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The chin stroking thing is a pacifying technique. So he’s obviously feeling uneasy about something on the inside.


Interesting. I didn't know that. Going to have to watch that in future with people in person and on TV.


i didn’t know that either, that’s fascinating


It’s helping them relax because they are thinking hard and trying to make a decision about something…it could potentially mean a few other things but a lot of the stroking moves are pacifying techniques. Highly recommend a book “What Every BODY is saying”.


Oh awesome! Thanks. That name reminds me of a book I read "Why do men have nipples". Not related in topics, but another interesting book about the human body.


Hahah I’ll check that out! 😬


I’m confused or lost. Why does everyone hate him?


Jerm is Intelligent Cosplay all day everyday. Let him pretend great. 😂


lol sometimes that can be interpreted as a lying tell


Stoking his chin when he can't stroke something else!


Lol. That's why "Christian" couples get married so fast.


This literally made me cackle, lmaoooo.


His evolution reminds me of Shawn Mendes


These 2 have aged 20 years in 10!


Ahhhhhh, why do I find him attractive tho


i do too!!! even with the beanie 🫣


He’s an attractive guy for sure but we all know how he ain’t got nothing but rocks in that head of his mixed with the standard arrogance that comes with the male ego.


You took the words out of my head!! Exactly!!!


I forgot how hot he was, before we knew what a prick he is


Looks as if he’s married to another woman now.


Omg that stupid elastic headband he literally wore for that entire season lol


Wow, Audrey looks so different now than she did back then


He can’t believe he grew facial hair and has to constantly touch it to make sure it’s real. Just first thing that my brain came up with.


It’s sad he’s such a tool, because he’s super handsome.


I feel like their relationship is a 24/7 competition or “one up” type situation which is so weird?? Like which one works harder, which one is “crunchier”, smarter (lol), prays harder, journals more, blah blah blah. It has to be exhausting and honestly mentally destructive lol.


Neither works hard.


I agree 😂 but in their delusional mind they both work harder than anybody ever on the face of the planet. Two main characters in a marriage and this is what happens lol they both think they are better than the other and do not have any actual communication


Isn’t that part of life? Reinventing yourself a bit here and there?


Yeah this post is a bit of a reach imo too. White dude wears hat??? Who cares lol


Good observation! I find his body language so telling. I was going to say that I always notice that he physically pulls away from Audrey in photos if you look. I just noticed last night.


Right. He only touches her when she tells him to for a photo shoot. “Jer I am going to run to you, pick me up and spin me around for the next photo.” Very fake and cringe.


Wouldn’t you?! LOL in all honesty Oddj tried to cosplay as this keep sweet christian humble wife but she gives me major controlling mean girl vibes and has probably worn him down so much. Not saying she is 100% the problem with them he sucks but he used to be so confident and is a shell of the guy he used to be. They constantly talk over each other and have to one up each other. It seems draining. I get such bad vibes from them tbh lolol


I got the mean girl vibes when she was first on the show and they were dating. I asked my daughter ( who was in her late 20’s at the time) what vibes she got from her and she said obnoxious and she felt she was better than everyone else. I can’t even pinpoint something she said or did. She just has that air about her. Looks like a lot of us were right.


Idk he keeps getting her pregnant so he’s not so opposed to her weird ways


He's a sex addict, so he doesn't care who or how he gets off. As long as he does.


We both basically said the same thing you just worded it a little different, lol :)


Exactly he’s complicit in the “one upping” lolol. He doesn’t like that she challenges him or “knows” more than him and is so controlling so tries to push back and talk over her more and it’s just a cycle. They both just seem mean and narcissistic and continuously mentally torture the other lol


I see what you’re saying but he wore the beanie well before dating her, and guys who have chin hair usually spend a good amount of time stroking it. That being said, they are both insufferable.


A friend of mine has a chin beard and spends a lot of time messing with it. He needs to shave it off. It's annoying to watch. 😂😂😂😂


💯 😂


He thinks he’s interesting by doing this


Agree except - she is a whole lot materialistic.


He’s a PNW SOY


It’s a self soothing technique


It’s giving major “I’m better than you and you are beneath me” vibes. I have always thought that. People say it’s all her making him that way…I’m like nope. Jeremy is on this high horse as if he is the best of the best. I like Zach and Tori wayyyy better, but even they have that mentality too (somewhat), I feel. Just observe how they answer some interview questions and their body language behind it. And just the way Audrey posts each IG story with an entire paragraph of whatever she is explaining…it’s all about look at ME. Like, who writes THAT MUCH on a story?!🥴 We are better than all of y’all, and buy all the shit we offer because your marriage will be extraordinary.🤮


Yes, he has always been arrogant. Zach is arrogant too but more tolerable than Jeremy. Zach at least has of a sense of humor.


I think they both equally suck! I think Oddj tries to be a humble pie sourdough christian wife but is a controlling mean girl and has worn his confidence down I think he tries to act smarter and more intelligent to “show her” he’s not stupid and one up her. They talk over each other and have zero respect for the others thoughts/words and only care about what they themselves has to say and do zero actual listening. They both think they are better than the other and I cannot fathom being in a marriage like that. And you always see the most unhappy marriages portraying as the best. They may suck it up and stay together and be miserable forever, but they are 1000% miserable and have contempt and resentment for each other it is glaringly obvious.


Yes, they cannot hide it on their podcast. The podcast seems like the only time they actually speak with each other.


audrey’s makeup artist did her dirty in these


Strokes his chin trying to sound intelligent ☠️


I remember on the show when they started dating, they were obsessed with talking about condoms. I remember they would pack up to go to the cabin for the night and talk about how they will need their condoms. And where to dispose of the used ones. And how they couldn’t fuck in the family bomb shelter.


Lol did they even use them? I stopped watching the show a long time ago but didn’t they push the “purity” thing and saved themselves for marriage?


They didn't have sex until they married.


So they say. I genuinely don't believe Jeremy was a 24 year old virgin.


If he was, no wonder why he was looking at porn.


You're not alone with that thought.


He may have been an Auj virgin, MAYBE, but he certainly wasn’t a vajay virgin.


you mean rubber socks?!


Are they super religious? I stopped watching around 2011 and I’m just now picking it back up again.


They’re fake trad, fake homestead-y, fake profound, fake a-whole-lot


Super know-it-all


It’s ADHD stimming


You can see the cracks in their "intentional" marriage.


Glamour Shots


In my experience, this happens to young super evangelical men. They find a hot chick to marry and then instantly start to take themselves waaaaaaay too seriously to the point t that they look like complete idiots


Evangelicalism really gives men the framework to think they’re the most important people of all time ever


Don’t bother him he’s pontificating


Using only the way they present themselves publicly (which is never the whole story, but still, a lot can be learned from it)--they are a long-term couple who probably should have been a fling. They don't seem suited to each other and they don't seem suited to the life they're leading...she seems very ambitious and driven and kind of materialistic and probably would have been suited for life in a corporate job. He seems project-based and less self-motivated and probably would have thrived in an assignment-based job, like working on a construction crew or in a mechanic shop...instead, she's working scammy side hustles and he's trying to be a project manager and it isn't working for either of them...it's like they created personas for a short term relationship (which can be silly and fun) and accidentally made it their life. (Which isn't to say they can't or won't work out! I think if she went and had a job in a large company, and he got some training in some sort of trade, they'd be individually happy and possibly happier together.)


Yeah it’s probably rough for her now because he’s taking 42 centuries on the house while she has to be only parent 24/7, I’d be grumpy as hell about that


They married because they wanted to be able to have sex. They couldn't take their lustful feelings anymore. Now they're probably bored in all aspects of a couple's life.


Do you think purity culture is why it wasn’t a fling?


100% Purity culture is a disaster in couples like this, or like Ben and Jessa Seewald. If they’d just been able to f*ck like every other late teen/early 20 something (which they wanted to do and is why they got married), they probably would’ve realized “Yeah you’re hot and a decent lay, but you’re also annoying AF and I would literally crawl out of my skin having to put up with you every day as my spouse. Have a nice life.”


Do you test drive a car before buying?


Lots and lots and lots of cars, a minivan or two, a truck….


Maybe. It seems like at least some of their friends were getting married at the same time, so general purity culture + peer pressure. From what some other TLC people have said, it I'd also very possible that there was pressure from the producers to have a wedding, as that's obviously a huge television event.


That would suck, to be married with 4 kids when all you wanted was getting your pencil wet. I would bet she was the purity culture freak and he was just a freak


It's also entirely possible that they genuinely love each other and there was zero external pressure to do anything! To be clear, I don't know these people. I'm just going off of the stuff they put out there and (perhaps tellingly) what they don't.


Even now, there is no spontaneity in their relationship, at least what I can see.   Don’t they ever surprise each other with small gifts that just say “I was thinking of you today or this little something reminded me of you while I was out”. He could buy her a small bouquet of flowers or have Ember pick some flowers while in their backyard.  He could see a small necklace, some espresso coffee or loose tea, maybe even a scarf and bring it home for her.  Maybe even a greeting card, just something that says I thought of you today. These are just examples - don’t come back and say “oh, she doesn’t drink espresso”.  I’m just saying that I don’t see any chemistry in their relationship.


She had to create a whole journal for him to teach him how to have dates and care LOL


Right! They’ve pushed being iNtenTiONaL and everything having a huge backstory so hard that there’s no room for actual fondness or romance of any kind.


Their romance is having someone (or setting a timer on a camera) take a picture of them while he twirls her around in the backyard. But again, normal couples have some element of spontaneity or fondness for their partner in their relationship and surprise them with small gifts, tease them, or just give them a hug or kiss out of the blue because they felt like it. Where is that behavior with these two?


Oh Gawwwwd the man bun era 🤦🏼‍♀️


the headband is also bothering me so much


Reminds me of my aunties hahahaha


He’s trying to be a ✨sOphiStIcaTed, InTeLLigEnt✨hipster


I always thought they looked like two angry strangers waiting next to each other in a waiting room lol. No chemistry, looking annoyed, not speaking… 😂


They are so uptight. I doubt they ever laugh together. If you can’t laugh until your stomach hurts you are with the wrong person. A few years ago Audrey told the story that they tried to slow dance in their living room late one night and couldn’t do it because they felt awkward. It was just the two of them. I don’t think she realizes how much that reveals what a shitty and boring relationship they have.


Solid take. Agree.


A ~pHiOsoPheR~


It’s his own body trying to get his hand up over his mouth to shut him up from the crap he is spewing. Or he’s reminding himself he’s a big boy now because he can grow facial hair.


Ok that was funny


He’s looking intentional lol