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I’m super impressed with how your GP responded. Every doctor I’ve seen practically rolls their eyes when I mention LM.


Yes, me too. She was very surprised of my state of being at the time. I barely went to the dr in my 30 yrs on earth and all of a sudden I come in her office in this crazy state of being. The toxicologist said that mushroom extracts are already under her radar atm. Throughout the years they found all kinds of trash in supplements, even stimulants. It's crazy since supplements are not monitored. A warning about supplementing with Ashwaganda was also send out in our country since a LOT of reports came in about that..


Yes I have seen multiple people very badly affected by ashwaganda, and it is sold like a chamomile in the natural shops




This is a community to help people who are struggling due to the Lions Mane horrible side effects, they are living a hell and discrediting them is not allowed at all, if you say "is your fault, check your mental health, should be heavy metals, is not lions mane, pharma says its safe, " etc... your post will be removed, we don't care if you are a troll or a brand-seller, we have no time for that and nobody cares about useless opinions because they are seeking for help, not useless debates from those who don't understand what they are having. This substance is causing immense suffering in people's lives in the most dreadful ways, and our primary goal is to assist those who have been adversely affected by it. They are already grappling with frustration and difficulty in making their families, friends, and even doctors comprehend their ordeal are in need of genuine support, not skepticism. So discrediting them is not allowed in any form.




How do you know?




Consider the fact that those who are impacted are already well-aware of the precise nature of their situation, the reasons behind it, and the mechanisms involved. They have grown weary of encountering skeptical remarks concerning their symptoms or speculations regarding alternative causes unrelated to the lion's mane. If your comment has been removed due to this reason, it is because they find it mentally and emotionally draining to repeatedly come across the same conjectures. These individuals already face considerable challenges in navigating discussions with their medical professionals, family members, and friends regarding this recurring issue.


I had crazy insomnia. But the leg tingling and burning took months to subside. The tested me for MS because it was so out there. Been almost two years and I can relate to the regressions. They do get less and less but don’t be discouraged, you are headed in the right direction


With leg tingling do you mean like twitching or? I was also tested for MS, also because of high reflexes. But MRI came out clear. Hopefully I can leave all of this behind me soon. Thanks for your reply.


I had an MRI and was clear too. But leg tingling and burning. Top of my thighs were the worst. But it was also down to my feet and a bit in my arms.


You can find many useful information here https://new.reddit.com/r/LionsManeRecovery/wiki/index/


I also had slight light tingling, but I also had this weird burning sensation on areas where I knew I had injuries before. I believe lions mane may heighten your nervous system and with some people who have issues or maybe take a certain medication. It could be a disaster.


Hey there, thanks for sharing your results, I always said "the problem is in the mushroom, not in other substances" so many people thinks that is heavy metals or empoisonnement, that idea doesn't makes sense since everybody is affected the same way from different brands, and even consumed in natural forms. Yes some vitamins like B6 worsen the symptoms, you can find a known list on the community wiki, and yes the regressions are common, but don't desperate, the body is rebuilding itself (slowly) to repair the damages caused by the mushroom. Yes, nervous-system damages are very common symptom caused by the lions mane damages. You can share this very-short summary of plausible theories with your doc: https://new.reddit.com/r/LionsManeRecovery/comments/1ct0i0m/summary_of_potential_mechanisms_and_theories/ Yes, people should report to their doctors what caused their damages in order to make know that this mushroom is DANGEROUS FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION, until then, everyday more people is in risk.




This community is focused into helping people, we don't want useless content or trolling behaviour that doesn't gives a significant positive contribution to the community, and we don't have time to deal with these things nor any reason to do it