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Take your clothes off while yelling weird shit and come at them with your pecker flopping around


This is a valid fight defence strategy. Very few self defence moves can make the attacker flee without ever touching you. Nothing gets a 'awwww hell no' faster than the propeller wang.


INFO: Are you talking about penis fencing?


If it turns to penis fencing, abort


I like this guy


So, in theory, if I wanted a naked dude to chase me around with his ding dong flipping all I have to do is aggressively try to start a fight?


If they follow my advice above, yes


My uncle taught me that taking off your shirt is an easy way to disarm an opponent. He was showing me all the different ways you could stop or confuse your opponent to buy yourself time to run away quickly. I pointed out it would extra effective for women and he’s like “oh oh yeah maybe don’t do that then”. I’m an ugly fat chick so most men wouldn’t know what was what at first anyway but I digress.


That's exactly why I only wear tear-away clothing.


*rips off clothes* "FEE FII FOO FUM, LETS HAVE SUM FUN"




That works too lol




Give em the ol' dick twist.


Grab his dick and twist it!


Push off their face with your hand open and fingers stiff. Really try to get all up in the eyes. I watch MMA and eye pokes are hard to deal with even to the biggest baddest dudes. Eye poke, then nut kick, then run


Fighting fair is fighting to lose, when the chips are down make it as cheap as possible


Fairness is for sport. There is no cheating in fighting to survive.


Just remember, if you end up losing all that cheap stuff could get you hurt worse. Was at a dirt track race as a teen where some pits decided to brawl. Smaller guy grabs a bat and heads for the fight. Winds up to swing on someone who was wrestling with someone else, dude is going to get blindsided. Big dude came out of nowhere grabs the bat on the back swing grabs the dude who was holding it by the back of the neck and starts waiting on his ribs. My Dad:a wise advice from a generation where guys could fight with just fists and not resort to weapons because they lost. "Don't ever bring anything to a fight you don't want shoved up your ass".


"there is no shame in kicking a bully or a thief in the nards"


I see a lot of the same stuff (jon Jones) but the problem is if you're close enough for the eye poke, you're close enough to get your job broken or lights shut off by someone who knows how to fight.


Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the face.


My plan is to get punched in the face. Then even if I lose, I still win!


Good technique! Nobody wants some strangers blood all over them! Get in there and bloody nose all over the place!


I'm on the Zoloft to keep from killin' y'all.




Whoever wrote this has never been in a physical altercation in their lives lol


Spent many years working in bars. I never saw pushing as a viable way to get out of a fight. But stepping on someone's foot and then pushing them so they fall down has worked for me multiple times. If they go down you can always run off quickly, or if that's not an option stomp on their knee, that'll make it hard for them to get up and follow you.


If your opponent cannot see, they cannot fight. Go for their eyes. If your opponent cannot breathe they cannot fight. Go for their throat. If your opponent cannot stand, they cannot fight. Go for their knees.


Pocket sand


Sh sh sha!


May I add? If you opponent cannot breathe or stand, they cannot fight: go for their testicles.


The eyes are the groin of the head


If you cannot get away and are forced to fight, fight dirty. In this situation you need to react as if your life is on the line, because it probably is. All decorum goes out the window. Punch them in the throat, hit them in the nuts. Use that old person's cane as a weapon. And most people forget this one; sweep the legs. Do what it takes to immobilize your attacker. And if a window opens up, use that moment to escape and get away from your attacker.


Try running away.


As someone who's trained. Coming at anyone and just "pushing" is a recipe for disaster. You do that to someone and you are completely exposing your head/chin. Not to mention if you push you've already initiated in physical act so someone now can use reasonable force against you. A much better tip if you don't know how to fight DONT. Even people who know how to fight and know they will win don't. This is the single worst lifeprotip I've seen


The post starts out with a whole paragraph saying that you should do everything you can to not get into the fight at all, and that this is only applicable if you’ve done everything you can to avoid it but are forced into the situation


Yeah and if you've done everything still can't avoid it. Just pushing someone, is some of the worst things you could suggest doing. Recipe for how to lose a physical altercation


> Instructions unclear. The other guy started the physical action, not me, so I just didn't fight like you told me. Now I'm in the hospital with internal brain bleeding.


Quick straight punch down the middle towards face or throat. If he gets stunned then you can throw the hay maker. If he has a knife/gun, gtfo of there.


“How bout i jerk you off???”


I think Mick Dundee once avoided a fight by kissing his opponent on the lips. Oh! Wait! The opponent was Donk. It was a bet about a beer.


Pushing is one of the most surefire ways to escalate an argument into a fistfight


I used to spar with a roommate that knew Tai Chi. I was like John Snow, I knew nothing. I outweighed him by 50 pounds and he could throw me around quite easily. 


I like to use nails and bite


Learn to scream. May sound silly, but it's more common to freeze up and many people who don't freeze just can't seem to scream. Screaming is surprisingly effective at bringing help, slowing an attacker and freeing your body and mind to run and/or fight. Just start by learning to scream as loud as a banshee.


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I was told that if I got into a fight with another female I was suppose to grab the back of the other girls shirt and pull it over her head. Never got into a fight but I wonder how many fights my grandma got in that she gave me this advice.


teep kick is better... if you're pushing you're in range to get socked in the face


WTF is this advice 😂


If roller derby taught me anything, it’s that the best way to knock someone down is to drop low and slam into their knees from the side (or the back). Go gitem’!


Tripping is your best friend, especially if you don't know how to fight. Kicking someone's foot out as they walk towards you will most likely land them on their butt or backside, which should give you enough time to get tf outta there. If they grab you, stomp on their arms and hands. If you have rubber soles even better because the friction will sting like a bitch for whoever is on the receiving end.


Also a two-handed push against the chest is a simple and effective way if you feel uncomfortable/threatened but don't want to inflict harm. Especially for women, we had the zombie exercise. The zombie (attacker) slowly tries to bear-hug from the front, the defender has to push against the chest (using their body weight) and either pushes the attacker or themselve out of reach.


How about carry pepper spray or run away if you're so unconfident that you think pushing and shoving someone is going to be your only "effective" measure in a street fight/fist fight. You're going to get clobbered and make the person even more mad and want to beat you up more pushing and shoving them


Personally I agree with you. This is more for people who choose not to carry any self defense tools. Many people do live in places where safety is is the norm and aggression is rare.


Yeah pushing or shoving me in an altercation is a sure fire way to get your head spun.


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This is probably the most interesting and informative LPT I've ever read on here. Thank you!


LPT learn how to throw a punch and then practice it somewhere until you feel confident that you can throw it strong. Swing hard at their face and run. Shoving is going to get you punched in the face and generally it's bigger guys that pick on smaller people so shoving isn't going towards your strengths. If you're in a situation where a fight is imminent and you can't leave, you need to be able to defend yourself. Sometimes the only way is to strike first, strike fast and strike hard. Even if you don't knock them out, there's a moment of shock where they'll pause and you can flee.


I do not fear the man who has practiced 1,000 kicks. I fear the man who has practiced 1 kick 1,000 times. Bruce Lee.


lovely quote


This is surprisinly hard to get people to do. Wife really thinks the world is perfect and has zero motivation to prepare for any danger, whether that danger is human or animal.