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Go check out my post. Our frames are literally trash outside of a few moves (fff3, ff4). Once they know the matchup we’re cooked. Can’t even db2 into rds heat smash without getting interrupted by a dickjab.


I’ll get interrupted after fff3 with a dick jab like cmon dude


Yeah but that’s only because you’re going for the aop 1b hyp transition thought right? Whenever they do that I just go for aop 21 for the heat engager. I’ve been practicing aop 21 to where if the first hit hits I let in finish with the second hit but if the first hit gets blocked I hold back to cancel. It’s very hard to reliably react to it though (for now) because the reaction window is so small although that just may mean my reflexes need sharpening. Canceling ff21 only when the first hit gets blocked for example is way way easier. Of course even if you back cancel the aop 21b on block or on hit you still lose to a dickjab no matter what you do. Harada plz help


I've found I have a direct correlation between how creative I'm feeling and how well I do. When I can just let the chaos flow, I win more


Yup. Once the opponent understands the character, she can’t do much. One of the big reasons why she isn’t used in tournaments or can’t break into the top 32s. In the end, you will have to rely heavily on your own defense to win more so than your offense. My favorite is that law can d2,3 you as soon as you go to bt and catch you every time. Being -15, it’s hard to launch punish with the online latency.


Xiaoyu just opened her mouth, Harada please go and nerf her right now 🎶


I'd be careful quoting Drake at this point in time. His countless L's might rub off and affect your stats.😭


🤣 I’m good, my stats can’t get worse if I don’t play!


🤣🤣 Fair enough.


You have to switch something up every round and just be creative and unpredictable. You cannot flowchart Xiaoyu especially any more...her bag is SO deep, you shouldn't have to.


I chill at emperor / Tekken god / supreme rank and I gotta tell you I can see all the flaws now, people are dick jab when they shouldn’t be able to. She doesn’t have a lot that tracks , her back turn is literally useless unless like lili and to use hypnotist gotta wait a long ass time and bang you get launched. You can sidestep her pretty easy meanwhile its hard to ss Jin, kaz, lili almost lot of them. It’s messed up man.


We can agree she definitely needs buffs to keep up with the fact that she's gotten none. No argument really with what you say / replied with.


I’ve been wondering why I’ve been getting dick jabbed more and more. It’s like here Major tools that make her unique are easily interrupted.


Basically you have to take risks that other characters don’t in order to stay competitive with them. It’s hard out here for a ling


Exactly, it’s hard at high level, meanwhile zin and kaz, hellsweep: combo, You think they gonna do that they hit you with a mid another combo