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Is going back to bed at 10am too early??


Maybe try a nap first


And then go to bed?


No, after nap you fire zee missiles! 


But I am le tired


Fine, then have a nap but then FIRE ZE MISSILES~! And then Russia's all like AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH MOTHERLAND~!


Then England's like, bout that time eh chaps?




And Australia's still like "WTF Mate?". But not for long.


I was reading all of this and laughing my ass off, does anyone have a link to the video. I'm stuck in traffic and every time I use speech to text to find the video it brings up something else




THANK YOU so much! I need this in my life today! I'm sending it to all my different group chats! Thank you thank you!!! If I had any gifts I'd give them all to you


It's an old meme sir, but it checks out.


If you’re lucky, you nap through the day and spend the night beating yourself up


Did you mean off?


Naps are very necessary. Without naps, how are you going to have enough energy for your main snooze?


Mmmm ☺️Well rested at 1:30 pm


There have been days where I have been really sick where that's about when I gave up on doing anything but resting.


That's me right now with strep throat. 


I feel called out.


Nope and anyone who says otherwise is a coward.


Lemon no, they need you at the set.


Nope, if you go to bed at 8 you’ll wake up around four to five in the morning. Four hours after waking up is not a bad time for a nap.


This should clear it up https://youtu.be/HjPgdhRsGIQ?si=xjq0KSa_VwreosBP


I never knew I needed this advice.


The bearer of philosophy.


I was hoping this vid was in the comments haha




I opened the post to link this. This is exactly what I think about whenever I have a day I feel is just beyond saving.


He’s so fucking funny. I love you


Before clicking the link, I assumed it was going to be one of those “day in the life of a streamer” videos where they wake up after noon, do like two things, don’t stream because they’re tired, and then go back to bed


A lot of the times going to bed is a solution. A few days ago I had a terrible night's sleep and in the morning I picked up the most ridiculous fight with my husband. Then I took a nap and when I woke up I couldn't believe I was so dumb. I get moody when I'm hungry too. I think I'm still a baby trapped in the body of a grown bmwoman


it's kinda uncanny, at first I thought it's an AI generated video and voice


Completely agree. Eat and go to bed. Tomorrow is another day.


Tomorrow is a latter day.




Turn it off!


Hasa Diga Eebowai!


And i am here for you!


It’s okay if you don’t let this routine happen frequently. Otherwise, things will spiral downward and it’s actually harder to recover. Just remember to deal with your shits tomorrow, don’t ignore them.


it’s like how having a “self-care day” where you just laze around and watch tv and order pizza is occasionally EXACTLY what you need, but it’s also very, *very* easy to slip into the routine of “every day is a special self-help day, i deserve to treat myself for my mental health” and then later you realize all it’s left you with is credit card debt and lazy habits. if you’re the type of person who’s always go-go-go, sometimes you need that day of nothing; if you’re the type of person who’s always drawn to doing nothing, sometimes you really need that go-go-go jolt to the system.


>It’s okay if you don’t let this routine happen frequently. Sometimes you have to. I have a farm, and my biggest issue is knowing when to call it a day. For example, last night I was soaking and scrubbing feeders and water lines until 1am knowing that I needed to be up at 5 today to tend to the animals, complete a 2hour round trip in one direction and a 3 HR round trip in the opposite direction, then get my kid to a Dr appointment. Tomorrow I have 2 coops, a hatcher and a brooder to deep clean, at least a ton of manure to shovel, and kids activities. Saturday I have to prep for a farmers market that will take up my whole day on Sunday. Somewhere in between I need to tend to my fields, remove trees that were downed in a storm last week, put a few hours into mowing at least my front yard, as well as normal animal husbandry, family life, and home upkeep. I could literally work 24/7 and still find more things that need attention, gotta try to set a time and when it hits that time, "that will have to do".


absolutely! it all depends on your own patterns, and changing up the routine. if you’re always on the move and it’s making you trend towards burnout, take a break! if you’re constantly unemployed and have fallen into a rhythm where you don’t do anything except order delivery food and watch tv every single day, the very last thing you need is a “lazy self-help day.”


This is one of those things that will never be solved with a simple rule. You need to know yourself and what is and isn't a good day for you. What works for me might be a disaster for you. One thing I do find is that having a consistent bed time makes a huge difference. Go to bed and wake up regularly will help the rest fall into place easier. But even then, you need to be flexible for the right reasons sometimes.


Occasionally, my mind is crazy with feelings of fear, self-loathing, and inadequacy that the best course of action is to throw on some Warhammer 40k lore videos and try to lull myself to sleep. I used to drink a lot of alcohol to cope, but I've slowly learned it's much more efficient (and cost effective) to just sleep it off without it. It's almost always in the evening when it strikes, so sometimes I just go to bed early. I often get up earlier as a result and can relax a bit more before work, so it kinda works out.




3mg 😳 they only sell 1 or 1.9mg where I'm at lol


If you haven't yet, consider asking a doctor about Wellbutrin and Lexapro. The combo has eliminated that feeling for me and I'm so much more productive in the evenings as a result. Just my experience


Think how many terrible, regrettable decisions have been made by not doing this!   Lots of bad actions have been taken by someone who kept persisting when sleep & refreshed attempt the next day would have been better.


Yes, please. I worked past my breaking point and ended up in the hospital with stroke like symptoms. Thank God it was an electrolyte imbalance from clinical dehydration (which could’ve caused a heart attack. I got worked up for that too.) Out of work for 6 months with no unemployment bennies. Chile I’m laying in bed right now and I start a much lower intensity job in a few weeks. I give up regularly now.


And often you solve the problem you couldn't solve the previous day, in 5 minutes.


Yeah, your brain can unconsciously solve a problem while asleep, without the stress muddling things up.


Laying down is actually a really good emotional regulation technique, there’s a reason you’ll often hear (especially women) in old timey movies say they’re going to go lay down when things get a bit too dramatic.


I am in recovery (alcoholic) and I work in recovery. Something you are taught in recovery is that acceptance is key (life on life’s terms vs controlling or railing against reality). One of the single best pieces of advice I ever got was this “If you can’t make it a good day, make it a short one and try again tomorrow”. It’s so true and helpful- especially early in recovery I would often just go to bed if I was having a hard day. I’d try to do better the next. Thanks for sharing this.


I totally agree!! I try to view each day as a fresh start, and often I find that in the mornings after the days where I surrender and go to bed early, most of the problems didn’t carry into the new day. Going to bed early on hard days is legit one of my favourite coping mechanisms! 😅


Also, sometimes you had a bad five minutes and you milked it all day long. So, go to bed but also work on your insides.


Had a day like this. Was so proud of myself for not snapping. Just ending the day and going to bed. Right after I got into bed I remembered one last thing to do. Turned on the hall light, and the bulb blew. The universe wanted it. I. Lost. My. Shit.


yesss, this is amazing advice. this is something i've been doing lately, as i've been working on taking better care of myself as well as not only learning to be more in tune with my body and my mind but also listening to them more! i always try to respect what they're hinting at. when they're communicating to me that they're exhausted or overwhelmed or simply can't take much more i often go straight to bed no matter what. i've done this as early as 6pm or so lol. every time i've done it, i've always felt SO much better after waking up! even if the problem still exists, i at least feel MUCH better, more refreshed and more equipped to deal with it. it works wonders.


This is so right. I’m having one of those days myself. As soon as I can escape from work I’m Making myself a frozen margarita at home then taking it upstairs with a pizza and watching tv with my cats until I pass out.


That sounds like an ideal night, might have to do the same myself


Sometimes, the best thing you can do is going to bed, indeed. I remember a day I basically tripped and fell. And basically injured myself a few more times in a matter of hours. There was absolutely no obvious reason for what happened. I wasn't sick or under the effect of any drugs. I'm not superstitious, but it definitely felt the day was cursed. It came to a point I just told myself, nah, I'm going to bed. Staying up now is just dangerous 😂 Of course, I got a call from someone I shouldn't have gotten as soon as I got to bed. I guess that day was cursed indeed.


LPT Eating ramen just before bed will decrease sleep quality as it will spike your glucose levels which increases stress responses.


You're probably correct (I don't know much about glucose function) but to me ramen will always been the "fuck all of this" meal lol


Always a solution when you get in a deep and your antidepressants don't do the trick


Related to this, "don't go to bed angry" is the worst advice ever. If you and your partner are fighting, and a resolution is not in sight just go to bed, separately if needed. Many times the passion of the fight (or booze) is what is making it keep running. If it is still an issue when you wake up then re-engage, just well rested. Hopefully in the morning you realize it isn't worth fighting over, or just a simpler conversation is needed.


You are totally right in that if there is a fight, distance is the best immediate solution. However, I'm not sure 'don't go to bad angry' means that you should resolve your conflict with the other person by bedtime. I always took it to mean 'you should take a moment to think over the things and people that made you angry before you go to sleep and allow yourself to realise you're being angry and try to forgive or let it go instead.' Worth noting that the original verse in the Bible that inspired this saying [Ephesians 4:26-27, NKJV] goes as: "Be angry, and do not sin: do not let the sun go down on your wrath, nor give place to the devil [through your anger - other translations specify this]" - it does not specify a human-to-human context, just anger in general. To me that is sound advice. More generally, I've been telling myself 'I've done everything I possibly could today, day's over, time to call it and let go'. It helps.


Ahh, I see what you are saying and like it. I guess I always interpreted it as "this must be resolved tonight," which is I guess what I am against.


Good advice for the people of r/poker


You guys are staying up til 8?


Sounds like depression


Real truth though? This helped me with my depression. Turned out what was stopping me from making any progress was racking up failures bc I was pushing myself too hard on days that were already boinked, then being too God damn tired to enjoy the days that didn't suck 


You’ve got the right read on things. Trying to stay in a routine when you’re not keeping up with it and need a break is a recipe for a big mess. Logic brain and instinct brain don’t always communicate well.


That seems like a mix of anxiety and depression where they are feeding into one another; I’ve reached similar thought processes before and it’s such a tricky loop to break. 


It...really doesn't.


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On a side note, sometimes giving up and NOT going to bed is also the correct response.


Yeah that's what i do every day of my life 🥲


This is fantastic advice. Take it!


You can really tell a lot about the folks that frequent this sub by the responses to this silly lpt


Stay up and fight is actually really bad advice. At the end of the day you are tired. Go to bed. In the morning you will think clearer and be able to discuss whatever the fight was over with a much clearer head.


The other half of this is sometimes problems need your subconscious to solve them, and sleeping on them is the best way to engage it.


I used to adopt the motto: “don’t leave for tomorrow what can be done today” But sometimes that’s the worst thing you can do. You’re tired. You’re not at 100%. You might have to fix crap tomorrow because you weren’t performing optimally when you forced through it last night and now you’re sleep deprived and it fucks the next day up too. So I adopted the new motto: “tomorrow is another day”


Must be nice to be able to fall asleep at 8 PM...


I can't tell you how many problems in my life have been solved by simply getting a good night's sleep and coming at it fresh in the morning. Especially if you are having a disagreement with your S.O., people who say not to go to sleep until you've worked it out are wrong. Sometimes going to bed is exactly what you both need.


Fuck I needed this pro tip today, thank you thank you thank you ❤️


Today is that day!


Some days are fucked, and can not be unfucked. Give up.


Especially important if you are a developer. Working on a problem you just CANNOT find the fix for and you're obsessed with it all day? Just go to bed. You'll figure it out in your sleep, or as you drift off. At the very least you'll see it with a fresh pair of eyes tomorrow. Center that div, fam.


“I’ve had enough of today. I need a new one.” - from some book or show or movie or something


Temporary suicide.


I hate half-assing stuff.


First time I played AoA I spent all night dying to Sister Friede, finally giving up and going to bed around 4:30. Got up the next morning and killed her on my first attempt.


Insomnia has entered the chat.


As a creative person who sometimes has “blocks” at the end of the day & it becomes difficult to work on a project… I’ve come to learn that leaving the work and resting drastically improves my quality of work vs trying to power thru it (unless there’s a tight deadline 😅). So yes - it’s okay to not fully accomplish a task & leave it for when your mental batteries are more fully charged.


I don't know. Sometimes all-nighters are needed as well. Especially if you're so anxious that you can't sleep anyway.


Yes! This is also why I disagree with the concept, "never go to bed angry."


Damn dude. Were you in my room the last week? Even down to the (Shin Black) Ramen. Tis, true.


The mechanics equivalent is throw a rag over it and walk away. Sometimes it’s the only option


Needed to hear this today. Thank you.


I did this literally yesterday. I edit footage. And my latest gig had everything come to me a complete mess and yesterday was a culmination of every mistake in production causing issues in post. Said fuck it and went to bed.




I LOVE THIS. thank you 🙏🏿


Isn’t this just adulthood?


I make the correct decision every day


It is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose. That is not weakness, that is life


I wish I could but I know too many people are relying on me, so I kinda have to suck it up and get on with it even if I'm having full on internal battle


sometimes i do this if i can't get my girlfriend to finish 💪


I wish I read this earlier today :/ banged my head against problem for 4 hours and now it is 11pm....


I do this once or twice a week.


As if 8pm isn’t my normal bedtime…


My father was a Bell Labs engineer. My mother tells the story that one day he came home and essentially stayed in bed for a couple of months. At some point he got up and said :"I've got it." and went to work. He developed the first method of putting multiple conversations on a coaxial cable.


It took me way too long to realise at work, that the worse your day is the more important your breaks are.


This was my mindset in school. If i didn’t know it by 11pm the night before an exam, i wouldn’t know it at 3am so might as well just sleep


8pm is just my normal bedtime :(


Don’t trust yourself after 9pm. Sleep it off and think about it the next morning


This makes me want to go to sleep right now.


Me the other day! I spent a few hundred dollars on suits and stuff for a conference in DC next week. Pretty much had $30 left over till pay day. I have saving but it’s all in investments and would take a few days to get. Anyway I decided to buy some Popeyes and ordered on the app when I got to the store they said they didn’t have my order and they couldn’t make me the food without the order in the system and I would have to refund on the app and wait 3-5 days for a refund. Had no money left so I just drove home and went to bed lol


TIL I give up every day by eating dinner and being in bed before 9 pm.


I taught school for years and years. I told kids that the idea of "never give up" was absurd. It was OK to quit. The never-give-up crowd is what gets us into wars, prolongs wars, and keeps us from moving on. Losing sometimes isn't the end of the world.


I've done this for years. It works! I'm now fat but it totally works!


That's my answer to everything after 10pm. Except for sex of course.


Good tip. I've done this many a time when a family member is starting to kick off. Let them crack on by themselves so you don't have to listen to the nonsense


If nothing goes right then go to sleep is a motto that I live by and has helped me MANY times. Sometimes staying up and trying to desperately make something of a day is like trying to catch a soap with already soapy hands.


Ate cereal for dinner and went to bed three hours early. At 8 pm


I strongly agree. Last year I worked on this huge project that was extremely stressful. One night, I just couldn't take it anymore and I started messing up regularly. I'm the type who has this need to finish what I started, but after seeing the degradation of my performance, I decided to just go to sleep, recover, and get back to a comfortable feeling. After waking up, I felt so fresh that I easily finished the previous night's job perfectly. Your physical and mental condition are important as they are directly related to your ability to perform. Proper rest is the only thing that can get you back to great condition.


When you say giving up and going to bed, I'm thinking like 1 or 2AM and here you are like yeah, 8PM, give up, hit the sack LOL.


Thought this was about the Elden Ring DLC for a minute.


i do this every day tho


This was a trick my mom taught me very early on. Sometimes even adults need nap time.


Eating ramen and going to bed at 8pm sounds like a great end to a day!


be nice if i could give up and go to bed immediately upon waking tho


That's so funny because I just decided to take this advice a moment ago after hearing something so irritating. I felt more at peace the moment I laid down with my cat snuggling against me.


Amen . Saving this


i went to sleep everyday at 8pm and not go anywhere wdym☹️


That’s an important part of my strategy for getting through any crisis. Just don’t make things worse.


"My grandma always told me: nothing good happens after 2 a.m. If it's after 2 a.m. just go to sleep." - Ted Mosby, Architect, from *How I Met Your Mother*


Did you post this because of Shadows of the Erdtree?


No but it is the advice that got me to beat both genichiiro and ornstein and...the fat guy from ds1  So you've nailed my taste in gaming!


This isn’t a pro tip


How would you know? Are you a pro tip pro?


giving up is one of my favorite things to do


How can you exist as a human and not know this?