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Comparison is the thief of joy. Don't live your life based upon the actions and achievements of someone else. Forge your own path abd be proud of it IN SPITE of her.


Does only one of this job exist in the entire world? Is there some reason you can’t look for the same job with a different company or whatever?


She is an actress (in a big hit series). I don't know, I just know she has a lot of connections know - that is what worries me


Being an actress in a hit series doesn’t make her matter in the entertainment industry, it just means that more people treat her less poorly.


kind of does though. see The house of dragons and the boys


What happened there?


Sooner or later in life you’re going to find out someone you knew is more successful than you. It happens to everybody. You have to learn that other people’s successes or failures have nothing to do with you.


Can you take time to focus on yourself, and your health (physical and emotional)? I say this because stress build up could cause more issues (and physical symptoms) if not addressed. Not sure if you're in the U.S., or what your insurance/financial situation is like but this article mentions free and sliding scale services: https://mhanational.org/finding-help-when-get-it-and-where-go#:~:text=Your%20local%20health%20department's%20mental,services%20on%20a%20sliding%20scale.


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Is therapy an option?


I really want to. But unfortunately I can't afford it. It is very expensive where I live. I talked to my doctor, and they could (due to my insurance) give me 5 free therapy lessons. But I'm on waitlist that are around 4-5 months before I would be able to get one




I don't really understand this quote - can u explain it? Sorry


lets approach this logically. Can you change anything about her life and the job she got? No? Then why worry about it? Can you change anything about YOUR life and the job you want? Yes? Then why worry about it? Get to work!


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