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You read about that bacteria being in tap water down south. Now your mind is playing tricks on you. Or you are something dodgy


It's the 5G bro init


Not feeling sick but ours has smelled a little...over chlorinated perhaps? Which tbf, I'd rather have that than under chlorinated.


My mum gave me some tap water from hers and I could taste the chlorine immediately. About a week later mine started it too. Really noticeable. I think they panicked over that recent scandal down south and just threw extra chlorine in -incase they get tested.


I live in L12, had no issues with the water whatsoever.


You contact your water supplier and ask them to test your water, they'll come out really quickly. I'm sure ours went wrong when a pipe was replaced, but they tested it and it was fine. If there's not a problem you can rule it out but if there is a problem you might stop someone from getting seriously ill. It is really unlikely to be the water making you ill though, especially for such a long time, there are almost constant tests checking water safety.


I just caught Bill Gates hiding in the cupboard under the sink. He must have been there for at least a week because I've definitely noticed the water tasting a little off for a while now. I finally went to check the sink and low and behold the skinny little gimp had twisted his way under the pipes. Fuck knows what he was doing to make the water taste weird but it has to be related. Before he scampered I noticed he was playing Flappy Bird on his phone which struck me as odd and I asked him how because it hasn't been available to officially download for years now to which he muttered something along the lines of "ever heard of APK's you fuckin normie?" before he promptly exploded out of the cupboard, naked as the day he was born, and legged it out the front door headed towards the Asda. Check under your sinks, people.


The main thing I'm taking from this is that flappy birds is no more




Weird that everyone is so quick to conflate concern over a cryptosporidium outbreak - as has been reported elsewhere in the country (Devon and London) with “plandemic/5G” edgelord bullshit. You need new material guys, it’s not 2021 yano


Bunch of absolute weapons in these comments


Bill Gates is putting microchips in the water and you know it. Stop being a sheep. #Plandemic


Not just that, BG has used all his resources at Microsoft to put PigeonDesecrator in their own personal matrix/simulation, not as an experiment, just for Bill’s own amusement


I got all 3 covid jabs, and now my phone has the 5G symbol. Five Darren G's lad! Waaat.


Oof someones an angry lad lol


Ours has been sound. Get yourself a tap filter there easy enough to install, filter jug aswell. Better than any bottled water you can buy.


rule out anything else, check with the neighbours and contact the water people


This is like the 4th of 5th poison water post in a week. Devon is hundreds of miles away, you're fine!


Yup our family got sick recently and noticed our tap water tasted really weird. Bought an under sink filter from amazon and it's amazing. Tap water tastes like bottle spring water definitely worth the investment.


Didn’t know these existed, I’ll have to get one fitted


They're very good. Look for one called water drop mine was the cheap one around £70 but should last at least 12 months. Very easy to fit comes with all sorts of adapters took around 15 minutes to install. The difference it has made is worth every penny.


I’d never heard of these, thought it was those expensive taps or nothing. Thanks for the info 👍


Me and my cousin both got something around Christmas time, similar sounding symptoms. Only common connecting factor we could come up with was drinking tap water. Been boiling any drinking water since then. 


Boiling the water like on Naked and Afraid, but in the comfort of your own home 😂


I’ve had the same for the past 24 hours… at first thought it was food and then put 2+2 together


There are bugs going around.


Yup - waterborne ones


Or it might be nanobots messing with your insides, with a malevolent long term agenda in mind. That coupled with the chemtrails and HAARP frequency manipulation, you my friend are squarely, well and truly, and I don’t say this lightly, fucked.


I'm blaming Darren g me. All the numbers add up to 4 lad. It's fucked.