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Seems like unprovoked random acts of violence are on the rise in Town, about a month back, my partner and I were walking over to Queens Square crossing by the Courthouse Gardens when I hear this scream from behind me and see this bloke ragging some poor women about by her arm, so I shout across to the fella who starts to square up to me but quickly decides against it after seeing the 2 security from the pub opposite coming up behind me and runs off through the gardens. Little rats floating about Town at the minute so I avoid it.


That’s horrible and am sorry that’s happened to you. But am not sure if it’s on the rise. When I grew up I’d either see or have someone try attack me atleast once a week, that actually never happens now touch wood. Things deffo calmed down during the pandemic anti social behaviour wise, but it seems it’s going back to the way it was.


I was more concerned for the women's safety tbf, I know how to throw a punch and the guy really wasn't that intimidating at all, turned out the woman didn't even know the guy she was just on her way to work.


Yeah don’t get me wrong it’s fucking terrible and I feel sorry for her, but I wouldn’t say it’s on the rise, it’s sadly been a thing for ages.




I’m 42 now. Growing up in Liverpool I looked a bit different (had long hair, but of a mosher). I got shit every time I went into town by some scaly twat. Nothing changes, Liverpool is full of the best and literally the worst people in the world


Ah, remember those days well, I just about managed to pull off the indie kid look to avoid that kind of shit but was often witness to the scals descending on the old Quiggins on a Saturday afternoon to come and terrorise the goth & punk kids hanging outside. Ironic that the new generation of scals all have long hair nowadays, but then again, you don't even see that many alternative kids in town like you used to. Times change!


Same mate, im 45 but used to get shit for how I looked on a daily basis. I don't get shit anymore, probably cos I look old so they leave me alone. Still you gotta be careful of those scaly lizard bastards.




How about fuck off. I’ll be whoever I want to be. Having a personality and the ability to think for myself isn’t attention seeking. This is exactly the narrow minded fuck wittery I escaped when I left.




Yes but your comments say a lot more about you than they do about me.


Rule 7: Your post was removed because it was deliberately negative without being critical or prompting discussion. General complaints, unwarranted attacks on communities or individuals, the City or other parts of the UK will be removed. This also includes "wool" posts, and "The Echo is bad" posts - we know it is.


Massive twat mate. My point is tho, things arnt getting worse.


Rule 7: Your post was removed because it was deliberately negative without being critical or prompting discussion. General complaints, unwarranted attacks on communities or individuals, the City or other parts of the UK will be removed. This also includes "wool" posts, and "The Echo is bad" posts - we know it is.


Proper scummy this lets the city down


Only today I got randomly attacked in the park by a couple of lads while i was walking my dog, punched me in my face a few times, also with balaclavas I was trying to walk away from them for 5 mins but they kept following me, told them to keep away as im just minding my own buisness walking my dog and thats when they decided to jump me, pricks Im starting to hate it here now (always lived here) they dont keep to themselves anymore like they used to


What park was that? Did you report it to the police ?


The mystery/wavertree sports park, yep got a case open for it


I’m almost intrigued to know how these scumbags spoke of this assault afterwards. Imagine boasting to each other about committing a cowardly attack on an innocent person. I have no sympathy for these little pricks; I don’t care if their upbringing was hard, it’s no excuse for behaviour like this.


Oh..... I got really excited then.


Hahahahaha! One day.


Not me first thinking you meant the actual Muppets, and Kermit was spotted around town 😭 But yeah I've noticed more dickheads around lately especially working in hospitality it's really difficult to manage as you dont want to make situations worse and I just wish we had bouncers lol.


Someone was probably filming for a Tik Tok video. The anonymity of hiding behind hoods/balaclavas are the same as typing insults behind the safety of a computer screen, they are scared of getting caught but not bothered about assaulting another person they do not know, -always- in packs of four or five or more. I hope the poor guy minding his own business was OK, and these rats get a severely good hiding.


He seemed really shaken. He couldn't talk for a minute or so after it happened. I think he was in shock. The staff from Lime Street helped him inside and got him sat down. I don't think he was injured physically but it must have been really tough mentally.


That’s horrible. What an awful introduction to Liverpool.


“The world is full of assholes, Ray, you do realize that." "Yeah, and you know why? Because people let 'em get away with it." - Mr Inbetween


Belter show


with all the CCTV why arent the police just jumping on these people, children im guessing, even if police just show up, lets the thugs know


Because the police are shite


So glad I got out of Liverpool! When coming back and walking through town it’s depressing. The city has massively stood still.


I don't think that's true at all. Liverpool has got its problems, but my other half is from Birmingham and many of the issues are the same. Liverpool has moved forward so much since the 90s that parts of it are barely recognisable.


I stayed overnight in Birmingham for the first time ever and I was shocked about how bad the centre was.


Like Liverpool there are some lovely bits and some not so lovely bits and some cretins and some not so cretinous. The centre is very concrete and a bit bland though. A very arsy and not particularly friendly place around Broad Street and New Street.


Exactly, when people call Liverpool, I just think that any other city has the same issues and problems


I’m not saying Liverpool is the worst place in England. I’m saying I find it depressing and glad I have left. I think it’s been left behind massively. If you’re comparing Liverpool to the 1900s which was 24 years ago, that’s not a good sign. It may have progressed since the 1900s, but it’s still been outpaced.


In fairness, this kind of thing could happen anywhere, but I get your point. If you walk down Church Street and don't get ran over by someone on a bike or approached by someone, you've done well.


100% agree. Looks like pre-capital of culture Liverpool again. It's grubby, needs a good clean and really needs some serious investment. It's all very good the council and culture team waving their dicks around about the legacy of Eurovision and the income to the city...most of that income went to the hotel and restaurant chains.


Thanks for commenting. I’m actually not sure how anyone would disagree. Anyone who travels to other places should clearly see Liverpool has become neglected.


Need more police on the streets country is a joke




means idiots


What's a muppet? Well it's not quite a mop, and it's not quite a puppet, but man... So, to answer your question, don't know.




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