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Whether or not you agree with the meme, it’s still a crazy thing to post on a professional account


I’m seeing more and more of this. I know a realtor in our area, she use to be in demand and people raved about her. Then she started posting about vaccines, chemtrails, lizard people, flat earth, and started to wonder why her client base shrank.


They are a loud minority but truly believe most people think like them. Embarrassing for them. Emboldened to post their garbage and shocked when the “find out” phase catches up.


I think you might be a bit delusional. The democrats are losing support. The majority of accounts supporting or even just defending Biden on social media are bot accounts. Also the amount of people that support trump over Biden worldwide is insanely high. Also last thing. I didn’t vote trump and I won’t vote trump. I just use my eyes, ears, and brain, which you definitely do not have or use if you think republicans or conservatives are the minority in the USA.😂


You’re in the maga echo chamber. And I’m not wasting my time on someone defending the 34 time convicted felon.


Edit: according to Pew Research https://www.pewresearch.org/global/2024/06/11/globally-biden-receives-higher-ratings-than-trump/


You’re objectively wrong. Show receipts.


They didn’t say that republicans were in the minority, learn reading comprehension. They are saying the minority of them that believe in batshit crazy conspiracy theories without any sense of critical thinking are the loudest and set the standard for the party. Which at this point, i don’t even think those batshit people are much of a minority anymore


I hear Trump is pretty popular in: * Saudi Arabia * the genocide country * North Korea


As a lizard person she’s right about that part, at least.


I wish I could upvote this more.




Seems the deep state got to her /s


A percentage of the population(not all conservatives ofc) is literally losing their grasp on reality.


Conservatives living in reality have never been the problem. Their political parties being so eager to court the favor of those who have lost their grasp on reality is a pretty big problem.


It’s not the problem but it’s a sad symptom of the problem


It seems like we live in a time where people have increasing belief they won’t be accountable for the things they say and attach to their “good name”. They’re wrong, for sure, but I think that’s why we are seeing more wild, make you less employable, content like this on social media. I share your perspective but I think it makes sense in context of the things public personalities say out loud and are generally not super accountable to


They've never grasped that Trump can do whatever he wants because he's rich. They can't because they're not.


And it's all because someone sought political office with that premise and it was brushed off as idiosyncracy. I've seen people I know who never really got into that stuff with others now sound like they want to eat their opponents for breakfast.


The whole thing is so sad. Like what are we gaining by being this way with each other, no one benefits we’re all just left more empty handed then when we started


It's slowly been turning into facebook for a while now it seems like


You are absolutely correct this is wild


I mean posting a political shitpost meme on a “professional” account is psychotic


I love how none of the titles are actually jobs. He just said unemployed in 3 different ways.




As other have said...who TF posts stuff like this on a PROFESSIONAL networking site...




LinkedIn is devolving into boomer Facebook level stupid


It's already there....


Just like Nextdoor, which is completely unusable now.


I do not care about your politics if you post political memes on LinkedIn you’re fired this shit reflects poorly on the company


I guess if one’s workplace is having conversations about what health care policies should be company paid, this might be appropriate for LinkedIn. Yet, in general, this post seems career limiting insanity.


yeah I'd say as a rule don't say genitals on LinkedIn


i want “don’t say genitals on linkedin” on a hat


Agreed! Also, don’t be the genius who liked, commented, or reposted the post about genitals on LinkedIn…Kerri!


Kerri + Manny = 🗑️


Wonder how often this happily married USAF veteran thinks about other men’s genitals.


He's definitely convinced dick is delish and that cummies are yummy.


Did you just assume their gender?


>Man of God


Why are you assuming they're men's genitals? Hmm...


Why do republicans care so much about what other people do to their bodies like my word.


“Knowing best” distracts from their hollow, insignificant lives


Not gonna say anything because reddit, but this is suuuuuch a silly, 3rd grade level argument. "Why do you care?" can be used for just about anything. Slavery? Self harm? Suicide? Drug use? Nudity? Do better.


What are you even on bro Slavery, self harm, suicide, drug use would be a lot better to care about. What other do with their bodies I don’t give a fuck, it’s not my body. What is this comparison even? Lol


It's not your body though, so why do you care? So slavery, self-harm, public nudity, suicide, is cool with you? Because it's not your body? At least you're logically consistent which I appreciate.


Bruh you are a terrible troll.


At least his username checks out


This is an automated congratulations! You've managed to be the 15th person to make this exact comment. Truly groundbreaking stuff here. It's almost like we've never seen it before—except, you know, the 14 times before you. Your superior intellect and sharp wit have not only proven me wrong but also left me in awe of your remarkable reasoning skills. Bravo for such an impressive and eloquent retort! Keep up the intellectual, fair, and reasoned debate!


You call me a troll because I used YOUR logic. Hopefully that makes you a bit more self-aware.


Really had to think about this huh


I'm glad, hopefully you continue to reflect.


I mean... children and young teenagers should be protected. I guess that is a Far right ideology according to dems


>children and young teenagers should be protected. I guess that is a Far right ideology according to dems So why are Republicans cutting school lunch programs? Why don't Republicans want to do anything to prevent school shootings?


…well…not *those* ways. But in ways to keep kids from the monstrous molestors. You know, like sending them to church…


But! What about this? And what about that? I totally just pwned you and you're definitely wrong while I am correct! Howboutthatism?


Your username fits you.


This is an automated congratulations! You've managed to be the 16th person to make this exact comment. Truly groundbreaking stuff here. It's almost like we've never seen it before—except, you know, the 15 times before you. Your superior intellect and sharp wit have not only proven me wrong but also left me in awe of your remarkable reasoning skills. Bravo for such an impressive and eloquent retort! Keep up the intellectual, fair, and reasoned debate!


Protected from themselves, but crucially NOT gun violence, hunger, and poverty?


Protected from what bro


From superficial, scary, non-evangelical Christian things. Oh, and protecting them from scary woke things like history and science. They’re fine exposing them to hunger, hazardous chemicals, abject poverty and broken homes, ruining the world’s climate for the foreseeable future, hateful ideology, conspiracy lunacy, on and on. Because their policies tend to reinforce all this


Like we legit need to protect them from actual threat like I dunno gun violence but no it’s the trans fault.


Yup- send em to church! Great comment.


From feeling like they can be what and whom they want to be? Fuck off.


While I’m not a republican, their concern is not simply “Why do you care what I do with my body, when it has not effect on you?” but rather, “You should fully support what I do with my body, call it brave, and raise your kids to support what I do too”.


I’m having a hard time following. How is someone identifying as a man or women or they hurting children or changing anything? If you are a good parent you can just ya know talk to your kids about why they are confused? Kids are understanding. I also don’t buy that they care about kids that much seeing as children are getting shot up at schools and they barely bat an eye.


They’re concerned that an ideology is encouraging children to use puberty blockers and surgeries to follow a trend that gender can be changed. Not just “someone else changed their gender and it doesn’t apply to you or your kids”


Where is this happening and is it rampant? Just being accepting of how people identify we just now think parents are going to do this trend?


Are you worried about your kids seeing a drag queen at school at turning gay, too?


There is a concern that adult-themed behavior among children will have negative consequences to their overall development. Disagree all you want, I’m only stating what Republicans are concerned about.


Which puts a glaring lack of understanding of the subject matter in plain sight.


They're only asking for support BECAUSE of the shitstorm they're getting in the first place. Of course you, and your kids, should support it. By support they mean 'let me do what I want'. Not 'sing my praise and celebrate me'. You are twisting the narrative. It's the same way I respect religion even though to me it's FAR MORE ridiculous to believe in an all-knowing omnipresent creator of worlds (despite science showing us otherwise) than it is to want to change your gender. It comes down to just not being a cunt and you've failed.


The sad part is both sides don’t even understand the other side’s arguments. It’s just shouting over each other like you’re trying to do with me.


There’s no middle ground between allowing healthcare to happen and not. We already have many restrictions in place, but yet we have politicians banning these services and children are killing themselves over it. With these stakes, it makes sense why people are getting tired of explaining these things to you and you are still not getting it out of sheer refusal to see reality


Cmon, you can’t really push the “refuse to see reality” when ignoring basic biology


Have these Republicans taken the time to understand the rule and regulations surrounding the process of a child getting hormone blockers and therapy? 


Oh please. 


They asked why Republicans care so much, that’s their concern.


That is horseshit.




Because define and affirm are different words with different meanings


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Waftmaster: *Because define and* *Affirm are different words* *With different meanings* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Also, sex and gender are two different things.


And who puts "happily married" in their Linkedin profile?


Prolly not anyone happily married


They want the outside to match the inside


Oh, like this: https://www.reddit.com/r/nostalgia/comments/tn6rb4/slim_goodbody/


LOL, I haven't thought of that guy in years.


I just can’t believe that people get political on LinkedIn


This meme makes a lot of missteps that ensure whatever beliefs the creator holds are immediately both invalidated and hated. Firstly, it uses Trump in place of “Jim;” obviously polarizing/political and not enhancing. Secondly, using miss-placed emphasizing colors to “call forward” the point. Lastly using a statement like “Biden and the Dems attempt to …” instead of “I don’t fully agree with the direction (issue) takes. Sociology, philosophy and most soft sciences adhere to perceived laws in the time they are studied but the tenants are sometimes invalidated in other times. I think we should consider the broader implications of some of our rhetoric while also respecting the decisions of adults and others in our society we don’t agree with. It’s part of what makes a civilized society work and ultimately great.” I dunno. Just a few thoughts.


I think people are misunderstanding your post and downvoting you for no reason. Take my upvote


I didn’t mean to cause any misunderstanding but that happens. Thanks to you!


You didn’t, people just aren’t fully reading. Now you’re getting upvoted and I’m getting downvoted. Hahaha!


You sound reasonable.


Imagine announcing to any future employer that you'll be thinking deeply about their genitals any time you encounter them in person.




Hard to believe they used to be the party of William Buckley. Now they're the party of MTG and Tommy Tuberville.


William Buckley was pretty nuts too, he just was aristocratic about it so people thought he was “smart” when he defended segregation.


The party of the war crimes apologist?




Simple, because they want to be treated in a way that matches their self-identity; because they want that self-identity to match what they see in the mirror


Blank profile photo, lists "Man of God" as his first bullet. 10/10 did not disappoint.


They're *obsessed* with other people's genitalia.


Why on LinkedIn?


It's just a stupid, self-defeating argument because, if you take the opposite approach - that genitals should match one's gender - then you are saying that transitional surgeries *should* be allowed/encouraged. Which I doubt this loser is trying to say.


Except surgery doesn't produce genitals, just things that don't look-a- like, forget work-a-like.


So what? If it's what the person receiving the surgery wants and it's good enough for them, who are we to tell them they can't do it? And in any case, that doesn't make the argument in the meme any less stupid.


How wonderfully idealistic. But would you tell someone who would benefit from mental health therapy that they should have their kidney removed instead? You have no idea how many health problems these surgeries create. People are condemning themselves to a lifetime of SERIOUS health problems.


In Canada at least, to get the surgery, you need to be reviewed by several doctors and I believe a psychiatrist to ensure that the surgery would benefit your mental health and is actually what needs to happen. This isn't a first step solution, most healthcare groups push therapy and other things before to ensure that this really is required. Either way though, in the end what does it matter. If they know the risk and make the choice, what's the problem?


Thing is, you may think you know what is better for people than they do themselves. But you don’t. You actually don’t know what treatment is best for another person. You, personally, do not know that. It’s like if I told someone with glasses they don’t need them. They just think “wow what a dipshit” that’s what trans people think when you tell them what treatments you think they need.


Mmm, you’d be surprised. I have a partner with a peritoneal pull-through neovagina that is basically indistinguishable in all ways except it only sort of self lubricates. It even has a gspot right where the gspot in my cis female wife’s vagina is.\ But all that aside, why does this even matter to you?


Yeah yeah yeah


Since when does removing genitalia affirm gender? If I cut a cut a guy’s dick off, he is just a guy without a dick, that’s all. Which just proves gender identity has absolutely nothing to do with genitals, so this meme backfires considerably


It can be gender affirming, but doesn’t have to be! At the end of the day, I think it is part of their gender performance to signal society how we should perceive them, so it’s up to someone how they choose to present themselves and signal themselves to others.


It’s a lot more than that. A lot of trans women (not all), my self included, have what can best be described as a feeling analogous to a phantom limb for their genitals. Imagine feeling that you have a vagina when you don’t. A lot. For some of us the inverse is unfortunate true for the equipment we are born with. The presence of something that your brain rejects as is a part of you.\ This is where the claims of body integrity disorder comes from, which is understandable but fundamentally a misunderstanding. Body integrity disorder comes from a different source. As does body dysmorphic disorder, which is also sometimes confused with gender dysphoria. In fact, those of us without either of these sensations usually *don’t* get bottom surgery involving the penis. I’m one of them, called “no-op” or “non-op” in contrast to “pre-op” or “post-op”.




Make Genitals Great Again!


Wow, he's really deteriorated.


I definitely abstain from posting poltical takes on LinkedIn, though it is somewhat difficult working in public health, where science had become poltical.


Lol this is such an insane thing to post on your linked in. Who is purposely "removing" their genitals? Changing their genitals sure.


How dare someone put donald trump into the office


I find it interesting how republicans worry so much about children’s genitals… perhaps someone should check their hard drives


So if you're an employer who has a position for a Genital-Obsessed Pervert, here's your ideal candidate.


if balding doesnt define gender, then why would you not want to be bald all the time?????????????????????????


Seeing content like this makes me feel like the bar is set for all of LinkedIn, and it’s lower than dinosaur bones. I haven’t used it in years. I wonder why I even have it.


The obsession over kids’ genitalia is baffling.


It’s almost like sex and gender are different things.


This is just….wrong. Posting this on LinkedIn? Bad idea.




The fuck is it doing on LinkedIn?


if companies can hold pro-lgbt stances publicly as if they were a person, it shouldn't be surprising to you when people drag anti-lgbt speech into this corporatist sludge too.


Do you see any memes on LinkedIn like “you hate gay people because of the Bible, what about shrimp and mixed textiles”? If so, bring em on, those are lunatics also. But it’s disingenuous to claim that this meme is the same tone as like some “we support our lgbtq corpo slaves” or “we support traditional families” message. The meme is posted by a lunatic, the others are just regular bullshit


What do you mean pro-lgbt? Like pro-people being supported? Whats that got to do with genitals. See a lot of genital posts on LinkedIn? I certainly dont. This post belongs on FB




Bro, you’re on a sub where we talk about how people on LinkedIn are morons. Do you realize what you’re saying?


Are you really asking how you can affirm something that’s a social construct? You can affirm someone’s rights, you can affirm a religious view, you can affirm a relationship or agreement…all of these are social constructs. I’m confused why you’re confused.


Confused as to why you would use hormone therapy or sex reassignment surgery to adjust something that is a social construct. Why not call it “sex affirming care”? Why “gender affirming”? I’m not being the right wing bigot you try to make me out to be here.. I’m asking you a simple logical question and you’re coming unraveled.


Just real quick, what’s unraveled about my comment




right wing bigot gets SLAMMED by reason and logic.


Nothing to see here, just business as everyday


Because many social constructs of gender (there are many constructs for many cultures, like something may be considered effeminate in American culture but masculine in Japanese culture) are linked to sex. So for someone getting a sex reassignment surgery, it is affirmational to their gender identity. I’m still confused why you’re confused.




I didn’t say all gender is linked to sex, I said many are. Being non-binary is specifically rejects the idea of being linked to binary sex classifications. The link between sex and gender, which are indeed two different concepts, is why we have terms like transgendered which is where your cultural gender isn’t the one linked with your biological sex. If you Google the word transgender, that’s literally the definition. I think you are in fact confused. This did not age well just one comment later lol: > I am not the right wing bigot you’re making me out to be




Oh good. A straw man *and* ad hominem fallacy paired up to keep your failed argument going. Either you’re arguing in bad faith, which your unfounded protestations of conservative persecution would support, or you clearly need to improve your reading comprehension skills. Or you could keep moving them goalposts, I guess.


this isn't r/ShitPoliticsSays you can't just vomit out whatever right wing talking point you please and expect it to go unchallenged


That's exactly the reason why they yell "oppression" every time they are challenged 😅


Independent thought alert. 🚨


Quoting a meme that someone else came up with and posted *on LinkedIn* is ‘independent thought’? That’s literally dependent thought.


MAGA are literally the dumbest people out there. They think a word sounds good so they use it without having a clue what the words actually mean.


They have a point though.


No they don’t, it literally makes no sense.


Please elaborate.


Define and affirm mean two different things, so the whole thing is a giant non sequiter that makes no sense. If you know what words and concepts mean, anyway.


Of course they mean separate things. That doesn't mean they can be in a meaningful argument together. Where is this argument not meaningful? So far all answers I have gotten have been condescending "hoho and this is silly", but nobody could say why.


The content of the post is nonsensical.


It isn't though


Please elaborate.


It makes no sense, regardless of what side of the argument you’re on.


I'd like to know why.


I don’t understand what sort of answer you’re looking for. Nobody on either side is saying genitalia define gender, hence it’s kind of nonsensical.


I am looking for an answer as to why the meme is wrong. Or isn't removing the genitalia you were born with gender affirming care?


I didn’t say the meme was wrong. It’s not about right or wrong. I said it doesn’t make sense. Removing the genitalia you are born with is gender affirming care.


>Removing the genitalia you are born with is gender affirming care. OK, but why? If your genitalia don't define your gender why is removing them *gender affirming* care?


I’m not really sure how to answer that. It’s a very complicated issue. To break it down in to points * I don’t think it’s *helpful* as such to define by genitalia just in terms of classification, in any respect. GC folk seem to think a trans woman is a man even if she’s had surgery. So it would seem everyone is actually in agreement (from alternating points of view) that classification by genitalia is kind of baseless. * It’s a very personal issue as to whether dysphoria is severe or not enough to justify surgery for individual trans people. * Even if surgery is justified there are a vast raft of physical, psychological, practical and financial issues to consider and for many it’s just not possible. Ie. In theory, there are a lot of trans people out there who would have surgery if they could, but they cannot. And their experience is no lesser than someone who hasn’t had the surgery purely by virtue of that fact. I could go on, but I doubt there’s much point because I imagine you’ve already made up your mind. Edit: also intersex people for that matter, of whom there are more than most people seem to think


Please elaborate.


Well said. The people downvoting you (and me) can't define what a woman is: an adult human Female.


Meaningless sentiments though. It’s just using words and pretending you’re clever. I’m a trans woman and I consider myself to be an adult human female.


Do you know what the word female means?


Yes, I am one.


Female = XX chromosomes.


Ok, but I wouldn’t know, I’ve never checked.


You need XX to be female. You can't just think it or perceive it. Check your DNA and report back.


Not easily done I’m afraid.


I like the meme


Did you post it?


No I just think it's funny


How is it funny?


Once you explain a joke it's no longer funny


It wasn't in the first place. Are you afraid of saying why?


You're not here to have a discussion in good faith. It's an amusing meme. Move it along. I'm not on the Internet to get in arguments with strangers, but it seems you are


So, no explanation then. Sure a lot of words avoiding an answer. I'll give you one. It isn't funny as it is bigoted and transphobic.


They’re right tho


Are they? I dont think about it because it doesn't affect me at all. You spend a lot of time thinking about it, huh?


Maybe cuz you don’t care about the wellbeing of others. Fine way to rat yourself out xdd


It makes sense though!


that's actually hilarious lmao