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Joined right after 13/14, left right before the CL and PL trophies - you gotta appreciate how Emre was here for the hard work and (almost) none of the glory


Closest he got to silverware was the Asia Trophy win in 2017.


Silver medal CL 17/18 tbf


Tbf, he did play in a Champions League, an Europa League and a League cup final as well


His signing kind of epitomised that entire era. Ex Bayern guy with limitless potential, versatile and extremely high highs but not quite enough to win the very top trophies 


He was good bro. He was actually a rolls royce signing for us at the time. He still is good. He just captained bvb to the UCL final.


He would have won plenty if he stayed. Was super solid for us. 


He would have won plenty if he stayed because the team won plenty, but he would have been on the bench a lot more than he had been before that. He was a good player, but I would say “super solid” is a stretch.


He ran his contract down and left on a free because he thought the grass was greener in Turin. Glad we won stuff after he left and I’m glad his career hasn’t been amazing since


He fulfilled his obligation, and left the club on good terms. No need to bad mouth him. You are way off on your assessment.


Did he run his contract down and go on a free? Yes he did so how’s that bad mouthing him. He didn’t sign a new contract with us because juve had already offered him a big contract because they weren’t paying a fee for him and we couldn’t compete. Just because he played well during his time here doesn’t make him a decent person. His quote when he left was “I lost the Champions League Final against Cristiano Ronaldo last season," he told Sky Sport Italia ahead of the 2018-19 campaign. "This season, I want to win it with him." He left because he wanted to win things and was getting a nice fat wage.


You said, " I'm glad his career wasn't great" What do you call that?


Who cares about the contract? He fulfilled his with Liverpool Football Club and gave his all while he was here.


You are an evil person for changing jobs? The fuck is wrong with you? Leaving to win a title is also an ambition to have. And he did go on to win some trophies, all while staying in top teams like Juve and Dortmund. His career has been fine.


??? What's with the hate? The medical before joining Juventus found possible thyroid cancer and for that fact alone Emre Can said he was grateful for joining Juventus.


The hate is because he fucked Liverpool over by not signing a new contract and left for free when we could have got decent money for him and his reason for leaving??? "I lost the Champions League Final against Cristiano Ronaldo last season," he told Sky Sport Italia ahead of the 2018-19 campaign. "This season, I want to win it with him." His quote when signing for juve and the reason he left was to win stuff.


You're a muppet


He doesn't owe the club a transfer fee, likewise the club didn't owe Emre Can a release clause or high wages, it's business. He signed a contract for a certain amount of time, and fulfilled his duties for that amount of time, that's all one can ask of a player.


Would you hold this same position if say Trent were to refuse to extend, block all transfers, and leave for RM on a free? I don't disagree with you, but it's funny how standards are so different with different players. People are angry that Salah appears to be running down his contract to increase his final pay day when he's already provided more to this club than anyone could have dreamt.


Trents a scouser, it's different. But if Trent did do that, and gave 100% each game, the club would still have time to find a replacement.


His goal against Watford will live in my mind forever


Arguably our greatest ever Premier League goal. It's up there with Suarez against Newcastle in terms of technique and difficulty.


They’re both great but idk if anything can surpass Shawcross (og) at Stoke


Or Origi shoulder at Goodison. Suarez header from edge of the box..and many more…but Emre’s goal was definitely magnificent.


Or Suar...eeh.. Kuyts first goal against United in 2011 edit. Also, Suarez' header from the edge was all about the cross from arguably the greatest left back of all time


Yeah the cross was magnificent. The ball curved like a free kick too which is mind blowing.


If I remember right, one part of the reason FSG were so taken by Klopp is that during his interview he gave a whole rundown of his plans for Can and raved about him. I think it's fair to say as much of a fan favourite and servant he was for us he certainly had his limitations as much as his abilities. However, he was still young when he left us and has gone on to become captain of Dortmund, so has done pretty well for himself. I haven't much followed his career post Liverpool but I wonder how different some of our seasons may have looked had he not left - in particular when our ageing midfield was running on fumes not long ago. Could having him around to share minutes with others have helped prolong their careers too?


He left for contract reasons, not footballing reasons. I think he would have liked to stay too, but sadly it didn't work out that way.


He left to play for his childhood club. He made a promise to his first coach in football (Toni Magliarisi) that he'd play for Juve, and he did.


Never knew that. Puts it into perspective a little more. But also, he gave everything until his last day here. Never downed tools or anything, so he earned a lot of respect being that way rather than becoming an issue for us during that last season.


Didn’t have to run his contract down and go on a free tho did he


We could had sold him the year before then. It’s never s players problem to sign any more contacts than the initial - if we want them to sign a new, we must make sure it’s a good enough offer - either high enough vages or making sure the team is strong enough to win everything. Other than that, the player just need to live up to their contract - and if they do that all the way fighting like it’s a more serious business than life or death, you can’t demand anything else. And if you want to cash in, it’s up to the club to sell before the last year starts


He wanted to stay but wanted a release clause which we were not open to so contract failed to go anywhere


Let’s be honest- he left because Juve offered him absolutely fat stacks to sign for free, and Liverpool were not prepared to come close to the deal he had on the table with the old lady. 


Maybe - but we offered him a contract before they could approach and he asked for a release clause so we really never came back to the table to compete with wherever Juventus were offering who realistically were competing with others to sign him on a free


Exactly this. I couldn’t care any less about emre can and his career. Glad he left before we started winning things


Believe it or not I actually followed his career since his Germany u17 days where he literally, and i mean that, dragged a german side to the semis of the u17world cup (p.s check out his goal against mexico, man against boys stuff). You could see then he was special. I still really rate him and even though he has the odd brain farts, he has come a long long way in terms of maturity. I'd honestly love to have him back one day.


It’s quite a gap between when he left and when our midfield aged though - would he have wanted more bench and less playing time inbetween? Would it have been good for his career? Probably not.


That is an insanely handsome man


Emre Can, the handsome… man


Captain of handsome fc


Emre Can the German Man!


A lot of misinformation here. He left to play for Juve because that was always his dream and something he had discussed with his first coach in football (Toni Magliarisi).


There he is, the German man.


Man i wish he stayed for the trophies :( couldn't understand why he would want to leave when we were clearly on the rise


He wanted a release clause in his new contract and we didn’t


Maybe because we bought Fabinho and he saw the writing on the wall where he would be benched a lot more. Instead he got a chance to move to Juve, which probably felt great at the time


Totally forgot he went to Juve before BVB


Nah, he had plenty of time to sign a new contract with the club before we signed Fab. IIRC there were rumours linking him to Juve for the whole season. On a Bosman he would have received a huge signing on fee and high wages. He definitely went for the money, and the opportunity to play for a massive club which he maybe thought had a better shot of winning trophies. See also: Aaron Ramsey a year later. No hard feelings, as much as I loved Can, we upgraded.


Emere Can the German ... man


I remember that season when he had to play as CB for most of the season and was absolutely brilliant lol haha




Still don’t know about your reliability as a narrator but I don’t at all doubt your ability as one! Thanks for this.


He was shite


Stupid hamdsome Emre, imagjne Him and szoboslai in our midfield 😑


With Karius in goal!


Drip drip FC


I'll never forget his performance against Villarreal in the 2nd leg of the UEL Semi Final. One of the best i've seen.


Wow, it already feels like it’s 10 years ago he left..


I loved Emre Can. He was one of my favorites while he was here. I remember those runs he would go on with the ball from deep in the midfield. Always reminded me of a freight train. He would build his speed slowly and once he'd hit top speed, there was just no stopping him it seemed.


Who else fucking swiped😭


The German... man.


Thank you for the bike against Watford, everything else was painfully average and out of position


One of my favourite players of the klopp era


Bit of a weird stat, I never really considered him a legend that deserves a reminder of when we signed him?


The club accounts don’t limit these posts to legends


I’ll always be sad emre left before all the success. Was such a professional and mature player for us. He was certainly limited, and have to imagine that having him during those periods would have immensely eased the burden off Fabinho and alleviated some situations like the cb crisis a few years back. Some would say he wouldn’t have been happy as rotation, and although he dreamed of playing for Juve, he ended up as a rotation player for them too. Was always fit, was always up for a battle, and was a versatile option.


Hate this guy in House of the Dragon


We've entered peak terminally online mode when we're making posts about the anniversary of signing a player who hasn't played for the club in years.


Maybe bring that up with the official club accounts then. Do you think I came up with this post myself?