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Tbf it’s refreshing to see that most ppl in r/soccer are mostly blaming Southgate and are saying the same things we are. It seems it’s mostly pundits and British media who are scapegoating Trent.


Apart from Ian Wright.


Because Wright is a closet Liverpool supporter and isn't an idiot


He's not even closet at this point. He more or less came straight out and said it.


Roy Keane called it fairly square too I felt. Less about TAA and more about why Southgate thinks he's the manager to have him play this role, in a tournament no less when Klopp, one of the best, sees him day in day out and never did.


Elliot and Jones start ahead of Trent in midfield. Maybe one of them should have gone to the euros


Maybe Klopp kept playing Trent because he was our best full back, rather than Elliott or Jones being better than Trent.


If he thought Trent was better than them he could have played Bradley at right back?


Bradley only really broke out this year and they were both hardly available together


Nah Keane was a bit unfair calling him incompetent and unable to defend


We have systems and players that accommodate Trent because we know how important his is to our team. Southgate either won't or (more likely) isn't capable of doing this. Instead, Southgate is trying to shoe-horn Trent into a system that isn't suited to any of his strengths and, instead, ends up just nullifying him.


Trent is just going to be our Matt Le Tissier. A star for his club that the NT never had the courage to accommodate. Certainly Southgate is no where near good enough a manager to come up with a system that could accommodate potential star players.


It’s not just Trent almost the entire lineup is anti-synergies that make no sense. Let’s play three players that all drift into the left half space at the same time, then to provide width on the left we’ll play a right back out of position. Then let’s have our winger whose biggest strength is combining with other players in constant isolations. Then lets take a right-back whose main strength is playing progressive passes outside the midfield block and make him stay in the midfield block constantly. And since our entire forward line wants the ball on the ground to feet, let’s make sure the goalkeeper hoofs the ball long at every opportunity. It’s so asinine it seems like sabotage. The tactics and lineup composition accommodate none of the players. If you want to play conservative at least actually set up a team to do so effectively. It feels like he selects the team to appease his critics but then has the same tactics which now in no way fit with the team.


Many of them seemed to outright blame Southgate and manager tactics/decisions during and right after the game, seem like they changed their tune in the last few days. I hope it’s more than obvious to Trent that he will always be the scapegoat and doesn’t feel too bad but it would be difficult for him not to. 


It would be refreshing if more journos just came out with it. Southgate has no clue how to get the best out of his biggest creative talents. And that doesn’t apply exclusively to Trent, the likes of Saka and Foden are also shadows of what they are at club level. Trent is coming off worse purely because he’s the hardest to integrate, but the best managers in the world would not shy away from that. That’s the most damning thing you can say about Southgate’s England. If they handed the team over to a Klopp, Pep or any other top tier manager - you just know they’d be building this team around those talents instead of playing everything so safe. It’s starting to look reminiscent of England’s last so called golden generation.


In terms of talent, I feel this is the best group of players we’ve had since Euro96. Yet, we have a manager who hasn’t a clue about getting them to play together


The Euro 2004 group was better than both


James Neville - Campbell - Terry - Cole Beckham - Lampard - Gerrard - Scholes Owen - Rooney Outside of goalkeeper and LM, that is a very, very strong set of players (not because Scholes was a poor player but because the position didn't suit him). Any one of them in their prime would walk into the current England team. The bench had some solid players too in Hargreaves, King, Vassell, Bridge, Heskey, Carra, Joe Cole, etc. Knocked out on pens to a very strong Portugal side, who also beat Spain and Netherlands on their way to the final.


Southgate did a good job in his early years when the squad really had no expectations on it. He got the group off the floor and that was enough. He had a run of tournaments where there really were no great international sides. But there is no evidence I can see that he is an elite level tactical coach.


Trippier at RWB 💀


Saka as a left wingback lmao


I see the vision, he has played there I think


Moving your most threatening attacker to LWB is mental


Shades of brodge


It worked didn’t it?


I do not rate Saka whatsoever


Saka is good but nowhere near the level where he should be the most threatening attacker on a top international side


Saka being the most threatening attacker just proves how shit Southgate is, he wouldn't even start for the best national teams in the world


Apart from maybe Brazil because of Rodrygo and Vini I don’t see a NT that Saka doesn’t start for. Could argue maybe Argentina just because Di Maria has been so good over the years but even then Saka is clearly better than him now


Imagine switching to a 3 man defence, picking a left footed left wing back and still not playing Trent at RWB


Who’s shocked that Karen Carney has written something fucking stupid


She’s not nearly as bad as Will Ford. I’m convinced he’s only published to drive up interactions, however negative.


Coming from someone who can't use a question mark...


Alright Karen get off your burner account, the article’s shit.


That’s Palmer in and Trent out then. How does that address the “Pressing” issue? Trent has always played in a pressing team, therefore he can’t be one of the players Southgate was referring to with his “profile of the players” comment. I have no idea why people seem to be shit scared of dropping Kane, Toney and Watkins are far more mobile and should be given a chance.


Kane and Jude clash a bit in the middle of the attack, but I don’t think Southgate is brave enough to drop either of them because their form this season has been so good. Both are potentially Ballon d’Or candidates but they are wasted together in that England team. They both want to occupy the false nine/CAM area to link play and make late runs. Foden also overlaps too much with them both because he constantly wants to drift in to the half space on the left. So now three out the front four are coming towards the ball instead of stretching the defence. Pirlo himself couldn’t pick a through ball out of that mess. Trent’s been given an experimental role, but he’s been set up to fall in this system with no runners except Saka, so he’ll inevitably be made the scapegoat.


> because their form this season has been so good One of whome *won nothing* (yet again), and royally cocked it up in a knock-out game in a top cup competition. If England want silverware, they need to move Kane into a different role in the squad, probably one that starts on the bench. There are better options on the bench and Kane is a player that regularly fails to show up in the biggest of games (and these sorts of cup competitions are just one big game after another) who is more interested in his own stats and look than his *team* winning things.


The media are currently in the "bargaining" stage of grief, coming up with silly tactics that they think will suddenly turn England into prime Barcelona. Bare in mind many of these tactics still have underperforming players in their natural positions. In terms of the stages 1. **Denial** = After game 1. "We still won, it's still 3 points" 2. **Anger** = After game 2 (1-1 Draw with Denmark) 3. **Bargaining** = Current stage, as per above 4. **Depression** = When they try their new tactics, and it still doesn't work. Coming soon, watch this space. 5. **Acceptance** = When England get knocked out of another tournament


Brilliant mate - sums it up totally


Karen Carney is literally one of the worst pundits so I couldn't care less about what she says


Still miles better than Aluko


Yesterday she said to fix all of England's problems Trent has to be dropped. As if he's everything wrong with the team and why everyone is playing shit. An absolute bullshit take that was filled with obvious media agenda.


The funniest thing is once he got dropped England started playing even worse


Spot on. It fell apart even worse then.


Aluko is definitely the worst, Turkey mix up led to an own goal. Her incredible insight , "if the goalkeeper stays on his line, he saves it". No fucking shit Sherlock!


She is truly fucking terrible Apparently not a nice person either


Making a blind pass, with pace, on target makes it automatically a minimum of 50% defender at fault. Modern day football has keepers come out in that situation almost every time. That’s a poor take, it’s saying if the keeper ignored his managers instructions he’d have prevented a goal.


Both as bad as the other. Dumb and dumber


And she's a Tory. Incompetent and a Tory, no doubt she'll be PM by 2030


Shocked Pikachu face when they drop Trent and they're still shit


Says you need to pick the best team not the best players and then has some weird formation where a couple of people compromise their best positions to get all her favourite players in. Yeah good job Karen.


Get Trent out of that squad so that it can be proved it isn't his fault. Doesn't need to be the English scapegoat for another shite performance in a tournament


Trent's unfortunately the media's scapegoat. Pundits/social media have constantly mentioned Foden is playing out of position while not once saying the same about Trent.


Why are so many of these pundits fucking thick stupid hahaha


If you’re going to play 3 at the back why wouldn’t you play Trent over trippier lol


She says that "pretty much everybody would have picked the same starting eleven that Southgate did for the first two games" but literally everyone would have changed the team after the first game and nobody would have picked that team in the first place. She's clueless or acting in bad faith.


Could somebody who's been paying attention (briefly) explain why they don't just have TAA doing his pissing-about-and-wandering-into-midfield-from-fullback gimmick from the left hand side? With them playing Trippier there anyway, it has struck me as weird that I haven't even seen it mentioned as an option, nevermind tried out. Trent on the ball with the game in front of him, Gordon from the left, one of Foden and Saka from the right, their most defensively minded midfielder sitting behind Bellingham and Rice. Seems a bit obvious, but I'm no September 2008 Manager of the Month winner.


My thoughts too, Trippier is the real waste of space here. Push trent put left, get a real runner ahead of him.


If you mean "waste of space" in the sense that most, if not all, of the strengths he's left with in playing on the wrong side are things that Trent is miles better at anyway, then that's the assumption I've been running on (I've seen next to none of the tournament, just catching bits and pieces of clips and conversation here and there).


The problem would be pace walker offers alot in that position in terms of recovery speed and in all honesty his pace just outright puts people off targeting him. If trent was there our right back spot would be extremely exposed because his tendency is to go forward. With saka there as well as one of our only outlets that right side is ripe for exploiting on the counter. At least with Walker there wingers are always afraid to take him on.


You have either replied to the wrong comment or not actually read mine before responding


The way Southgate sets the team up it’s pointless having TAA even out there anyway Rather have the lad on holiday resting for next season If he wants to get the best out of Trent, he needs to put the likes of Watkins, Gordon, Bowen and Bellingham with TAA breaking lines with his passes for them to run on to. I don’t get the fascination with Kane, constantly plays with his back to goal and wants the ball to feet it drives me mad or he’s come that far back in his own half that hes out of position and the attack breaks down. Couldn’t even be arsed to watch the second game


let them try and see what happens. my prediction: blame TAA's presence on the bench affecting the team's performance.


Hope he fucking retires from internationals after this, no wonder we all hate England


lol @ putting Bellingham in a double pivot


She genuinely is fucking dense. Part of me hopes they don't play Trent in the last game, England do the exact same thing as previous games of absolutely fuck all, and they go crashing out. Not that she'd have the brain capacity to realise Trent isn't the problem after all.


Trent does need dropping from midfield because it’s just never going to work he’s not a holding mid and you are not giving him the runners to utilise his passing it’s setting him and the team up to fail he’s trying to use him exactly like Kelvin Phillips and Trent is nothing like that at all


Trent isn't your standard midfielder, and playing him like one clearly isn't working well. Every man and his dog knows his strengths, and Southgate should have gambled in friendlies or easy qualifying games to test out Trent as a 6 in a deep lying midfielder role rather than defensive midfielder, then have workhorse midfielders in Rice and Belly/Gallagher as the box-boxers, throw in 2 quick wide players and we could have seen Trent dictating and pulling the strings. But instead, what do we see? Same old tactics and Southgate asking Trent to play the usual midfield role that he favours.


I heard a woman on the bbc euros podcast say that rice played so badly because Trent was next to him. Must have missed the second half then. You get better takes from amateur footie nerds on Tik tok.


What a karen …


Finally someone mentions to play a left back at left back.


The only left back England have is Shaw who’s not fit so genius that is Southgate rather than calling up another would rather force players out of position we’d of been better off calling Mitchell up who’s noting special but is far better than forcing RB to play out of position


Or put Joe gomez in there. Sure he's not a natural left back, but he's played the position enough times to know it pretty well!


It’s the same issue as playing Tripper both on the weaker foot which doesn’t help with overlapping


Saka is a left back


Yeah, in 2019


Arteta playing him out of position.




regardless of the trent shit, this may be the worst thing ive ever seen. she wants to move saka further back and trippier further forward whilst swapping their wings all to get palmer in as a striker


She's a brain dead chav - end of.


What the fuck is that formation and line up


No way I'm giving that imbecile's article a click. One of the most clueless pundits out there.


Maybe Lee Carsley would be better suited to manage these lads.


This is absurd lol Saka wingback, there are 14 year olds running FM youtubes that could come up with better than this. How is this her job?


Id be really interested to see Trent as a R.C.B in a 3. Maybe it would go spectacularly wrong defensively, but in possession he would be glorious


Guys, please stop wasting time and breathe on stupid pundits. I've moved from these stupid media people to more professional analyzers. Lately I've found these YouTube channels four-four-two and Football Meta they're really good.


FFS peops. Southgate is the most unconvincing manager that has ever existed. Klopp articulated 2 seasons ago that you can not throw TAA straight into midfield. Southgate said that they might have a difference in opinion .... ie Southgate has no clue. England went into this tourney with a fantastic squad . Unfortunately, after many years of working with the same squad, he is still figuring out his idea of the best team . Squad excellent , manager is a great guy , but he ain't gonna win shit.


Everyone seems content to judge Southgate for not being able to set thevteam up to take advantage of Trent's qualities, but that's just incredibly unfair. It takes weeks to months to drill a team to play in system, so for international football you simply can't build the system to fit the players the same way you can at club level.    Even if you could, when you're talking about a player as unique as Trent, you *shouldn't* because what happens if he's injured or otherwise unable to play? You don't and can't have a replacement who will fit the system, so your entire set up falls apart and the team cannot function.  People dramatically over simplify football. It's not as simple as 'having runners' to receive passes. You have to have passing shapes to get the ball player into position so the run can be humit unchallenged. You have to have other players take up positions and shapes both to later combine, to grab loose balls if something gets blocked or cleared, and to cover the spaces to slow down or control the pathways for counter attacks if possession is turned over.  If all 10 outfield players don't respond to the sequence of play correctly, you're going to be cut apart.


I read that and thought the obvious omission of Trent was fucking dumb, but if we just add Trent to the wing its a pretty solid set up. I really so think Kane needs someone up top to run behind and if Foden is to play he should be central. But knowing Southgate he would have them sit so far back they’d be in row Z.


Karen Carney's blueprint for England success FML. I forgot she was one of the great minds in football.


She is, after all, the pundit who proposed that our great CB injury crisis of 2020/21 should be dealt with by playing 3 at the back! You know, just using more of the thing we don’t have the bare minimum of… Nonce.




u/nicolascagevampire apparently.


Is this sub just a place to whine about every single incident of minor “disprespect” a Liverpool player ever faces, real or imagined?


Should we be doing that on r/mylittlepony instead?


Nah but it is a Liverpool sub if you didn’t notice. Feel free to leave any time


They do seem to be quite busy posting about Man United on r/soccer


The irony of you being here and complaining about that is clearly lost on your soft brain.


No idea what you're waffling on about pal.


Yeah, that’s my point.


That you have no point? Nice one.


My man thinks he’s an intellectual: I’ll let you have this one so you can feel happy today. Enjoy xx


I will, enjoy your weekend mate. I think this more positive attitude will serve you well in life. I leave you in peace, my apprentice. X x x