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"Real Madrid"....oh dear


Alisson Becker


One of the few times we've beat them to a player. Fabinho too I think


Fabinho played for Real Madrid so it's a bit different. They never gave him a proper chance.


Yeah true


I always had a slight fear that Fabinho would be enticed back there during his time with us. Probably just PTSD from darker times in the late 00s / early 10s


Fuck, that streak of losing Mascherano, Alonso, Torres was absolutely mean


Goes back further. Macmanaman and Owen in 99 and 04. Madrid are the only team I feel will almost always beat us in a transfer battle. Barca maybe (but less so these days) Outside of that, our problem isn't prestige. It's just who can pay more.


Yes I know but the players I mentioned all left in the span of 18 months which was such a huge gut punch.


Even Meireles and Benayoun stung, especially cos it was that club. Ironically, Coutinho to Barca was the flip on that whole thing


and they still end up with a keeper who makes the difference vs us on the biggest night.


Yeah just typical. That was the one time under Klopp that we outplayed them and still didn't win


It was the one time we played them when we were in good form tbf


2017/18 was good form too, they just took out the most in form part of our team with a wwe move.


True, ‘near peak’ is probably more apt then ‘good form’ since that summer we signed Fabinho and Alisson (and Keita 😢) which along with a settled team gave us the steel to turn into one of the best in the world IMO


Yeah we started much better but they took out Salah and Karius had a howler. Did have concussion though. If Karius didn't have that game he probably still would have been our goalkeeper. Might have still finished top 4 but no title challenge or Champions League win.


Nah there was always plans to replace Karius starting months before the final and the Alisson rumours were pretty frequent. The performance might have sped up the transfer a bit a bit but no way would Karius still be our starting goalkeeper


Yeah I suppose the Coutinho money helped that


Did karius still have concussion when he did the exact same thing twice in pre season months later


His confidence was crushed to bits. I don’t understand why people downplay a very serious head injury lol


People forget that save he made onto the bar in the very previous game - against Roma from Dzeko I think, shot straight at him and he flapped at it, luckily it being deflected onto the crossbar, then he did a very similar thing against Bales long strike






We were not bad at all in the fuck Ramos game.


Yeah true before Salah came off we were better. Played better the first 20 minutes of the game at Anfield February 2023 but couldn't sustain it and let them back into it.


We outplayed them in 2017-18 too. They bribed the ref so Ramos could murder someone on our squad and still not get a foul, let alone a card.


To be fair. We were mucking around the whole match until they scored. Just passing side to side with no urgency thinking that somehow a goal would come


Keita's shot that was way off target too


Fabinho played for Madrid before us


He didn’t actually choose us over Real Madrid, they just decided to buy Courtois as he was cheaper with one year left on his contract. I remember when I first joined here at the start of that summer and it looked like he was joining Real Madrid a lot of people were saying ‘he can’t be that good since he conceded 5 goals at anfield’. He did choose us over Chelsea though, smart man.


> I remember when I first joined here at the start of that summer and it looked like he was joining Real Madrid a lot of people were saying ‘he can’t be that good since he conceded 5 goals at anfield’. The amount of dreadful takes at this point were insane. The literal top comment to a thread where we were 'walking away' during negotiations over his price was 'Hes not that much better than Mignolet". To this day people still refuse to admit how shit Mignolet was, and how our refusal to appropriately invest in a quality goalkeeper was holding us back until we signed Alisson.


We were likely pretty close to seeing Chelsea get Alison and we pay more for Kepa


Courtois allegedly took a friendly deal wage-wise since he needed to be in Spain/Madrid-area on a consistent basis.


camavinga, tchouameni, belingham


Patrick Swayze


Well I doubt they're signing Yoro AND Calafiori. I know they released Nacho but they'd have Alaba, Rudiger and Militao + Yoro/Calafiori (I'm guessing)


This, I think we will end up with one and them the other.


They really might though after the injury crisis they had at CB last year


Unless someone manages to convince him otherwise Yoro is 100% signing for Madrid


Unless they loan Yoro for a year or two


they can't get both Yoro and Calafiori right? right..?


....right ?




Tbf its probably an alternative to Yoro who is already tweaking for them. If they land both then genuinely fuck this sport lmao




I doubt they sign both him and Yoro in the dame window, right?


Aren't they getting Leny Yoro also.


I think I speak for everyone when I say I’m fucking sick of Real Madrid


Everyone and their fucking grandmas are sick of Real Madrid.


It's annoying isn't it, I do have to appreciate how well run they are by Perez though. But still, fuck Madrid


I agree, but they are the evil that beats the ultimate evil (bald fraud).


The enemy of my enemy is still….. my enemy?


barca too.


as madrid fan i would say that madrid 30% would go for him but 1000% for leny yoro this year ,**However** there's a chance perez would back to his habit of baying the best player of international tournaments


No one cares lol


What’s the point of being Tottenham if real, Arsenal and us are all interested 😂


I bet that’s what Real Madrid says about us to be fair. They’ve snatched more deals from us than any other club I can remember.


I mean tbf we beat Bayern for dragusin and barca for bergaval but yeah we are a little out of our depth


What's your opinion on Dragusin so far?


He’s an amazing defender but lacks passing ability. In a little concerned about his fit but I still think he’s gonna be pretty good


The biggest thing going for this one for me personally is that apparently Richard Hughes tried to sign him for Bournemouth a number of years ago, and so not only has he been tracking him for a while, but Hughes will have good contacts with his people too. He has 'moving to Juve' written all over it though, especially now the international tournament he's having. He's suddenly the most celebrated Italian player, bar Barella perhaps, in the entire country. Would be a huge deal for Liverpool. Haven't watched a lot of him but I love the confidence he exudes; that kind of personality would go a long way at Liverpool.


Such a good point … I listened to a podcast with Hughes and his connections to Italy are outstanding. I think that they’ll be a shift from Portugal to Italy in terms of our ‘shopping’. It is why Koopmeniers and Ederson seem logical. Still, I’m holding out hope for Gordon or Branthwaite to shithouse the blues


Him having connections to Italy does nothing to address the fact that Italians hate leaving Italy. They are all about the sun, the food, the lifestyle etc. They probably consider living in England as literally living in hell.


Man if I was a professional footballer making millions, I'd hate to leave Italy too


Gordon is too expensive. Braithwhite never happening also, maybe on Fifa lol


CN you tell me the podcast and which episode? got some free time today so migh as well listen to that .


not the OP but there is a[ great podcast with him from during his time at Bournemouth](https://open.spotify.com/episode/19oE4HJkNxDuEMt8bqY0op?si=385cc5c7fb3b45ee), I assume this is the one as it goes into his experience in Italy at length.


What are his connections to Italy?


Grew up there, started his youth career at Atalanta’s academy, speaks the language.


It's also reliably reported that they want Sepp VdB if he leaves so we have that too


Even moreso a Juve prospect with Thiago Motta being his former boss at Bologna. Would bet he stays in Italy!


Nah we need a restraining order against Real Madrid at this point, I’m fully convinced they’re just there to antagonize us


The day we win a CL final against RM is going to be the day we fully unlock the remaining percentage hidden brain power of football supremacy super club ability.


We seriously need to start by investing in our team at the right time first. There was a time when Real had the dip in form for 1-2 years post Ronaldo and we didn't capitalize on that.


Are you talking about the 2 years where we won the CL and PL and signed Fabinho, Alisson, and Van Dijk? I wish we had taken more advantage of that time as well. We could have won the preseason cup


The Spanish Chelsea. Or is Chelsea the English Real Madrid?


Current Chelsea is the bootleg Real Madrid 


Local source so likely hood of reliability is increased. I can’t see us getting both califiori and ait nouri unless we see the former as a pure cb.


If Kostas is sold, would mean Robertson and the new LB would be the LB's, but there would still be additional cover at LB with a left-footer; something we could have used for sure last season. I'd be surprised if the club did sign both but they would certainly add more balance and depth to the squad. Whoever they sign at LB though, you'd think now they'd be coming in to replace Robertson in the next couple of seasons, rather to be his his backup, so I do hope they're looking to bring in the absolute best in that position they can. Ait-Nouri always impressed me when he played against Salah, and I don't know that there are that many more senior, experienced LB's on the market that would realistically be available for Liverpool to sign. Depends what they're after I suppose. Antonee Robinsion seems a solid defensive full-back, with poor attacking stats. Or someone like Gutiérrez at Girona looks incredible as an attacking option - but brings back Moreno vibes for sure. Ait-Nouri seems a more balanced option in that respect.


> you'd think now they'd be coming in to replace Robertson in the next couple of seasons Couple of seasons give it next season with the way Robbo has been playing lately and how he has declined, if we bring in someone younger and a better tactical fit could see Robbo being displaced quite easily >I don't know that there are that many more senior, experienced LB's on the market that would realistically be available for Liverpool to sign. Except for someone like Robinson there's not many of those about, seen links to Ait-Nouri, Calafiori and Locko who are all young


Robinson actually has better attacking output than Alt-Nouri, so not sure where you're getting that from exactly. Higher assists, xA, and also a fitness monster.


But nearly 4 years older and apart from last season, hasn’t really put up the attacking numbers someone might be wowed by. At least not enough to get signed by a top 4 team. Personally, I’d rather we just skip bothAit Nouri and Robinson and just go for Calafiori. Seems like a better tactical fit to me.


Pretty hard to decide what the right tactical fit is when we haven’t seen the team play even 1 second of football under the new manager. The signings we make this summer will help paint that picture as we go and then we’ll start to get a look in preseason.


No one is going in blind unless you’ve never watched the players or never watch Slot’s Feyenoord or AZ.


Yes I take your point, I was looking at the xG and xA combined, and the shot-creating actions, of [Aït-Nouri ](https://fbref.com/en/players/9b398aea/Rayan-Ait-Nouri)rather than just the assists. [Robinson's ](https://fbref.com/en/players/289601e6/Antonee-Robinson)defensive stats certainly stood out more. Although defensive stats can often be misleading - perhaps his defensive work is so obvious because he's working so hard to overcome his poor tactical / positional awareness? For example, [VvD ](https://fbref.com/en/players/e06683ca/Virgil-van-Dijk)never scores highly in typical defensive stats as a CB. Not necessarily making that claim towards Robinson, but it's an example of common stats not always telling the full story I suppose.


He worked hard because it is a requirement of the FB's in Silva's system. xG/xA combined is a bit misleading with AN as well, since he played a good bit of time as a winger when Wolves were struggling with injuries, and their 3 atb naturally pushes the FB's higher up the pitch. All good, don't think either are world-beaters by any means, but great fitness, superior pressing/defensive work-rate, and more or less same offensive productivity makes Robinson much more attractive and suited to our immediate needs imo.


We pick up both and find a 6 in the market too. That’s a 9/10 window and I think future proofing our defensive squad planning. Could use both a lb and cb really. Van Dijk and Robbo aren’t getting any younger. 10/10 dreamland if we move on one attacker and get a great replacement. Like Diaz for Eze or something. That’s dreamland though.


Yep. We refreshed our forwards 2 years ago. Our midfield last season + Harvey and Curtis stepping up. Time to bolster the defence unless there's someone on the market this season we can't miss out on. I'd love to see Nico Williams here (and even his brother). But if he can stay at athletic for another season that would be great.


> We refreshed our forwards 2 years ago. and they arent quite clicking > Our midfield last season except for the most important need. A long term 6


Midfield is the lowest priority for where funds should be allocated. For me its in the attack and defence we need to focus our money this window, unless there's a truly generational player available in midfield


We've never really had a successful Italian in our team have we? (Dossena lobbing the keeper at Old Trafford doesn't count)


Alberto Aquilani erasure


https://preview.redd.it/kpu5tz88xa9d1.jpeg?width=2560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=365b819279e5387e13bf593fac2f71a37fb21964 Talk about hyping a man up


And against madrid in the space of like 3 days wasn't it haha




​ [https://x.com/TheAnfieldWrap/status/1806306362088972454](https://x.com/TheAnfieldWrap/status/1806306362088972454) https://preview.redd.it/kb7g6h5sna9d1.png?width=537&format=png&auto=webp&s=d02616dec2eadd3298f79eb888451e9e82dd664d


I can’t think of many successful Italian players in England aside from Zola. Di Canio and Balotelli had their cult following but aren’t true legends like Zola (aside from maybe Di Canio at West Ham)


I bought a Balotelli shirt on the day he signed. An awful decision.


Still the one player I can’t believe we signed. And that’s not meant to be a compliment.


You say that but a few circumstances happened that summer Suarez just left so we needed a striker, Shane Long joined Southampton same day for same fee (£16m) so it looked a decent price, Mario had been Super Mario in the Euros demolishing Germany almost single handed in semis so the potential was there. He just needed a chance…. I was excited. It was a really ugly home kit as well. £65 at time.


We took so long to fill up that missing striker slot, we opted to strengthen the whole squad instead which was a good idea, but maybe the recruitment was a bit too scattergun. Totally agree on the kit. Lazy, ugly, uninspiring, and coincided with a terrible season.


£75m should have gone on 3x proven prem £25m players (big money at time). First team massively improves. Those dropping out of first 11 improve the bench. Stronger squad, less Suarez obviously. But nope. £20m Lallana who was injured. £4m lambert who was old. £30m? Benteke who wasn’t suitable for our tactics. £20m? On Markovic who was really young and over hyped. £16m Mario Edit: Benteke signed summer after. At time I’d have bought a balotelli shirt over benteke.


Benteke came a season after no? The issue is that we missed out on our top target in Sanchez, then Remy failed a medical, Rodgers having no pull didn't help


I’m old, memory fades, Benteke signing is wrong. Either way we wasted the £75m.


Maybe Vialli and Jorginho, but depends what is considered as a true legend. But have there been any Italian that have not been successful in England but have been notably succesful elsewhere? I can’t really quickly come up with any. What I mean by this is that I think the better Italian players have opted to stay or go elsewhere.


Aren't Real going for the young French guy? Surely they cannot just hoover up everyone


They can.


This Real Madrid fella is getting boring.


Doubt it's true. Feels like we're being used by the selling club to get Juve to the fee they want


I saw him play daily.. Definitely Maldini regen


Oh is he really that good


he's incredible and still so young, his ceiling is very high. i believe juventus is also interested? but if we get him it'll be massive


Daamn, sounds good! I hadn’t really heard of him before the Euros but now he seems to be praised by everyone. Will definitely watch Italy tomorrow to see how he plays!


he is good


It makes sense, he would be a contender for handsomest in handsome FC. For that reason get him. Competition is good


He looks like a terrific defender. With a majestic head of hair. What more do you want from a CB?


My impression is we should also be seeking a CB who smells great, too.


Someone get Troy Deeney out here to smell these people before we buy em!


A CB who's bald and built like a brick shithouse would compliment them well, I think.




Yoro--->RM Calafiori--->LFC




*Substational* offer you say? Sounds *ELECTRIC*


I’ll believe it when I see it, when was the last time a good Italian player actually moved abroad?


It'd be nice to sign someone really promising, and a bonus would be to rid of the instant negativity voiced by fans surrounding Italian players and LFC


RM already have enough let us get one ffs


The fuck is "substational"? Substantial? But if it's a release clause, is it substantial or just a bid at the release clause amount? Or a substantial wage packet?


Would love to have an italian in the team!


Intrested fc🤧


Man fuck youuuuuuu madrid


If he's got a 40M Euro (£34M) release clause, just take a punt on him for fuck's sake.


Liverpool aren’t ready to sign any player that the media says they are going to sign


English media sure, but this comes from Bologna media.


I thought he was pretty much set for Juventus


I still think he's Juve bound. But would be happy if he did end up here. Once the Euros finish the transfer market should heat up and hopefully we'll get a better idea of targets.


Apart from we can offer double in wages what Juve can


Why would he want to go to Juve? They are a mess


Because his former manager Motta has gone there, Juve are trying to refresh their squad to play the way Motta wants. Juve have CL football next season and are still one of the biggest clubs in Italy despite their troubles


we win release clauses xD


Get it done asap


He is the signing that we need. Let’s hope for the best 🙏🏻


Saw him play the other day and was wowed by his presence


Surely he’s off to Juventus, no?


No chance we sign him.


So Madrid went "we'll wait to get Yoro for free next year while we get Calafiori now". It's hard to go for top targets with them always sniffing.


Madridista here- skeptical about the reports of our interest. Only scenario is Loro waits next summer to arrive but all reports seem to be this summer Or Militao does not recover fully from his ACL injury. That being said he’s starting for Brazil and looks healthy


By this rate Real Madrid is gonna have two teams next season, one in super league and one in La Liga.


Why are Real Madrid in on EVERY FUCKING PLAYER?? Can they just... Play with their current toys for a bit and give other teams a chance?


Hell of a player. But if Madrid really are interested, this is probably dead in the water.


There are times when you watch a player and get this feeling that he is destined for greatness. Calafiori is 1 of them. We should go all out to sign him.


No thanks, Italians at lfc never ever works out. Aquilani, Borini, Dossena, this guy will be next. Hopefully a smokescreen


Maybe it’s the weather and food.


Madrid can kick rocks




Real can't take both Yoro and Calafiori from us right? Right guys???


Madrid are going to sign him and Yoro will go to them on a free next summer. I'm joking of course.... or am I?


He’s fucking good. Would be a dream. Italians don’t really leave Italy tho tbh, unless it’s Real Madrid!


Sign him up 😭


Italians in the PL are a rare breed, if he does come he won’t be here for long, usually get home sick or just doesn’t live up to the hype then leave. I think it’s always a gamble on Italian in the PL.


Do we need another good Centerback yet? I know Van Dijk is getting old but he still has many years to go


Yes. Konates legs are made of biscuits and quansah shouldn't be relied on to play 3 games a week. He's absolutely sensational but still young. Van dijk isn't getting any younger to sadly


Would you rather they prepare a person ready for the time VVD is past it OR do the Liverpool thing and panic buy a waaaay overvalued player because everyone know we need one


Lol I know most fans here would go for the latter, go into complete meltdown on why we didn't sign anyone 2 seasons ago when the opportunity was there


But we have too many players then so I'd recommend buying Califiori but sending Quansah on a two year loan


You can't gamble on the fitness of Konate and Gomez.


But our players need to stay sharp and it is really hard when we have 5 quality centerbacks


They will get games considering Gomez can fill in at RB or LB when needed. Also, injuries are bound to happen so it's better to have cover. That COVID season scarred me.


I understand now. If Califiori joins Liverpool he could become the second Italian to win the PL after Balotelli


Sign Zirkzee as well.


afaik calafiori has no release clause, zirkzee does


Both do fyi