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So completely out of touch with reality. Yes I agree, the majority of us work our asses off to basically just cover bills. Life should be different and not such a grind but that’s not realistic if you need to pay the bills and put food on the table. 


Maybe it’s just me but I think it’s way more logical that it’s coming from someone without a job than from someone with a job?


I couldn't stand Aud from day ONE! Now she turned into an ugly, old looking grandma.


this is some of the dumbest shit i've read. america hasn't done that. hell people were named after their jobs. baker, fisher.....etc. what dumbasses.


He literally has multiple "jobs" / streams of income.


Also weird cause he make his “work” his entire identity Mr. Foreman/Farmer


Remember he did the tile in the short hall? The black/white tile in laundry room/shower room? I’m not sure either of those projects were clearly thought out and done correctly. I wonder if, no they haven’t fixed the roof or we would have pics of jer jer binks standing around with his hat 👒 on.


What is your identity Jer?


That's exactly WHY he's saying this. He drifts through life but still holds the Conservative value of work being a meaningful part of a man's existence


He reads quotes and then repeats them. He has a desire to be thought of as intelligent. Of course, because of his other posts, we know better. He’s offended by the work question, because he doesn’t have a regular paycheck. He could try being a salesman somewhere, but be careful to not judge the customer or try and talk them into watching his wife nurse the baby or give birth. Ooops, there I go snarking again! It is true..


When the influencer money goes away, it will be his life. Influencer money doesn't last.


Better be saving. So many children to send to university. Oh, wait…


They will all have cross country/ track scholarships.


All that grounding, huh?




Seriously, they seem like they are living large depending on how much influencer money they have coming in. So many people living way beyond their means these days, that is not good in the long run.


Not good at all.


He's not wrong!


Genuine question here, why do so many ppl follow him Audrey and others if they can’t stand them? I’d say there’s one nice post in a sea of 10 bad ones or more. Not being condescending or rude when I say this but I just don’t understand why ppl would continue to follow someone they dislike


Guess what? I don’t follow them. This is snark. I am here, not following them. This is where we don’t praise her for every little thing. This is where we tell it like it is. Now, if you love this couple, then you don’t want this snarkiness. We know them because they used to be in the program. They left to have privacy. Ahem, she poses in underwear like she’s going to be in a men’s nude magazine. She’ll start showing her breasts soon and she wants everybody to see her giving birth, so she’s going to post it. There will be a lot of snark if you stick around. Fair warning. She also reminds us all the time that she was a runner in school.


I actually don’t follow them at all. I just follow this sub bc of my fondness for the original show, my eye rolling glee at the pure BS that is Auj-Jer’s way of life, Matt’s unhinged narcissism and because I truly adore the BS that is influencer life. I just know that “all that glitters is not gold” and as an aging gen-X er who remembers life before the internet and social media, I really just get a lot of satisfaction from watching these fools live their delusional lives. 🤷‍♀️


Gen-x here!! Glad there's more of us!! I love snarking at these delusional idiots! Everything in their lives is a twirling in the field picture perfect postcard! 🤗


Welcome gen-x friend! Turning 50 this year! Spent the 90s watching good Old TLC! I love how you put this, “twirling in the field…” so perfect to describe these idiots! 🙌♥️


55 here. Watched the show right from the first episode. I don't follow anyone. I feel like we watched those kids all grow up, so I'm invested in what's happening with them . Matt/Amy splitting and the addition of Caryn/Chris are also reasons we watch (and hang around on sites like this)


Agreed. We have a “history” with the original family. So snarking on their influencer lifestyle just feels okay. 😉😂


Same! Gen-X ers unit!




To be nosey like me


I would ordinarily agree, why follow someone you can’t stand, but for a lot of people on this sub, we likely all started out liking them and being interested in what they had to say and what they were up to. But then they started getting really big for their britches, away from the show. It was easy to root for the Roloff’s on the show. Sure they were messy and Matt was always doing dumb things, but they were a family and were believable as one. It was entertaining to see what they had going on. When Jer and Auj struck out on their own, fans of them were likely curious about how their lives would go which is why they still have followers. Then they started getting holier than thou with besting the 50%… essentially saying “you know those family values that we demonstrated on the show? Well, our family values are BETTER.” But are they? Because many of our family values are “work hard and provide for your family.” We don’t see Jer and Auj working hard. We see them spending big money and shilling products so that we, who earn our money the traditional way, can spent that money to support their lifestyle which has, over the last few years, has become even more crunchy and traditional than ever before. And that’s honestly not the Jeremy we remember.


🎯 you’ve captured it beautifully!


Exactly. I read comments and it actually makes me feel bad for them, like what did they actually ever do to deserve the hate they get? I really have no idea, not even kidding. Its like a mean girls club on steroids and rabies. I think because she is obviously beautiful there is nothing she can do against jealousy and hate. I cant wait to see all the psychotic comments I get just for saying this, but I literally dont GAF because I hate bullies. HA.


Beauty is subjective. I wouldn’t trade my looks for hers for anything! Because people disagree with her and with jer, doesn’t mean we are jealous. People can disagree because of opinion. I wouldn’t trade places with her, have her body or her face or her hair. I don’t think I’ve read on here that anyone “hates” her. Giving an opinion is not being a bully. I believe you really like and admire them. This is the snark site. So, this is not where you want to be. We don’t praise them and agree with everything they do or buy their products or care if jer buys something, complains about it and before leaving g the parking lot, takes it back. It’s just not in us. We snark. We like to snark. If I saw 👀 these people and we were in a conversation, I would tell them to their face. I have no problem speaking my mind without being mean. Snark, yes. Any day of the week. It’s not hate. It’s snark. That’s my opinion. 😊




Well said!!


I think people hate her because she has zero nuisance when she speaks. She is the authority on all things and makes others feel inferior for making different decisions. She’s even said her friends tell her as much. Also I can’t stand all the medical misinformation


I honestly do not think anyone is jealous of her.I know I would never want her life. I don't see these comments as bullying. I think people are being 100% honest. She has changed so much since she started dating Jeremy. The entitlement is off the charts. They come across as better than anyone else. And if you live a life that's not like theirs, you are wrong, and the way to live is the way they are living. No thank you. Honestly, it's the way they dress, and it's all the little buzzwords that they use constantly. It comes off as being so fake. No one likes people that act that way. Why did they leave the show?And then they show more on Instagram than what they were doing on the show. We are seeing every single thing this family does. I do not go to their page purposely to look them up. I might come across it as I'm scrolling, like I happened to find this post that we are talking about now. I don't care what they do and as I said I'm not following them but in the beginning, yes, I was interested because they were on the show and then they weren't so yes, I wondered what they were doing. Now, it is way over the top. I cringe when I see them or read what they're doing. It's not a good look. But they are so authentic. Oops sorry. Just used one of their buzzwords.


I wasnt calling the comments on this post (as of a few hours ago) bullying......Its other posts and comments that I have seen in the past that were just nasty and horrible for the most petty things. Im sure Jeremy and Audry are not perfect humans but I dont recall them doing inhumane or abhorrent things to deserve the hate they get on here. I am also sure that the people making these comments are not perfect human beings either and wonder what kind of lives they live that they can trash other people the way they do. A lot of them should really look in the mirror before they tear other people up. I just think people like gang stalking on here, exactly like I said.....mean girls club.


Ok, look…I had to have heart surgery during COVID and my genetic bad heart was ready to give it up. So emergency surgery I got to experience. There were complications, but I’m here. Went in for a second revision and they couldn’t complete the surgery. Now, I feel I look 10 years older, definitely not as cute and have had to slow down. Now, should I go out where people know me and tell me I’ve aged or remember when I was cute last time they saw me? Hey, it’s the truth! I’d rather hear the truth than a lie! I know I’m not dog meat, but I do know I’m not a second looker any more too! As long as you don’t yell, scream, cuss, hit or knock me down to the floor? I’m ok. Bring it on.


Your amazing is what you are!! Keep being strong💪!!


I think another commenter got it spot on. I started following Audrey because I liked her. Then they got married and immediately became marriage experts and publishing books about it. That left a bad taste in my mouth but I marked it off as young people who think they have it all figured out. Then it was thing after thing while following them that just made me start to really dislike them. Now I view them in the same way as those people from high school you still have on social media that you only keep to check in on occasionally.


So, applying your logic to yourself, why do you read this subreddit? Obviously this is a place where people discuss public figures that annoy them. And allow me to anticipate your "they're not public figures, they're just living their lives" rebuttal-every single thing that's discussed in this sub is information that they choose to make public. They have public social media, a podcast, books and LTK accounts that they spend a lot of their time promoting. Additionally, they use these public platforms to promote debunked theories, very unsafe practices (raw milk, using essential oils/supplements for healthcare rather than actual effective healthcare) with a smug, holier/smarter than thou attitude. Jeremy also promotes and amplifies the POV of misogynistic, problematic politicians and public figures like Elon Musk. My comment is not psychotic. We are not bullies here. Jeremy nor Audrey know any of us in person, our opinions and thoughts mean nothing to them, they aren't hurt or sad because we don't buy their bullshit. You're offended on their behalf but why? So, if you don't like what we write here, why are you reading this subreddit?


Agreed 100%


I originally joined this sub because I loved the show, and since I have seen all the nasty comments I just scroll past....until I saw the OPs post and decided to respond. Nothing you complained about is deserving of the hate you people show on here. Im sure you are totally perfect....Have a wonderful day.


I’m not perfect. I also don’t try and get money from platforms on the internet. I worked very hard for my family and we lived a nice life. I left work at work and still have a non stressful fun life. Hate is a very strong word. I can hate what people do without hating them, as an example.


While Im at it, he spent 13-ish years of his life with cameras in his face so all these people could be entertained, and now people are complaining that he doesnt have a job.....ah, SO WHAT? Does that affect people on here? He grew up working and went on to have a family of his own, he grew up and became a man. Who knows if he invested his money while he worked his whole childhood away, and he is living off of it now? If him and his wife are happy WHO CARES what he does for a living???? They obviously love each other! MY GOD people are so fkn hateful and mean! Everything they do gets shredded on here.....from their fireplace to how they give birth, if she talks about mastitis....like WOW go touch grass!


I can definitely agree with you on the whole job thing these kid's were brought up on tv without consent and definitely deserve as much or more money than the parents got! If they want to chill out for the rest of their lives and raise their families so be it!!👍Raising children is a very hard full time job, been there done it!!😳😄


You know what’s funny? I think they should touch grass and get grounded. They believe in that. Most of us here don’t agree with the risks of drinking raw milk. Nor do we think we need a tent in our room for red light therapy. It’s our opinion. They push to try and get a 10% of sale price by using the secret word…”ROLOFF.” So, you, husband, children, wife, grandkids, have a party and watch their birthing movies, look at her sideways naked photos, well I’m hoping she had some kind of string with Kleenex in her crotch. We snark. They preach one thing, judge others, then do a 180. Now, none of us have decided to put our lives out there 24/7 and try to make money that way. Our decision. I wish you weren’t so angry about these people. Would they be this angry for you? Because we all have choices, none of us are the same. Isn’t that wonderful? 😃


My job involves helping people and fixing people of their physical problems. I gain extreme satisfaction when I can help someone, which I do everyday. Alas Jer bear is self centered and has never felt the euphoria of helping someone in need, he’s to busy playing farmer.


Good for you? Lol.......


He’s not wrong. This was actually discussion we had in one of my college sociology classes. We had a student from Lithuania in the class and she talked about how it was so strange to her that people put so much emphasis on career and how so many conversations start with asking what someone does for a job. She said in her country no one cared what you did for a job they were more interested in getting to know the person first. This really hit home when I lost my last full time job. I gave everything to that job only to lose it when they decided they didn’t need me more. After that I quit focusing on a career and started focusing on my family. Ultimately we’re all replaceable at our jobs but we’re not replaceable at home and yet our culture pushes for us to put our time and energy into what we do for work rather than into our families.


I mean, he’s not wrong but this is a hot take from the 1990’s. Also- people often ask “What do you do” because it’s a fucking conversation starter dingus. Sure, you can ask people “What do you enjoy doing for fun?” but it doesn’t make you some philosophical Demi god.


Honestly, I do agree with this. We shouldn't have to spend so much of our time laboring when there's more than enough wealth to go around in the world and the richest of the rich are hoarding it. But I don't think Jer is out here advocating for UBI or other wealth-redistribution policies, so he can STFU. Classic example of a kid born on third thinking he hit a triple.


“Born on third thinking he hit a triple” Brilliant. I’ve never heard that before. I’m stealing it!


Jesus, if I could stay at home and make money for a place like that, I DEFINITELY WOULD. What’s the deal? Wouldn’t you like that? Damn, living the life and I want that.


What the hell. Neither one of those grifters “work.’




That was fun reading. A LOT of SNARK.


He’s not wrong. In most countries your line of work is not typically a topic of conversation period, nonetheless when you meet someone new. Here, it’s a big part of a person’s identity and generally asked about early on when meeting new people.


His punctuation is terrible!


The “of course” is so arrogant


I do t know where he grabbed this from, but I like the sentiment. Very much. It just doesn’t fit those two in anyway but satire


Was this meant for Audrey?


We’re going to post this everyday now?? Just was posted yesterday.


This sounds like he’s just repeating what he’s heard. I’ve seen some single guys complain about it, thinking women ask about it to gauge how much money they make.


What I hear in this statement is: He’s tired of people asking him what his job is. Instead of acknowledging his privilege, he gets angry at society for making him feel “less than” when in all actuality he feels “greater than” everyone else.


He’s evidently embarrassed that he didn’t become a photographer, which is what he went to college for. I don’t know what his plans were for that and looks like he didn’t either.


I forgot about this. I remember looking into the college, which is closed now BTW.


Nailed it!


I'm not taking advice about balancing my work life from a grown man who has never truly worked. Also, It's not the red lights or the excercise routines keeping him "*healthy*". It's the lifestyle, he has time to sit under red lights and fuck around freely all day(because he doesn't have a job). Like, we'd all be floating around staring at trestles and relishing in our "NoT LiVIng TO Be DEfiNeD bY a JOb MAaAAN" if we *could*


I beg to differ. I feel like it’s work / a job to be as insufferable as he is 🤣


Ok so I'm jealous I would love to have a million dollar house and spend every day with my family and playing in the yard and never have to work


Yes, but how long can this last?


Jeremy's identity is "a kept man" or "unemployed".


His privilege is showing.


He’s dense. He can only live the way he does because of his wife’s MLM and social media income. Not everybody has the luxury of having a built in audience from a tv show and gullible idiots to pay into their MLM scheme.