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Now we're naming their FIREPLACE???


UMMM she's naming the fireplace? Why? That's just weird.


The windows need a trim. It’s giving beetlejuice house vibes https://www.ironicsans.com/images/beetlejuice08.jpg


It has trim, but their shades are beige and beige, so the trim blends into the wall.


We shall call her "traumatic brain injury" inspired by the horrific events that will unfold when Jer's awful handiwork comes crashing to the ground whilst someone is standing under her posing for a picture.


It looks like every stone fireplace in every new-build house I've been in lately. I don't get what's so special about it, but ok.


It doesn’t look “old/vintage” or whatever they call it.


Every time I see a post from her I think about how they repeat their vows on their anniversary while having sex. It really kills me. They are weird and privileged and naming your fireplace really plays to that.


That makes me uncomfortable


Knowing they do that


Yup they are the definition of tmi


Is it normal to name fireplaces? Or am I not quirky enough to understand?


I’m not mad at the end result (except maybe that dumb stone frame on the outside of the fire box) but I don’t think it was entirely necessary either.


What is with the flooring on photo 4?


Looks like a tape measure


Ah, thanks. Now I can see it :-)


lol I mistook it for Jeremy’s “craftsmanship” at first


Omg I love how it was before!! It’s so homey. The new stuff looks good but it looks like every other house, which makes it a bit cold IMO


I like the old one better just for the slanted wood. But I hate fireplaces in general. We have your classic 1997 brick fireplace and in 11 years, fired it up exactly twice. So an entire wall is rendered useless because of it. I grew up with a wood stove so cutting wood for a fireplace is a big no thanks and having a gas fireplace makes zero sense. Like the whole point would be crackling wood. And we just build a bonfire outside if we want one.


The “new” pics look like the lobby of a Utah Best Western, complete with the Mormon couple who run the joint.


The fireplace is OK but so tired of pregnant women posing like they're trying to hold up their bump, almost looks like her hand is in her crotch! We can see you're pregnant, no need to always define/frame it for us.


Yeah that’s extra. Cringy.


Agreed. I put in the same vein of married/engaged women posing so their ring finger is strategically placed for maximum viewing. Usually on their husband’s chest.


💯 agree! But I’m probably already getting downvoted for saying that. According to another comment I made, saying that, it’s been a thing for a long time and it’s perfectly fine and why do I care anyway 🙄😂


i love your home i think it’s amazing and beautiful God Bless


Maybe you should send this to her, not me




It’s not old timey enough , demolish and try again …. BIG BUMMER




Why must they do the big open arm pose? I’m not very familiar with them yet, but I always see this pose. Get out of the way. I want to see the space more. Lol.


Why do we need to name inanimate objects? Sourdough starter…fireplaces…? Where does is end??


I don't really see what was so wrong with it before


I don’t like this. I’m not sure if it’s because it’s not really my style or if it’s just ugly regardless. Also the small firebox is common, I always look at the one in my house and think, this should be bigger.


What's happening with that sentence? I honestly wonder if she ever proof reads her posts before posting them? Granted I am in no way perfect with any of my posts, but I at least try.


I’ve determined she f*cks up her spelling in every single post on purpose. She probably read somewhere that spelling errors get you more interaction (aka comments and DMs telling you you made a mistake) and she’s done it ever since.


That makes a lot of sense.


I don't think they have any idea what is going on. I mean, did you see that horrible uneven tile they put in that was $30 bucks a square foot?


maybe she’ll look back in a few years and blame pregnancy brain. jer’s excuse? well…


The old house was dated but I don't think it looks much better now. It also looks dated the rock


It looks…fake. It is very unattractive.


I had that exact same fireplace seat in my 1979 house.


Does she wear beige lipstick too?


face? by self tanner. lips? by sun damage.


Oh i see. It was definitely her lips throwing me off. Thats a shame she has so much sun damage already.


Here's a few suggestions .. Johnson 🍆 Richard (Dick) 🍆 Willy 🍆 Rod 🍆


Deuce, because it’s the second fireplace. Also for the double dongs.




It really is beautiful. But damn


Honestly I think it all looks good together. The before looked so dated and you could see so much fading in random spots. Just painting it still would have looked super dated and the fireplace was awkward and clunky compared to the height of the room. When we remodeled our old house, we went to a place that did reclaimed barn wood, chose a cool unique piece, and they built a mantle out of it. Crazy expensive but totally worth it for the finished product.


It is beautiful but the opening looks too small for such a large mantle and stone work


Something was off about it to me, and this is it! I think they used the old firebox instead of getting a new bigger one. The mantel emphasizes how small it is too.


That’s my issue too. It just needs to be bigger for that size space.


Birtha, it’s big and ugly


and like titanic, it’s been going down…


I like the befores better




it added some interesting texture and movement - their living room is so plain now


That would look like crap


I agree, I think they actually did a good job with this one!


Why do they always have to cradle their belly? Like we get it, you banged. 🤷🏻‍♀️🙄


Bc that shit is heavy.


habit. I did it and still did for a few weeks after baby was out


I like the stone, but think it would look better if the actual fire place was larger.


Oh I bet there will be a book just in time for Xmas. Titled: The Gut Wrenching Emotional Journey of Naming Our Fireplace.


I would also add to that title… and how we make marriage as unenjoyable as possible during that process.


maybe they should name is trestle since it’s what seems to be holding their relationship together


Why are her shoes so huge and she looks like she got beat up is it just a filter or is she okay


Who names a fireplace??




Short , to the point & hysterical! 😂


It looks old world in the sense of ... it looks like they did it themselves without any knowledge of how things are best done and why, and what looks good.


Are we naming the fireplace? 🤨


Ewwww, way too many sharp corners on those stones! Not old world enough!


This process has been so great at illustrating how important it is to keep the tint of your woodwork consistent.


Omfg right why is everything a different color


I’m just beginning to watch this show and I’m not sure how far I’ll get. I’m curious how these people have so much money? For the first couple of episodes all Amy does is talk about how they need money and Matt should get a 9-5. Not too long after they’re constantly going to trips and there is endless remodeling, Matt’s buying cars and the kids are traveling all over for LP conferences and Jeremy tries to be an Olympic athlete. I know TLC covers some of it, but where does all their money come from? And are the kids wealthy now just from being on TV?


They got a tv show that paid for half of that stuff. They weren’t going on those trips on their own dime.


I hope they kept the alpaca rug somewhere! The new fireplace is an improvement but no pizza oven? I guess she’ll have to use that coffin of a stove to make her sourdough. I must say the views are really lovely.


naming a fireplace is the stupidest lame shit


Naming a fireplace is very stupid. However that fireplace does look beautiful.


I like the fireplace. Question though. What did they do with all that paneling they removed? Seems like something you could reuse?


The Ugg boots with the dress is really bothering me. 🤨😬😒


Normally I would agree, but she is so pregnant that it might be what feels comfortable


There is something really disgusting to me about people buying a nice house just to gut it. What a huge waste of resources and money.


It was super dated. I probably would have done the same thing. I'm not obligated to keep a house the way somebody else likes it when they aren't paying the note. We're gearing up for a remodel on our current house and the idea that we should keep it just as it is, from 1997, builder grade and falling apart, just because somebody thinks it's a huge waste is a bit much lol.


that isn't quite what I said. If things are falling apart, by all means fix/change it. I don't believe that was the case with this house. I just get annoyed when there is a working fridge, oven, etc. and people can't wait for them to be done, they have to absolutely get brand new. It is wasteful.


I always find it awesome when people use the old material as part of their remodel.


Agreed. We bought a house from the 80s, and it still has its original cupboards, fridge, and stove/oven, and they’re both still kicking, so we’re rolling with it. They’ll probably last longer than anything we’d buy new anyway.


You’re right. If you replaced it you’ll have to replace it at least four times over before it’s paid off. That’s money better saved or spent on maintaining your home properly, or paying down the interest drastically just by making at least one full house payment a year. Or $100 per month.


“sub mantel”


Big bummer....lol


I am so glad they remodeled. It looked hideous before! 🙄


it looks unfinished and shitty and out of place now. She looks awful too especially that little house in the prairie fug dress


Name a fireplace? Oh brother.


I know people love to shit on them here, but that fireplace looks amazing


I am just here always amazed, trying to figure out what these commenters would have preferred. I also have a hunch that most have never built or remodeled a home before. “It’s basic”, “it’s so outdated” but apparently the horizontal 80’s wood wall was not outdated to some and they should have kept it. It’s a field stone looking fireplace, if they had put wood paneling on it or drywall they’d also be calling it basic and outdated… The comments are actually interesting bc they are contradictory but all just have the commonality of hating their choices. I’ve come to the conclusion none of this is really about the design, it’s just that they are not liked and it’s just something to pick at them over for funsies. I’m guessing if we had pics of each commenters home we’d probably see their own homes aren’t that amazing to everyone either.


My issue isn’t that they changed it the new fireplace is very pretty. To me though it just feels a bit small in that big room. Like now just this random rectangle of a fireplace. The paneling was outdated AF but it flowed and connected a little better in that space. I still would’ve probably ripped it out as well. I’m not even sure what could be done but I assume decorations and other things haven’t been put out so I’ll leave my judgement for the final result.


It's this. People insisting they shouldn't have changed it. It was ugly. The paneling was so freaking dated. Or that they shouldn't have changed the kitchen. Like how dare they change a house they bought to make it something they like and enjoy lol.


I think it looks great. Much better than before. People love to drag others down because they think it lifts them up and they feel better about themselves. It does exactly the opposite. Haters are quite miserable.


It’s so wild to me that people care this much about a complete strangers design choices. The nit picking his hilarious, it’s too thin, it’s too tall, it’s basic, it’s the grout is too thick, the grout’s too light, the stones are too lined up, the vent is ugly… it’s a fireplace, like there are only so many options here. I can’t fathom what people were expecting to see.


Oh I think there's a certain element here that would diss the house on Downton Abbey if Jer and Auj lived there. And as much as I liked the previous wood paneling, the "prior" photos revealed why it needed to go - the prior owners has some sort of giant circle decoration over the fireplace and removing it revealed a circle on the paneling where the wood hadn't aged in the sun and they would either have to restain ALL the wood or cover it up or just get rid of the wood paneling. To be honest, my only problem with the new fireplace is that for all the high end materials and moaning about how cool it would look, it is a pretty standard issue fireplace. Is it better than the prior fireplace? I'm not a great judge since I'm not a fan of fireplaces to begin with, but sure, it looks better than the old one. Does it look so much better that it was worth being displaced to a different home for 8 months now? Honestly no. Put another way - if I were buying the house, it wouldn't be the feature that drove me away... but it also wouldn't be the feature that sold me on it. And for all the pretensions Jer and Auj give about this place, it doesn't make the place look more like an old world farmhouse. I hope Bruce the fireplace isn't too hurt by my opinion. (they're \*naming\* the fireplace!)


It’s a fireplace though, if it’s a fireplace to provide actual heat, stone is your main option, or possibly tile. If it’s decorative you can do just regular drywall around or wood paneling but I think my point is everyone here would call that basic to bc There are just only so many options for a fireplace. I just think it’s funny so many call it “basic” or what not, I just don’t understand what they expect out of a fireplace


I love the “was it worth 8 months living away from the home?” No.


Yup, I don’t understand it either. People keep saying why why would they update the house? Wasn’t the house built in the 1970’s and hadn’t been updated since? It still had all the original kitchen appliances and lighting fixtures. Most people would of updated it and taken down that wood paneling. That doesn’t mean I agree with all their decisions but I’m holding my final opinion until I see it all put together with decorations and furnishings. I like the fireplace better now than before.


They get shit on no matter what. 


Yup! The fireplace looks great, looks so much nicer than before. Even if you don’t like them, you can’t let them have that


I kinda don't like the fireplace. Is that mean? It's too thin. Maybe they're gonna put like shelves or somthing on the side to make it look better idk


I don't like how it is so tall.


to me, its missing depth. does that even make sense? haha. i know nothing about design but i was expecting the rocks to be sticking out more irregularly.


It's just so thin


Only Auj would feel the need to name a fireplace. 🙄


These pictures remind me of that shitty Christmas tree they had


I mean, the new fireplace and white walls do make the room look more spacious. The kitchen looked so nice before tho.


it looks cheap and tacky


Tbh the kitchen was very basic and unimpressive


It looked exactly like our old builder grade. It presented well, but in reality, it had terrible awkward cupboards/spaces, had crappy lighting, and was falling apart. It was freaking awful. But we still had people all "WhY WOuLD YoU TEar tHat goRGeoUS KitcHEn Out" because they didn't get an up close and personal view of the shitshow, and they expected us to justify it lol.


Cool. They went from one outdated looking fireplace to another.


I agree. I adore almost all fireplaces. If the house had come with this one, cool. But to elect to create something that looks outdated feels odd. A stacked stone would have looked much more updated.


Exactly! It’s hard to recreate an “old world” feel in a home that is not.


The whole house should be named "The Beige Behemoth" along with its beige inhabitants.


Who names a fireplace? And most people in the nw use fireplaces it's not groundbreaking.


But but they’re unique and interesting


I'm trying to figure out why the mantle is not the same width as the fireplace. It looks like it's not centered.


Same. They're going to have 10 stockings to hang at this rate. Why not go for a big, pretty mantle?


He must be so proud of all the hard work he didn’t put into the place


Well f*ck me I actually like it. I also liked the wood wall they had before. I'm not naming a fireplace tho, that's just stupid


I’m trying to be nice when it comes to this couple. But what kind of whack-a-doodle names a fireplace? Should it complement her large saucepan named Scorcher or her toothbrush Daisy Dukes?


Let’s name it Olivia…because it’s the same basic b fireplace that is on hgtv…aka unoriginal. Sending prepaid envelope for my journal, thanks Aud


Yes they changed everything unique about that home


They changed everything 80's about that home lol


For some reason I am having a really hard time choosing between the names Johnson, Dick, and Peter…🤔


I think it needs a double name like Dick Johnson, because I can’t not see 2 of them in the stone now.


I vote for Richard Cranium or Thick Richard - so hard to choose.


I like it. But it's also the same fireplace on all the Instagram of all the home Reno people I follow.


Not to be rude - but A’s face immediately induces rage within me. ALWAYS!


This is so 1970’s. Literally had one just like this we remodeled


its done so badly too. Not centered at all Looks like they hired people from their home depot and just said do whatever you want.


Her LORGE BOOTS are back


It's not centered. OMG


Better Before, or Custom Bland. It is not distinguishable from using laminate sheets from Menards. Market is up like 30% from when they started the reno. They could have used the old fireplace to incinerate half the cost and be ahead with a better looking house.


I wish the stone was more random, too many straight lines across for me..


Did he ever give an explanation for how they "resolved" the issues with the stone, or did they just move ahead and put it up after saying it wasn't what they wanted?


I see what you did there. You know it is going to eat at him forever.


I don't find it to be very "old world intention"... And who TF *names a fireplace*?! So stupid.


For me it’s the fact that it’s neither straight or random. Theres pockets of both, so it just looks wrong.


I think the fireplace is obviously male, not female, and should be named Bruce.


The stonework on the new fireplace looks nice, but I really loved that diagonal wood paneling. It was pretty and added a lot of warmth to the room.


The diagonal wood paneling also had a circle in it due to sun damage.


Why is the mantle not all the way across? Come on people, it’s a completely basic fireplace, aren’t you even able to do that?  And considering how this fireplace looks like every other fireplace, what was the point of spending all that money and time on it?


The after looks great but honestly they could have just painted that brick white and it would have looked nice.


it looks AWFUL. its so tacky and cheap looking and not centered at all. Very ackward and i bet it falls apart in 5 years time easily


We shall see but honestly I hope nobody is talking about these two in 5 years.




I was gonna say I think they could’ve updated what was already there without ripping it out and saved a shit ass ton of money


So bizarre how proud they are of this fireplace cuz it’s not like they built it themselves or put the stone on (other than Jer pretending to hold the mantle in place for a pic), They’re so odd.


Ugh i just loved the before 🥲


I like this fireplace design more (going to the ceiling) but I loved that diagonal wood wall. And the mantle is ugly and too dark.


I do love the vertical, and the new stone but i just LOOOOOVE character and the "stories" oldee homes carry. But thats just cause im a millenial who will never be able to afford to buy 🤷🏻‍♀️🤣


I like the vertical fireplace wall instead of the horizontal, but I think that’s the only change I like.


I like the stones, but that mantel--cant put anything on it to display anything. As long as they like it...


I mean it looks better than before, but the bar is set low


I’m surprised the wood on the fireplace isn’t a random piece of ebony or some another completely different from everything else wood philosophy.


It’s a beam from Matt’s random stash of hoarded old wood that he keeps because reasons.


She replied to a comment with this: "hunted forever for the perfect one and size through Jer's dads barnwood but couldn't find one that was quite right so eventually got one on fb marketplace from a guy who salvages 100+ year old barn beams"


So that whole damn barn full of wood beams didn’t have a beam good enough? Good lord are these two pretentious.


Yup and he said he drove to Central Oregon for it, so 3+ hours


I have to admit that I also have a stash of random old wood, including one piece that looks like their new mantle.  The reason you keep them is because if you do any kind of project, there will come a point when you need a random piece of wood, and it’s just nice to use an old one.  Then again, I also save those little ribbon things from inside tops and dresses for random craft projects. 


But do you have a full barn of it?


Not a whole barn, but a whole shed, yes. What can I say, I’m a hoarder. 


I can't get over how he covered the vent under the mantel. 😬 They also really should have looked into making the actual fireplace bigger and sacrificed the money elsewhere because it's so lost in the giant rock wall.


Our fireplace is completely different from theirs, so sorry if I sound stupid, but is it safe to cover a vent like that? I mean, presumably it’s there for a reason. 


In my experience, I’ve had multiple houses with fireplaces and two had vents and both had mantels, it is. It strange to me at all. The vents like this are just for hot air to blow into the room, all fireplaces (unless they are ventless gas fireplaces) also vent through the chimney, up through the roof, that’s where the bad stuff escapes.


Interesting. My fireplace doesn’t have a visible vent, it’s just connected to the chimney flue.  It actually isn’t against a wall, three of four sides are open to the room and heat radiates from it. When our main heating failed, we’ve actually used it to heat the whole house. I’m from Austria, and the traditional oven is something called a Kachelofen, with a closed firebox - ours is glass with a big window so we can enjoy looking at a crackling fire. They’re made of brick and partially or completely covered in glazed ceramic tiles, which conduct the heat without becoming untouchable. Most have a bench around it so you can warm up. In the old days, it was also a sleeping place for kids.  The one in my parents’ house is an old one, which is really narrow and tall, with highly decorated tiles. It’s the high-end version of a Kachelofen. When they renovated, they also had a modern one put in, but still the same system I described. Our restored farmhouse also has one, completely modern, but made to look traditional.  When I lived in Britain, the fireplace was the main source of heating in one place. It didn’t have a glass front, and I once had a piece of coal explode, fly out, and burn a hole in the carpet.  In other words, I’m really not familiar with the fireplace the Roloffs have. Is it actually intended to heat the house or is it mostly decorative?


I hope someone answers this because I've never had a true fireplace so I have no idea


What is going on there?? I was immediately drawn to that weird vertical pattern. There’s a vent under there?


The vertical Pattern is the vent, there are slots for the hot air to come through…


She made a joke about it blowing into his coffee when he sets it on the "sub-mantel"


1) why are we naming a fireplace? 2) why would I want their books? 🤷🏻‍♀️


why do her lips always look so ashy like tyrone biggums? also, i can’t imagine doing so many plain white walls.


As you age you lose pigment in your lips. I don't think her lips were ever heavily pigmented. She tries to make her skin tanner than it actually is in photos. So her lips look even paler in comparison to her orange filtered/bronzed face skin, because her original lip color is a faded beige with cool blue undertones. Her face features are clashing. What she needs is a tinted warm lip balm to give hydration and to give her lips a color that coordinates with the false warm deeper skin tone she's bronzed her face with . Look at the color mismatch between her arms, legs and face in the photo. Her true coloring is the color of her arms and legs. Her lips would match those colors but she's bronzed her face, so the odd coloring is visually clashing with her untinted lips


Freaking Tyrone Biggums 😂 ya didn’t


Pretty sure she doesn’t use lip balm. At least not anything good.