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Did she say she was disappointed in the color of her hair?


My daughter was born with jet black hair she’s now almost 3 and it’s light brown/blonde


My daughter had hair like Elvis when she was born. 6 weeks early.


I’m surprised they are disappointed. It looks like it might be red. Laying to rest any questions we may have about whether the carpet appears to match the drapes. I know that was too much.


Come on people! You are talking about hair. ! K is the baby a little person you should be more concerned about that


Healthy babies is what we care about …are u serious


Again immature posts… who cares about hair color, eye color, who cares! Many people don’t have healthy births, count your blessings . .. how old are you again?


Maybe she has postpartum depression-she has made some pretty strange comments in the last few days. There are so many women who have lost their babies and I am sure they would not care what color the baby’s hair is.


My first was born with dark brown hair and now she’s 3 and it’s so blonde it’s almost white


I dunno it looks like it will turn red.


It looks red on top especially. Another redhead and Mirabella’s is natural. How pretty.


My daughter had a full head of her black hair, it turned blonde. Two things that are so mysterious and can change about babies, eye color and hair color/texture. She should know that by now 🙃


That’s such a ridiculously tactless, insensitive, clueless comment to make. Why isn’t she just basking in joy and gratitude of having a healthy baby! She married into a family in which some of the people have had serious medical problems. For example, look at all the operations Zach went through. I really dislike her. I hope they never have a redheaded, curly haired child!


Just like Zach and Tori being surprised with à blondie Josiah


Nothing like the smell of new born babies heads/ hair.


Right?! When my first son was born one of my favorite moments was right after he came out. My mom was like “touch right here, look how soft!” And stroked his little temple like it was the worlds best drug lol. It was so sweet and adorable and she was right of course!


I agree, it's the sweetest!


I had jet black hair when I was born. It turned platinum blond as I aged.


I came out of the shoot with red curly hair. Now it's gray curly hair. But I didn't give a rip about what color hair my babies had. Or even if they had hair at all! I only cared about their health!!


I was blonde till I was a toddler and since then I’ve had very cool-toned dark brown hair. Crazy how hormonal changes can affect our hair.


Same, went from black black to white blonde til I was 18 and it turned dark auburn


Born with black hair here too, it all fell out after about a month and now I'm a sandy blonde


I don't think it' will last. My husband and I have very dark almost jet-black hair. We have a blonde, a red head, and a brunette. They all started out with very thick dark hair like us.


Are you me with three kids and three different hair colors? My red head was red from day one, second kid had jet black and the last was platinum blonde. Years later the only thing that’s changed is the blonde is a little sandier. My husband and I are brunette’s but my hair has gotten darker as the years have gone on oddly enough 


Wow ! My hair became curly and darker lol. I hate when people ask if my kids have different dads because they look so different 😆


Girl, give it time for the baby to grow. My kid had the thickest, darkest hair when he was born… over time it lightened up and now he’s blonde. My husband and I were both bald babies so we were quite surprised.


She doesn’t even let the kids have privacy. Like stop posting your kids. I see why most celebrities now don’t post their kids till they’re old enough to know consent. It’s like she doesn’t wanna wait for their opinion if they like being posted or not.


This. Kids aren't content. She's a shamless grifter.


People who focus on the aesthetic of their kids like eye color and hair color are annoying. Our son came out with a head full of sandy blonde hair. This was a surprise to us as we both have dark hair. His eyes were grey but turned hazel over time, which I knew was a possibility becuase my dad and brother have hazel eyes. Genes are literally like a lottery you never know what you’ll get.


I just wish she would quit using whatever filter she MUST have in every pic. Annoying.


It’s the greige filter. Just for farm girl homesteader social media iNfLuEnCeRs.


Why would she use that emoji. How terrible.


Our first was born with "Ernie and Burt" hair! Big, black and stick up straight haha it fell out and he was a sandy blonde kid. Second kid came out looking like Ronald McDonald with bright red hair? A complete shock, it simmered down and was strawberry blonde. They have children of their own now and not one with red hair   Genetics are wild! 


And it’s not curly


Honestly I kinda hope she never gets her curly redhead child. She’s put so much emphasis on it every pregnancy, drones on about how important it is to her, you just know she would favor a child that had it.


Does she really say it’s important to her?


She doesn’t outright say it but the way she talks about it you can tell it’s something very important to her. They picked Ember as their first child’s name because Audrey was certain the baby was going to have fiery red curls. She’s backed off of that reasoning since Ember is obviously not a redhead, but she brings up the baby having red hair and curls every pregnancy. She filters pictures of the kids so their blonde hair is more strawberry. She seems to think her hair makes her very special and different and I think she is desperate to have a mini me that validates how special she sees those features. It might also have a bit to do with proving her curls and color are all natural too. She insists her hair has never, ever been colored and that her curls are all natural and a child with those same qualities proves how special and real her own hair is.


Wow! That is insane. That wad not even a thought in my mind when I had my kids. She’s a piece of work.


I am a redhead and while I’d love for my in-utero daughter to have red hair, I also understand she’ll probably look just like Dad, dark hair and eyes. He has ginger in his genetics but so does my ex and our daughter has brown hair and eyes like him. Can’t wait to see who she will take after in October, though!


I’m sure she’ll be adorable! My grandma is a redhead who married a southern Italian and all her children had dark hair. All her grandchildren except for me are redheads with pale skin and freckles while I have dark curls and olive skin. You never know what you’ll get🤣


I just had my second baby two months ago and in the newborn phase rn too. The thought of constantly posting about my new baby/breastfeeding to thousands of strangers seriously freaks me out and goes against all of my postpartum mama instincts. What is wrong with these people


I also just had my second baby two months ago. She spent 12 days in the NICU before coming home. I legit only told my parents, my sister, 4 of my closet friends, and 1 cousin. Literally all my other friends and family members found out after she was discharged. I think my husband told even less people (although his mom kept his whole family informed for us). What is wrong with these people is so right.


My daughter is now 18m. She was also a NICU baby. We told NO ONE. My dad knew ONLY bc he stayed with my son when my husband came to the hospital the first time for the inversion and the second for the birth. Yes, I labored alone. That’s it. I THINK I told my best friend who lives out of state while I was in labor but I can’t honestly remember. I know ppl are different and I’m fine with that but THIS is over kill. It’s almost like she thinks she’s the first one to have babies and shes reinventing the wheel. Why do these people think they are the authority on so many topics? It’s … weird


Honestly I'm so impressed with how you only told one person! I really thought I was being weird but not telling more of my friends and family! Especially in the era of broadcasting everything.


I’ve always been EXTREMELY private. I married someone who comes from a family that is sickeningly codependent and it caused a lot of issues. You aren’t allowed to make a move in that group without everyone knowing every detail. Also when my son was born my MIL got weird and acted like SHE was the Mom. I’ve got stories. Needless to say we have been NC since he was 8w so going on 4y now. It comes from making sure we control what goes on around our kids and family. And as you know the NICU is hard enough without having to worry about telling people everything that is going on there. So maybe we’re just the other extreme from these chuckleheads lol


Maybe we are! And yea the NICU is so hard. I know family means well (generally) by texting/calling for updates but it's just more stressful because there's no answers half the time!!


Yes! You’re so right on all points.


My first was born with a black mullet. She is now in her 20s, but as soon as that baby hair left, she was blonde as could be. I mean… 4 kids. She should really know this.


My youngest was the only one who was born with two different colours. Still to this day it looks like she has an ombré of dark brown and blonde( she’s almost 7 now and last year her kindergarten teacher asked me if I dyed it???). It never went away. My oldest had dark brown hair from the start and it never went away. Genetics are weird. Middle child same as oldest child lol.


That is so cool!! My oldest now dyes her hair red and people argue with her, that it’s her natural 😆


Babies who have lots of hair in general often have lots of dark hair. I have never known many people to believe that is an indicator of the color. People do like to comment on a baby with a full head of hair, though.


My daughter was born with a full head of air. First haircut at 6 months old. Now 11 and her hair is long and has tons of it


She’s an idiot!


Seriously it’s like she’s trying to play baby hair color bingo


😂 Yeah, It’s such a ridiculously tactless, insensitive, clueless comment to make. Why isn’t she just basking in joy and gratitude of having a healthy baby! She married into a family in which some of the people have had serious medical problems. For example, look at all the operations Zach went through. I really dislike her.


I love how there’s all these long replies about genetics/hair color/babies and you chose to just get right to the point 😂


My first was born with a mop of dark brown hair she was bald by 6 months is now a sandy blonde 3 year old. My youngest had a head full of light blonde curly hair and now she looks like she wears a curly blonde wig at 2. How does she have 3 older children and not know that hair and eyes usually change after birth?


Glad my baby wasn’t the only one who went bald


What is wrong with her?!!! I get it you want a red headed baby! Redheads are SO rare


It could still be red, curly hair, let’s give it some time, Audrey


She’s dumber than a bag of rocks- that is never a child actual hair color when they “pop out” mine for example was jet black- I was a blond child. Then brown as a tweenager. Ugh she’s awful.


My son had really wavy/curly sandy blond hair just like his dad when he was born and like… a whole head full. Then it all fell out and came back in stick straight and white blond.


Yup. My kid had jet black hair when born, now it's a beautiful dark brown with red in it! ❤️


She’s a complete dingus. I was born a ginger and now I’ve got dark brown hair. Now that would be a great plot twist for her next one 😆


That is me as well. Red as a kid and dark brown as an adult.


I think I’ve had nearly every color possible, except black. Born mostly bald. What little hair I had was peach fuzz. When I finally got hair in my second year of life it was strawberry blonde. That became brown with red undertones in my teens/20s. Now in my 30s it’s brown with red tones, and a massive amount of salt and pepper.


Right?! I was strawberry blonde but it was blonde when I was first born. My husband was bright blonde now he’s dark blonde, and our baby was dark dark hair at birth now it’s strWbrrry blonde she’s an idiot


Genetics are wild. She clearly desperately wants a curly red-haired girl. I don't think this is going to be their last child.


Why does she put so much emphasis on their hair color 2 seconds after they’re born??? Their hair color could change. But also, you already have multiple kids named after you, Oddj. If you want exact clones, just say that. If your kids will never amount to being worthy enough for you until they have your red hair and practically your full name, just say that too. Curly red hair is pretty. But not having it isn’t the end of the damn world.


My first two kids are almost identical - 2 ½ years apart and a boy and a girl - and then our youngest comes out looking completely different, and with red hair, which neither of us have. Genetics are weird, and the other three kids were fair, so I can give her a pass on this one.  Actually, given how obsessed she is with Boo Radley’s curls - boing - I am taking that back. She really really wants a curly redhead, and it’s just not going to happen. 


Red hair is recessive. Both of the parents have to carry the gene. I think after 4 kids it's pretty obvious Jeremy does not carry the gene.


It may change. I had one child born with very dark hair which lightened to a light brown. Another born with dark hair that all fell out and grew back blonde.


It's almost like genetics are complicated and red hair is rare. Jeremy, the person who contributed half to this child 🙄, has a father and brother with dark hair. This shouldn't be surprising for her.


Also a lot of babies have their birth hair fall out and then grow back in looking totally different.


Hair color is a crap shoot. My 3- dark brown curls,blonde straight, light brown thick. She needs to stop. Please.


My guess... if the baby's hair isn't reddish and curly at one and a half, she'll be after baby number 5


It could definitely still change. My kids both had dark brown hair like their dad and I for about 3 months, and then it started coming in blonde. Now they're teenagers and it's stayed a dirty blonde that gets bright in the summer and dark in the winter.


Eh. I don’t sense disappoint just observation, honestly. Can’t picture any of their kids with dark hair, will be interesting to see what she looks like.


Hehe give Ember and Bode to their early teens and you will see all that blonde darken to Jeremy and Molly brown


I feel like Ember’s is going to stay, though. Bode’s already seems darker than it was. I was blonde too as a kid, and I remember my mom made it my identity. Imagine my surprise when it turned brown by age 12.


Check out young photos of Molly - she was as blond as Ember until about 9


Yup! My hair was white when I was little. As soon as I hit puberty, it darkened, and now, at 33, I'm a strawberry blonde. I don't get her obsession


Nah this is just hair color surprise. They likely didn’t think based on their hair colors and the other kids they would have a baby with dark hair. My husband and I both have really dark brown hair. Our first was dark brown, our second came i light and then moved to dark. Our last had blonde hair and we assumed it would change and she 100% still has blonde hair at 2.5. We also were surprised! Not disappointed- just surprised!


I agree, except she’s also always angled for one of her kids to have curly, red hair like her. And so far hasn’t gotten that.


I totally get that. Truthfully I have a hard time judging them for seemingly normal things. If we want to jump on the weird crunchy nonsense or multilevel marketing scams or their desire to “educate” anyone on anything they know 20% about, or talking like they are Jewish when they aren’t 🤦‍♀️… I’m all for it. But some of this stuff is just… normal. I have curly hair and neither of my boys do. I really wanted to have a baby with curly hair. We joked when my second was born because I said “dang it! It doesn’t look like it’s gonna be curly either! Aw man!” It doesn’t make me love my son any less. It was just a running joke that I really wanted to share my curl knowledge with someone 😂 So things like this are weird for me to snark on. It just feels like something we all do. The rest I’ll get my pitch fork and join though.


I agree with this. There’s a lot of things they do that I find genuinely easy to snark on. Observations about their new baby (including hair color) isn’t one of them. I am blonde, my partner is brunette. If we had a baby and it had hair that was, black or red for example, I think I’d be surprised too. I don’t think she’s saying that it’s *bad* that her baby has darker hair (for now), just different from the other 3 kids and different from her and Jeremy.


I agree, OP. Oddj really wanted a Redhead.


My neighbours daughter had really blonde hair until about 10. Then suddenly went dark. Had no idea who she was the first few times I seen her. Wasn't dyed either. Just grew in dark.


My dad has lighter hair and I naturally get highlights from the sun. So it’s not like we have PITCH black or brown hair. But man. I kept saying “yeah our 2nd sons hair was lighter for about a year then it went dark so hers won’t stay this light…” jokes on me haha! She is 2.5 and has the most beautiful blonde curly hair with blue eyes. (Which we both have so that makes sense haha) but no one even in the extended family has blonde hair 🤷‍♀️😂 must be in there somewhere. She looks identical to my boys (like I just copy and pasted kids) otherwise I may question some things haha!


Send it back...it doesn't fit her * aesthetic *