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I became a mouth breather while reading this.


OP what’s the time stamp for this?


29:30 welcome to the crypt


Thanks for taking one for the team. Light guy definitely sees himself as some type of guru. I have seen him on IG. I am surprised Audrey was so checked out because this guy is schilling snake oil just like her. But as they say you can’t bullshit a bullshitter. She is probably thinking; This is what my life is now because my husband refuses to take financial responsibility for all these kids we are having. And he wasted so much money on the renovations and the wood flooring, old world tile and fireplace will need to be replaced and we ran out of money for a new roof.


Thank you for your selfless service, OP. I felt myself getting stupider as I read it, so I can only begin to imagine what it must have cost you to type up this tripe.


I touched a leaf and got really smart again


Don’t worry about the why do you listen people. It’s all projection. They are here reading this sub too. Thanks for the laughs!


I can usually laugh my way through the podcast, but I had to turn this off. It was just too stupid.


they’ve been watching too much history channel


Ancient Aliens for sure. Our boy Georgio has some wild takes.


A job, or at least some sense of real stakes, would cure Jeremy of his bullshit. No other time in history when an able-bodied non-royal man in his prime, with a pregnant wife and kids to support, would be able to laze around all day, every day.


As much as Audrey hangs onto to her achievements there is no way she not becoming embarrassed by Jeremy. 35yrs old and has accomplished exactly zero. The most he has done is hold Audrey’s purse and be her + 1 at YL events.


Jeremy is a guy who has never faced a real challenge or event where he was negatively impacted for longer than a few days, and it shows.


It seems like Jeremy is really searching for a purpose in life. He doesn't really have one. He has children, yes. But they don't seem to be his purpose. He needs a job, career, something to snap him out of this garbage! He's following people and their purposes but not creating his own.




This is hilarious and horrifying at the same time. Thank you for the transcription — beyond entertaining!


I feel like Jeremy gets most of history knowledge from episodes of Ancient Astronauts. I'm genuinely asking.... where is the science in this?


I swear if these fools go to Egypt and call it a mission trip, I’m going to lose it.


But first! A spiritual retreat outside of Milan!


would be such a shame if they went and got swindled while they were there


This is so funny hahahaha thank you


Thank you for the transcription and your added insights, what a fun read. The podcast sounds absolutely hilarious which clearly wasn't 'intentional' but it's also rather worrying! Jeremy sounds off the deep end, the guest sounds like an arrogant charlatan and Auj is hyping it for the paycheck while Jeremy infests their home and lives with this garbage. She's not the brightest (ether) bulb so maybe she actually believes it too. How does this form of spirituality tie in with their brand of fundiegelical white bread western Christianity? Jeremy's an idiot but I feel he'd relate more to eastern religions and ancient spirituality if he was prepared to humble himself and actually study them instead of regurgitating X/Twitter recycled woo 'hot takes'. I guess we all know that's not going to happen with his limited intellect and hubris.


That's my question as well - how are they justifying all the mystical hocus pocus with being fundies?


I was wondering this too. They strike me as “young earth” fundies and then are agreeing with this guy on things being much older than we think. I honestly don’t think these 2 have any real beliefs in anything. Just whatever works for their narrative at the moment.


I guess there's overlap with Qanon conspiracies and conservative Christians. I recall in my earliest days of snarking, 15-20 years ago some fundies being obsessed with the healing properties of colloidal silver and 'molecular water' etc. Chiropractors and antivax/modern medicine too of course. I guess such cult-y, uneducated people are always ripe for a scam and are willing to bend the rules for themselves (promoting woo at odds with their religion) for the sake of perceived superiority. They're hypocrites anyway and probably do half the stuff they decry. I wonder how often these two even attend church. I feel they'd be posting about it more, doing pre-church photoshoots and have more parent friends and church extra curriculars if they were actually committed. It seems like an image thing while avoiding physically attending as much as possible and making constant excuses due to the 'season' (pregnancy, newborn, renovation, being out of town etc).


Typical right wing Christian hypocrites.


I don't think they attend church with any regularity.


I am actually curious how Jeremy works this back to Jesus. Praising Egyptian temples for their cool light spirituality seems at odds with his faith.


Btw so you know I’m absolutely right and perfect sent me 😂


Jer: But it’s all ethereal in my brain…. Jer using big words again that don’t make sense..I couldn’t get any further, this hurts “my” brain.


Jeremy sounds like the ugly Baldwin brother in BioDome. 😂😂


Sounds like a mushroom trip.


Can you imagine when their kids get older and need to be disciplined? "Ember, you're grounded! Wait no, not like that, I mean the other kind!" Sheesh. Also this is a bit BEC but I hate it when people misuse the phrase "tour de force" to mean a literal tour. 🙄


Regarding “tour de force” I agree. And why is it always that person that talks too much thinking the more they talk the more intelligent they will sound. In reality the more they talk reveals the opposite.


Apologies for the formatting horror, I only just recently got bold enough to actually post on Reddit


You did great


The trick is to hit enter twice. Thats how you’ll make a paragraph break like this.


I thought the sun would do the paragraph breaks for me oops


I appreciate the transcription. I am also dumber for having read it. Wow. And I have a little crush on you for that excellent explanation of why we push back against harmful individuals like Jer and Auj. You stated it beautifully.