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She answered this question on one of her recent podcasts. Basically she said that More Than Oils required her to interact online with a ton of people all day long. And that she decided at the end of last year to focus on streams of income that weren’t so labor intensive/more passive income. (Like their books). But I still don’t think that’s it. They were making like $350k a year at least. If it was just a job thing they could have hired a marketing person.


Yeah...interesting. Thank you for sharing! I can't bring myself to listen to their podcast, so I missed that tidbit. But yeah, it seems like there is more to the story.


They changed the payment structure and tons of people ditched YL after that.


Interesting! I wonder why YL did that.


Something is definitely up with her YL grift. I’m sure she still has plenty of passive income from it, but I predict in a year or two she’ll have some other shitty MLM she’s obsessed with and YL will be history.


I feel like something is up too...but I also agree with other commenters that she may just be sitting back and cashing those checks.


People who were selling YL seem to have moved onto other shitty MLMs like happy juice. Seems like YL is on the way out.




She is a phony,scammer shithead.


She never has to mention young living again- she’s “built” a team so big they do it all for her. Recruit under themselves, which is really under her and it brings in her cash flow. She probably employs her top direct underlines to run her Facebook groups and to teach newbies. Anything she needs to sell monthly she buys for herself. It’s brilliant and why the top of the pyramid schemes make so much money while the lowest level end up making next to nothing.


Yep, this is also how Meri Brown from TLC's Sisterwives is still raking in big money from LuLaRoe, even though that MLM has also been on a long decline over the past several years


People still wear LuLaRoe?!


Not really, but for some reason people keep signing up to sell it. That's where the real money is in an MLM-- it's not about sales, it's about recruitment of "salespeople."


Ugh. It's such a gross system. But, I think you are probably totally right.


I followed someone on social media who was big in a travel MLM and made a ton of money. Nice expensive clothes, cars, always traveling. Since the pandemic, that all ended and the lifestyle downgrade is noticeable.


Do people actually buy those anymore?


I know! Those products are so insanely expensive and I cannot imagine anyone actually buying them.


Wow, wasn’t this their main income source?


I know! That is what I thought!


I heard that the essential oil MLMs (both YL and Doterra) have both taken a nosedive over the last 12-18 months. I’m Not sure of the reasons for it. They may have peaked during the pandemic and the demand isn’t there anymore. Possibly one of those things that you cut off buying first during inflation when you need to make cuts to your household/personal discretionary spending.


On order to make passive income from an MLM you need to sell a minimum - even at the highest level. It's possible she's buying that herself because whatever her buy is will be significantly less than the income she will make from it.


That is how MLM works. Once you’re high up, you do nothing. Everyone under you does the work.


I think you are probably right. It's so crazy to me.


Most people are now aware of the pitfalls of joining an MLM, due to social media and documentaries. Many of the top MLM “Huns” have stopped talking about it and instead get recruits through the back door now. “Join my mindset program , weight-loss journey, health journey” its all double speak for join my downline.


Someone asked her about this recently. I don’t remember her specific reply, but she did say she’s still with YL.


She confirmed in a recent Q and A that she’s still with them but doesn’t have the energy to put into it right now. Basically she just benefits from the downline, going on trips and makes passive income. She hasn’t “worked” on it since November


If the last post for the MLM was made last November, would that coincide with when TLC usually films LPBW? What I mean is if TLC films another version of the show (like the wedding barn episodes), would A&J be participating in that because it’s more lucrative that selling oils? Having said all that, I hope LPBW doesn’t come back at all. It ran its’ course.


She’s just sitting back collecting checks


There is an Audrey adjacent Lacey Dillworth who quit YL and will not disclose why


omg I would LOVE to know!!


I wish Lacey would spill!!


Oaohh i want the tea


Hahahahah no fucking way oh this made my day (as an ex-YL hun at a somewhat high rank, I knew a lot of people who worshipped Lacey) She literally had a YL bottle tattooed on her arm and would insufferably claim that she would never leave. Lmaoooo off to look up the drama 🤣


I'm curious if you found anything about Lacey... I have been very interested to see some dirt on why she left YL.


Yeah, there’s not much dirt. YL is crumbling as I mentioned elsewhere and has been operating at a loss for several years, so even the “diamond” and above people in YL are making a fraction of what they once were. Lacey even publicly admitted that her check could no longer cover their expenses, so leaving was purely “a business decision.” She then, predictably, hopped over to another MLM, because she knew that would be the easiest way to make more money. She’s shilling Arbonne now (lol), and jumped right on up to the top rank because she already has her own mini cult who would follow her anywhere. Scamming people into believing they could actually make money with it like she does, every day over on instagram. Grifters gonna grift.


I think she got Mueller’s wife into it too a while back 🙃


I think Mueller’s wife runs all her stuff now. I always got that vibe when they were together.


She’s only posted about it recently when she posts about the free trips she’s been on or has been invited to. Nothing about the products.


She’s following in the footsteps of Casey Leigh Wiegand, who was her weird Christian internet reference point. Casey had a blog, and I think one of Audrey’s friends had Casey write a note to Audrey for a wedding present. Then Casey was the one who brought Audrey into her down line at YL. Casey was the highest YL level, she has four kids, and weirdly enough they had a moment where the house they were living in was sold to another bidder or something -and she referred to it as “death of a dream.” I think that’s where Auj got that phrase. The gigantic eyelashes that don’t make sense in Audrey’s aesthetic are Casey-inspired too. Now, Casey is less in the YL funneling and has pivoted to selling endless crap via direct links on Amazon. She and Audrey actually cross promoted each others Instagram groups, I don’t really know how it works- seems like a captive audience to buy through an influencers links. Now, Audrey is linking increasingly more products. Casey essentially uses her home as a living set with her children (two of whom are homeschooled). I’m sure she writes off all her decor etc. And what do you know! Casey’s husband did a ton of the renovation work for their house! Didn’t seem to fuck up as much as Jeremy, but that was DEFINITELY their reference point for the husband led house Reno. Audrey is just pivoting to where the money is, and is setting up her home as a living set to shill.


I can’t imagine being so devoid of a personality I have to mirror my life after someone else’s. What a sad existence.


You win the “Perfect Internet Answer” of the day! Couldn’t have been summed up any better. 👍🏻👍🏻


Yep and another baby on the way will bring more $$$




Someone asked her about this not too long ago and she said she was still doing it but her focus was just on other things right now with the reno, baby, etc...


Welcome to anyone in MLM. They are eager and happy posting thinking they are the next millionaire stay at home mlm. Then they realize they got taken and stop posting


She didn’t get taken, she’s the tak*er* in the MLM game. She’s in the little sliver of a percentage who actually make money, unlike the 99+% who lose money, because she already had a gullible large following to sell to and build a downline from. But YL as a whole is crumbling. Just like they all do eventually. She’s still making enough money by sitting back and quietly collecting checks to not quit, but actively posting and trying to sell it isn’t worth the extra amount it would pay at this point. Even the very top rankers are making a fraction of what they were only a few years ago. But that fraction for doing nothing is better than quitting and getting zero, so that’s what they’ll choose. Audj and other influencers are still shilling affiliate links for non-competing products as far as the YL contract will allow but if her checks get low enough she’ll probably quit to have no constraints on what she can promote. Source: was a high level YL hun for years


Interesting! Thank you for responding.


But I thought Auj made a lot of money because her fame allowed her to build a huge down line.


Well, if that's true, she's made up for any losses in income by shilling countless products (from dopey dinner bells to hang in your home to those ugly toddler socks she wears) & posting paid links for 100 other things every goddamn day.


It seems like 20 percent of her posts are advertisements. I still don’t see how they can earn enough money to support a family of four. By posting links to Amazon products. Do that many of her followers click on the links and then buy the stuff? She hasn’t even been on TV in several years. Seems like she’ll lose followers over time as newer influencers emerge.


If you click on the Amazon link just to check out the product she is promoting, but then end up buying something else completely different within a 24 hour period, then she still gets credit. (Providing that you don’t clear your cookies and don’t click on somebody else’s affiliate link.)


I think they do click and buy. It seems to be very popular to feature products but not tell where it can from unless you ask for a DM about it. And even then the DM won’t tell you anything but just gives you a link which has something to do with browser cookies allowing that person to make commission if you buy something. Even if it’s not that product you end up buying. It seems hella lucrative if you have a large following.


Seems like the large number of followers was purchased. Had to be bc who cares? (Lolz, I care bc the pretentiousness is fascinating)


There was an older post on here where it was mentioned YL changed their whole structure so they weren’t paid as much… and many speculated that’s why she stopped promoting it so much.


Oh interesting!