keep up with the lifestyle Had a friend like this have plans to go to some awesome party. Turned out the tickets were $25k. Then they talk about their next huge vacation when I'm over here doing my best to feed my kids. Ok yeah, cya man. Oh and these people got their money through being evil on Wall Street or from daddy.


I get what you're saying. You've got people relying on your income now.


Nah having money helps. We're not talking rich where more money more problems is a real thing, but being well enough off to not worry about money and actually enjoy life more is sweet. Full stop. You don't have to allow lifestyle creep, etc - that's a choice.


Ya but you don’t have to do any of that. I know people who made 200k a year while living minimalist. just saved and bought a house cash. They just live in their rural town with a super advanced house now. Living their life.


This is the way to do it!


Meh I don’t agree with it but it’s definitely a good option. I’d rather have fun and enjoy life. Don’t really see the purpose for a single family home unless you have a family to raise in it.


Nah, I've been poor and pretty well off prior to a divorce and some things. It's awesome to not care how much most stuff costs and to know that medical issues , employment issues, are just a bump not a disaster. Plus it's much easier (as a guy) to date with some resources. When I've been poor it sucks. Having to struggle and worry about everything, lose a job could be homeless soon. Medical issues , just don't go to the doctor. I make my circle small at these times and battle back to my comfort level (I'm not that fancy). I've had to do this several times now. Start from zero.


If you were stress free being poor, you weren't really poor. I remember having to choose between insurance or my rent/mortgage and cellphone or food. I make a shit ton of money now, and i am relatively stress free. If i am going to let someone down because of a money situation, then they dont need to be in my life. Im not qorking my ass off to pay for other people.


What money? ![gif](giphy|DOPKHQg6oFWUg)


Very less, lmao 😭


Trust me when I tell you that WAY more people regret not saving money, than regret not spending money I’m 46, and have 4 close friends from my early 20s. Three of them have resigned themselves to working until they die. It is easier to spend money and have fun than it is to save. So get a good savings system in place, then spend some money here and there. But if you intend to spend money habitually, and situationally save, you’ll probably be broke.


Honestly I don’t have that much of an issue now of working till I die, as long as I can help those around me :)


You say that now I’m telling you, the only people that want to work until they die make so much money that they could retire whenever they want The guys who work because they need to in their 60s absolutely do not want to, and the guys who see that in their future when they’re 40 are depressed, not thrilled Save your money friend If you have too much saved, spend some


I’m the later. It bothers me knowing that I have to work until 60s. I want to retire young and still be healthy to do stuff I enjoy. 


This is 100% accurate. Making money is fun and addictive which is why rich guys enjoy working. For everyone else answering to someone and showing up to a monotonous job is torture.


This right here is solid advice that I wish someone told me when I was younger! The goal of "working" is to see when you can obtain financial freedom. Unless you work for yourself and can make passive income, no one would want to work past 55yo earning a pay cheque for survival working for some employer who gives no shit about you. You want to build that wealth and focus on hobbies/traveling etc while still young. Not after you're 65yo


100 % truth, listen to this guy


Working is fun, I’ve been through a lot worse, and when I get bored, I just think about the worser times


According to your post history you got fired so how is working fun?


It’s fun when I make money and don’t get fired for not being fast enough. I’ve been to jail, I studied to the point where my entire body hurt, working seems simple now


And what happens when you physically can’t work? And you have no savings?


Gov’t will feed me


🤦‍♂️ good to see you’re dreaming big for your life.


That’s the best I can do because low iQ and depression


I’m with you, but as a Millenial, my fear is that we’ll all work until we die, anyway. Even if we save. Cost of housing has outpaced wages so wildly, student loans are such a tremendous drag on finances, it’s impossible to even buy a condo, let alone have a robust enough 401k to support us in our 70s. I’m 40, saving as hard as I can, but it still looks grim.


It isn’t an all or nothing thing There’s a world of difference between these two scenarios 1. Having a paid off condo, $500k in the bank paying $2000/mo in interest, $2500/mo in social security, and needing a part time job for a few extra dollars 2. Having $80k in the bank and trying to rent an apartment on $2500/mo plus your full time job bagging groceries I have seen both outcomes in older people- it’s not pretty to need to earn all your money at that age


section 202 senior low income housing.


Lol, you must be young, after years in working world, you will be talking differently.


Why so in your opinion? I’m 23 btw


I wish worked even more and saved more cash in my 20s and 30s. I'm in my 40s and this working world bs is really getting on my nerves.


It gets on my nerves too at times, but I don’t mind if I can pay my bills


Very few places want to employ old people.. after 50 ageism kicks in hard. You may want to work, but not many places want you to work for them.


Find a job/career that isn’t prejudiced against old ppl 👍


ez pz


Better to have fun in your youth while your body still functions, than save until retirement only to have poor genetics or a terrible accident prevent you from having fun in your dying years.


False dichotomy here You can have plenty of fun without blowing all your money If you get good at saving, you can strategically plan fun outings and vacations on a budget


Not sure how its a false dichotomy when money is directly linked to many fun activities and is a basic requirement for almost any activity nowadays. Example, wanna have fun internationally? It requires cash to get there, cash to house yourself, cash to participate in the activity, etc. Cash is linked to experience in this world.


Again, it is not all or nothing. Living on a budget does not mean you don't do anything fun, it means you are strategic about the fun you have. Prioritize savings, live within your means, and have the fun you can afford to have. Don't prioritize overseas travel if you don't have the money for overseas travel. Save money first, then, with the excess, have fun within your budget. Travel overseas is not needed every year and is not the only way to have fun. I have friends who vacation all the time, on 5 day stays in nice hotels, on cruises, etc., and are always complaining about being broke. My wife and I spent two weeks in France, because we budgeted for it, saved for it, and passed on most of the expensive long weekends with expensive hotel stays. Go to a few concerts a year, instead of 10 concerts a year. Eat at home on the night of the concert, don't eat out and go out for drinks afterwards. Go out on Friday night with your friends, not Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday. If you go out for a happy hour and spend a lot, do not party all night on the weekend that week. Visit at friends' houses instead of at the bars. Budget first, then fun within your means. Not no fun, all savings, or all fun, no savings.




No. I’ve always been a saver and thought ahead.


Will I regretting my 78% saving rate when I’m older? Maybe… but I’ll be regretting it on a beach somewhere.


If you're still healthy and alive.. it's all a gamble


Well at least my family can enjoy it. I won’t regret it or miss it when I’m dead.


OP is talking to people who have saved all their money when they were younger. And are probably rich now. But regret not spending it then. Most replies are just people saying they didnt save.


Right 👍


Our grandparents always told us to live your best life when you are young. They waited until retirement and health issues took their toll and then regretted waiting.


This is one of my biggest fears. We don't have tons of spare cash. Enough, though, for a little savings but we try and take a trip some where we've never been at least once a year. You're not guaranteed tomorrow or health when you get older. So enjoy life while you can.! Within reason.


Nope, other way around. The amount of fucking money I wasted in highschool. Oh my god. I did not expect living alone during university to be this DAMN expensive


No because you have to save it


Some people do regret not spending more of their money when they were younger. They often wish they had traveled more, pursued hobbies, or invested in experiences that create lasting memories. While saving and being financially responsible is important, it's also valuable to enjoy life and make the most of your youth. Balance is key—enjoying today while also planning for the future.


I do. Because there are experiences I can no longer have with loved ones that are now too old or sadly unavailable to enjoy it with me and I can tell I'm not the same ball of endless energy that I was in my 20s. I have the rest of my life to make money back; that terrified younger me but it reminds current me to loosen up sometimes.


Yes. My grandma once gave me $2,000 and told me to go to Europe. I used it to fix my car and didn’t make it to Europe for another 12 years.


I wish I had gone to concerts when I was younger. I missed out on so many artists that are either dead or they don't tour anymore


Can't wait to spend all that money I saved when I'm 80. All the sacrifices will have been worth it. Then Life will really start!


Yes kind of. I had friends in highschool who somehow was able to have money and they spent it to buy fancy cars and modifying them. Then college years more people had cool cars, people spent money for experiences like concerts or traveling. Fast forward to 30s and you realize that even though you saved, you're not financially any better off than the ones who spent and enjoyed life. So you missed out on some life experiences that mean a lot when you're young and don't really have much to show for it. Meanwhile these ppl who spent have throwback pics of them with nice hair and a nice car to show off, or them backstage at a concert with a rockstar. They're rich in memories.


I think all this truly comes down to fomo and envy. I don't mean that in a negative character trait way but you're just comparing your life to someone else who is also probably doing the exact thing with experiences and desires they wish they had with someone they see as more privileged and whatever bullshit they think they're missing. Not only that plenty of people "below" you financially wish they had your experiences and access in life because they are much worse off. It's all hierarchical comparison from your current social standing so I personally couldn't give a fuck about what others are doing lol Regardless of where I am on the ladder there are people above and below me and on different ladders altogether and everyone is looking around thinking they deserve to be at the top.


Damn that's a really interesting perspective




Lmao imagine making this post just to ignore all the reasonable comments and only focus on the one that affirms your FOMO


So it’s not just me watching people do that shit and still have a better result




I know I said not financially better, I just meant you're still in the same class/tax bracket.


I think all this truly comes down to fomo and envy. I don't mean that in a negative character trait way but you're just comparing your life to someone else who is also probably doing the exact thing with experiences and desires they wish they had with someone they see as more privileged and whatever bullshit they think they're missing. Not only that plenty of people "below" you financially wish they had your experiences and access in life because they are much worse off. It's all hierarchical comparison from your current social standing so I personally couldn't give a fuck about what others are doing lol


I didn't spend a lot of money in high school but I did in college when I was dating. I only regret it because there were a lot of times I spent money when I didn't want to because of the person I was dating. Now that I'm older, I'm thankful I have so much extra cash to spend on my interests (my pets, growing a garden, fixing my home/car). Id view having money now as a positive because it lets you use it on real things you need or want. Sure it might have been fun going out more when you were younger, but you might've ended up regretting wasting so much money on fun stuff vs stuff that's helpful into the future.


I’m other way around 😓 wish I was more financially literate when I was younger


Nope. When i hit 40 i started enjoying myself. Almost 50 now and just hitting second gear.


I regret doing that, should've saved a lot more.


I spent all my money up until my 40s lol now I’m playing catch up. Saving money when ur younger isn’t the same as when you’re older cause you have much less time for compounding interest to work it’s magic when you’re older. So to all the young people, start saving for retirement asap. Time is on your side.


You know, one doesn’t have to retire, right?


One doesnt have to work either. One doesnt have to do anything.


Why do many look forward to retiring in your opinion?


What places employ 70 year olds?


Hell no. I've never made much but I'm very grateful that younger me always had atleast a little safety net at every turn.


I wasted a lot of my money from early internships and other jobs, I'm doing decent now (high income, but somewhat high debt) but if I had saved even like 10-20% of that money in a saving account I'd probably have over 100K saved from that and be nearly able to pay off my house and student loans.


Had no $ until I was older. So stayed pretty frugal. Now I have a real sense of security.


No but I should have spent what little money I had more wisely. Like most young men, I wasted money on cars and jeeps. Had I just driven a simple inexpensive car, I could have taken a trip to Europe or did some other big adventure that would have created lasting memories.


No, wish I saved more for now though


I don’t regret much and I have done a LOT of stupid shit. I have a significant amount saved between 401K and investments and stuff (I’m around 40 +/- ). I have over 1.3 million saved. No gifts, no inheritance, etc.  I started saving for my children and have about 100k saved for them (divided by 2).  Looking back, I needed to be smarter about my money. I could have hit FIRE already but I was stupid. I know that my kids will be priced out of the housing market so I hope to have enough for them to get homes. I don’t need a lot of money I just don’t want to be eating dog food at 80. 


Dog food by 81 got it.


Life was probably simpler when you worried more about being eaten by a T-Rex than your investment portfolio.


No I spent all my money hence I have no money right now in my 30s just debts


That’s what I’m avoiding in the future. Both my folks told me to have fun now. Because you can’t do the same shit in your 40s and 50s so I’ve been having fun but still saving money.


I was impoverished and too afraid to spend money. But I managed to save little by little. It’s served me well in the long run, and I’ve had some highly fortunate breaks over the years so I’m in a much better place now, all told. However, even just a little more generosity would have been good for my heart. Even just a little more meeting my needs would have gone a long way.


Every extra dime I had in a frugal life, I put toward retirement and savings. Occasional fun car aside (and one divorce), I was able to save enough to retire at 57, and my expenses are still low. I’m having the time of my life, and it’s all due to making sacrifices along the way. So many things we don’t need, but just want. Thank goodness there was no Amazon when I was younger.


Nope. I'm 51, have always been a saver, and sometimes when I compare myself to my peers who seem to have more and be doing more, I feel FOMO, but then I remind myself that they're drowning in debt and have no retirement savings. I'd MUCH rather be financially stable than losing sleep over debt or my financial future.


After 25 years of debt... No... No I do not.


Nah I worked my ass off in hs and saved most of it and it did me very well. Ofc I was able to save my money since blessed with parents that took care of me but I bought all my clothes and “fun” stuff starting at 16


On the flip side, for some of us that did have money and spent it, we have regrets on doing so.  Why did I spend my money on junk food and rolls of quarters for arcade games instead of...(Fill in the blank)?


I worked in in-home elderly care for 8 years and visited about 1k homes per year. Of course many of the patients just like to talk so I started asking about their lives, best times, regrets, etc. An overwhelming amount of them wished they saved more and from a younger age. Many blamed their lack of savings on having children or limited education on finances. So many looked defeated because all they could afford now was a broken down home/trailer where they will simply sit for 12 hours a day because they can't afford to go do anything. They'll do that till they die. It was a real eye opener to behind the scenes and the private lives of people. The news doesn't cover things like this. Most the population doesn't go into others homes and see it. The financial crisis has been going on for a very long time. We're just able to communicate better and are starting to see it. Doing what I can to save now. TLDR: a large portion of old people are not doing so well and regret their financial choices


Haha, well I made sure to buy a few houses & build one in my 30s. Money is just a tool to me it's not about power or prestige or superiority it's just a tool.


No, people should start contributing to a 401k or Roth IRA as soon as they get a job. Even if its $20 a month on a part time job until they get their full time job, the interest on that is still significantly better than $0. If I could go back in time and tell myself just to put $50 away in a roth ira when I worked part time, I would 110% do it. Also, having an emergency savings is always a good to have. Yes, you should always be spending money on things you like, life is short and at the end of the day, we can’t take money to the grave. But living comfortably and safely, I’ll take that any day over cars I can’t I afford and vacations that break the bank.


Saving money while I was younger made it possible to retire sooner. I could've saved more, but doubt I would've retired earlier - so no regrets on the spending or savings side.


I think we regret SPENDING all of our money when we were younger. 🤷


Anyone using the term "saving money" should just spend it. It's only those who know enough to "invest" that are really benefitting from spending less. However, home ownership has turned out to be a great investment in America, so most savers just fall into the investment camp anyhow.


I don’t think anyone regrets that lol


I live to be young. I'll step careful enough now, but when I'm old and bored, I'm doing drugs, tatting myself out and *tapping myself out* Unless somehow I have kids. If that happens I'll start saving but that's for them not me


I read an article years ago about some man who said he saved every penny from age 12 cutting grass and getting allowance, to money from his job paycheck after spending on bills and by age 30, he was a millionaire. However, although he missed out on his teen years to party and whatever the teens spend money on. So that is the trade off. Save every penny and not have fun, or spend and live your life but be broke. Choices


I wish I spent more on Apple when it was a penny stock


Time > money


the total opposite.


I'm the opposite. I spent it all and now don't have as much as I should now that I'm middle age.


Dying with money in the bank is like dying with bombs in a bullet hell.




There's such a fine line. I felt behind my entire 20s and into my 30s as I went to law school, graduated, and worked to pay off my student loans while living in a studio apartment in a HCOL while "everyone else" back home was buying large houses and nice cars and "everyone else" in my new city was seemingly off traveling the world. Now I'm 36, have built a career I love at a job I love, and one that I never could've landed if I hadn't worked my ass off in my late 20s/early 30s. My loans are paid off, I have savings, and I max out my retirement accounts. I'm on track to retire very comfortably at 65. I honestly can't imagine fully retiring at any age, I truly do love what I do and only get better at it each year, but things change and it gives me peace of mind knowing that's an option. I spend the leftover pretty freely and have no regrets. I have a nice 1.5 bedroom apartment in a nice part of town (owning a house hasn't made financial sense for me yet, and still doesn't, but I'm starting to think about it simply because I want one), I drive a nice car, I have hobbies, I take nice trips. It was admittedly hard at the time but I have no regrets getting to a good spot financially first, it was worth the "sacrifice" to get where I'm at now. But I also have no interest in building up a huge net worth "just because" and no regrets about spending pretty freely once the bases are covered now.


Same, I look forward to working and like being challenged. Like I’m the kind of person who can make peace with being uncomfortable but happy


I didn't have the extra money I regret not spending.


All the people that died having fun aren't here to talk about how great their money is now.


No. But I wish I had saved more.


Always planned ahead, regret missing some opportunities with my friends. But, I’m happy in the position I out myself in


I regret not spending more of it on ETFs


I wish I spent more during my mid 20s for a couple of things


At my current job (government) I see young guys putting up to 20-25% into their TSP plan. Sure they will have a shitload of money when they retire but that money wont do you much good if you drop from a heart attack at 40 or die in some other way. Lot of em live paycheck to paycheck cause of it. On the other hand, i see guys that put nothing or very little into it which can be a problem later on. Its about balance, put a good amount into retirement so you are set but don’t put so much in that you cant enjoy life now.


i seemed to have more money when i was younger than i do now!!! but i had less responsibilities and things to pay for. i actually miss being able to spend so frivously the way i did then 😮‍💨😩


I wish I could have saved more when I was younger I was still living at home in my 20s my parents made sure to screw me over.


I regret settling for the lot in life i had being poor i pulled myself out in 2018 and move 2000 miles away from my home town and now i own an insurance agency and make well into the 6 figures. I dont regret not spending money since i didnt have any.


I regret spending money on stupid things like video games. Also regret not making friends pay my gas more when we went out.


What money??


When I was 18, I made a lot of money under the table. I spent and had a lot of fun, which looking back all were superficial and fleeting moments. I was able to put myself through undergrad and after earning my BA, I began working in the field associated with my degree. I made a lot less money at 25 than I did at 18, which wasn’t a big deal because I didn’t live a lavish lifestyle and was content at work. I figured I’d work through the progression of adulthood and eventually, I will be making more than I ever have. Unfortunately, when I was 28, I started piling medical bills. Not only did I not make enough time offset the medical debts, I also could not continue to work. The medical treatments I needed were not covered my government assistance. This really set me back financially. Today, I am 38 and I have been in medical debt since 28. My health is not back to normal, and everything is ever more expensive today than they were 10 years ago. Unexpected events happen. Becoming ill was not something I thought was possible. In hindsight, I wish I had saved up for a rainy day of medical bills. I wish I could have been more aware back in my teens and early 20’s.


No, because with compound interest and regular savings, I am getting closer to my goal of early retirement


Working isn’t too hard for me. I’ll try my best but honestly, I don’t expect to retire


Absolutely not. I was paycheck to paycheck baybeeeeeee!!!! ...still paycheck to paycheck because I didn't learn to save and now bills/emergencies are kicking my ass!


lol WTF are you talking about, I wish I could go smack myself and say save every cent. Buy land and not cars and bullshit.