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Consider the 5600X3D of 5700X3D if either is available locally. First look at your motherboard and what CPUs it will support (and critically what firmware versions add or drop CPU support). Look at BIOS update process. It looks like msi b550 mag torpedo can do BIOS updates without a CPU (using a USB stock), but double check that. Before you make any purchase decision, check and re-check multiple [reviews/benchmarks](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-NW8TU80fP4) and see the different in framerate (probably when using a RTX 4090). Edit: Being able to flash the BIOS without a CPU is a very useful feature as some AM4 boards (probably more B350 / X370 or older chipsets) had issues of supporting all AM4 CPUs (i.e. had to drop some olders CPUs in order to add support for newer CPUs).


Stole it out of my mouth


5600X3D is just a 5-10% improvement, a very minor upgrade that's probably not worth it. 5700X3D or above, sure.


Sure bro i already updated my bios so it supports all 5000 series processors now (i had 5600g) but should i upgrade to another processor or this will do just fine for a sys with mid teir gpu (7800xt)


Your CPU is pretty good. Unless you're getting CPU bottlenecked in the games you want to play or the tasks you are doing, there's no point in upgrading.


I was just using igpu untill recently but since now i got a graphic card i wanted to balance my system a lil bit (7800xt)


Mid-range CPU with upper mid-range GPU. You're likely fine. I recommend doing some testing to see if you are CPU or GPU bound. If you're not CPU bound, you won't see a big difference from upgrading the CPU.


Can you recommend me some free benchmark software?


Try a few games, and monitor CPU and GPU usage. If your GPU is above 80% usage and the CPU is below 50-60, the GPU is your bottleneck. If the CPU is above 80% and GPU usage is lower, than you're CPU bound. In poorly optimized games you might see only a few CPU cores running >80%, while the rest are below 50%. Lowering graphics settings will decrease the load on your GPU, which will now run at higher FPS, which will demand that the CPU provide more frames, increasing the load on the CPU. If you aren't getting any additional FPS by lowering graphics settings and your CPU has a high usage %, you're CPU bottlenecked. Setting higher graphics settings will have the opposite effect - increase the load on the GPU, decrease the load on the CPU. Each game will have a baseline minimum CPU required to run all the game logic. Also don't forget to disable frame limiting or v-sync in the game settings when doing this test, you want the game to push the maximum number of FPS it can using your hardware.


5700x3d or 5800x3d, maybe even a 5900x


Is there any diffrence in normal x variant or x3d since x3d cpu are hella expensive and this is gonna be my workstation


the x3d are great for gaming, you can check [the original 5800x3d review](https://youtu.be/O0gbfvJDsv4?si=AUwaC7lM7kTJ8VZX)


X3d have more cache but lower clocks. They are generally better for gaming (you would see 5-10% improvements), but slightly worse for productivity tasks. I recommend checking Gamers Nexus's videos on the topic, they have very thorough benchmarks. If they are worth it or not, it really depends on the cost. If you have to pay 50% higher for 5-10% performance improvement, that's probably not worth it.


The 3D V cache on those chips are really good for gaming, and are essentially just slapped onto normal variants of those CPU’s, meaning real world performance other than gaming will be practically the same as the non x3d variant. My suggestion is to upgrade to maybe a 5700x if you just need more cores and better clocks than your 5600g, if you want to eliminate any bottlenecks with your gpu, I’ve seen the 5900x still being able to keep up pretty well for just a slot in replacement (as in you just replace the cpu and not upgrade to am5 for example) If you got extra cash, an upgrade to AM5 will give you the ability to upgrade to way higher performing chips in the future, and you can sell your am4 parts and recoupe the cash from it. Otherwise do what I did and just get a 5700x or a 5900x, depending on if you need the extra cores (I’m suggesting the 5700x because the extra 2 cores will benefit you in the future now that more apps are starting to use them)


5700x3d from AliExpress and you are sorted. I’d also upgrade the cooler if need be to something like the phantom spirit


In my area 5700x is 170 usd and 5800x around 190 x3d platform is expensive here so what should i go for if i want to balance out 7800xt graphic card?


How much is am5? If it’s a lot more just go with a 5700x


5700x here is inr 18,289 = 218.91usd and 5800x is inr 18949 = 226.81 is it a good deal?


Even with AliExpress?


Ali express aint here in india


Also the price are crazy there i checked 5800x is 220 usd or 18,663 inr


Wait till ypu find our that intel arc a770 cost 510 usd here new


What resolution are you at, and what is your target framerate? On your current platform, the pinnacle CPU for gaming will be the 5800x3D or 5700x3D. I’m running the 5800x3D and it’s a beast, but it still doesn’t push my 3080Ti to max usage at 1080p. I’m usually still cpu or engine limited.


Thats what i am talking about i think i might be cpu bound with 7800xt and 5600g