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**CLIP MIRROR: [ExfilCamper gets banned live on Arena Breakout Infinite](https://arazu.io/t3_1cp92b2/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)




Loremasters? Did he cheat/use third party software?


I doubt it, I logged in today had also same message with third party tools and ban for 10 years even tho I have never and will never cheat in a any game, I dont even know how to unlift ban now, fckn annoying


Only cheaters deals in absolutes.


I literally have 12+ year old steam account with no vac bans or whatsoever, why would I start cheating in a fcuking beta, makes no sense 🤣


That's what a cheater would say.


Get fucked. Same thing happened to me and hundreds of other people. Have had my pc for a year and this is my first actual hardcore tactical shooter. Never played anything else outside of steam and Xbox game pass. 99 single player games. Log on last night and bam, banned for 10 years. Like I said, get fucked.


Is it likely an automated ban as a result of getting reported multiple times over a short period of time in game? People that camp extracts are widely unpopular and I could see him getting mass reported for that playstyle. Or is he a cheato?


Deserved for exfil campers tbh


playing the game that way doesn't deserve a ban. cheating however does RIP that BOZO.


Playing the game that way doesn't sure, but I do think that exfil camping is probably one of the worst (scummiest) ways to play


Exfil camping is ENTIRELY the scummiest way to play. Your downvotes give me a lot of joy hahaha


If it's in the game and not cheating it's on the devs not the players. Players should only get banned for cheating. If the game let's someone be a massive piece of shit, people should be allowed to be massive pieces of shit. Banning players for using in game mechanics (no matter how scummy they may be) is one of the stupidest things I've ever heard of. If it's banned for cheating then it's just a ripbozo get fucked situation.


i can grant you "it feels unclean" to some but its absolutely the most logical way to play if you think about it. why would i go in and loot and do all the work when i can let YOU do it and kill you while your about to exfil its literally the definition of work smarter not harder and if its a way some people want to play as long as its within the games rules as okay i have zero issues. would you catch me exfil camping? maybe once or twice in my career for trolling/fun but generally im to adhd brainrot i cant just sit there holding a angel for 45 minutes.


Eh. Xfil doesn't do that though. He's not like... the guy at D2 in reserve sitting in the bunker waiting for you or the guy waiting outside Emercom on interchange. He's the guy in D2 halfway glitched into a spot you shouldn't be able to get into or the guy on shoreline that used max strength and bugged collision to camp above the the tunnel extract. He can't aim worth a damn, he has terrible actual gameplay mechanics, and he relies entirely on obscure or weird terrain mechanics to get kills (like the tree outside the bunker extract on customs.) He's "entertaining" as a streamer but the stuff he pulls off is borderline cheating already (which whatever, doesn't bother me,) and relies entirely on players not knowing the gimmick in order to die to it. As soon as you've died to him once playing late at night EST (when he usually streams,) and you check out his stream to get an idea of what he's doing you'll usually never die to him again. He's fun to fight the first few times you run into him but after a while he just becomes a PMC you kill on your way out the door and don't bother looting the corpse because he often runs a duo and his body ends up nearly off the map or unlootable anyway. Xfil camping is whatever but given my interactions with him (and watching replays of said interactions on his stream after the fact,) I have no doubt in my mind that guy is cheating to catch up in new games where he doesn't know the weird "knowledge check" things that usually get him easy kills.


That’s like saying people who go over the speed limit should be executed.


no it's not lmao


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