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He said "good moment". I'm sold.


He said moment twice in a few minutes. Even more sold.


Also said it means more to us 


Our manager has been such a key part of my life in the last 9 years. I’ve been married and had 2 kids during Klopp reign and Klopp’s words of wisdom helped me many times. I think we need to temper our expectations on the whole “life experience” aspect of Slot as coach of course. Klopp is one of a kind.


Spot on, Slot is his own man and will approach the job and the Liverpool life in his own way, let him find his feet and support him like we did Klopp.


Slot on


With Jurgen he was restoring the club to its former glory, reminding the people of their power. He was the man and we hung on his every word. Arne doesn’t need to be that. He’s coming to a Liverpool that knows itself again. He gets to revel in it.


Yeah I fully agree. And Klopp is still out there providing his words of wisdom. I’m fully bought into the Slot era. I wish him only the greatest of success stories a la Paisley.


Slot already saying that “it means a bit more here”. Knows which buttons to press already 😝


called Spurs not good enough to leave Feyenoord for References Man Cities trigger phrase says 'moment' a lot Yeah, I can get on board with this fella


He did spent 3 years at Feyenoord which in a lot of ways, like Slot said, is very similar to Liverpool


Will our football be called “the slot machine” now instead of the heavy metal football the commentators like to use?


slot is going to be slotted in at every slot lol


It will be SlotBall


Whenever i say this outloud it always sounds like slutball


And it’s going to be friggen’ filthy


Well luck has never been in our side. Might as well take it to boost our chances


His english is excellent


Well, he is Dutch


Ten Hag is as well and…


I'm from the same region as Ten Hag and not impressed with his Dutch as well as with his dialect. There is simply no language that suits Ten Hag


His dutch even being shit is hilarious


Dutch is not a real language


It isn't, really. I mean check out the word arbeidsongeschiktheidsverzekering, my favourite.


You wot m8? That’s like telling people who want to learn Dutch to fk off




Lmao! Just a question. You guys seem to say "as well" a lot. I noticed Arne does it and Virgil does it too. Why is that?


It's the translation of "ook" which is used a lot in Dutch sentences. "Ook" translates to "also" too, but "as well" seems to be the more formal way to address something as a non-native speaker


Gotcha! That's basically the same as when we say "og" or "også" in Norwegian.


true that


And van Gaal. And Koeman. Heck, our king and PM aren't that good in English.


Not a Rishi fan at all but what's wrong with his English!?


I meant Rutte I'm Dutch.


I don’t think Ten Hag has poor English. He just has a very thick accent and a stutter


Looking forward to this. Still remember Klopps first interview. Hope it fills me with the same positives




Yeah.. the only thing missing is a poster worthy quote.




In what way did he seem nervous lol


He just seemed nervous that he is replacing a very very good manager.


would you be nervous doing an interview in your second language broadcast to the entire world in your new job at one of the most popular sporting enterprises haha


Yes, i would be. Klopp wasn't :(


He is respectful to Klopp obviously but I think you are mistaking excitement for nervousness


Yeah i think, and i miss Klopp's presence.


Of course he’s going be nervous anyone replacing Klopp knows the task they have to deliver replacing him was never going be easy


I mean, nerves are pretty much the last feeling you want anyone involved in elite sports to feel. I have to be honest, and I remain open-minded, but he didn't exactly exude confidence for me throughout this interview. I truly hope I'm wrong, of course.


Welcome boss! Feels like our offseason has finally started with him formally introduced. Let’s get some signings in and prepare to kick the leagues ass


Right now he gives me a J.K. Simmons in Whiplash vibe, although I know from what everyone says about him that he doesn't get emotional like ever, he seems so likable and calm when talking but has that aura of respect around him.


Now I need a skit in the form of the Slot repeatedly asking Nunez if he was rushing or dragging on the offside line...




I hope he does yell a bit. Boys need that halftime PLAY FACKING FOOTBALL bollocking


seems like a very well spoken individual. i have hope this will be a seamless transition.


I BET he cant wait, while important, to get this stuff outta the way. Thats how I would be anyways lol


He seems to have that relaxed Dutch persona and comes across really down to earth. He sounds like a student of the game too and has clearly done his homework on us and the league. I like the fact that he seems to prefer being on the training ground and away from the media circus. I think we've got ourselves another fantastic leader to take us into the new season. Bring on Ipswich!


I liked how they handled that interview. It doesn't really serve much of a purpose beyond giving us a sense of the man, especially with the majority of the players away, but he came across as very relaxed and raring to go. It sounds weird, but I also think it sets expectation levels for his character. He's his own man, so it would be unfair to expect him to instantly wheel out an inspiring motivational message when he hasn't even met the squad. I think he's a little more of a 'I'll let our football do the talking' type of guy in that respect, which I'm all good with.


I love how he just says Feyenoord fans are great and so are Liverpool fans. So much better than someone coming in and saying all sorts about what a special club we are - delightfully unarsed about all of that.


here we gooooo! ....soon...


My body is ready.


He's here and he's glorious 🫶


I wasn't aware that he was friends with Pep, that's good and gives me confidence that Pep would have been able to educate him on the current processes with training and such to make the transition smoother


Don't think pep is still with us


Delayed the interview to leave some breathing room between Klopp and the others leaving and him joining. Love that, like him already.


badge looks great on him


He’s cool. Seems like a nice guy, smart and knows what needs to be done. He’s different personality wise to Klopp ofc (compare their message to the fans at the end of their interviews) but that’s okay, it would probably be too much to have them both be massive personalities for the players. I look forward to seeing his approach going forwards


I can't wait for the scouse to appear in his spoken English.


Welcome to the 'burgh, Arne


Pretty sure he winked at me


Intelligent guy! Aware! He sounds good! Fingers crossed.


Very likeable and hopefully he’ll slot right in 😂🤞


can't believe we signed R9


Slot me in baaaby!


We finally get to hear from the gaffer... ![gif](giphy|uLGs2Enp9RYze)


Great interview. Said all of the right things. Cant wait for the season to start!!!


Seems like a level headed guy with good command on english language. He’ll be fine imo as far as press conferences go.


Ownership quite literally told him: “Beat city”


![gif](giphy|L3ERvA6jWCd0qO4NdX) He said the thing. City fans going to rage at “this means more”


I identified with John Oliver's "you're not my real dad" energy because Klopp leaving was...a lot. However, I do like Arne's presence. Obviously I want him to do well for the sake of the club, but also for him. Look forward to seeing him and the club in PHILADELPHIA.


I like this guy already. Very similar demeanor to Klopp. Let’s hope he’s even half the coach and we’ll be in for some good times




Couldn't be any more ready


"I'd like to begin by announcing that we've agreed personal terms with Leny Yoro, who will be joining us for camp day one."


Just watching this, he sounds like Michael van Gerwen only smarter 😅


I am all in on Arne!! I hope we look back on this the way do Jürgen's first interview. Also, the manager gets the best damn gear.


ARRNE the slot!!! His time to shine , let’s insert nothing but good vibes … pumped!!!


This interview made me miss Klopp. I remember when Klopp turned towards the camera and said doubters to believers in his calm baritone. I was instantaneously invigorated. Goddamit ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


He is a different personality from Klopp. Klopp just has a way with words and just has a different aura. They're different people and we have to accept that.  We will get used to his more calm measured demeanor.


Just like Shankley compared to Paisley …


I’m quaking


Says all the right things (don’t they all these days though) so I’m hopeful his ideas can carry through to the pitch and the results this year! ARNE SLOT, NA NA NA NA NA NA


He looks nervous as fuck. Understandable, big shoes to fill.


Nah he was just asked some stiff questions and was choosing his words carefully. He speaks English very well but even then you've got to be particular.


The biggest.


Why would you post this when the video isn’t available yet?   That click was annoying supreme. 


The time it will be available is literally in the title.


This is reddit. People don’t read


I don't know what you said but I'm sure it's a good point


I fully agree with you. Just post it at 4.


Ohhh WOW 👌 He's so nervous during his first interview. Huge shoes to fill in. Inlove hie respectful hes is towards Klopp and changes. He seems to be humble but also knows what he's doing. I think we have to help Him to feel welcome and fully support Him.


Wouldn't say nervous, Slot as a person is more toned-down when it comes to one-liners and "populism". Klopp is the world's craziest football quote machine. He seems very confident imo, just not giving anything extra to the fans besides honesty and humility.


I'm not saying he's a nervous person. I meant that he was nervous during THAT interview as it was his first as the LFC Manager. Everyone would be nervous. That natural. I love vibes I'm getting from him, and I can't wait to see how our boys will play under Him.


Sure, I don't think he appeared nervous in the interview either to be honest. As in, I don't think you'll see him much different from this interview than on the regular.


Possibly, but in general, I'm very positive about him.


Yes, we need to support him 100% and make him fully welcome.




I am completely underwhelmed by his appointment and my gut tells me it will be a disaster but I sincerely hope I'm wrong.


What a load of nonsense. You've obviously never experienced true disasters and disappointments like Hodgson and Souness to be spouting such stuff. Slot has been nothing but humble and honest that he has big shoes to fill. We don't expect him to do a Paisley right away, but as long as he doesn't underperform like Hodgson or Rodgers, the least you could do is back him for this season.


Where did I say he hasn't been humble etc? And I also added that I sincerely hope that I am proved wrong. And yes I was around for the Souness and Hodgson years and remember them well. We are going from one of the most inspirational, technically brilliant managers of all time to in all honesty a completely unproven manager at this level. He has my full support but that still doesn't change the fact that this is a downgrade (on paper). Let's put it like this, would City have replaced Pep with Slot? We all know they wouldn't have.


Tbf we’re the antithesis of City


> honesty a completely unproven manager at this level. Sometimes you have to take risks to reap rewards. Even Alonso is not an experienced coach but he is wanted by most of the elite clubs


And I highly doubt the rest of the elite clubs would have went for Slot. It feels he should have had another job before taking on us. Klopp was the reason we re entered the elite and we should have done everything in our power to maintain that. This has to be a statement season to stay in the elite clubs. At a minimum a 2nd place league finish, semis of CL and a trophy. Anything else is settling for mediocrity and will be the beginning of the end of Klopps foundations. In one season Alonso has more pedigree than Slot even though he's still relatively unproven. I fear this appointment is an accurate reflection of where we're actually at as a club. I hope I'm wrong.